killer cultivation

Chapter 25 Hidden Trick

The white wind sprinkled blood, and the body was like a broken kite, shooting dozens of meters upside down. Red blood bloomed in the void, like blood-stained roses, enchanting and evil.

"Bum!" His body hit the ground heavily.

Collapse fist is a high-level Taoist skill, which is longer than dark power. Because Lin Jian was prepared for a long time, the power of collapse boxing has played at least 70%. Bai Feng didn't expect that Lin Jian would use such a sinister trick. He thought it was just an ordinary palm. However, Bai Feng's own cultivation was hard enough to block it in time and remove part of Lin Jian's dark strength.

Otherwise, he would have to break all his internal organs and die in Lin Jian's move. However, Bai Feng was also seriously injured, and some of the muscles and bones in his body were broken, and his body was greatly affected.

Some blood has penetrated from the body to the outside. You know, there are no scars on the surface of his body, which is indescribably strange.

Bai Feng lay on the ground, constantly gasping for breath. His bloody eyes burned a blazing flame, and his eyes reflected Lin Jian. The burning flame was his anger, and he couldn't wait to burn Lin Jian to death!

Bai Feng never dreamed that he always conjud others, but today he was tricked by others, and he was still calculated by people he had been looking down on before.

"Bai Feng was injured. Bai Feng was injured in the boy's hand, and he was injured so badly!" At this moment, the boiling water has already been boiled, and the whole audience is boiling.

Those onlookers stared at Lin Jian and Bai Feng lying on the ground in disbelief. The result of the battle between Lin Jian and Bai Feng was really beyond their expectation. Disciples on the scene talked a lot, and Lin Jian became the focus of attention.

"But that boy is also a cruel man. As the saying goes, he hurt the enemy a thousand and lost 800 yuan. If he can seriously hurt Bai Feng, he will also risk his life." Some disciples under the field looked at Lin Jian, whose skin was cracked and bleeding, and couldn't help raising their thumbs, with admiration and admiration.

They saw the previous situation clearly. Lin Jian broke through under the package of dozens of sword shadows. If it hadn't been for the spirit of desperation, he would not dare to break through dozens of sword shadows.

Of course, in general, Lin Jian was lucky. Although his body was torn by more than a dozen wounds by the shadow of the sword, it was not a fatal injury. Compared with the internal injury of the white wind, his skin injury was just a minor injury.

"You made me look at it with new eyes." There are many cruel people in the world, but few of them can be as cruel as Lin Jian, because most people are very precious to their lives.

Lin Jian's performance, even the corners of Leng Ruoxuan's eyes couldn't help flashing a strange color, but it just flashed away. Even Lao Xu standing beside Leng Ruoxuan did not notice this fleeting strange color.

Fang Long's eyes flashed fiercely, and no one knew what he was thinking.


"Damn, Lin Jian, how dare you plot against me!" Bai Feng held his hands on the ground, propped up half of his body, bit his lips tightly, and his eyes burned with angry flames. He couldn't wait to drink Lin Jian's blood and draw Lin Jian's muscles.

"If you want to kill me, I naturally won't sit back and wait for death." Lin Jian stretched out his finger to wipe the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, but his hands were covered with blood. Instead of removing the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, they became more and more messy, which was quite bloodthirsty and ferocious.

"Very good, very good, you are ruthless!" Bai Feng's pale face suddenly turned cold, and a trace of resentment flashed, and he almost gritted his teeth.

"I didn't expect Lin Jian to be so powerful that he could make your Bai Feng so embarrassed. I really made a fool of myself before." At this moment, Meng Jie, who was breathless, suddenly came over with an indifferent face.

Throughout the ring, there are only seven or eight people left now, but the fierceness of the battle has not diminished at all. The remaining people are the elites among the elites. They fight with all their strength to persist until the last second, and the person who can persist until the end is the first in today's competition!

Meng Jie just solved the dared to provoke opponent, and saw the scene of white wind falling seriously. He walked slowly, and his breath was still indifferent.

"Meng Jie, what do you want?" Bai Feng's face was cold, and a trace of uneasiness flashed in his heart.

