killer cultivation

Chapter 142 Northwest Ghosts

Lin Jian had just killed Luo Tian, and a cold shout suddenly cut through the air and resounded in Lin Jian's ear. The black wind in a black robe fell from the sky and appeared in front of Lin Jian.

"Who am I? The Black Messenger finally caught up in time this time. Haha•••Not bad. The speed of the Black Messenger seems to be very fast. Lin Jian seemed to have expected the black wind to appear for a long time, so after seeing the black wind, he was not shocked or afraid at all. Instead, he smiled, as if he had been welcoming the black wind for a long time. Lin Jian's expression fell into the eyes of the black wind, which was undoubtedly a satire on his life.

"Damn! You dare to treat me like a monkey. I will never let you go!" Heifeng thought that his sudden appearance would frighten Lin Jian, but as a result, Lin Jian was not afraid of him at all. Instead, the shame in his heart soared again as if he were waiting for him.

It doesn't feel good to be played as a monkey by a person with lower cultivation than himself! Shame and humiliation, this is the most realistic portrayal of Black Wind's heart.

"Black Messenger, I didn't say much. These are all what you said. If you insist on admitting that you are a monkey, I can't help it." Lin Jian spread his hands, and his expression was slightly helpless.

"You!" Heifeng was so angry that his face turned green. He pointed to Lin Jian and couldn't say a word for a moment, "Good boy, don't talk to me. The more arrogant you are now, the more miserable you will die!" After a long time, the black wind roared angrily, and his face turned purple.

"Last time you were lucky and poured out a lot of flames in the heart of the earth and stopped me, so you could escape from my hand. This time you are no longer so lucky, and your artifact will also belong to me! Boy, I know you have improved your cultivation, but don't think that you can act recklessly in front of me. If you don't pay attention to me, I will show you what a real master is today. The black wind suppressed the anger in his heart, and his face became gloomy in vain. "Kid, take your life, I want to make your life worse than death!"

The black wind shouted, and the wave-like momentum oppressed Lin Jian, and he had to use the real means.

"Frost and snow!" However, Lin Jian moved faster and broke through the pressure of the black wind with one move. The frost dungeon suddenly appeared, and ice walls rose on the ground. The black wind is in the middle.

"Eacon's little skill!" The black wind did not pay attention to these ice walls at all. His palms bombarded a beam of light, and instantly penetrated the ice wall in front of him, and suddenly collapsed to the ground and dissipated.

"Haha••Black Messenger, I won't play with you today. I will definitely accompany you to the end another day." As soon as the black wind penetrated the ice wall in front of it, Lin Jian's long roar sounded in the void.

It turned out that Lin Jian had already used the virtual shadow technique to fly to the sky, and his figure had already flown a hundred feet away.

Lin Jian knows his strength. Although his strength has greatly increased, it will still be very difficult to deal with a master like Black Wind. It is basically impossible to kill him unless a miracle happens. However, it is also very easy for him to escape, so Lin Jian doesn't want to waste too much time on Black Wind. His heart has already drifted to the ghost. However, Lin Jian, who followed Heifeng, also wrote down that when his strength rises to the next day, he will never let go of Heifeng.

"Shadow!" After the black wind broke the ice wall, he immediately saw Lin Jian, who was a hundred feet away, but he didn't seem to hear Lin Jian's irony of him. Instead, Lin Jian's Taoism immediately attracted his attention.

"Is that boy actually used virtual shadow? Isn't this Fang Long's Taoism? How can he do virtual shadows?" The black wind muttered to himself, as if thinking.

"It seems necessary to make a trip." Before the black wind fell, it rose to the sky and disappeared in place.


After Lin Jian got rid of the black wind, he did not fly all the way and rushed to the ghost desert, because Lin Jian's geographical understanding of the world was limited, and he didn't know where the ghost desert was at all.

So he chose a nearby town. After entering the town, he bought a topographic map of Beiyuan, so that he could follow the map to find the ghost desert.

As for the topographic map of the barren continent, because the area of the barren continent is too large and boundless, no one can draw the topographic map of the whole barren continent. Even the huge and vast northern abyss is just a corner of the desolate continent. You can imagine how huge the desolate continent is.

After buying the topographic map of Beiyuan, Lin Jian began to set out according to the signs of the topographic map. In fact, the topographic map in his hand only draws the outline of Beiyuan and some large places. The details are not perfect, because most of the topographic maps widely circulated on the market are drawn by practitioners who are not profound but have extensive experience. However, because of the limitations of cultivation, many such practitioners have not been to many places in person, so they are drawn. The topographic map has limitations.

Only those big families, big families and big sects can have a complete topographic map of Beiyuan.

But fortunately, Guimo is almost well known in the whole Beiyuan, so the topographic map in Lin Jian's hand can also guide Lin Jian to find Guimo.

The ghost desert is located in the northwest of the north abyss, so it is also known as the northwest ghost desert. The northwest of the north abyss is almost covered by the desert. There is no grass and life is extinct. It is a great place in the north abyss. For those ordinary people, it is almost a forbidden area of life, and no one dares to enter. Even practitioners are frightened to hear it.

It is rumored that the northwest ghost desert was a battlefield in ancient times. Before the war, the northwest ghost desert was green, vibrant and full of life. The aura of heaven and earth was nurtured and was a good place for cultivation.

However, since the war, life in the northwest has disappeared, the weeds have not grown, and the creatures have become extinct, becoming a desolate desert. And because it was an ancient battlefield, countless people died in this area at that time, whether practitioners or mortals, were almost all extinct.

Of course, these are just legends. As for whether the northwest ghost desert is an ancient battlefield or not, it is difficult to say.

However, there are rumors about people living on the edge of the northwest ghost desert. After the ancient war, those who died tragically had too much resentment, so their grievances did not disperse. In this northwest, they can often hear whining in the middle of the night. Some people say that it is the wind whimpering in the middle of the night, but some people say that they saw it with their own eyes or Whin, or roar, or ferocious ghosts.

Of course, these are just stories circulating among mortals.

For practitioners, the northwest ghost desert represents a different meaning. Because the northwest ghosts are extremely desolate, rarely visited, and entangled with resentment, they gather a lot of cold qi in the world, as well as all kinds of evil demons. For most righteous practitioners, this is an ominous place, but for those evil outsiders, it is a treasure place for cultivation.

After countless years of development, the northwest ghost desert has attracted countless evil monks, demons, demons and monsters. Now the northwest ghost desert has become the territory of these demons and monsters and has become a veritable ghost desert. Many practitioners who entered the ghost desert finally died in the ghost desert, became the sacrifice of demons and monsters or were brutally abused, thus becoming a great place in the north abyss.

And it is rumored that the ghost desert in the northwest is not only occupied by those foreign demons, but also the resentment of the ancient strong has been drifting in the northwest.

(Something happened yesterday, so I didn't update it. I'm sorry for the recovery today!)