killer cultivation

Chapter 30 Reward

Inside the Yunchuan gully, there are many peaks, white clouds are floating, and the peaks rise from the ground and rush straight to the sky, as if they want to pierce the sky. The hazy clouds roamed between the mountains and rivers, and a line of egrets on the blue sky, like a fairyland on earth. On some peaks, high-rise buildings, palaces, and palaces are magnificent. In them, it seems that they have come to the palace.

Like an ethereal fairyland, like a palace dynasty, ethereal and prosperous, ethereal and heavy, heaven and earth, in it, it feels wonderful.

This is the inner door of the spiritual sect!

Under the leadership of Leng Ruoxuan, Lin Jian and Shui Ruoxu finally entered the inner door. Compared with the outer door, the inner door is more ethereal, ethereal and prosperous.

At least at this moment, when he entered the inner door for the first time, his heart was still extremely shocked. The water beside it is empty, and it is the same.

"Okay, come with me." After entering the inner door, Leng Ruoxuan just paused slightly, and then stopped staying. He walked first and continued to move forward.

Lin Jian and Shui Ruoxu also followed closely.

At the same time, Lin Jian walked while looking at the environment of the inner door.

The inner gate is vast, and I don't know the end. I don't know how many times wider it is than the outer gate. The number of disciples of the inner gate of Lingxiang Sect is actually more numerous than the outer gate. But after walking for so long, Lin Jian didn't see many people, as if he had come to the mountains and countryside, giving people a feeling of sparse population.

From this point, we can see how wide the area of the inner door is.

"Don't look at it. The inner door is located in the depths of the Lingxiang Mountains. It is wide and vast. I don't know how much the area is. We have walked for so long, but in fact, we are still outside the inner gate." As if aware of Lin Jian's movements, Lao Xu said.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu." Lin Jian hugged his fist and thanked him. He moved his heart and took the opportunity to ask, "I don't know what is the specific difference between the inner door and the outer door?"

"The inner door is located in the depths of the Lingxiang Mountains. On our way, I think you have also noticed that there are monsters rampant among these peaks and forests."

"Yes, I can feel that those monsters seem to have not been domesticated. If Miss Ruoxuan's breath had not shocked those monsters, I'm afraid they would have attacked us." Lin Jian said honestly that on the way forward, he had found that many monsters were staring at them and ready to move, but because of the cold momentum, the oppressed monsters did not dare to attack.

Therefore, Lin Jian asked the previous question.

"Compared with the outer door, the environment is actually more dangerous. Because the strength of the inner gate disciples is at least in the realm of gathering spirits and already have a certain combat ability, and the inner gate is located in the depths of the spiritual mountains. In order to cultivate the danger consciousness of the inner gate disciples and better exercise them, the sect has not exhausted the monsters of the inner door. Kill it, but let it reproduce. In the inner gate, except for those densely populated places or some special peaks, there are monsters in other places. If you walk in the inner gate, you may become the flesh of the monster's mouth if you don't pay attention. Lao Xu explained.

"No wonder..." Lin Jian nodded with relief. No wonder he felt many monsters along the way.

Then, the four of them fell silent again, followed Leng Ruoxuan and continued to move forward. Lin Jian did not know where Leng Ruoxuan was going to take them.

"Here, this is my mountain peak, Xuedu." Leng Ruoxuan suddenly stopped, and a faint voice slowly came out of his mouth.

"Xuedu?" Lin Jian was stunned, then slowly looked up and saw a glacier-like huge peak standing in front of him.

Ice and snow falling flowers, cold like water, ice and snow, like an iceberg! Surrounded by mountains, as if the stars are holding the moon, and the surrounding peaks look so humble and small under the iceberg. Under the influence of glaciers, the temperature around is like winter.

That's the exclusive cold mountain - Xuedu!

Leng Ruoxuan is a personal disciple of Lingxiangzong. Every personal disciple of Lingxiangzong has a high status. They can have their own mountain peak in Lingxiangzong, which is not available even by the elders of the inner gate.

"You are disciples of my Xuedu. From now on, you can enter my Xuedu to practice and be protected by my Xuedu." Lao Xu immediately followed.

There are a large number of disciples in the inner gate, with conspiracy and tricks, open and secret struggle, and the struggle is very fierce. Among them, the strongest inner disciples are those who are sheltered by the elders of the sect or their own disciples, followed by those who are accepted as the disciples by the elders of the inner sect, and the worst are those ordinary disciples who are neither selected by their own disciples and patriarchal elders, nor favored by the elders of the inner gate.

