kill the sky (full)

Chapter 45 Amazing Killingness

"I don't care who you are. I just want to know if there is anything wrong with this map. Ma Laosan thought about it for a long time and made a choice. That is, I don't intend to pester Yan Hao.

Yan Hao said coldly, "I'm afraid you can only believe it."

When Yan Hao said this, Ma Laosan was furious again. But Yan Hao's words are also reasonable. He has to believe it even if he doesn't believe it now. Even if this picture is fake, he has to block it: "Yan boy, if you dare to play tricks with me. Even if I try my best, I will kill you first.

Although Ma Laosan said this harshly, Yan Hao heard that Ma Laosan had been soft. In this momentum contest, there was no doubt that Yan Hao won again. He also knew that he could not force Ma Laosan too quickly. Otherwise, Ma Laosan would really try his best to find him, and he would have to expose his cards, so he gave Ma Laosan another reassurance: " Don't worry, I promise there will be no problem.

He promised to be a fart. Those steps were all speculated by him, and he had never tried them himself. However, he is not afraid. Ma Laosan's success is gratifying, and he can also follow up. If it fails, it will be killed by the big array. Even if the big array is not killed, it will be killed by the Yan family. Even if the Yan family is not killed, it will be killed by him in the end.

Why didn't Ma Laosan believe Yan Hao's words? But with Yan Hao's guarantee, he was also a little relieved.

Yan Hao also stopped talking nonsense with Ma Laosan and left with the medicine basket on his back. I can only pray secretly for Ma Laosan, hoping that the map is not wrong.

Even if Ma Laosan is going to break through the battle, he will have to prepare for at least one day, and it will take at least a day or two to get results. So Yan Hao was not in a hurry and went to the pharmacy to buy some fresh and cheap herbs.

Originally, Yan Hao wanted to go to Wanyang Mountain and meet the woman in white. But remember what the woman said, you go! Don't come again. Yan Hao felt uncomfortable and didn't plan to go.

Yan Hao wandered around Bingzhou City, bought some sundries, and bought some of her favorite snack mouths and a few pieces of clothing for Xiaorui. Counting Ma Laosan's time, he stayed in the inn for another two days and went back on the third day.

After returning to Yan's house, Yan Hao carefully felt the current atmosphere of the Yan family. If there is something wrong with Ma Laosan, the atmosphere of the Yan family will definitely be different from usual.

But the Yan family is still as busy and calm as usual.

"It seems that the way to get in and out of the array is correct." Since nothing happened to Ma Laosan, it only shows that Yan Hao has calculated the correct array.

Calculation of the time, Ma Laosan should take action today and tomorrow. Yan Hao silently planned to break into the Yuan mine site tonight to investigate.

Look, it's still early. Yan Hao slowly went to the disciple's court. In the courtyard where Yan Wusheng's wives live, he has no authority to enter. I can only ask Zhan Shaotang to bring things for Xiaorui when he goes to see his aunt.

Yan Hao was also thinking all the way, and now his goal in the Yan family has been fully achieved. Wusheng Jianqi has learned, and the basic knowledge of medicine and array methods has also been understood. Now as long as you get the heart of Yuanmai, you can really travel around in this world. Just thinking of the woman in white, Yan Hao was inevitably a little melancholy.

Suddenly, Yan Hao stopped. Because there is one person standing on the road in front of him. The man is dressed as a subordinate, and his cultivation is still in the fine period. Just an ordinary subordinate.

As soon as the man saw Yan Hao, he immediately came over and took out a letter from his arms: "Mr. Yan Hao, the villain was ordered to give this letter to you."

Yan Hao took it doubtfully. He really couldn't imagine who would write to him: "Who is ordered?"

Now Yan Hao has almost become a legend in the subordinate circle. When Yan Hao saw it, he immediately felt a strong momentum coming, and his breathing was not smooth. He hesitated and said, "It's Master Cliu."

Yan Hao neatly opened the letter and glanced at it, but his eyes instantly became blood red, and his body exuded a murderous intention. The subordinate was stimulated by Yan Hao's murderous intention and flew more than two feet away in an instant. I just felt a burst of chill.

The content of this letter is very short, with only a few sentences: "Yan Hao, if you want to save Xiaorui, come to the mountain temple in Baiqiu Mountain alone. Remember, it's one person, or you can collect her body.

A flame suddenly rose in Yan Hao's hand and burned the letter into ashes in an instant: "Feng Hengqiu, if you dare to touch Xiaorui's hair, I Yan Hao will make you regret living in the world for life."

Yan Hao spread his hands, and the medicine basket behind him suddenly split apart and dispersed. As soon as he moved, his body stepped out nearly ten feet away. By this time, Yan Hao had no time to hide his cultivation. Naturally, it's too late to think about the heart of the original vein.

Although Yan Hao was furious, he had not lost his mind. He first went to the horse farm and brought out the red flame of Yan Youxin, and then ran straight to Baiqiu Mountain.

Red flame is indeed worthy of the name of a good equine. More than an hour later, it arrived at the foot of Baiqiu Mountain. Yan Hao turned over and got off the horse, raised his breath softly, and swept to the mountain like a flash of lightning.

The mountain temple of Baiqiu Mountain is a ruined temple that has been abandoned for a long time, just halfway up the mountain of Baiqiu Mountain. Yan Hao was so fast that it took him a while to see the outline of the mountain temple.

As soon as he saw the mountain temple, Yan Hao slowly calmed down, and his murderous intention gradually convered.

