killer cultivation

Chapter 91 Contradiction

When Lin Jian stepped out of the spiritual sect, some relevant information about the world also appeared in Lin Jian's mind.

Lin Jian saw the information about the wilderness continent from the classics of Lingxiangzong. Although what he has is the most basic information about the wilderness continent, it is still very valuable to Lin Jian, a newcomer.

In this way, Lin Jian was not only reluctant, but also vaguely expected. In this complex mood, Lin Jian joined the 30-person team. Under the leadership of Juechen, he gradually moved away from the spiritual sect and moved towards the Qingguang Gate of the wild empire.

Although Lin Jian was worried, he did not know that he had fallen into Fang Long's trap when he left Lingxiangzong this time. The conspiracy set by Fang Long quietly approached Lin Jian like a spider web.

The prelude to the storm, a bloody wind against Lin Jian, is about to begin.

"Well, everyone accelerated the pace. The Presbyterian Temple ordered us to arrive at Qingguangmen within five days. There must be no delay along the way. After a delay, all of you can't escape!" The 30-person team, dressed up, flashed pace and kept moving forward. Juechen, who was leading the way, did not forget to warn the team members to cheer up and speed up their progress without any relaxation.

"Yes!" I have to admit that Juechen is still quite famous in this 30-person team. As soon as Juechen's words fell, some disciples immediately echoed.

At the same time, cheer up, speed up and move forward.

After a warning from the dust, the speed of the whole team showed signs of a significant increase.

After all, Juechen is the eldest disciple of Longshan, and he has a high prestige among the disciples of the inner sect of Lingxiangzong. Even Shi Jingtian can't look back. Juechen can become the person in charge of this mission and sit on the captain of the 30-person team, not because of his sleeves, but because he really has real ability.

If anyone of these 30 people is the captain, it is impossible to convince others. Even Lin Jian does not have the prestige to order these disciples. After all, these disciples who are selected to do the task are all inner elites.

Only Juechen, one of the best people in the inner door, can convince them as their leader.

However, Lin Jian was a little unhappy, not because he was jealous of Juechen, but because he was really unhappy with Juechen. The satire and humiliation of Juechen outside the Elder Hall had already been deeply buried in his heart, and the seeds of hatred kept taking root and sprouting!

Can Lin Jian feel happy when he sees his enemies, people who have humiliated him, and show off his power on his head?

And along the way, Juechen deliberately or unintentionally troubled him from time to time and scolded Lin Jian for various reasons. The contradiction between the two is constantly being stimulated.

He and Juechen used to have no grievances, but from the beginning of their meeting, Juechen took the initiative to trouble him. Lin Jian could also think with his toes that these were all instructions from Fang Long.

"Well, Fang Long really tried every means to hit me. I will calculate this account sooner or later!" Lin Jian secretly gritted his teeth. Whether it was Juechen or Fang Long, he would not let go!

I was speechless all the way. The team of 30 people put their minds on the road, and almost no one talked. Even if someone wanted to do so, I'm afraid Juechen would not agree.

The 30-person team walked heavily in silence, bypassing the mountains, as fast as the wind. Each disciple seemed to have a wind under their feet, jumping more than ten feet, and the steep peaks could not stop them from moving forward. Through the dense belt of the jungle, one peak after another was killed by him. They were left far behind and slowly disappeared like starlight.

But fortunately, the mountain jungles crossed along the way are ordinary mountain forests, with only fierce beasts and few fierce monsters.

So they were not attacked by monsters and were not hindered by monsters. As for the beasts, they had long been frightened by the pressure they released, hiding far away and did not dare to stop their pace.

Time is like a white horse passing by. In the middle of running around desperately, the night comes quietly.

The dusk sun disappeared on the last horizon, the light of the night quietly shrouded the earth, and the night has come.

"Okay, stop it." Juechen waved his hand, shouted softly, and stopped to greet everyone.

"Today we have been on the road for a day, and everyone is also very tired and needs a good rest. Moreover, this mountain is different from the mountain jungle we passed before. The demon spirit is looming like a mist. Obviously, this is a demon mountain with monsters. Now that everyone is tired, it is not appropriate to continue to move forward. Take a night off on the spot first, and then move forward when the first dawn of tomorrow rises. Jue Chen muttered.

"Brother Juechen cares about our safety, sympathizes with our hardships, and has a good leadership. He is worthy of being the person in charge selected by the Presbyterian Hall. Lin Fang is the first to convince you!" A pupil with sharp eyebrows and thin eyes said respectfully and sincerely, bowing his head to flatter him.

