Kill God

Chapter 1608 Eternal Immortality The End of the Book

A vast whirlpool of gray fog, stocks of memory thoughts, under the absorption of devouring black holes, poured in one by one.

From the divine consciousness of Taichu, he escaped into his devouring the black hole, and there were countless chaotic memories and infinite thoughts. It was the experience of living creatures, which was the nutrient foundation for condensing a new soul!

Inside the stone rock soul altar.

Taichu's consciousness penetrated in and was refined and purified by the black hole. His soul pool released a soul power, and the two merged into a mysterious and pure chaotic atmosphere, and sank into his vast realm.

In the depths of his starry realm, on many remote stars of life, a chaotic gas falls into the sea and is put into the seeds of life, which can soon form an initial weak life, the ancestor of a new race...

With the process of absorbing the sea for the first time, with the refining of the devouring black hole and the convergence of the soul power of the soul pool, in the starry sky of his domain, more life races were born and distributed in the most remote and desolate places. Even some dead stars seemed to be implanted with soul factors, with simple and vague

He is based on Taichu's consciousness to open up his own window and create a life race that only belongs to him!

In the meantime, the wild eyes are confused, the suspended void struggles painfully, and the war is between the war and the war is not,

Gradually, as Taichu's knowledge of the sea god was swallowed by the black hole, a trace of thought and will that Taichu had just woken up, as if it had been quickly weakened, his covering the sky and the earth, obviously could not cover the world.


Suddenly, the spiritual impact originally exerted on the stone rock's mind, the flag combined with all the remnants of the spirit of Taichu, like a cosmic cannon, rushed to the mind of the wilderness and sank into his soul altar.

In a state of confusion, he suddenly lost his mind and his eyes were frightened.


The mystical layer in nothingness, one by one, is the magical and mysterious source of the meaning, either like a scorching fireball, or like wind-cooled electricity, or like thick dark clouds, or like a lush forest. Suddenly, it fell from the sky and turned into a stream of light, and all of them fell into the deserted altar

Those are the origin of the mystic meaning of different attributes, a kind of the rule of the mystical meaning of heaven and earth. They are the core imprints of different kinds that are dormant and drifting in the Aoyi layer and have not been melted and absorbed by others. At this moment, they actually fall like stars and fall into the

condensed into the core meaning of the wilderness, helping to increase the cognition and understanding of different meanings of the wilderness, making his realm mysterious rise again.

It fell together with the origin of the mystery of the sky, and the pure soul power in the Taichu Soul Pool, the soul power is like a stream, poured into the mind of the wilderness, and into his soul pool...—,

A pain that tears his soul came from his mind, making him howled and scream earth-shakingly.

Because of seeing through fate, I know that whether I move forward or backward, it will be a dead end. My heart is full of despair and endless sadness--......—,

He just understood that even if he could kill the stone rock, he would eventually wake up to Taichu and completely lose himself, so he was confused, so his mood was no longer without any flaw, so he could be taken advantage of by Taichu!

In the vast sea of knowledge, in the clear soul pool, a virtual shadow gathered by the pure and pure soul slowly flashed out.

The virtual shadow is tall, the momentum is domineering and violent, and the breath of killing purgatory. After he condensed, he suspended high on the sea of knowledge in the wilderness, and suddenly roared!

The body of the dragon twisted fiercely, and he came with more stinging shouts, which was as palpitating as if he was on the verge of extinction.

In the wilderness, which is regarded as the core, wisps of strange blood light came from the remote seas of stars. The blood light was deserted from the wilderness, immersed in the sea of knowledge, and condensed on the virtual shadow.

The shadow gradually becomes clear!

It was a majestic and ancient-looking domineering man like a troll. His long hair was as blood, and his eyes were scarlet-red and murderous. After he condensed on the desolate sea soul pool, he smiled: "So that's it, that's it"

, 'Bloodthirsty!"

At the sight of the man condensing out, he was stunned and couldn't help roaring in fear.

The next moment, Huang woke up and shouted, "So that's it. No wonder you can inherit all the mysteries of eating, and you can also eat it hard and sleep again. No wonder you can break through my domain ancestors and almost devour me successfully. So you are him! It's his new soul that was condensed in a wake-awake! If you had successfully killed and refined me at that time, you would have woken up completely!"

