kill the sky (full)

Chapter 42 You Are Not Him

The master of creating no sword spirit is to create a kind of destructive sword spirit after feeling the vitality of creatures, which is specially designed for the vitality of creatures. As soon as the sword spirit comes out, the biological vitality will be cut off.

A tree has the vitality of a tree. A rabbit has the vitality of a rabbit. Of course, a person also has human vitality. In order to cultivate no sword spirit, you must first feel the vitality of biology.

Yan Hao stood silently in front of a big tree, his eyes closed, and his mind completely probed into the big tree, trying to find the vitality of the big tree.

What fills Yan Hao's mind is boundless green. Yan Hao can feel the vitality in the tree, but he can't catch it. This is an indescribable and unclear feeling. Yan Hao has been silent for a long time, but he can only see a green, green vitality, which makes him have a feeling that the tiger bites the turtle and has no way to mouth.

Because Yan Hao felt that this green area was full of strong vitality, unless he uprooted the big tree directly, the vitality would not be broken. But if you really want to uproot it, what should you do with no sword spirit?

The wind rose in the mountain, and a slight cool breeze brushed Yan Hao's face, making Yan Hao feel very comfortable. He couldn't help but put aside the headache of vitality and enjoy this feeling carefully.

It is the end of winter, and it does not snow because Bingzhou belongs to a southern city. But the mountain is full of withering. The ground is covered with fallen leaves and the trees are bare.

Yan Hao opened his eyes and looked at the scene of the mountain wind flying in the mountain with fallen leaves. He couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Although the wind is moving, it is dead and has no vitality. Although the fallen leaves are dancing, they are also dead. Although the big tree in front of him stands still and is dry, there is a strong vitality in the tree.

Between the silence and movement, it is especially like the relationship between ontology and vitality. Suddenly, Yan Hao seemed to understand something and didn't seem to understand anything. That feeling was mysterious. He wanted to summarize it, but he couldn't remember another word. When he put his mind into the big tree again, he found that there seemed to be something more in the green.

At first, there were a few faint light spots, and then those light spots became brighter and brighter. Finally, the light spot at the bottom of the tree is getting bigger and brighter.

When Yan Hao moved, his body instantly burst into a sharp and destructive sword spirit, stabbing the big and bright light spot.

The destruction of the sword spirit stabbed the light spot, and the light spot darkened in an instant, and even the place where the light spot existed seemed to disappear.

And the boundless green in Yan Hao's eyes gradually faded, and the light of other light spots became darker and darker, and the last one went out.

The appearance of this big tree also withered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Originally, it was still alive, but now it seems to have turned into a big firewood.

"Is this no sword spirit? No birth, no life. It's really awesome." Yan Hao took a step back and looked at the buds that had just sprouted from the tree and died in an instant.

The vitality of this big tree was cut off, and several birds that were not afraid of the cold seemed to feel the danger and flapped their wings away.

Yan Hao's sword spirit was released immediately, and it did not produce as much pressure as when Yan had a core that day. Because Yan Hao completely concentrated on Wusheng's sword spirit, and only stabbed the most vigorous point of the big tree, and did not leak out.

The imposing appearance of Yan Youxin, but only practiced the feeling of fur.

Suddenly, Yan Hao felt that there was a slight sound of his palm touching the ground, and the direction of his march was coming towards him. That speed was extremely fast. When Yan Hao first heard it, he was still more than 20 feet away. In the blink of an eye, he was ten feet away. Yan Hao turned his head and saw two blue shadows running to his side quickly. He stopped three feet away from him.

These are two cyan mountain wolves. Except that their fur is gray, they are about the same size as other wolves, but the two wolf's eyes emit a green and terrible light.

The two mountain wolves only stopped for a moment, then stopped, opened their blood mouths, and rushed to Yan Hao's throat one left and one right. They are extremely fast, three feet away in the blink of an eye.

"I'm worried that there is nothing to practice, but it's time for you to come." Although the two mountain wolves are faster, Yan Hao is faster than them. Yan Hao looked at it and found the largest light spot in the body of the two mountain wolves.

Yan Hao also pointed like a sword, and the sword spirit stabbed out in an instant, which was inaccurately stabbed on the largest light spot in the body of the two mountain wolf.

When the two mountain wolves were still in the air, they were killed by Yan Hao. But although he is dead, he still has inertia. Yan Hao retreated quickly, and the two mountain wolves bumped into each other. Because the strength between this attack was too strong, the two wolves hit their brains all over the ground.

At this moment, the cry of "When Kang Dangkang" suddenly sounded in Yan Hao's ears.

Yan Hao was shocked. Then the Kang monster would not come for himself.

Sure enough, the cry is getting closer and closer. Although Dangkang looks more stupid than this mountain wolf, his speed is much faster than this mountain forest wolf. After a while, the familiar thing appeared in Yan Hao's vision.

This Dangkang is one-foot-six-seven-long body, which should be the first one Yan Wudan met earlier, and has a cultivation of about one yuan and three. Yan Ru, the one they led down to prepare to deal with Yan Hao, had just stepped into the one-yuan period to become an internal elixir.

This is when Kang was attacked by Yan Wudan and several others, so he hates human beings. At this time, when he saw Yan Hao, a human, suddenly his eyes turned red with his fangs on Yan Hao.

This is really worthy of one yuan and triple cultivation, and the speed is extremely fast. Yan Hao originally wanted to mention the sword spirit, but he didn't have time. I had to take a step, flipped back and climbed onto a big tree next to me.

