kill the sky (full)

Chapter 153 Xuanhuang Attack

As the two kept fighting, Zhizhen Peak has been more and more seriously damaged. The whole mountain is half smaller and the gravel keeps bursting. And once it bursts out, it can't float in the air and fall directly. I don't know where it fell.

The battle between the two has already gone through 30 moves. Yan Hao knows it well, but the punishment elder has made a real fire and does not want to be defeated by the younger generation.

How did he know that Yan Hao had not done his best, otherwise he might have had several more holes.

Finally, Yan Hao suddenly stabbed a shot from a strange to completely impossible place. His angle was tricky and unpreventable.

The elder's face changed, and his right palm tried to lean out, weak into a fist, and suddenly swirled. Although he blocked this move, he was shocked off by more than ten feet.

Yan Hao withdrew his gun and laughed, "This is the 100th move just now. What the punishment elder just said is still counting."

The elder of punishment also knew that he had already passed the limit of 30 moves. If Yan Hao didn't say anything, he could continue to fight, but now Yan Hao has retreated. He is not so thick-skinned to fight with Yan Hao again.

Moreover, he also knows that even if he fights 300 rounds, it is impossible to capture Yan Hao today. And he had a faint feeling, as if Yan Hao had not done his best. He doesn't know whether this feeling is right or wrong.

"What I said naturally counts."

The punishment elder looked at the broken mountain under his feet and really didn't know what it was like.

With that, he looked at Yan Hao meaningfully: "A person who is not delicate can become a great weapon. Take care of yourself." After saying that, his body flashed, but disappeared in place. When he was a hundred feet away, his body flashed again and disappeared.

When Elder Shangqiu saw that the elder of the punishment failed to take down Yan Hao, he was also afraid of Yan Hao's cultivation. I didn't want to stay any longer, so I quickly slipped away.

Of course, Yan Hao knows everything about Shangqiu, but he ignored him. Forgive him for robbing his eightfold cultivation, and he can't turn over any storms.

All of a sudden, the elders left clean. After hearing the noise, several elders who came to watch the battle from afar also left.

It's just that when they left, they looked at Yan Hao's eyes with an inexplicable trace of fear.

This man, who is helpless even for the punishment elder, has grown to such a point. It's really a three-series genius that is rare in ten thousand years.

The disciples around watching the battle were dumbfounded, and the elders walked for a long time before they realized it.

Suddenly, Yan Hao's eyes were different. It turned out that he just felt that Yan Hao's three-series fellow practitioners were extremely powerful. Now seeing that Yan Hao actually fought a hundred moves with the punishment elders without being defeated, he was shocked. For a moment, Yan Hao's eyes turned into worship.

Yan Hao took a look at Zhizhenfeng's appearance and was very satisfied. Now the punishment elder can no longer be blamed for destroying the mountain of his brother. Because this was destroyed by the punishment elder and Yan Hao together.

Yan Hao looked back at Xianzhi and others and said, "Let's go home."

Xianzhi came to her senses first, and thought to herself, "Who has a family with you?"

Qin Shiyun had known Yan Hao's cultivation for a long time, and it was not surprising at all. He came forward and took Yan Hao's arm and said, "Master, this punishment elder is quite powerful, and he can actually draw with you."

The red-line princess was immediately unwilling to show weakness and also flew to Yan Hao's side. She grabbed Yan Hao's other arm and said, "Yan Hao, when are you so powerful that the punishment elders can't beat you. To be honest, what are you doing now?

Xiaobing, who had been held by the Red Line Princess just now, also climbed back to Yan Hao's shoulder and chatted. He didn't know what he was talking about.

When the disciples saw the two beautiful women pulling Yan Hao and standing next to a charming beauty, they suddenly became envious and thought to himself, "The awesome man is awesome, and the beautiful women are all upside down."

Seeing this, some female disciples secretly wondered whether they should take the initiative. But when she saw the beautiful and beautiful face of the three red-line princesses, she immediately gave up her mind.

When Yan Hao saw the disciples pointing at him, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't help blushing and hurriedly said, "Let's go back and talk about it."

With that, he flew away with the crowd and disappeared in an instant.