"Yes, it's really a pity. It's a pity that the shackles of my soul have not really been solved until now. If not, how can you kill me once? If I had regained consciousness earlier and knew who I was, you should all condense me and help me really recover. Because of your glue, I have been sleeping for tens of thousands of years "..."

"It's okay. Fortunately, the seeds buried in my soul and flesh have sprouted, and now they have turned into a towering tree, and even your glory can be covered up. Unexpectedly, this little bud from another universe, after a long and endless growth, has become so tricky and has the terrible power that can threaten me.

The body of the bloodthirsty troll condensed into substance in the sea of knowledge, and said indifferently, "You are very unfortunate. You are unfortunate to go deep into my sea of knowledge. When I really wake up, it is your greatest misfortune..." During the speech, the bloodthirsty flew up, crossed the sea layer of knowledge

Bloodthirsty distant probe, a virtual hand that condensed the sun, moon, stars, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, thunder and lightning, gravity, and all kinds of mystical ideas in space, suddenly clenched the dragon soul, pulled it into his mouth and swallowed it in one mouth.

Almost at the same time.

The dragon's body, which spreads hundreds of millions of miles, suddenly slowly dried up, such as the essence, blood, bones and flesh have been pulled away, and the vitality of the wilderness to the extreme, such as the ancient tree, after a long years of aging, gradually depleting its life, to the end of life, another shocking breath, is The broken body [body] came from the inside, and the mysterious horror of the fluctuation made the stone rock next to it devoured the sea for the first time.

"What happened?"

He couldn't help looking at the wilderness, and his face changed dramatically. A feeling of extreme danger suddenly disappeared into his mind.

In an instant, Shi Yan suddenly realized the crisis. His huge body, which integrates the body and the evil split, suddenly came the fluctuation of destroying the world.

He rushed towards the wilderness, space, stars, life, devouring, and eight evil forces were released together. Countless space giant blades were shot. Under the giant net of stars, the giant hand of life tore, and infinite negative energy broke out. Eight bloody bone islands flew out, and his body was biting the body of the barren dragon.

"My eyes...-" A mysterious and vast ancient voice came from the rapidly drying dragon body, and the stone rock was bombarded by heavy forces. The dragon's body seemed to have become dragon skin, and the essence of the flesh and blood veins of the part disappeared!

Just when the stone rock felt bad, the Aoyi Fu Tower, which was fused by him, suddenly collapsed, and countless Taichu runes flew away like butterflies to the dragon's head. One of the huge pupils also emerged after the Aoyi Fu Tower burst, and also flew to the desolate dragon's head.

, 'Rumble!'

The desolate dragon's head suddenly burst, and the division suddenly burst. A ferocious troll, as huge as the rock body, and even had a ferocious troll that was similar to seven or eight points. In the Big Bang, in the gray whirlpool of Taichu consciousness, it suddenly appeared.

This ferocious troll is extremely burly and domineering. Its body is condensed by planets, full of ancient traces of time. The eyeballs bursting from the Aoyifu Tower suddenly fell on the troll's forehead and turned into his third eye. The endless momentum around the troll was even stronger than the previous wilderness

"It seems that he has seen it somewhere, -... "Looking at the creatures that suddenly flashed from the barren body, Shi Yan suddenly showed a sense of familiarity. He remembered that when he entered the blood pattern ring and broke through the barrier,... seemed to be in a trance as if he saw the domineering image of this troll There is no third eye.

"Bloodthirsty! Bloodthirsty!"

An inspiration suddenly flashed through his mind, and Shiyan couldn't help screaming, and his face became extremely strange.

This troll, which was broken by the wilderness [body], was actually a bloodthirsty appearance in those years. Except for the third eye, there was almost no difference!

"Can't you see through it?"

He grinned bloodthirsty and stepped towards the stone rock. The infinite consciousness of the sea layer here, like a wisp of smoke, quickly disappeared into the pores of his acupuncture point. Even the Taichu Soul Pool took the initiative to fly out, followed the third eye of his eyebrows and entered his mind.

"It turns out that you are you-" "Shi Yan finally understood and calmed down in an instant, and the mysteries in his heart were immediately clear.

Why is bloodthirsty so powerful? Why can it make the heavy blows fall asleep? Don't you dare to provoke easily? Why can the ring he gave him make his soul penetrate the endless starry barrier and fall into the dark forest?

