kill the sky (full)

Chapter 94 Yellow Sparrow is behind[]

At this time, the scholar-like man in a blood robe was talking: "Brother Li, how much blood and internal elixir are still missing from learning the nine changes of blood spirits?"

These two are the people of the Blood-eating Hades Palace, and their beard is Li Zongsheng. The scholar's name is Wei Hongwen. I don't know. When I heard this name, I really thought he was a scholar.

Li Zongsheng looked at his beard and looked like a rough man. In fact, he was delicate and vicious and treacherous. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "There are still twelve Danyuan monsters' blood and internal elixir. If it's Yingyuan, one should be enough."

Wei Hongwen said, "When Brother Li learns the nine changes, let's see who else in the palace dares to be your enemy?"

Li Zongsheng smiled and said, "When I go back, I will let them see how powerful the blood spirit has changed. Hey hey, then the palace owner will look at me differently. Don't worry, I won't forget your benefits."

Wei Hongwen quickly bowed and thanked him: "From then on, please ask Brother Li to promote more." He said it well, but at the moment he bowed, a murder flashed in his eyes.

Naturally, he was extremely unhappy. This time, he killed the monster, and all the benefits were robbed by Li Shengzong alone. He didn't even have a mouthful of soup. If it's just this time, every time it's like this, he will gradually become dissatisfied: "Li Zongsheng, Li Zongsheng, one day, I will take back ten times more than what you took from me."

Li Zongsheng looked at his trust in Wei Hongwen on the surface and had a plan in his heart: "Little Yingyuan still wants this and that. If he is obedient, that's fine. If you dare to think about it, I will be the first to kill you.

The two have their own ghosts, but they are kind on their faces. After talking for a while, they continued to walk in.

Seeing that the two had gone far away, Yan Hao whispered, "What is that blood spirit change?"

Xianzhi said, "It's also a kind of skill, but it's for blood. After learning, the power of the blood spirit can be increased nine times in battle. Very awesome."

Yan Hao was shocked, and this skill was indeed abnormal. The strength of the blood spirit itself increases with the master, increasing nine times, that is to say, the triple cultivation of the bearded god has increased nine times. Isn't it about to enter the beginning of robbery?

Yan Hao said, "What should I do now? Chasing or not?

Xianzhi glanced at him: "Should I ask you this?"

Yan Hao thought it was his turn to decide when it was his turn, but it was difficult to ask. After thinking about it, "Are you sure about those two people?"

Xianzhi said, "As long as they don't blow themselves up, there is no problem."

Yan Hao was surprised by Xianzhi's answer. Xianzhi was so confident about a Shenyuan triple and a Yingyuan fivefold, and also a bloody person. Yan Hao inferred that Xianzhi was at least nine gods, or had stepped into the era of robbery.

Yan Hao said, "Don't worry, the people of the devil are the most greedy and afraid of death. Coupled with the two people's eyes just now, their eyes are oily and cunning. This kind of person is the most desperate and will definitely not explode.

Xianzhi also nodded, agreeing with Yan Hao's judgment.

"In that case." Yan Hao gritted his teeth and said, "Then let's chase."

As soon as Yan Hao finished speaking, before Xianzhi urged Qingliantai, she heard a sudden explosion and a few strange noises in front of her.

"Get over!" Yan Hao and Xianzhi looked at each other: "Come on, let's go."

Qingliantai flew forward quietly. In a short time, Yan Hao saw Li Zongsheng and a giant spider.

The spider is more than 50 feet long and red all over. Each leg is like a steel knife. The hair on it is hard and long, which looks extremely horrible.

What's more terrible is that every time the spider opens its mouth, a ball of red spider silk spewed out. As soon as the spider silk came out of the spider's mouth, it turned into a big web and went to the two people's web.

The big Internet looks extremely tough, with a trace of black gas in red, which is obviously strangely poisonous. The two Li Zongsheng have profound cultivation and a solemn face. Obviously, this spider is not easy to deal with.

At this time, Xianzhi's voice sounded in Yan Hao's mind: "The monster in the Yingyuan period is very powerful."

Yan Hao was very depressed. Every time Xianzhi sent a voice to him, he could only use his lips. Fortunately, Xianzhi could understand it.

Yan Hao said with his mouth, "Tell everyone, don't act rashly. The spider will definitely not be your opponent for a while, but those two will also be injured. Let's go out to pick up a bargain later."

Xianzhi immediately spread this to everyone's mind with divine thoughts, and even Xiaobing was not revealed.

The little princess of the red line and Xiao Bing immediately showed an eager expression and seemed to be very interested in this matter. Fortunately, Xiaobing has become more and more reasonable after this period. At this time, she only showed her expression and did not make a sound.

At this time, Li Zongsheng and the two have released the blood spirit. The blood spirit is different from the half-blood spirit on the knife's body. Although he was also covered with red blood, it looked like a pile of blood condensed into a human figure. However, his facial features are complete, and he is as tall as a normal person, not half-blooded, only so small.

Seeing the two blood spirits appear, the knife immediately withdrew his eyes, as if recalling the pain of the past.

At this time, another voice came to Yan Hao's mind, but it was the green demon ancestor who had been quiet for a long time: "Jie Jie, there is another blood spirit coming out. The boy, grab it quickly and let me devour the ancestor. Ancestor, I want to dominate the three thousand worlds is just around the corner!"

Yan Hao heard that the green demon ancestor appeared for many days and couldn't help but be slightly stunned, but then said angrily, "Where have you died these days? If you swallow a half blood spirit, you can't find you. You can't call it out with the bridge of the soul. Now when I see the blood spirit, I know it will come out again. Let me tell you, there is no door. If you have the ability, you can catch it by yourself.

