kill the sky (full)

Chapter 27 Dangerous

Three steps to the right, each step is one foot and five inches away. Take another step forward, two feet away. Two more steps to the left, each step is one foot and seven inches away..." Yan Hao silently remembered these data in his heart, hoping that Yan Wudan would quickly get out of this array. His current vitality has been consumed by more than 70%, and he can't hold on for long.

But Yan Wudan has been walking all the time, and this array seems to never be able to go out. He didn't mean to stop at all.

At present, Yan Hao has no choice but to grit his teeth and persist. While continuing to follow Yan Wudan's pace, he kept the pace of entering the array in his mind, and at the same time, he had to try his best to stimulate the hidden spirit.

Yan Hao's vitality has consumed 90%. If he spreads hidden air now, he will find that his face has become as pale as paper, his eyes are covered with blood, and the blue veins on his forehead are raised high, which looks ferocious.

Yan Hao has reached the verge of collapse at any time, but he still grited his teeth and persisted.

Finally, Yan Wudan took the last step, and Yan Hao also lit up. A tall and magnificent building appeared in front of him.

The building is more than ten feet wide and about three feet high. Two long horns stretch out exaggeratedly on both sides, and I don't know what kind of strange beast stone carvings are hanging on it.

In front of the tall stone gate in the middle, two six-fold guards stood upright like javelin. After seeing Yan Wudan come out of the array, the two guards immediately saluted. Then the guard on the right gently patted a stone lion on the wall, and the stone door slowly rose up with a soft sound.

When Yan Hao saw this situation, he was also relieved. There is only a small trace of vitality left in his body, which may be exhausted at any time. Once this happens, the hidden spirit will not be able to move, and his figure will be exposed. At that time, his vitality will be exhausted, and he can only be beaten and have no power to fight back.

Yan Wudan nodded and was about to go in. Coincidentally, a drop of sweat on Yan Hao's forehead could no longer stand the pull of the earth's heart and fell to the ground.

Originally, the sound of this drop of sweat falling on the ground was negligible, but it fell into the ears of a one-yuan master such as Yan Wudan, which was no different from tapping the gong in his ear.

Thanks to Yan Hao's rapid reaction, he also found this drop of sweat. Before the drop of sweat fell to the ground, he stretched his legs slightly, and the drop of sweat fell on his trousers and disappeared quietly.

But even so, it still made Yan Wudan turn around and stared at the place where Yan Hao stood with doubtful eyes.

Yan Hao now knows that the vitality in his body is about to wither, so he dares not move at all. He is unable to hide his slight footsteps. As soon as you move, you will be immediately found by Yan Wudan.

Yan Wudan didn't know what medicine he took wrong. Although in his eyes, Yan Hao's place was just a piece of air, he just stared at it.

Finally, the last trace of vitality in Yan Hao's body was exhausted. Death will be next to greet him. Although he has a unique treasure nine-level Futu, and he has practiced a one-yuan initial formula and a hidden spirit, these things can't be used without vitality in his body.

"No, I can't die. I still have a lot of things to do. I crossed from the earth to this meta world, and I was destined to live. Since God has given me such a chance, I must not die." Yan Hao shouted wildly in his heart.

In the place where Yan Hao was invisible, there suddenly appeared a slight air fluctuation. When Yan Hao's figure was about to emerge, the initial formula in Yan Hao's body ran crazily, faster than at any time. Only in an instant, Yanhao felt that the vitality in his body had recovered 30%. With this vitality, Yan Hao's figure also disappeared again.

But the slight air fluctuation still attracted the attention of Yan Wudan. In an instant, Yan Wudan stepped out and slapped the place.

But Yanhao retreated to the array as soon as his vitality rose. Yan Yuandan's palm only captured a piece of air.

With a slap, Yan Wudan will no longer take action. He stood up again and bowed his head and meditated.

The two guards outside the stone gate watched Yan Wudan turn around and slap him for no reason. After looking at each other, both of them showed puzzled expressions.

Yan Wudan looked up and asked the two guards, "Have you just found that this place is different from usual?"

The two guards looked at each other again and shook their heads at the same time.

Yan Wudan pondered again for a moment before walking into the stone gate.

But when he walked to the stone gate, he suddenly turned around quickly. Of course, the result disappointed him. It was still an open space, and there was still nothing but a burst of flames that had been burning.

How did he know that when he was meditating just now, Yan Hao had hidden himself and entered the stone gate first.

"Is it true that I have been dazzled by the continuous alchemy recently? Think of the air fluctuations caused by the flames as if someone broke in. Yan Wudan said to himself, shook his head, and finally walked into the stone gate.

When the two guards heard him say that someone had broken in, their faces suddenly turned. He also turned his eyes to the place that Yan Wudan just slapped. Not to mention that Yan Hao is no longer there at this time. Even if he is still there, what can they find?

Yan Wudan walked into the stone room, turned around and patted a protrusion next to the entrance, and the stone door slowly fell again.

After Yan Wudan was silent for a while in front of the fallen stone gate, he continued to walk in.

This time, Yan Hao did not continue to follow Yan Wudan. His newly restored three layers of vitality will be exhausted, and if he follows it again, it must be discovered. He doesn't believe that he can have such good luck when he returns that he can go crazy again at that critical moment.

