kill the sky (full)

Chapter 3 Worship Me as a Teacher

Yan Hao quietly put the small stones into the food bag, wrapped them, and then put them in his arms. He answered, "It will be ready soon." Yan Hao was afraid that the stone was too small. After putting it in his arms, he couldn't find it, so he put it in the food bag first.

Ma Laosan had no doubt about him. He looked at the clean and bare pheasant and said, "You are a good chicken, and your hair is very clean."

Yan Hao smiled and said to himself that he not only killed a good chicken, but also a good man.

Ma Laosan said again, "Just wash it. I'll bake it later."

Yan Hao nodded and put the washed pheasant on the desk. Ma Laosan found a black wooden stick from nowhere, which was dark and bright and faintly glowed.

Yan Hao knew at a glance that Ma Laosan didn't know how many chickens he had roasted with this wooden stick. The bright glow was only after the chicken oil was immersed in the wooden stick.

After Ma Laosan washed his hands, he wanted to put the chicken into the wooden stick, but as soon as he grabbed the chicken, his expression on his face couldn't help but be stunned.

Ma Laosan is clear about the weight of this chicken. He didn't expect that after Yan Hao's killing, the weight of the chicken was half lighter, but the chicken was here, and there was no less than half a piece of meat. Ren Ma Laosan wanted to break his head, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

The rain is still falling outside, but there is a unique smell of roast chicken in the house. Ma Laosan stir-fried a few more dishes, took out a jar and sprinkled them, and drank them with Yan Hao.

Yan Hao has not recovered from a serious injury and should not drink too much. Most of the time, Ma Laosan is drinking.

When the two were eating, they didn't say anything, and both of them were secretly observing each other. Yan Hao was a little puzzled by Ma Laosan's performance. From today's series of performances, Yan Hao has seen that Ma Laosan is extremely human. It is difficult for such a person to equate with the silent old man who silently suffered the punishment of Miss Wu in the rain just now, and Ma Laosan did not deliberately hide this. After being whipped, he let the wound be washed away by the rain. Not to mention medicine for the wound, he didn't take care of it.

Yan Hao knew that Ma Laosan deliberately disclosed this information to him. Does he have any purpose for himself?

Ma Laosan was also secretly surprised. The teenager in front of him seemed to be a little different from what he had observed before. The previous teenager was honest and timid. The teenager in front of him was calm and silent for so long, and he didn't see that he was impatient.

Finally, Ma Laosan drank the last glass of wine. Yan Hao took this opportunity to say goodbye: "Thank you very much for your hospitality today. In the future, the boy will go up the mountain to catch a few more pheasants to thank Uncle Ma for his help today."

Ma Laosan finally smiled, but his facial features were too ugly and his smile was even worse: "Oh? Why do you only catch pheasants and no other prey?

Yan Hao said, "Uncle Ma's wooden stick for roast chicken is bright in black and faintly, and the fragrance of roast chicken on it is fragrant. It can be seen that Uncle Ma has been immersed in roast chicken for many years. Besides, there were hares and pheasants to choose from just now. Uncle Ma did not hesitate to choose the pheasant, and he had to choose the fattest and heaviest one, which shows that Uncle Ma prefers pheasants.

Ma Laosan said, "Maybe I just like to eat pheasants among rabbits and pheasants?"

Yan Hao shook his head: "When Uncle Ma was roasting chicken, he was absorbed and there was a faint light in his eyes. It can be seen that Uncle Ma has a special preference for roast chicken. In addition, most of this pheasant got off Uncle Ma's belly, while Uncle Ma rarely moves chopsticks for other dishes. A person who eats roast chicken all year round is not tired of roast chicken. There is only one conclusion that Uncle Ma really loves roast chicken so much that he has no interest in other dishes.

Ma Laosan laughed again: "That makes sense. However, I'm just an ordinary horse raiser. Maybe I haven't eaten other delicacies. My vision is so small that I have a special preference for roast chicken.

Yan Hao shook his head again and said, "According to my observation, you are not just an ordinary horse raiser."

Hearing this, the smile on Ma Laosan's face suddenly stiffened, and his eyes shot a dazzling light, which made Yan Hao's eyes faintly hurt, and tears flowed unconsciously. However, he did not give in at all and continued to look at Ma Laosan, allowing tears to keep pouring out.