The voice of the green demon ancestor was a little aggrieved: "Kid, you don't know. After I swallowed the half-blooded spirit, I suddenly seemed to remember something? Ancestor, I have been recalling the past carefully these days.

Yan Hao's heart moved: "Then do you remember anything?"

The green demon ancestor was depressed and said, "No, ancestor, I want to have a headache, but I still don't think of anything."

Yan Hao said angrily, "What's the use of devouring you? Can't you remember anything?"

The green demon ancestor Jie Jie smiled and said, "Don't worry, Yanhao. Although I didn't remember the ancestor, it was just a half-blood spirit last time. This time, these two blood spirits are amazing. One is the Yingyuan period and the other is the Shenyuan period. If the ancestor swallows it up, he will definitely remember it."

Yan Hao thought it was reasonable and asked, "These two are so powerful. How can I catch them?"

The green demon ancestor smiled proudly: "Don't worry, boy. As long as you make the soul of the sky fan stained with blood, I can immediately bring the blood spirit in, Jie Jie..."

"Oh!" Yan Hao was moved when he heard this. In this way, he could not only remove two strong opponents, but also help the green demon ancestors. Why not do it? He immediately said, "Okay, I'll try it later."

The battle between Li Zongsheng and the giant spider has reached a fierce moment. Both pairs were injured, but the giant spider was more seriously injured. One spider leg was torn off by Li Zongsheng's blood spirit and hit a blood hole in the back by Wei Hongwen's blood spirit.

Li Zongsheng's blood spirit was not injured, but they injured many places on their bodies. The spider's highly poisonous cobweb is very difficult to deal with. As soon as it is received, it will be covered by the whole web, and the toxicity will immediately begin to invade the body. Once it is netted, it will take a lot of effort for the two to get out.

Li Zongsheng is better. After all, his cultivation is profound, and his body is not painful or itchy. But Wei Hongwen was a little miserable. He was breathed by the spider, his face was a little black, and his body was poked by the spider's legs. There was a small hole in his abdomen, and blood kept flowing out.

Wei Hongwen turned around and looked at Li Zongsheng and said, "Brother Li, I can't delay any more. Kill this monster quickly."

Li Zongsheng said hello, and then made a mysterious fingerprint on his hand. Wei Hongwen thought that Li Zongsheng was going to hit the monster, but Li Zongsheng actually hit him with this fingerprint.

Wei Hongwen was shocked and immediately wanted to avoid it, but on the one hand, he was injured, and on the other hand, his cultivation was much lower than Li Zongsheng's. How could he avoid it? He was immediately pressed by Li Zongsheng's fingerprint.

Wei Hongwen spewed out a mouthful of blood and flew more than ten feet away.

When Li Zongsheng saw Wei Hongwen spewing blood, he quickly took out a small gourd from his body, raised it in his hand, and put all the blood left into the gourd.

"Why?" Wei Hongwen hasn't died yet.

"Hey, I lied to you. My blood spirit has changed, and it still takes two blood in the infant period to learn it. Now that you have suffered such a serious injury, it's better to die and complete my blood spirit. In this way, I will always be grateful to you. It turned out that I still hit you and had some scruples about you. I'm afraid that you will blow yourself up. Now let's see how you blow yourself up. Li Zongsheng said with a gloomy smile.

At this time, there was an explosion from the side of the blood spirit. The two blood spirits were not afraid of the poison of the giant spider. The giant spider was finally defeated and was smashed by Li Zongsheng's blood spirit.

Wei Hongwen watched the giant spider die with a desperate look on his face: "You are so vicious."

Li Zongsheng smiled even more: "You have been with me for so long, do you know now?"

Li Zongli laughed and laughed: "For a moment, my blood spirit will devour your blood spirit, and then it will become more powerful than me. In addition, the blood spirit will have a place for me in the Sky List, haha..."

Then his eyes became fierce again, and he turned his head and fell on Wei Hongwen on the ground: "And you, you can die now." With that, Yaoyao slapped Wei Hongwen, and a bloody handprint immediately slapped Wei Hongwen on the head.

With a bang, Wei Hongwen's head immediately broke into a rotten watermelon.

After a while, I saw a villain exactly like Wei Hongwen coming out of Wei Hongwen's Dantian.

That was Wei Hongwen's Yuanying. As soon as he came out, he immediately flew far away, as if he wanted to escape from this place.

"I still want to run in front of me." Li Zongsheng snorted coldly and was about to take action. At this moment, there was a sudden explosion: "Do it. The knife is endless, blocking Yuanying. Xianzhi, deal with the beard. I'll deal with those two blood spirits. Red line, take good care of Xiaobing.

In fact, Yan Hao wanted to say that Xiaobing should take good care of the red line, but considering the self-esteem of the red line, he changed his words. Anyway, Xiaobing should be able to understand.

With Yan Hao's shouting, everyone immediately began to perform their duties. Xianzhi's slightly worried voice came from the air: "Can you do it? Those two blood spirits are so powerful."

Yan Hao smiled proudly: "No problem, look at me."

Li Zongsheng was stunned by this prominent change. It was not until Xianzhi was only a foot away from him that he came to his senses and immediately roared, "You also want to be a yellow finch and die."

Xianzhi snorted coldly, "Who is looking for death? You will know in a moment."

He said that when he turned his hand over, he actually turned out a long sword.

As soon as Li Zongsheng saw the sword, he immediately changed color: "The lower treasure?" With that, he looked into Xianzhi's cultivation, but he didn't see through it. He couldn't help asking in approg, "Who are you?"