When Kang saw his fangs empty, he couldn't help roaring angrily. Seeing that Yan Hao actually bullied it and couldn't climb the tree and turned over the tree, he was even more angry and shouted "Dangkang".

When Kang withdrew a distance, and then ran wildly, a pair of black pointed horns hit the big tree where Yan Hao stood, causing the tree to shake.

Yan Hao was secretly shocked. This Dangkang is really worthy of the name of fierceness. If he did it again, wouldn't this tree be broken by Dangkang? But Yan Hao knew that Dangkang should have something to do with the woman in white, so he didn't want to burn it with a nine-level floating slaughter.

Yan Hao shouted to Dangkang, "I know you have a relationship with her and don't want to hurt you. You should retreat quickly."

But Dangkang didn't know whether he didn't understand Yan Hao's words or ignored Yan Hao at all and hit the big tree again. The big tree was suddenly hit and slanted, and some roots were pulled out of the soil.

"This is your own death." Yan Hao waited for when Kang hit him again and jumped from the tree. When he was still in the air, he had already raised his sword spirit.

"There is no sword spirit, cut off the vitality." Yan Hao's sword pointed, and a destructive sword spirit suddenly shot at the brightest vitality point on Dangkang's body.

But when Kang was really flexible, he saw danger coming, and his huge body waved, and his mouth also breath collided with the sword spirit emitted by Yan Hao.

The two breaths collided and made a sound of gold and iron, and then dissipated invisible.

"When Kangguo is really like what the master said, it can actually emit a golden breath like a sword. It seems that this has no sword spirit, and it can't hurt it. Hey! My cultivation is still too shallow. If Yan Wusheng uses this trick, Dangkang will never escape.

Yan Hao saw that Wusheng's sword spirit could not hurt Dangkang, so he simply put up his palm, and the fire in his body was full of vitality. He shouted softly, "Chiyan Huoyuan Palm."

Now Yan Hao has learned all the seven layers of the red flame palm. Because he swallowed the fire element, the fire power in the body is extremely active. When using the fire skill, both the temperature and the range of flame coverage are completely beyond the original power of the red flame palm.

Yan Hao slapped his palm, and a cyan flame covering a radius of more than two feet went directly to Dangkang.

When Kang saw the blue flame, his eyes also showed fear and hurriedly retreated.

The so-called fire is pure green. When the flame turns cyan, it is a manifestation of the extremely high temperature of the flame. It's just that Yan Hao is still a little different from the word 'pure green' in 'fire pure green'. But this is enough to make Dangkang feel a strong fear.

But after all, Kang has a three-yuan cultivation and is extremely fast. Although it is afraid of Yan Hao's flame, Yan Hao can't hurt it. One person and one beast were deadlocked for a while, and then Dangkang actually made a demonstration-like sound.

"The cultivation gap really kills people. Level 9 Futu, come out!" Yan Hao sighed. In desperation, he had no choice but to summon the bottom of the box, the ninth-level Futu. Anyway, Yan Hao is not afraid of being seen in this mountain.

As soon as the nine-level buoyancy came out, it rose in the wind and rose to ten feet in an instant. It looked like a huge black magic tower, and its momentum was extremely amazing.

"Level 9 Futu, go!" Yan Hao's magic formula was introduced, and the huge tower of the ninth-level floater immediately rose into the air.

" Stop it!" Just then, a cold female voice suddenly sounded.

When Yan Hao heard this voice, his heart trembled for some reason, and the formula in his hand also stopped. The empty nine-level Futu also fell back to its original place.

Yan Hao looked up and saw the woman in extremely white clothes that day falling on the branch of a big tree. Her snow-like skirt flew in the air with the breeze, making the bleak mountains and forests seem to be a little more beautiful at this time.

If Yan Hao hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed that there would be such a beautiful woman in the world. Her beauty has surpassed the world and does not belong to the world.

"You are awesome." The white woman looked at Yan Hao's eyes, which were still quite complicated, and there was a hidden meaning of struggle. However, her expression remained unchanged when she spoke, and she still looked cold.

"Can you tell me what you have to do with the three-color flowers on the cliff?" Yan Hao did not answer the woman's words, but looked at the three-color flower on the woman's head in white and asked.

The woman in white trembled slightly, and her expression finally changed slightly. A pair of beautiful deep eyes looked deeply at Yan Hao. After a long time, she shook her head and said, "You are not him."

Yan Hao's body also trembled, and he understood the words of the woman in white. The "he" in the mouth of the woman in white refers to the former Yanhao. But Yan Hao's soul has already died. It's just that Yan Hao is a little confused. How can such a beautiful woman in white have anything to do with the original Yan Hao? Unexpectedly, I knew that I was not him.

Yan Hao nodded and looked at the woman in white and said, "Yes, I'm not him, I'm me."

Yan Hao said an inexplicable word, but a sadness appeared on the woman's face: "Go, don't come again."

Yan Hao's body was shocked, and there was a little pain in his heart. He wanted to ask why, but he didn't ask for a long time.

The woman in white waved to Dangkang, and then her jade feet gently touched the branches, and her body floated to the top of the mountain out of thin air. When the Kang monster saw the woman in white leave, he shouted at Yan Hao twice, looked at the ninth-level Futu next to Yan Hao with fear, and also ran to the mountain.