killer cultivation

Chapter 9 External Door Ratio

"Hu••" Lin Jian, who sat cross-legged in the cave, slowly opened his eyes, gradually woke up from the state of cultivation, and gently exhaled a turbid breath, "Is it the outer door today?" The voice was light, and his dark eyes flashed a strange color, and there was a trace of fierceness.

"It's also time to liquidate the account a month ago!" Lin Jian's voice was in vain.

This month, Lin Jian has never forgotten the insult that Song Tianfan gave him in the library.

This month, Lin Jian has regarded Song Tianfan as his number one opponent.

This month, in order to defeat Song Tianfan at the outer door and avenge his humiliation, Lin Jian has never relaxed his practice and has been crazy about cultivation all day long.

After a month of hard work, Lin Jian's strength has also undergone a qualitative transformation. A month ago, he was just a rookie who only had a circle of cyclones in Dantian and had just stepped into the realm of enlightenment, and now he is the peak master of the realm of enlightenment in Dantian with nine cyclones!

And he has integrated and thoroughly mastered all his lower Taoism. There are also the collapse of Zhongcheng Taoism and the fire secret of Shangcheng Taoism. Under the powerful soul power, Lin Jian has also basically mastered seven or eight, and his cultivation has been sublimated qualitatively.

There is also a medium-grade spiritual weapon, the underworld fire sword. Lin Jian also did not fall down. In addition to practice, he often practiced the sword, deepened the communication and connection with the underworld fire sword, and was familiar with the mastery of the underworld fire sword.

Facing the wind, standing at the entrance of the cave, let the breeze blow over your clothes, rattling and blowing with vigor.

"Outer door, I'm coming!"

If it doesn't sound, it will be amazing!

And he also wanted to see what kind of expression Leng Ruoxuan, who had never had no hope for him, saw him blooming on the outside door.

This year's outer door big comparison is destined to become his stage for Lin Jian!


The outer door is held once a year, and it is also the biggest event of the outer gate, because if the disciples of the outer gate want to enter the inner gate, they can only squeeze into the outer door than the top 50, which is the only way to enter the inner gate.

Every year, countless disciples compete to sign up for the competition. Even if they can't squeeze into the top 50, they can bloom in the big competition and attract cheers from the disciples under the stage, which is also a good enjoyment.

The outer door ratio is divided into three stages, lasting three days.

On the first day, there will be 100 arenas for the preliminary competition of the outer door competition. No matter how many disciples sign up, the top 400 contestants will be contested on this day, and all the rest will be eliminated.

The next day, ten arenas were set up for the rematch of the outer door competition. On this day, the top 400 disciples competed for the top 50. Because of whether they can enter the inner door, 400 disciples will do their best to fight. Whether you can enter the inner door, the key to success or failure lies in this day.

The third day is the most ** of the whole outer door competition. On this day, countless contestants have only the top 50 left, and all the rest of the contestants have been eliminated and can enter the top 50 from many obstacles. There is no doubt that they must be people with some ability. They no longer have to worry about whether they can enter the inner door. What they are fighting for on this day is the ranking!

Although 50 disciples can enter the inner gate, not all of them can get rewards from the sect. Only the top ten disciples can get rich rewards from the sect. Among them, the first prize is the most generous! Moreover, if you can enter the top ten, you can not only get rich rewards. After entering the inner gate, you can also get the attention of the sect. In short, there are many benefits. Everyone wants to enter the top ten.

It is especially worth mentioning that the first ten competition on the last day is also very interesting. Setting up only one ring is a big scuffle for 50 people!

The mere name of the melee is enough to attract people's attention. On that day, it will not only attract countless outward disciples to stop and watch, but also many inner disciples, intromen elders, and even personal disciples will appear. Therefore, the big scuffle on the third day brought the atmosphere of the outer door to the most**.

Lin Jian walked down from the livestock peak early in the morning and came to the field of the outer gate competition.

At this time, the stadium was already crowded and full of people, with endless noises, noises and shouts, and people's voices were boiling and lively.

In the middle of the arena, there are 100 arenas, which is the main battlefield of today's outer gate competition.

Because Lin Jian stayed at the Livestock Peak this month, he was not familiar with this place. After a slight look, he found that there were many disciples queuing up not far ahead. He knew that it should be the place to sign up for the competition.

Because Lingxiangzong has no high restrictions on participating in the outer gate competition, as long as the disciples who can feel the psionic power can sign up, many people are eager to try, so that multiple registration points have been set up on the field. Each registration point is still overcrowded, and the elder of the team that signed up for the competition is pulled.

No matter how long the team is, it will finally run out. After waiting for a while, it is finally Lin Jian's turn.

But I didn't expect that the enemy's road was narrow. The deacon in charge of the registration point here turned out to be a middle-aged man with an eagle hook nose. A month ago, he and Song Tianfan jointly rectified his king!

"Yo, isn't this Lin Jian guarding livestock manure at the livestock peak? Why did you come here if you don't stay honest and guard chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep on the livestock peak? Before Lin Jian could speak, Wang Fang's harsh voice sounded first.

