kill the sky (full)

Chapter 40 Conspiracy

The main force participating in the round-up of Dangkang monsters are Yan Wudan, Yan Hui, Du Huaishan, and there are also six elders and juniors Yan Rushi, Yan Youwei, Yan Hao and others in Tianyuan.

Yanru naturally was extremely unhappy with Yan Hao. He didn't look good on Yan Hao all the way and didn't say a word.

Yan was very impressed. Who would have thought that the waste slave of the Yan family would have been the physique of the innate Taoist body. In less than a year, he went with them to round up monsters.

Yan Youwei made several tests on Yan Hao along the way and asked Yan Hao very vaguely if he could support him. If he can get the support of Yan Hao, the innate Taoist body, his chance to ascend to the throne of the Yan family will be greatly increased in the future.

But he asked him vaguely, and Yan Hao also answered vaguely, neither saying he could or say no.

Although Yan Hao's answer is ambiguous, Yan Youwei is also the most intelligent person. Yan Hao said a few words, and he has heard that Yan Hao is never willing to succumb to others. So his heart has also been murdered. Such a genius, instead of waiting for him to get out of his control and causing trouble to himself, it is better to kill him as soon as possible.

So along the way, Yan Rusi and Yan Youwei have been secretly calculating how to unconsciously put Yan Hao and death on this Wanyang Mountain. The two brothers finally had the same idea and a rare tacit understanding.

Yan Hao looked at the eyes of the two brothers and knew that the two had no good intentions. He sneered and said, "I just hope you two are not in such a hurry to die, but if you have to find your own way to die, then I have to fulfill you."

Yan Youxin met the mountain of Dangkang monster, called Wanyang Mountain. It's not far from Bingzhou City. It's more than an hour to go straight out of the West City. This mountain is more than a hundred feet high, which is also dangerous. Yan Wudan has also come to this mountain to collect medicinal materials before, but he has never met a monster. I think this monster should have come here soon.

Everyone has a steed to walk, and the speed is naturally very fast. When I got to the foot of the mountain, I dismount and climbed on foot.

Originally, Yan Wusheng wanted to come, but he had something to do at the moment and couldn't make it. Therefore, at this time, Yan Wudan is the highest among the people.

At the beginning of the day, when everyone arrived halfway up the mountain of Wanyang Mountain, an old tree with a crooked belly also appeared in front of them.

The people who come here this time are all people with profound cultivation, so no one is panting and tired.

Yan Wudan stretched out his hand and motioned everyone to stop: "According to Youxin, they met the Dangkang monster here. There should be danger if we go further. The younger generation will stay here, and the elders will continue to move forward with me.

Yan Hao and other juniors had to stop here, and Yan Rushi and Yan Youwei also ordered their guests to continue to climb to the high place of Wanyang Mountain with the elders. Yan Ru and Yan Youwei sent most of the doormen away, and the two of them coincidentally left the most profound doormen to protect themselves.

Yan Hao looked at the arrangement of the two with a sneer. Of course, he understood what the two were thinking.

The elders gradually disappeared. Yan Ru and the two brothers turned to look at Yan Hao at the same time, but they saw Yan Hao looking at them with a sneer. Their sharp eyes seemed to see through their hearts.

Yan Ru's two brothers were shocked at the same time, secretly wondering why Yan Hao was so calm. The two brothers looked at each other and saw the murder in each other's eyes, but the murder was caused by Yan Hao. The two brothers smiled similarly for the first time and turned their heads back.

Yan Ru and the two are not fools. They know that Yan Hao is now a celebrity in the house. If they kill Yan Hao so blatantly, they will definitely have to be in the name of jealous of talents. In the future, the position of the head of the family will not be their own. Therefore, they want to come up with a perfect solution, and it is a good choice to kill Yan Hao when the Kang monster kills.

Yan Youwei looked at the crooked old tree and turned around and said, "According to the second uncle, there are likely to be three Kang monsters, and I don't know if the second uncle can catch them all. It's not safe for us to stay on the ground like this.

At this time, Yan Ru happened to interrupt and said, "In the opinion of the second brother, what should we do?"

Yan Youwei pointed to the crooked old tree and said, "The second uncle said that although the Dangkang monster is very fierce, it can't climb the tree. Let's go to that big tree to ensure safety. You can also take this opportunity to see the scene on the mountain.

Yan Ru and the two guests praised in unison and invited Yan Hao to go up.

Of course, Yan Hao knows what they are thinking. Either push yourself down from above and die, or when Kang comes, push yourself down and be killed by Dangkang. In this way, he was killed by the Kang monster, and he could only blame himself for his bad luck, but he could not be counted as Yan Ru and the two.