All kinds of unknowns, because bloodthirsty is too early, suddenly enlightened.

He was bloodthirsty and quickly melted the divine consciousness of the sea of knowledge. The original sources of the previous myoyi layer did not enter his mind. He was quickly recovering his strength, —,—......

"Billions of years ago, I woke up from chaos, opened up heaven and earth, condensed all living things, and opened up heaven and earth. I found the universe you are in... It is a new universe that is completely different from where I am. However, in different universes, there are unimaginable horror barriers. I try to invade your universe, consume infinite power, and try to open the barrier..." Bloodthirsty said as he walked.

"It's a pity that when I finally opened the barrier, because I opened up the world, it took too much power to condense everything in the sea of stars, and when I opened the two barriers of the universe, I lost a huge amount of energy again. Finally, I was devoured by myself, and my body and soul were gradually divided. Finally, before Your universe pulled in, and I pulled into a soul, and that soul is you, -... "If I don't go crazy and split up. If the physical soul doesn't turn into a newborn pass, I can pull you into my cosmic world in an instant. But when I got you, I was so weak that I couldn't take care of you. After that, I completely differentiated and lost myself...--, which led to your soul to shuttle, from your universe to my universe, spanning two eras, which took hundreds of millions of years.

, 'Before my soul consciousness completely dissipated' also prepared some means for awakening. The rumor of the Taichu era was my first means. As long as the creatures of the Taichu era are extinct, and the array of awakening the sea can reach the conditions to open, my soul will condense. As long as the wilderness, devouring, dragonfly, dragonfly and lizard can fight each other to the end and produce a survivor, my body will also be resurrected.

, 'Whether soul or body' As long as I wake up, I can really wake up.

"It's a pity that it's a trick on people, but it's a waste, devouring, and both of them are injured, and at the same time fall into a deep sleep. The moth and the lizard did not participate in the war, resulting in the body not waking up and the soul continuing to sleep.

"The sea of knowledge continues to operate, and the remnant soul thoughts and memories of the Taichu creatures collide with the pure soul power, turning into a new life race and opening a new era. In this era, because of the continuous struggle of devouring and wilderness, because of the need to condense a new life, the bloodthirsty body formed that moment, I briefly woke up... So there was bloodthirsty invincible.

"But my incarnation, until I die, I don't know who I am, and I can't really wake up, otherwise there won't be so many things later."

, 'In the imprint of my incarnation soul' has my core memory. He knows that the Lord of the domain world is in charge of everything in the domain world. He instinctively resists and wants to break free from everything before he dies. He uses the secret method to seduce the origin of the soul of the wilderness, and pulls 5 souls outside the In the wilderness, "I can only say that even I can't control everything. At least, I can't control your soul, —......—"

"So you are integrated into the meaning of devouring, and because of the particularity of your soul, the power and soul you devouring belong to yourself, and you can't re-enter my sea of knowledge, and finally create your rise, and even have the power to threaten me."

Taichu stepped forward, and at the end of this, all the divine knowledge in the sea of knowledge was integrated into his body, and the soul pool was also taken away by him.

The arcstical layer of Taichu no longer has an arctic origin, the layer of knowledge, no longer has a wisp of divine consciousness, and becomes a complete darkness and nothingness.

"It's time to end it." Looking at Shi Yan, Taichu calmly and indifferently said, "Kill you, fuse the energy I was stolen by you, and restore all my strength." I will kill into your universe, devour your universe, and then take your universe as a springboard to walk down one universe after another... "Shiyan's heart is shocked, and all the mysteries have been solved so far!

"Do you think you are sure to win?" He regained consciousness in an instant, and starlight shuttled through his mind, cutting off his inner disorder and panic. Shi Yan regained his composure and smiled indifferently, "Now you are not complete. You are short of a lot of things!" For example, the origin of life, the origin of space, the origin of stars,... and the evil heart condensed by the evil thoughts in your heart! There is at least half of the blood!"

He fused with the body of Taichu, and part of the wild blood. This body almost has half of Taichu's blood and huge life energy! Coupled with the devouring the origin of righteousness, the evil heart, now he, the real power is not inferior to the beginning of this moment!