"Deacon Wang, the one-month deadline for guarding the livestock peak has come. I'm here to sign up for the outer door comparison." Lin Jian endured his anger, Gujing Wubo. Now is not the time to turn against Wang Fang. After all, he is only a disciple of the outer door, and Wang Fang is the twenty-four deacons of the outer door. He is high and powerful, and he has to bear his anger under the eaves!

"Did I hear you correctly? Are you a person who cleans animal feces and piles up with slaves and has the face to see the sacred outer door of the sect? You are shameless, we still want to be ashamed!" Wang Fang's voice was sharp and extremely harsh.

"Haha..." After hearing Wang Fang's words, the disciples around him suddenly burst out laughing.

"It turned out to be a waste of feces for livestock. This sacred place is not suitable for you. It's better to pile up with slaves honestly." A thief-eyed disciple quickly echoed Wang Fang and laughed at Lin Jian.

"Get out of here! How can I be qualified to enter such a place!"

"Get out of here!"

Each disciple seems to be trying to show his goodwill to Wang Fang, using all his sarcastic words to insult and satirize Lin Jian.

The world of practitioners is a world with serious class concepts and infinitely close to primitive society. The law of the jungle is the weak. People will only rely on the strong, and no one wants to rely on the weak. Undoubtedly, between Lin Jian and Wang Fang, no one will prefer Lin Jian. Only a few people sympathize with the weak, and more humiliate the weak to get the enjoyment of psychopathies.

"Deacon Wang, please show some respect. I am an outer disciple. At least before I am stripped of my identity as an outer disciple, I am a real outer disciple! If you insult my identity so much, you insult the spiritual sect. Is there any sect in your eyes?" Lin Jian was powerful and asked loudly. Lin Jian was not surprised by the sarcasm of the people. He only felt sad about these selfless wall grasses in his heart. The wall grass, the wind blows on both sides, and it is difficult to become a weapon in his life!

"What are you talking about! When did I not pay attention to the sect? Ling Xiangzong is the sky, the eternal sky in my eyes!" Hearing Lin Jian's question, Wang Fang suddenly changed his face and looked around in a panic. Regardless of whether there were any big shots around him, he quickly said in a panic.

There is an order to ban the sect: those who ignore the sect will be killed without mercy!

Once this kind of thing is known by the people in the punishment hall, no matter what the facts are, he will feel uncomfortable as a small foreign deacon.

The disciples who humiliated Lin Jian with all the dirty words around him also closed their mouths in panic and looked in awe. They were afraid that the people in the punishment hall would find that no matter what the facts were, they had something to do with the blasphemy sect, and these little disciples could only suffer.

"Deacon Wang, in any case, I am also a disciple of the outer door, and I have stepped into the realm of enlightenment. The sect has very clear about the regulations for participating in the outer door comparison. As long as I feel the spiritual power, I can sign up. Since the sect is heaven in the eyes of Deacon Wang, I hope that Deacon Wang will not ignore the decree and ignore the sect. Lin Jian's words are poisonous. Once Deacon Wang does not allow him to participate in the outer door party, he will be labeled as ignoring the great crime of the sect.

"Good! OK! OK!" Wang Fang's face was pale, gritted his teeth, and said three times, "You are cruel. This is the number plate of your participation in the outer door competition. Take it well. Don't lose it and stain it, or it's a felony!" Wang Fang's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and reminded him of kindness.

"Thank you, Deacon Wang. I will definitely take good care of it." Lin Jian replied gratefully, and then shook his big sleeve and left.

"Since you want to participate in the big party so much, don't blame me. You asked for everything!" Looking at Lin Jian's departure back, Wang Fang's face was hazy, and his eyes flashed with poison.

Lin Jian left the registration site with his number plate and began to go to the competition site.

"The number is 1024, and there are indeed many disciples who have signed up for the outer gate comparison." Looking at the number, Lin Jian couldn't help admiring it secretly. Just now, Wang Fang wanted to humiliate him at the peak of livestock, but he didn't expect to be bitten back by him. Lin Jian knew without thinking that this move must have offended Wang Fang.

But he doesn't care. As long as he becomes an inner disciple and even enters the top ten, he will only be the king.

"E Elder, Lin Jian, this is the number plate for me to participate in the big fight." Lin Jian came to an elder who was responsible for arranging the battle.

The elder picked up the number plate, looked at Lin Jian, wrote Lin Jian's name on the number plate, and then threw the number plate into the number container behind him.

"The first game will start in half an hour, and you can do whatever you want." The elders are still not salty.

Lin Jian nodded slightly and thought that he had nowhere to go, so he stayed here.

Time flies. As time goes by, more and more disciples who have left before have gathered, including two acquaintances of Lin Jian.

"Soong Ming, Song Tianfan!" Looking at the two brothers coming, five words popped up in Lin Jian's mouth.

"Lin Jian!"

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