kill the sky (full)

Chapter 38 Secret Skills

The nine-level Futu is indeed powerful, worthy of her excellent treasure and has many functions. For example, the space in the nine-level pontoon is vast, which can store organisms and other objects. The space inside will not change with the enlargement and contraction of the appearance of the nine-level Futu, which is simply the only magic weapon for burglary.

However, there are two disadvantages when used in this way. First, Yan Hao himself cannot shrink. If he wants to enter the nine-level floating slaughter, he must enlarge the nine-level floating slaughter. Such a process cannot be carried out in front of people. And once you enter the nine-level Futu, if you want to know the outside environment, you all rely on divine exploration, so it is extremely time-consuming and energetic.

Second, even if the nine-level Futu becomes a grain of black sand, it will be several catties. Although Yan Hao hid in the nine-level Futu, and then hid the black sand on others, so that he could smoothly follow others in and out of any place. But several catties of things suddenly appeared on others, and any human-level monks could detect it, not to mention the masters above the Tianyuan period.

After entering the secret room, Yan Hao enlarged the nine-level Futu again, and he also came out of it. I immediately found that this was a very small secret room. It is less than two feet long and wide, surrounded by thick metal walls. If Yan Hao hadn't sneaked in in this way, he would have had to open the big lock outside the door before he could come in.

There is only one metal table in the secret room, and the rest is empty. There is a red sandalwood box on the table, which is locked by a fine lock.

There is a long sword carved on the red sandalwood box, and the sword is eager to rush to people, which shows the skill of the sculptor.

The ordinary lock on the Yuanjie is naturally not as good as the lock on the earth in the 21st century. Yan Hao took out the two wires he had prepared in advance, put them into the lock hole, and pulled them out in a few times.

Yan Hao was overjoyed. He opened the red sandalwood box and saw two simple yellow books in it. One is to practice the heart method "No Life Secret", and the other is the vitality skill method "No Life Sword Qi".

Yan Hao is most interested in the heavenly lower skill "No Sword Qi", which is immediately taken out and checked.

At this look, Yan Hao immediately frowned. The above skill record is obscure, and each sentence seems to say a thousand truths, but it seems that nothing is said. Although several pictures are very skillful, Yan Hao can't see why.

"Good skills should be clear at a glance. Instead of recording like the Buddhist scriptures, if the skills are all like this, can only be practiced by Taoist monks. Yan Hao thought about it in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong with this skill.

After looking through the "No Life Tips", I found that the above practice method is simple and easy to understand. Every sentence is the point, which makes people fully understand how to practice.

In this way, it is even more strange. The two are the same, but now they are not the same type at all. They are simple and clear, and the other is profound.

"Is this swordless spirit fake?" Yan Hao's mind came up with such an idea: "If this sword qi is fake, why did you put "No Life Secret" here? Is there a problem with this "No Life Secret"?

Yan Hao carefully turned over the "No Life Secret" and found that it was an ordinary cultivation method, but of course it was more profound than the human and prefecture levels, but it was not so that Yan Hao could not understand it. Now without step-by-step practice, Yan Hao can't say whether there is any problem in it.

Yan Hao thought for a while and had a headache, but he still didn't figure it out. Rub your temples with your fingers, simply squat down and close your eyes to think.

For a while, Yan Hao still didn't understand the contradiction here. Oh, I don't want to. It's not bad to copy back this "No Life Tips". Although I don't need it, I can practice it for Xiao Rui in the future. Yan Hao made up his mind and opened his closed eyes. Just as I was about to get up, I suddenly glanced at what seemed to be behind the metal table.

Yan Hao's heart moved, took a piece of luminous ore from the wall and came forward to watch. But he saw that it was a board painted white, blocking the area in the middle of the metal table, blocking the middle of the table tightly.

If Yan Hao hadn't pointed his eyes and found the wood chips that fell on the ground after opening and rubbing the board many times, he would not have noticed the board.

Yan Hao carefully took out the board and illuminated it with luminous ore. At a glance, his body couldn't help shaking.

In a small area on the stone wall, it is full of small words of fly heads. On several human body meridians, bright red lines clearly mark the route of operation.

Although these words are extremely small, each word is like a sword, exuding a sharp and cold sword. The more carefully you look at them, the more natural the sword will be. And looking at the same trend of carving as the sword on the red sandalwood box, it seems that it should be done by the same person.

"The people of the Yan family are really shrewd, actually playing the trick of dark under the lights. Two fake things were put on it, but the real "No Life Secret" and "No Life Sword Qi" were hidden under this table. If I hadn't been lucky, I wouldn't have found it." Yan Hao sighed in his heart: "Even if Ma Laosan knows that these two books are hidden here, he can only get two fake books by himself."

Think about it, the red sandalwood box is precious, and there are such smart carvings on it, and it is hidden in such a hidden place. If there are really thieves, they must be in a hurry. How can they check it carefully? Only Yan Hao, a bold guy with Qibao, not only dares to stay in this secret room for a long time, but also looks at it carefully.

Yan Hao took out the paper and pen that had been prepared for a long time, copied the "No Life Secret" and "No Life Sword Qi" on the wall one by one, and carefully proofread it again. After seeing that there were no mistakes, he was satisfied and put them into the nine-level Futu.