"When the two tigers compete with each other, both sides must be injured. Now you have suffered internal injuries and your combat strength has plummeted. And the price of Lin Jian's serious injury to you is also very tragic. Now that both of you are at the end of the crossbow, I'm afraid that your solo fight will end here. Meng Jie did not explain his intention, but his words were enlightening, and the two thought of something in an instant.

I couldn't help glancing around. Sure enough, the rest of the disciples stopped fighting for a while, and the target and breath came slowly towards him.

Obviously, they want to unite to solve Bai Feng and Lin Jian first.

Before Lin Jian appeared, they were all honest and did not dare to cove the top three, because there were three heroes at the outer door. However, the situation is different now. Because of the appearance of Lin Jian, a dark horse, none of them expected that Lin Jian could fight with Bai Feng until they lost both sides.

So they finally have ambition for the top three.

As long as... As long as Lin Jian and Bai Feng are solved now, the first three positions will definitely be born among them.

Previously, because the battle between Lin Jian and Bai Feng was too fierce, which was the peak of the two, so no one wanted to intervene.

However, the situation is different now. Lin Jian and Bai Feng are at the end of the crossbow. It is the best time to start. Once they have a common idea and goal, the remaining disciples on the field will stop fighting for a while. Solving Bai Feng and Lin Jian first is the top priority!

"Humph••Hu Luo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, which is really shameless!" Bai Feng figured out the intentions of these disciples at once, and the bloody pupils and the sinister color flashed away.

"When you are strong, we can only be submissive like a dog, but the broken-legged tiger can only be torn to pieces by wolves. For the first three, you two must fall down first!"

"Is it also included?" Lin Jian's face was cold and his voice was cold.

"You are very strong, so you must fall down!" The voices of several disciples gradually approaching were surprisingly consistent.

"Do you want to step in?" Looking at Meng Jie getting closer and closer, Bai Feng suddenly asked coldly, "And you!" The white wind turned, and the cold light bloomed. Looking at the water slowly approaching from the other direction, he asked.

"Both of you want to intervene?" Bai Feng's relationship with Shui Ruoxu and Meng Jie is not good, and it is no wonder that they are suspected of falling into the well.

Lin Jian is also a little worried. If even Meng Jie and Shui Ruoxu join hands to deal with them, he really won't be able to win the top three.

"I don't want to do this kind of thing, just watch a good show." Meng Jie responded first.

Shui Ruoxu did not answer, but her footsteps showed no sign of stopping, approaching Bai Feng step by step.

The other disciples are also pressing step by step, less than ten meters away from Lin Jian and Bai Feng!

Lin Jian's mind tightened. Although his breath was relatively weak at this time, it was only because of excessive blood loss, and his strength was not much depleted. If Meng Jie and Shui could not take action, he would have a way to deal with this team united because of interests.

A trace of panic flashed from the corners of Bai Feng's eyes. He was injured by Lin Jian's dark strength, and some of his body muscles and bones were broken. His combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, and he looked a little uneasy.

Bai Feng's reaction fell into the eyes of the pressing disciples. The corners of their mouths couldn't help but evoke a sense of pride and satisfaction. Bai Feng's reputation was prominent, and no one dared to provoke him. Usually, they were submissive when they saw Bai Feng. Today, they could force Bai Feng to such a situation, and their spirit felt enjoyed it. .

"A little closer..." Bai Feng sneered in his heart, and he wanted to make everyone present regret it. Looking at the approaching footsteps, there is a cold smile hidden under the surface of panic.

Surrounded on all sides, the footsteps are getting closer and closer. Meng Jie, Shui Ruoxu, and the few remaining disciples in the ring are all approaching step by step.

However, when the joint disciples were ready to fight and Lin Jian was ready to fight back, the mutant suddenly emerged and Bai Feng suddenly shouted.

"Luo Yufan!" A huge dark iron fan, like a peacock opening the screen, suddenly stood in front of the white wind.

At the moment Luo Yu fanned the screen, more than a dozen black iron pieces were shot at the same time, instantly hitting everyone in the range, including Lin Jian.

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