But Yan Haoyi was bold and was not afraid of being tricked by the two of them, and resolutely agreed to follow them to the big tree. But Yan Hao was a little strange. How could they be sure that Kang would break down? Will anyone do anything strange among the guests they go with several elders?

When Yan and Ru saw Yan Hao follow them up the crooked old tree, there was a trace of joy in their eyes. Yan Hao only did not see it. He leaned against the trunk of the tree and looked up at the mountain.

Half an hour later, the strange cry of 'Dang Dangkang' finally sounded on the mountain. With this cry, there were shouts.

Yan Hao and others on the tree were immediately refreshed and tried to look up, but they couldn't see anything.

After a while, I suddenly heard a scream. It seemed that someone had been injured by Dangkang.

Sure enough, I heard Yan Wudan's angry shouting: "Invul, how dare you hurt people!"

Yan Hao heard it secretly and laughed. You are all going to be a murderer, and you don't let others hurt others. How can there be such a reason in the world?

At this time, the doorman next to him suddenly said urgently, "Oh, that's Zheng Yuan's voice. He's injured. I'm going to save him." After saying that, he jumped down from the tree and ran to the mountain.

Yan Youwei shouted a few times in the back. If the doorman didn't hear it, he disappeared into Yan Hao's vision for a moment.

Yan Hao smiled in his heart: "Please, even if you act, you can act more seriously. In a hurry, there was no way to tell whose scream, and without Yan Youwei's order, the guest would not dare to be so presumptuous. Even if you want to go, you should ask Yan for a word. If I don't expect it, this person will go to attract Dangkang. I have to be careful, but I can't capjack the boat in the gutter and ruin my reputation.

When Yan Hao changed his mind, he thoroughly analyzed the tricks of Yan Ru and others and secretly guarded himself.

At this time, the movement on the mountain is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that the Dangkang they met was extremely powerful. Yan Wudan and the elders failed to kill the monster for a while.

Suddenly, there was another scream on the mountain, and it seemed that someone was injured by Dangkang. Yan Hao was also shocked. Dangkang was really powerful. Surrounded by many masters of Yan Wudan, he could still hurt two people.

Then the scream sounded, and another person exclaimed: "Oh, my God, another Dangkang appeared."

Yan Hao was shocked, and it seemed that Yan Wudan was right. There is indeed more than one Dangkang on this mountain, which should be two big and one small.

"When Kang Dangkang..." As soon as the man finished exclaimed, he heard Dangkang's angry roar.

At this time, Yan Wudan shouted, "Let's disperse and surround them separately. Don't let them gather together, otherwise we will be in danger."

The situation on the mountain is getting more and more chaotic. Yan Hao wants to go up and help, but he doesn't want to reveal his strength. Moreover, there are two brothers here who are murderous to him. I can only hear the roar of "When Kang Dangkang..." keeps ringing.

Since he decided not to help, Yan Hao simply closed his eyes on the tree trunk to refresh his mind. But he was secretlyware of the remaining three people.

Yan Ru saw Yan Hao pretending to sleep, with a cold smile on his face, and he thought to himself, "Do you want to sleep? I will let you sleep enough and never wake up.

After a while in chaos on the mountain, I suddenly heard a tragic hum of an animal. It seems that one Dangkang should have been injured. But for a moment, he heard Yan angry and shouted, "No! Where do the animals escape?"

Yan Hao heard the score clearly and shook his body slightly. When Kang broke out of the encirclement? It should be that the boy who went up just now deliberately put water. Do they really have a way to bring Kang here?

Yan Hui saw Dangkang run away and was about to chase him, but he heard Yan Wudan shout, "Uncle, don't worry about that one. It's not too late to solve this one first, and then catch that one."

Thinking about it, this is the reason. Immediately took people to join Yan Wudan's side. But they didn't see that the person who didn't come to help just now also disappeared with Dangkang.

In just half an hour, Yan Hao heard a man running on the road, and after that sound, the sound of the beast running was mixed with the painful cry of "Dang Dangkang".

"Sure enough." Yan Hao said secretly. Then he found that the two brothers were also stiff at the same time, and they must be very nervous at this time. After all, what they want to murder is the genius of the Yan family, the innate Taoist body.

The sound of "Dang Kang" is getting closer and closer, and Yan Hao has seen the running figure. Although this person is talented, when he runs, his body is extremely fast, and he has vaguely had the speed of Yan Hao's eight times. However, the brown beast chasing him was not slow, only a line slower than him, and the fangs almost hit the person in front of him several times.

I saw that Dangkang was really like the one introduced in the nine-level Futu, like a wild boar, with more than a few feet of fangs, black sharp horns, and brown fur. When roaring, there is a sound of "being healthy".