Finally, Ma Laosan restrained the light in his eyes and got up and said, "Yan Hao, would you like to worship me as your teacher?"

Yan Hao said calmly, "I want to think about it."

The divine light in Ma Laosan's eyes shot out again: "You know that I'm not an ordinary person, why don't you seize this opportunity? This may get you out of mediocrity and get rid of your humble servant status now.

Yan Hao said, "One day as a teacher, as a father all your life. It's a big deal to worship a teacher. Don't be impruous. Uncle Ma, please let me think about it. I'll say goodbye first." After saying that, without waiting for Ma Laosan to agree, he opened the door of the hospital and strode into the rain.

Yan Hao will never worship Ma Lao San as his teacher. This old man has been lurking into the Yan family for many years, pretending to be stupid and scheming. He wants to take himself as an apprentice. I don't know what he is at ease. Maybe he just wants to take advantage of himself. But Yan Hao also dares not say anything. If he refuses, Ma Laosan may kill people.

Looking at Yan Hao, who walked quickly in the rain, Ma Laosan clenched his fists, frowned, and desperately pressed his idea of killing Yan Hao with one punch. If Yan Hao's performance today had aroused his curiosity, he would have killed Yan Hao on the spot at the moment when Yan Hao refused him. How could Yanhao have left so calmly?

Yan Hao also knew that Ma Laosan might have to do it himself at any time, so he walked quickly. When he returned to the room, he was already in a cold sweat. After calming down, he began to observe carefully in the room and found that no one had come in the room. Yan Hao was a little relieved. He was afraid that Xiaorui would enter his room and could not see him and be worried.

Yan Hao took out the small food bag from his arms and changed into clean clothes before he began to study the tiny black stone grains.

Yan Hao has never heard of a stone grain that is not much larger than dust, which can reach a weight of more than two catties. Even the most dense metal on earth does not have this weight.

Yan Hao studied for a long time but didn't see the reason. The stone was too small, and Yan Hao didn't have a microscope in his hand, so he naturally couldn't see it clearly. After Yan Hao tested with water and fire, the small stones were still indifferent.

At this time, Xiaorui finished her day's work and pushed the door with the food and came in. Seeing Yan Hao sitting at the table, she was concentrating on what he was looking at with an oil lamp. She couldn't help but be shocked and said angrly, "Brother Yan Hao, why are you getting up? You're not well yet!"

At this time, Yan Hao found that it was already dark. He studied this small stone and actually studied it all afternoon. Seeing Xiaorui holding the food, she felt a little hungry and put away the little black stone: "It's okay. Master Jiu's medical skills are very good. I feel much better now."

Xiaorui said suspiciously, "Really?"

Yan Hao came over and scraped Xiaorui's nose: "Of course it's true?"

The little girl was very simple. Seeing that Yan Hao's face was ruddy and acted as usual, she immediately believed most of it. She really pushed all the credit to the ninth master. She said excitedly, "Master Jiu is really amazing. I want to thank him well. Brother Yan Hao, are you hungry? Eat quickly. I called from the kitchen.

Looking at Xiaorui putting down the food, Yan Hao found that the little girl's face was a little red and swollen, and her forehead was also bruised. Yan Hao knew at a glance that the redness and swelling was slapped. The bruise was touched by a hard object. Either he fell down or was grabbed and touched against the wall.

Yan Hao looked at it again and found that Xiaorui's hair was a little messy, so it seemed that it was the latter, who was grabbed by her hair and hit the wall.

Seeing this, Yan Hao's nameless fire suddenly rose up. Xiaorui has taken care of his food and clothing in the past two days, and the little girl is simple, kind and cute. He has already regarded Xiaorui as his own sister and has a feeling of pity for the little girl in his heart. Now he is so bullied, which is how Yan Hao is not angry.

But Yan Hao also knew that it was not the time to get angry. He asked softly, "Xiao Rui, what's wrong with the injury on your forehead?"

When Xiaorui heard his question, she suddenly panicked: "I fell by myself."