, 'Even if it is incomplete' is enough to destroy you, and then restore my integrity with you. Taichu said casually.

During the speech, above nothingness, the endless abyss collapsed, the vast universe floating above the endless abyss, the endless starry sky, and countless rivers of stars were suddenly oppressed like a ruined canopy.

Pour out the deterrence pressure of a universe to strangle the stone rock and drown it, so that the stone rock soul will fly away!

That's not a wilderness, but a real universe!

is a vast sea of stars formed by hundreds of millions of domains such as the nihilistic sea, the wilderness, the Lanyi star domain, the Yunmeng domain and so on! The magnificent breath of the universe contains the power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, stars, creatures, gravity, wind, thunder and lightning!


Nothingness is like a crushed stone, and the sound of being blown up and turned into powder. Whether it is the substance or the illusory existence, it can't resist the hetreous deterrence and wants to erase all the marks of existence.


The stone rock roared up to the sky, and the huge body seemed to be pierced by ten thousand swords, highlighting countless blood cracks. Even the soul altar seemed to be cut by hundreds of millions of sharp blades, and there were cracks of disintegrating.

"You are not the only one who can do this!"

In the roar, Shi Yan pointed to the sky, and the universe in his altar suddenly condensed out.

The vast universe, which is as bright as the galaxy, is like a huge projection that condenses nothingness, but it is not a shadow, but a real essence!

There are countless planets in the universe, countless mountains and lakes, vast margins, initial biological races, and everything the universe can have!

Two universes, one on the top, one on the bottom, one on the bottom, and one on the top!

The bombardment collided together!

"Rumble! Crackle!! C------------ Dong-dong-dong-dong!"

Countless sounds of explosions, mixed with the silence of living beings, mixed with the collapse of the sun, moon and stars, mixed with the collapse of space, mixed with the explosion of the domain, spread like earth-shaking.

The universes of Shiyan and Taichu are smashed violently, in which creatures are pulled into the doomsday frenzy and go to death weakly and desperately.

, 'Ful...!"

Taichu looked indifferent. The nihilistic sea in his universe, living in the strange land of countless creatures of the seven races, unexpectedly fell to the universe of stone rock in an instant, as if to bring nothingness, dead silence, coldness and eternal desolation to the universe of stone rock, so that the stone universe would collapse...

The realms in the universe seem to have become a kind of mystical origin of Taichu. The beginning of the power has turned into countless flames, ice peaks, thunderstorms, dragon lightning, and the star sea that has been destroyed, and the universe of the rock is fiercely impacted and bombarded.

Shiyan's newborn universe was submerged by the devastating offensive in his universe. Many marginal areas of the universe are exploding, and the universe seems to be shrinking. It will gradually turn into a point, annihilation into nothingness,

"Huang sne yellow!"

Even his soul altar was bombarded by his spiritual will again, which set off huge waves in the sea. The waveless soul pool of the ancient well also became boiling and uneasy, and the soul water was about to be splashed out.

His tenacious body, his bones were broken, his organs were shaken, his blood splashed like a rainstorm all over his body, and his soul almost fell by the heavy blow.

He can feel that his domain, soul, sea of knowledge and body are bombarded in all aspects, such as being rammed by mountain-like hammers one by one! The power smashed his soul and body to an almost unbearable pain!

It seems that in the next moment, he will collapse and be erased of all marks!

"You have half of my strength and control the source of my evil, but do you really think you can beat me?" Taichu's will shock, the sound of terror rolled in, and it exploded in his mind, like the thunder of the world, rumbling endlessly.

, 'half' half of the power, half of yours, then, what you can hold, I can too!"

When the soul was about to explode, Shi Yan gritted his teeth and roared up to the sky. The roar was like tearing the barrier of heaven and earth, penetrating the heavy space of the universe.

"Your universe! I also have my share! And my universe, you can't touch it!"

A tenacious will, with unimaginable obsession, echoed in the mind of the stone rock, turned into a terrible splatter, and suddenly poured into the universe of Taichu.

His soul will suddenly seemed to have become a huge cobweb, which instantly spread to every corner of the Taichu universe, strangling the universe.

"Give me!"

Suddenly, the vast universe of stone rocks suddenly changed, turning into an unimaginable huge black hole vortex, running crazily.