They can only practice through the weekly lectures of the elders and the Taoist practice of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

Although the number of such disciples is the largest, generally speaking, most of them live at the bottom of the inner gate.

Lin Jian entered the Xuedu vein and was sheltered by coldness. He climbed to the sky in one step. His position at the inner gate was undoubtedly a great level.

The follower slowly stepped on the snow capital, and the air around him suddenly dropped a lot. It was a real iceberg and snow. If it hadn't been for his strength and become a general disciple, he would have been frozen directly into a popsicle.

However, Lin Jian's strength is an extraordinary disciple, but it is still difficult to completely resist the attack of the cold wave. The more he walks behind, the heavier his footsteps are. He is difficult to walk, and his head is light, as if he is about to fall at any time, and his consciousness is gradually blurred.

The situation of water is worse than Lin Jian. The whole body is slowly condensed with a layer of ice, trembling, and the breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Just as the two were about to be unable to support, a soft force suddenly enveloped their bodies. The cold wave in their bodies was immediately resolved by the soft force, and their bodies gradually became warm.

"Very good. You can stick to halfway up the mountain, which is much better than those disciples who entered here for the first time." Lao Xu praised.

"What a terrible ice and snow power!" Lin Jian was deeply shocked. If it hadn't been for Lao Xu's help, he would have been frozen to death by ice and snow today.

This is just a small episode. Due to the protection of Lao Xu's power on the road, the impact of ice and snow power on Lin Jian and Shui has weakened a lot. They never showed up again, the feeling that they were about to freeze to death.

After a while, under the leadership of Leng Ruoxuan, Lin Jian and Shui Ruoxu entered a huge ice and snow palace, made of ice bricks and jade, wrapped in silver. The hall was very wide, but all the layouts were made of ice and snow, and it was a complete ice hall.

But strangely, the ice hall is not cold, but the temperature is almost the same as the outside world, which is extremely warm.

"From now on, you are the people of my Xuedu. It is a supreme honor to become disciples of Xuedu. You are not only worshipped by thousands of inner disciples, but also have many benefits. If you don't want to, stand up now and explain that I won't keep it. Leng Ruoxuan sat on the ice sculpture throne, looking directly at Lin Jian and Shui Ruoxu, and his voice was calm.

"If Miss Xuan hadn't led me into the spiritual sect, I wouldn't have achieved today. If Miss Xuan was my guide and entered Xuedu and worked for Miss Ruoxuan, it was my longing thing. How could I be reluctant?" Lin Jian said quickly, and the words were beautiful and powerful.

Shui Ruoxu's attitude is the same as Lin Jian's.

In this case, only fools will say they don't want to.

"Good!" Leng Ruoxuan nodded with satisfaction, "Lin Jian, I am very satisfied with your performance today. You not only killed Fang Long's people, but also won the first place in the outside door and won glory for me and made great contributions. It's very good!" Leng Ruoxuan then did not hesitate to praise Lin Jian. Although her voice was still calm, she could see that she was very satisfied with Lin Jian's performance today.

"Thank you, Miss Ruoxuan, for your praise. It's a matter of the next thing to win the glory of Miss Ruoxuan." Lin Jian repeatedly hugged his fist and thanked him, but he was secretly suspicious. He was thinking about what Leng Ruoxuan said about Fang Long.

"Miss Ruoxuan, I have something to ask."


"Do you mean Bai Feng when Miss Ruoxuan said that I killed Fang Long?" Lin Jian asked tentatively.

"Yes, Bai Feng is actually the person Fang Long brought into the sect. I think the reason why Bai Feng bothers you is also instructed by Fang Long." Leng Ruoxuan replied faintly.

"Bai Feng is actually Fang Long's man!" Lin Jian was shocked and his eyes flashed. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Well, let's not talk about Fang Long for the time being. You performed extraordinary today. You won the first place in one fell swoop, and my face is also shining. It's time to reward it."

While Leng Ruoxuan spoke, the white Rouyi stretched out slightly, flicked his fingers, and suddenly burst out a burst of light, instantly stabbing Lin Jian's forehead and penetrated into his brain.

"Ah!" Lin Jianton felt a violent shock in his brain, as if something had broken into his brain. Because it came too suddenly, he was caught off guard and was tortured by strong pain and shouted loudly.

However, the pain came and went quickly. Lin Jian's brain quickly calmed down. At the same time, he could feel that there seemed to be something more in his memory.

Gradually, the things that come out of memory gradually become clear. They are some words, two practiced Taoisms, and they are all high-level Taoism!

(It is very important to ask for collection, click, ticket, and list.)