killer cultivation

Chapter 173

Lin Jian, hidden in the dark, is like a poisonous snake lurking in the night. A pair of dark eyes stared at the black wind, which was his prey.

"What is the relationship between Fang Long and Heifeng?" Lin Jian was secretly puzzled that Fang Long left, and he did not choose to follow Fang Long. Because Fang Long's cultivation is profound and his strength is in the late stage of the virtual spirit, Lin Jian is not his enemy, so he chose the one that is easy to start and continues to keep his eyes on the black wind.

"Black Wind is a master of the five changes of virtual spirits. I'm afraid it's a little laborious to capture it alone, and Black Wind is a man in the magic way. The environment of the ghost city rises and disappears, which further promotes the magic spirit. If I take action, I'm afraid it will be difficult to capture him in a short time." Lin Jian secretly calculated that although Lin Jian's cultivation has not broken through these days, he is still at the peak of the early stage of the spirit. However, since entering the northwest ghost desert, after several dangers, Lin Jian's mastery of Taoism has become more proficient, his understanding is deeper, and his strength has also been greatly improved.

But even so, if you want to capture the black wind in this environment, you still have only a 50% chance of winning.

He must capture the black wind. Lin Jian vaguely felt that the black wind might be a breakthrough for him to deal with Fang Long. If he could capture the black wind, many things would be clear.

But there is only one chance. If you can't successfully capture the black wind this time, you will be shocked. If you want to capture the black wind again in the future, it will be a lot of trouble, and even the situation will be unfavorable to him.

"Ghost City Lord, I need your help." After thinking about it, Lin Jian finally thought of the ghost city owner. With his own strength, he is only 50% sure to capture the black wind, but if he can use the means of the ghost city owner, the probability of success will be greatly improved.

"What is the master's order?" The lord of the ghost city asked.

"I want you to seal all the ghosts, death spirits and all dark attributes within 50 feet of the surrounding heaven and earth, bind the power of the black wind, and restrain him to death." Lin Jian ordered.

As the lord of a city, the owner of the ghost city is the top figure in the ghost city and is fully capable of blocking the death of the ghost city.

"Don't worry, there is no problem with this little thing." The ghost city owner replied that although the power of the ghost city owner was greatly weakened because of the Taihuangyu.

However, in the Eight Wasteland Tripod, nourished by the power of Taihuangyu, the ghost city owner's recovery speed is very fast, and it won't take long to return to the level when he first saw Lin Jian. Moreover, because this is a ghost city, the world of the lord of the ghost city, even if the owner of the ghost city has only a trace of consciousness, it cannot be underestimated, at least it is more than enough to deal with practitioners in the general virtual realm.

"Hmm." Lin Jian nodded lightly, and then stopped talking nonsense, like a poisonous snake, staring at his prey. When the black wind was most neglected, Lin Jian finally moved!

"Wo!" As if a gust of wind flashed by, Lin Jian suddenly burst out and directly refined a big move, carrying unparalleled power, and bombarded behind the black wind.

"Boom!" Heifeng's expression suddenly stagnated, but when he noticed it, it was too late. He was caught off guard and was hit more than ten feet by Lin Jian and fell to the ground.

"Puff!" The black wind spewed out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. The blood on his face faded and looked a little pale.

"Who are you?" Heifeng was shocked and angry. Because Lin Jian was still a big man and did not return to his original appearance, Heifeng did not know that it was Lin Jian who attacked him. I have never known you, and I have no hatred or complaint. Why did you sneak up on me?

"Well, no resentment, then you can look carefully." Lin Jian sneered at the corners of his mouth, and then his face and bones all over his body were quickly twisted, and his appearance changed, and he soon regained his original appearance and fascinated.

"It's you, it's you?" The black wind was shocked, pointed to Lin Jian, stunned, and breathless. For a moment, he couldn't spit out a word. His chest was strongly undulating, which showed that his mood fluctuated greatly at this time.

"It's time to know me now, right?" Lin Jian said with a strange smile.

"Damn, you little waste in the spiritual realm, how dare you sneak up on me. I haven't liquidated the last account with you, okay? This time we will settle the new account and old account together!" Thinking of the last incident of Kirin's blood, he suffered losses under Lin Jian, and now he has been attacked by Lin Jian. This is simply a great shame for him, a master of the virtual realm and the messenger of Yumomen.

If Lin Jian is not removed into eight pieces and smashed into ten thousand pieces, it will be difficult to dispel his hatred.

"Your name is Lin Jian, right? I know all your details. Heifeng slowly stood up from the ground and stared at Lin Jian strangely. "Don't think that if you attack hurt me, you can win. You are really powerful, but against me, there is only one way to die with your current strength. It seems that I can solve you by myself without waiting for Fang Long to take action. The angry black wind suddenly became extremely confident, with contemptuous and disdainful eyes.

He is a master of the demon gate and a master of virtual spirit. If he still wants to be frightened by a practicing person who steps on the spiritual realm, he can also die directly. His identity, his dignity, his arrogance, should not be blasphemed!

"Is that right? I'd like to see if you have that ability?" Lin Jian is not afraid at all.

"I'm not too sorry to say anything. In this ghost city, the Taoism is rising, and the environment is more beneficial to me. You don't know anything and dare to attack. It's simply looking for your own death!" The black wind's voice was gloomy, "Lin Jian, take your life!" The black wind suddenly shouted.

"Ghost City takes the initiative!" Lin Jian drank in his heart.

In an instant, the owner of the ghost city immediately performed magic. Soon, the owner of the ghost city was a big man in ancient times. As soon as the Taoism was used, he sealed all the ghosts, death and all the dark spirits of the 50-foot radius.

In an instant, the magic power of the black wind seemed to be bound by a great force, and the spiritual power operation and movement all stagnated in an instant. What's the matter? The dark atmosphere around this actually stopped turning, as if it had been frozen by some force!" The black wind's eyes cracked and almost burst out, which was extremely fearing.

"Good opportunity!" Lin Jian had known that this would happen for a long time, so he was not surprised. He seized the opportunity and immediately took action when the black wind stopped.

"Frost Dungeon!"

The powerful frozen power burst out through Lin Jian's body in an instant, like a huge flood, and the power was boundless. Those magnificent frozen forces formed a cage and enveloped the dull black wind in an instant.

The ice sealed the black wind.

All this happened in a flash, and all the means of Lin Jian were completed in one go without any accident.

"Ice God Cold!" Looking at the black wind sealed in the ice prison, Lin Jian was still a little worried. He was worried that the frost dungeon was not enough to restrain the black wind and would be broken out by the black wind, so Lin Jian exerted a layer of cold power on the surface of the frost dungeon to make the ice prison more stable.

This time, the black wind was completely sealed in it. If Lin Jian didn't let him out, he could only be frozen to death in it.