As soon as the news that Yan Hao's cultivation broke through to the sixfold of Renyuan spread, he exploded in the disciple's courtyard. Yan Hao can be regarded as a celebrity in the discipleship. After all, he killed the existence of Renyuan Jiuzhong during the period of Renyuan Yizhong, and directly enjoyed the treatment of Renyuan Wuzhong disciples. All the disciples in the institute all know Yan Hao's cultivation. In just two months, Yan Hao's cultivation has been upgraded to five levels in a row, reaching six levels of Renyuan, which allows the disciples how to calm down.

Naturally, the first senior management of the Yan family to find Yan Hao was Yan Wuya. Yan Wuya didn't believe it at first. No matter how talented Yan Hao was, it was impossible to break through to six people in just two months. Throughout the history of the Yuan world, such figures are also rare.

But when he saw Yan Hao and personally explored it with his divine mind, he couldn't help but believe the fact that he was sixfold and iron. Yan Wuya immediately asked his doubts and asked why Yan Hao's cultivation grew so fast?

Yan Hao told him that when he arrived in Bingzhou City two days ago, someone told him that he was the Taoist body first.

Yan Wuya was surprised and happy to hear it. Naturally, he knows the innate Taoist body. Many ancient books have recorded this kind of physique that has been rare for ten thousand years, but I didn't expect that there is a Yan family now. In this way, won't the Yan family have a peerless master in the near future?

Yan Wuya left with great satisfaction, and then immediately reported the news.

After hearing about it, other senior officials of the Yan family all had the same reaction, which was both surprise and a little disbelief. After all, the congenital Taoist body is really rare. It has never been seen by anyone in ten thousand years. However, now Yan Hao has broken through five times in a row in just two months, which makes the balance in the hearts of the senior officials of the Yan family also tend to believe in the other side.

Finally, the senior management of the Yan family came to a conclusion that no matter whether the innate Taoist body is true or false, Yan Hao is a cultivation genius. Such a genius has exceeded the scope of their teaching and can only allow him to practice freely. The Yan family can only give all support as much as possible under other conditions.

However, there are also objections, saying that such a genius can grow to what height in the future, and how can the Yan family control it in the future? If Yan Hao turns against each other at that time, the Yan family will not be in big trouble. Instead of letting such a thing happen, it's better to kill it as soon as possible when its wings are not abundant.

Most of the people who hold the second opinion are the same. Yan Ru heard that Yan Hao was actually a congenital Taoist body, and his jealous eyes turned red.

Although Yan Youhong still has the intention of soliciting, he also retreated in his heart. He was afraid that he could not control Yan Hao in the future and would be countered by him. So he didn't say anything on this matter.

Finally, Yan Wusheng, the head of the Yan family, personally made a decision, saying that if the Yan family wants to step out of the questioning Kingdom and become one of the powerful families on the mainland, they must cultivate Yan Hao and let Yan Hao become the trump card of the Yan family, otherwise the Yan family will shrink in the questioning Kingdom in the future.

I have to say that Yan Wusheng is greedy. ** lustful and extremely luxurious, but there is still a certain courage to manage a family on its current scale.

Such a result naturally makes the inflammation extremely unpleasant. Seeing that the person he hates most is about to rise to the top, it is a strange thing that he can feel better. He seemed to see the scene where one day he was trampled under Yan Hao's feet. He shouted silently in his heart, "No! I will not let this happen. I will not let you grow up. I will strangle you as a genius in your infancy. I won't let anyone step on my head, I will never..."

Naturally, the cry in Yan's heart can't change Yan's decision. Therefore, when Yan Hao proposed to worship Yan Wudan as his teacher, the senior management of the Yan family only hesitated for a moment and approved.

In this way, Yan Hao successfully became the alchemy disciple of Yan Wudan, which was similar to what he expected. Although the Yan family is powerful, Yan Wusheng, the head of the Yan family with the highest cultivation, is still one yuan and six yuan. Although it is one of the top ten families in China, if it is placed on the Yangjian mainland, it will not even rank in the top 100. If the Yan family wants to have a place in the whole Yangjian continent, they must rely on Yan Hao, an innate Taoist body.

Yan Hao planned to leave the Yan family with Xiaorui after getting the high skills of the Yan family. But now he not only wants to learn the primary content of the array, but also wants to get the heart of the original vein, so he has to stay for a longer time.

Since he could not take Xiaorui away for a short time, Yan Hao asked Yan Wuya to arrange an easy job for Xiaorui. Finally, after his personal inspection, Yan Hao arranged Xiaorui to take care of Zhan Shaotang's aunt, the seventh wife of the Yan family.

First of all, the seventh lady has an excellent temperament and is extremely generous to her subordinates and does not easily punish them. Second, Mrs. Seven is not very favored, so there are not so many things. As for whether he would hurt the seventh lady, Yan Hao was not in the mood to care about it.

After learning about Yan Hao's congenital Taoist body, in fact, the most regrettable is Cao Yinglong, Yan Hao's former neighbor. Cao Yinglong thought that he once said that he was a little person and deserved to be a brother, and he regretted it. If he was called a brother to himself at that time, it would be a good development in the future, which is not his business. And he seems to have beaten him and vomited blood. He should not care about himself in the future! After all, he also broke my hand and almost smashed me into the pit!

Naturally, Yan Hao did not know about Cao Yinglong's calculations. He doesn't want to know, because the most important thing now is to learn the array, so that he can control the nine-yin lock soul array in the sky fan as soon as possible and get the right to use this unique treasure.