This is a channel ten feet wide. I really don't know what the Yan family is going to do with such a wide channel. There was a turn five feet ahead. Yan Hao did not dare to investigate before he recovered.

The channel is bare on both sides, and torches are inserted on the walls on both sides of the channel to illuminate the channel.

Yan Hao looked around, but did not find a relatively hidden hiding place. He couldn't hide and recover his vitality. In desperation, I had to continue to move forward to see if there was a more suitable place.

Yan Hao recalled the steps he had just entered the battle in his mind as he walked. After confirming that he did not miss a step, he was relieved. At this time, he remembered another thing. Why didn't he feel that it was very hot in the stone room?

Before, when he entered the two fires in the east, the temperature inside almost made him sweat. But now the temperature in this stone room is obviously much higher than the two ground fires, but now he feels very comfortable, which makes him strange.

And he remembered that he didn't feel too hot when he entered the battle just now. Of course, I didn't care too much. Now when I recall it, I find that even Yan Wudan's neck was so hot that his neck was red at that time. His cultivation was much lower than that of Yan Yuandan, but he was fine.

"Is it the reason why I took Huo Yuanzi?" Yan Hao thought about it. Then he walked to the wall of the passage and leaned into the torch on the wall.

Yan Hao poked his hand to approach the torch on the wall. He could obviously feel the temperature of the torch, but he also clearly felt that his body had no discomfort with the temperature.

Yan Hao's hand was getting closer and closer, but there was still no discomfort. Finally, he put his hand into the torch and felt a little hot, but it was still acceptable.

Yan Hao was overjoyed. He put his hand in the fire like this, but except for being smoked black, his hand was not hurt at all.

Yan Hao was curious and held the burning flame with his hand to separate part of it. But as soon as the flame left the burning object, it also went out immediately.

Yan Hao is now sure that this is the benefit brought to him by Huo Yuanzi. But now is not the time to study this thing, so we have to press this curiosity for the time being.

Turning through the channel, another ten-foot-wide channel appeared in front of Yan Hao's eyes. It's just that there are more stone doors on both sides of this passage. Obviously, these are some rooms.

What Yan Hao needs most now is to find a hidden place to restore his vitality. The appearance of these rooms is exactly what he needs.

He hid, put his ear on the stone door of the first room, listened for a long time, and made sure that there was no one inside. Then he patted the protrusion next to the stone door. The stone gate also rose, and Yan Hao immediately flashed in and lowered the stone gate.

This stone room is quite spacious, leaning against the outside, there are several rows of bookshelves full of books. Leaning against it, there was a narrow bed and a bookcase, on which the four treasures of the study were complete. This is obviously a study.

Yan Hao checked and found that there were some medical books on the first rows of bookshelves. This moved Yan Hao's heart, and the speed of his inspection suddenly accelerated. Sure enough, books introducing arrays were found on the last row of bookshelves.

There are not many books, only a dozen, but Yan Hao is full of ecstasy. He is not very interested in alchemy, but he is very interested in arrays.

He grabbed a book casually. The title of the book is Strange, and Yan Hao is planning to read it. But I remembered the purpose of my trip and the current situation. I had to suppress the thirst for knowledge in my heart and put the book back.

When I put it back, I found that every book on this shelf had a serial number, and although each book was turned quite dilapidated, there was no dust on it. Obviously, people often read it, and maybe it's Yan Wudan himself. This made Yan Hao want to leave at will, so he had to give up.

Yan Hao sighed and missed these books. Then he sat on his knees and began to practice the initial formula to restore his vitality.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and Yan Hao's vitality finally recovered. Just as he was about to finish his work, he felt that the seven-fold bottleneck of Renyuan began to loosen. Yan Hao knew that this was a sign that he was about to break through, so he immediately raised his vitality and hit the eightfold of people with all his strength.

In just a moment, Yan Hao sweated all over his body, and a wisp of white gas rose from the Baihui acupoint above his head. However, Yan Hao did not feel it at all, and still carried out his whole body's vitality and rushed towards the eightfold of human yuan.

Finally, Yan Hao felt as if there was a thin seam somewhere in his body, and the vitality seemed to have found a breakthrough, and instantly rushed those thin seams into a road.

At this time, Yan Hao felt a briskness all over his body. He knew that it had broken through to eight times.

It only took Yan Hao more than a month from fivefold to eightfold. No one can believe this. But this really happened to Yan Hao.

Yan Hao knew that this was all due to the initial formula of one yuan. In his first practice, he broke through from the triple of Renyuan to the fivefold of Renyuan. After the war with Wang Tie, under the pressure of Yan Youxin's sword spirit, he broke through to the sixfold of Renyuan. After a month of continuous study, he broke through to the sevenfold of Renyuan again. Just now, at the juncture of life and death, the potential of survival inspired the initial formula of one yuan, and broke through the bottleneck of seven yuan in one fell swoop, and successfully broke through to eight yuan.

Yan Hao couldn't help sighing again that he was lucky to get the nine-level Futu and practiced the initial formula of one yuan. Otherwise, I'm afraid he is just a small servant now.

Yan Hao's buttocks were hard, and his body jumped up lightly. He was about to read the books about array on the bookshelf when he suddenly heard a slight footsteps outside the stone.

If you distinguish it in detail, the sound of footsteps is coincidental, and it is coming here. After a while, Yan Hao heard the sound of Shimen slowly starting.