He rushed into the rock universe, bombarded the nihilistic sea and many realms of his world, and was instantly swallowed up by the black hole.

At the same time, the life soul village in the heart of Shiyan was surging, and the invincible life power emerged!

This surging vitality made his severely damaged body recover quickly, and all the splashed blood suddenly turned into blood lines and instantly included into his body.

The universe of rock, which denitizes and devours the vortex of black holes, will drown the nihilistic sea and realm that fall into it!

His body roared and madly bit the bloodthirsty Taichu! Between the two-handed armor knife, the void bloomed out a huge space blade stretching for hundreds of millions of miles, blurring the flesh and blood cut on the chest of the bloodthirsty body!

The stone rock god is like a demon, full of evil prison, cruel beasts pounce on the bloodthirsty chest, opens his huge mouth, desperately eats his flesh and blood, bites the meat, mixes the blood, and swallows it into his stomach!

"No! Impossible! You can't bind my universe!" The sound of Taichu shaking the void rolled away, frightened and frightened.

"Half of my body and soul comes from you, and half of it is your evil idea! So I can control your universe! And you have never got a trace of my soul, so you can't control me at all, so you have to bind yourself. Destruction is your destiny!"

Shi Yan roared crazily, tore and wrestled with Taichu. The huge mouth always bit Taichu's chest, and his jagged teeth gnawed on the flesh and blood, swallowed into his abdomen piece by piece. After being transformed and absorbed by 720 acupuncture points, his physical strength continued to expand!

He got the source of devouring evil at the beginning, integrated the heart of evil, and mastered the ultimate mystery of devouring!

In the battle, he swallowed Taichu's flesh and blood to devour Aoyi, and the more he fought, the stronger he became!

On the contrary, Taichu became weaker and weaker as his flesh and blood were eaten.

His universe was also tightened by the soul of the rock, little by little, one in the domain, one by one by one, one by one by one, one by one by one, one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one

With the engulfing of flesh and blood, with the fusion of the Taichu universe, under the giant devouring black hole, the new universe expands at a speed visible to the naked eye, extending crazily!

surprisingly, with the change of the stone rock's mind, the domain continent he paid attention to did not completely dissipate when it was integrated into the devouring black hole.

For example, the Tianyan continent, such as the Yunmeng realm, such as the territory of the Xuantian clan, the Meibi clan and the white bone clan, have completely crossed the whirlpool, fell into the swollen universe below, and turned into a piece of the new universe. All the creatures on it were not dead, and all lived well.

It's just that they are at a loss and don't know where they are...

However, which has nothing to do with stone rocks, the hostile continent and the star of life will be completely shattered when they fall into the swirling whirlpool, and all creatures will instantly turn into ashes and be pulled away from his sea of knowledge. After that, he will merge the soul power in the soul pool and condense into a new

Time is in a hurry.

I don't know how long it took. Taichu's huge body had already stopped breaking free from twisting, sucked all the blood by the same huge stone rock, refining the purest blood in the tendons and veins, and refining it into his own surging energy.

, 'The body, soul, skin, hair, everything is the cornerstone of my birth to a new life. I will record the memory thoughts of the sky, Mantis, Hero, the Sea Shark King, and Dekura, and come to wake up and resurrect alone,--" "Speaking like this, Shi Yan hard - throw, the huge body , also thrown into the huge devouring black hole.

The earth-shaking people who have disappeared will be recorded by him from his memory, re-given life with his soul energy, and make them resurrect and wake up in his new universe.

As Taichu's universe completely disappeared into the black hole, and as Taichu's body was also thrown into it, Shiyan found that he was gradually in a place of absolute nothingness.

There is no sky, no earth, no sun, no moon and stars, no mountains and lakes, only eternal darkness, endless nothingness--,

, 'My Universe' Where is the universe I came to? My soul has shuttled through hundreds of millions of years. Now, does the universe still exist, and has it disappeared? Perhaps, when I have condensed all his power, soul thoughts, flesh and blood, but Ran tried to explore...—,—"

"That should be a long time later..."

In absolute nothingness, Shi Yan sat down cross-legged, like an immortal god.

At the top of his head is a new universe. He uses his power to perfect the new world, set out to create a new creature race, give all things soul and life, and become the ancestor of all sentient beings, eternal immortality.

(the end of the book)