When Yan Hao saw her panicked look, he further confirmed the guess just now, but he knew that Xiaorui was kind-hearted and didn't want him to be an enemy. He couldn't ask. He had to find another way. He laughed and said, "You are so mature, be careful when walking. Come on, let's eat first."

When Xiaorui saw Yan Hao's letter, she was relieved and picked up her chopsticks to eat with Yan Hao.

Yan Hao found that there were several pieces of meat in his bowl, which made him a little strange. In the past two days, the food served by Xiaorui was all green vegetables. Why did he suddenly eat meat today? Looking at Xiaorui's bowl, it was just ordering green vegetables, and she immediately understood.

Yan Hao and Xiao Rui are the slaves at the bottom of the Yan family. Xiao Rui is a handyman and does laundry and so on. Yan Hao is the little slave at the bottom of one of the 18 small kitchens. He does all the dirty work. It is impossible for slaves like them to see meat at other times unless it is the Spring Festival. Today, Yan Hao's bowl suddenly had a few more pieces of meat, and Yan Hao suddenly understood what happened to Xiaorui today.

He asked pleasantly, "Where did you fall just now?"

Xiao Rui lowered her head and whispered, "Big kitchen."

Hearing these three words, Yan Hao felt sad and almost burst into tears. Xiaorui must have gone to the big kitchen to steal meat today. As a result, she was found and beaten. I don't know how she hid it and left a few pieces.

Xiaorui herself felt it was worth it. She exchanged a few pieces of meat. Brother Yan Hao is not in good health. She has been eating green vegetables these two days. When will she get better?

Yan Hao gave the meat to Xiaorui. Xiaorui didn't want to die, saying that Yan Hao was recovering and eating more meat. Hearing this, Yan Hao felt sad again and forced himself not to let tears fall.

After finishing the meal, Xiaorui began to clean up the bowls and chopsticks. Yan Hao took a chopstick, broke it, picked out a small bamboo stick, pressed Xiaorui's small head and said, "Don't move. I'll help you release the blood on your face now, so that the swelling will subside quickly, but it hurts a little. You can bear with it."

Xiao Rui stopped her work and let Yan Hao gently insert the bamboo stick in her face. She completely trusted Yan Hao and didn't blink her eyes.

Thick blood flowed out along the hollow in the bamboo stick. Yan Hao didn't pay attention and made a move. He wiped his chest and continued to pay attention to the bamboo sticks on Xiaorui's face.

Xiaorui felt that her face gradually became cool, the swelling and pain eased a lot, and her mood relaxed. At this time, Yan Hao suddenly asked, "Who hit it in the big kitchen?"

Xiaorui didn't think about it and blurted out, "Ma Wu, Ma..." When she realized that she had made a mistake, she had said half of her words, and it was too late to take it back.

Yan Hao said, "It was fought by the two brothers Ma Wu and Ma Liu!"

When Xiaorui saw Yan Hao guessed it, she hurriedly said, "Brother Yan Hao, I don't blame them. It's all Xiao Rui's own fault."

Ma Wu and Ma Liu are two brothers, the general manager of the big kitchen. It can be said that they are very powerful in the big kitchen. Several wives of the Yan family like to eat their dishes. Relying on this point, they don't pay attention to other servants at all. If they don't like them, they just beat or scold them. The original Yan Hao has been beaten and scolded by them many times.

Yan Hao sighed. This kind and lovely little girl actually suffered such grievance in order to eat a few pieces of meat. If he didn't take this breath for Xiaorui, Yan Hao himself would not forgive himself.

Yan Hao was about to speak when he suddenly felt the heat in his arms, but the small stone in his arms reacted. Yan Hao felt that the temperature of the small stone was rising, and even the small food bag became hot. This made Yan Hao both excited and strange. After studying for a long time in the afternoon, he didn't respond. Why did he suddenly move at this time?

Yan Hao comforted Xiao Rui. Xiaorui strongly asked him not to go to Ma Wu and Ma Liu to vent his anger. Yan Hao said a few words to her and let her go back.

How can Yan Hao not vent this evil breath for Xiaorui? The most important thing Yan Hao can't see is that the people around him are bullied. But of course, it's impossible to kill it directly now. Let's take a look at the small stones in your arms first.