"Yes, we all obey the arrangement of Brother Juchen." Some disciples shouted one after another.

"Well, let's find a big tree first, sit on the floor, and rest under the big tree tonight." Juechen's face showed a satisfied smile, and the compliment of these disciples made him enjoy it very much. This feeling of superiors is fascinating. Suddenly, the afterglow of the corners of his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of Lin Jian, who was a little unhappy.

Suddenly, his voice turned, "What? Lin Jian, I think your face looks a little wrong. Do you have any problem with my arrangement? Juechen curled his eyebrows and asked.

"Captain Juechen's arrangement is very reasonable. How can I have an opinion for us weak disciples?" Lin Jian said quietly.

"It's good not to have it!" Juechen's mouth aroused a touch of coldness, "Let's rest under that big tree." Then Juechen pointed to a huge tree not far away and took the lead to walk under the big tree.

Other disciples also sat under the big tree one after another. Some people they knew naturally sat together, whispering to themselves and talking. Other disciples who have no acquaintances either sit alone or lean next to others.

After a day of silence, I can finally relax a little at this moment, and most of them communicate in a low voice.

However, in this quiet dense forest, it still looks particularly loud, like the sound of cicadas in summer, which is extremely crisp and loud.

Lin Jian sat alone in a corner, with his knees crossed, closed his eyes and refreshed. He was silent and never took the initiative to get close to the lively crowd. He likes to be quiet and alone.

The bustle and noise are not suitable for him.

However, although he had no intention to talk to others, he had a disciple who took the initiative to come over.

"Are you Lin Jian?" A square-faced disciple came to Lin Jian and asked in a low voice, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Of course." Lin Jian nodded, opened his eyes slightly, and asked, "Who are you?" What's the matter?"

"I didn't expect it to be you!" Seeing Lin Jian nodded, the square-faced disciple seemed to be a little excited and said excitedly, "My name is Wang Fang. Although you don't know me, I still want to thank you."

"Wang Fang••" Lin Jian said silently in his heart. After making sure that he had no impression, he asked, "Thank you for me? What are you grateful for? I don't seem to have any contact with you, do I?"

"Thank you for killing Shi Jingtian!" Wang Fang said excitedly, "On the day of the decisive battle between you and Shi Jingtian, I didn't go to watch the battle because I had something to do. Later, after learning the news that Shi Jingtian had died in your hands, I really wanted to rush to your side to thank you face to face. But I have never had an intersection with you, and I'm embarrassed to disturb you rashly, but I didn't expect that I could do tasks with you. What a lifetime!" Wang Fang was very excited.

"Do you have a holiday with Shi Jingtian?" Lin Jian's thoughts turned around and immediately understood something. For no reason, Wang Fang could not thank him casually.

"Yes, although it has been a long time, I have never forgotten Shi Jingtian's insults to me. I can't wait to dismember him and remove eight pieces, which can't solve my hatred. However, I have been working hard and practicing hard, but I still can't compare with him, and there is Chu Tianxing's support behind him. I thought I couldn't revenge in this life, but I didn't think you killed him. Wang Fang recalled the past, and there was a resentment on his face. When he talked about Lin Jian, he immediately looked very grateful.

"So it is." Lin Jian glanced at Wang Fang and nodded lightly. He could also see that Wang Fang's cultivation was in the early stage of stepping on the spirit, and he had probably just entered the realm of stepping on the spirit. Compared with Shi Jingtian, he was indeed much worse than Shi Jingtian. You don't have to be grateful to me. Shi Jingtian bullied me and humiliated me. Killing him is what I must do, and since it is a life-and-death battle, Shi Jingtian and I must have one person to fall down.

"In any case, you killed Shi Jingtian. Whether you want to avenge me, I will be grateful to you. Although my cultivation is not high, as long as there is anything useful for me in the future, whenever you open your mouth, even if you go to the knife mountain and go down the oil pot, I will repay you!" Wang Fang insisted on thanking him.

Lin Jian held his fist and returned the salute, but did not answer. He neither refused nor denied, and his attitude seemed to be a little ambiguous.

Lin Jian's idea is very simple. Since Wang Fang's kindness is to thank him, it's not good for Lin Jian to refuse to brush his face, and there is one more person who is willing to help him do things for no reason. Why not?

Although I don't know whether Wang Fang is sincere or hypocritical, these are not important, because Lin Jian's attitude itself is very ambiguous and vague.