Yan Hao kept his feet and stopped when he was more than 50 feet away from the mountain temple. He explored his mind and found that there were 15 good hands of more than five in the mountain temple. The other person is three times, and there is no doubt that he is full of wind and autumn. But I didn't find the smell of Xiao Rui.

Yan Hao's heart tightened, and they would not have taken Xiaorui...

The idea flashed, and Yan Hao's heart became flustered. He stepped hard on the ground, and his body suddenly stepped out 15 feet away. On the way, he borrowed a few more force, and Yan Hao arrived at the mountain temple.

At this time, there was silence in the mountain temple. Yan Hao felt that the fifteen strong men with more than five pillars were ambushed on the beams.

Yan Hao stretched out his hand to push the door of the mountain temple. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he found that he was a little trembling. Yan Hao took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and pushed it to the door in one fell swoop.


The door opened in the sound of sour teeth. Yan Hao immediately saw a petite red lying in the middle of the mountain temple. **Sex corpse.

Suddenly, Yan Hao's head buzzed, as if he saw the scene when his sister died on earth. I didn't expect him to suffer such pain again.

Yan Hao shook his head violently and stared at the body. At a glance, his eyes suddenly turned red, as if they would bleed at any time. His body trembled, and the murderous intention could not be restrained. It suddenly emitted recklessly, which made the mountain temple, where there was not much sunlight, become cold.

The female corpse lying on the ground is not Xiaorui, but the original pretty face is swollen at this time. A pair of apricot eyes were almost bulging out of her eyes, and they were full of panic. There were bruises all over her body and blood stains on her lower body. Even the ground flowed to the ground.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Yan Hao's heartbreaking angry howling shocked the whole Baiqiu Mountain and echoed on the mountain for a long time.

"Windy autumn, I'm going to frustrate you..."

"Now, do it."

With an order, fifteen big men suddenly fell from the beam of the house, either holding a blade or attacking Yan Hao with bare hands.

"You are all murderers, and you are all going to die."

Yan Hao's cold voice made everyone feel cold, but he greeted Yan Hao more ruthlessly.

Yan Hao's body flashed so fast that before everyone could react, he had avoided all the attacks of the fifteen big men, and then flashed around the house like a ghost. With every flash of him, the red fire palms were also shot one by one. And every time he slapped, a big man must fall to the ground.

In just a moment, these big men were knocked down one by one, and the place of everyone's palm was red, and then the fiery red palms still spread.

Yan Hao's current dual cultivation, coupled with his physical body, can already compete with Tianyuan's seven or eightfold. How can these local monks deal with it?

Although the big men fell to the ground and lost their combat effectiveness, no one was killed. But these big men would rather die by themselves at this time. Yan Hao's palm slapped them, as if he had slapped a fire into their bodies. At this time, they felt that the internal organs in their bodies were burning with fire. Blood kept spewing out of their mouths, and the severe pain on their bodies made them **.

Yan Hao ignored those big men at this time. Instead, he took off the gown outside and gently covered Xiaorui: "Xiaorui, watch Brother Yan Hao avenge you with wide eyes. Brother Yan Hao will not let go of anyone who has hurt you. No matter who he is, he will definitely die. Brother Yanhao promised you.

Yan Hao gently tidyed up the messy hair for Xiaorui. Then his body suddenly turned, and his blood-red eyes shot out murderous dazzling light, which made the hearts of fifteen big men on the ground feel cold.

"It's very painful. Do you feel a fire burning in your body? Do you want to put out this fire? OK, I'll do it for you." Yan Hao picked up a long knife that fell to the ground and cut a big man's waist. Yan Hao kicked gently, and the body of the big man immediately separated. There was a cyan flame burning in his bodies on both sides, and even the blood was almost boiled away by the flame.

Fourteen other men saw this scene. Although there was a burst of burning pain in their bodies, their hearts were cold to the bone marrow. Such cruel methods, even those who killed countless people, were scared.

"You envy him for getting rid of it. Don't worry, it's your turn soon." Yan Hao said and waved another knife. A big man turned into two again, and the remaining big man witnessed the scene just now again.

The bodies of the big men have been burned to be completely unable to move, and they can only watch Yan Hao cut them into two pieces one by one, and then burned to ashes by the cyan flame in his body. Their eyes showed a complex look of despair, panic and regret.

But Yan Hao did not have any compassion at this time. He completely ignored their eyes and concocted all these people in the same way and cut them one by one.

"Ah, you madman, you devil, you are not a human being." The wind on the beam could no longer help screaming and quickly jumped out of the temple.

"Kill Xiaorui, do you still want to run?" Yan Hao took off the long knife in his hand and immediately penetrated Feng Hengqiu's thigh.

The wind suddenly fell to the ground, but he still did not give up, dragged his thighs and tried to crawl forward. He would rather jump off the cliff than fall into Yan Hao's hand.

Yan Hao caught up with him in one step and stepped heavily on Feng Hengqiu's leg.

The crisp sound of broken bones sounded with the heartbreaking screams of the wind and autumn. Yan Hao grabbed Feng Hengqiu's hair and raised his head: "Feng Hengqiu, I have told you long ago that if you dare to touch Xiaorui's hair, I will definitely tear off the flesh on your body one by one. I will pull out your teeth one by one, and I will pull out your feet and fingernails one by one. I I will cut off your eyes, ears and nose one by one, and I will let you die slowly after 749 days in boundless pain.