Yan Hao took everyone back to the peak and remembered that although it was a little tortuous today, revenge was also a revenge. The baldness in front of him is not so dazzling.

Yan Hao asked everyone to rest, and he himself went to exchange a large number of sect contributions with the demon elixir and some low-level magic weapons and elixir. Finally, a large number of elixirs and seed seedlings were exchanged and returned to the peak.

He wants to fight again, and with his current cultivation, he wants to climb the peak of heaven, which is stronger than the original vitality.

Just as Yan Hao was busy re-care for climbing the peak, Tianyi Pavilion held a meeting of elders.

The Presbyterian Congress is one of the highest-level meetings in Tianyi Pavilion.

Generally, there are no major events, and Tianyi Pavilion rarely holds such meetings.

In a wide hall built of yuan ore, nearly 100 people sat, and the first one was dressed in a blue robe and sat high in the first place. That's the owner of Tianyi Pavilion, with blue water and sky.

The water and blue sky seem to be in their early thirties. In fact, they are more than 100,000 years old this year. The cultivation is even more horrible. When it comes to Zunyuan Jiuzhong, it is only one step away from Emperor Yuan.

Or you can step in at any time, and you may stop moving forward for life.

Monks in the first period are respected as saints and saints. Zunyuan period is known as the venerable. The imperial period is also known as the emperor. The empty period is called Shangren. In the Immortal period, it can be called half immortals, virtual immortals and earth immortals.

Water blue sky Zunyuan nine-fold cultivation, wherever you go, others will be honored. But he prefers to be called the cabinet master, the master of Tianyi First Pavilion.

There are more than 80 elders below, arranged in two rows, far away.

These elders have the lowest cultivation, and also have the highest cultivation, that is, the two people closest to the water and blue sky. These two people sit at the top of the two rows of elders respectively.

One of them has silver hair, but they look only in their twenties. This man is called Bai Hesheng. He has had silver hair since he was a child and has never changed.

The other person has wrinkles on his face, but he is full of black hair. This man is called Wu Pengyun. Of course, like a normal person, he has had black hair since he was a child, but he is still.

These two people look very strange, but they are also masters above the Zunyuan period and the two chief elders of Tianyi Pavilion.

Characters such as punishment elders can only sit in more than a dozen positions, which shows how strong Tianyi Pavilion is. It is worthy of being known as the head of the four immortals.

Seeing that everyone had settled down, Shui Lantian said loudly, "Today, please come to hold this meeting of elders. There are two main things."

His eyes fell on the two chief elders below. After a glance, he said, "First of all, I received the news that the world of Xuanhuang is preparing to attack our world of martial arts and is ready to take the world of martial arts as a stronghold for them."

The voice and tone of Shuilan Sky were very plain, but the content of the words surprised everyone.

There was a sudden silence in the hall, as if everyone's heartbeat had stopped.

A hot-tempered elder couldn't help but get up the case and said angrily, "What is the world of Xuanhuang? Just come and kill as much as we want."

The water and blue sky looked at him and said nothing. The rest ignored him. Seeing that no one paid attention to him, the elder had to sit down again.

The elder of punishment said, "Lord, do other sects know about this?"

Water blue sky said, "It should be known that all sects have sent people to explore the news in various big worlds. If there is any news, they will know it at the first time."

The punishment elder said again: "The Xuanhuang world is also extremely high among the three thousand worlds, and I'm afraid we are not opponents. So I suggest that we unite with other sects to fight against the enemy.

Water blue sky nodded, looked at the wrinkled Wu Pengyun, and asked, "Peng Yun, what do you think?"

Wu Pengyun said lightly, "I agree with the proposal of punishment, but I'm afraid it's still not enough to unite the sects in the world of Wushen. I suggest sending people to several big worlds nearby while cooperating with other sects. If we can strive for a few sects, this crisis should be solved. I just don't know if time permits?"

Water blue sky said, "The exact time is not yet known, but your suggestion is very good. Do you agree with this suggestion?"

Other elders nodded one after another, saying that they had no other opinions.

The water and blue sky slapped and said, "Okay, this is the matter settled." He said the name of an elder and said, "Go and arrange a sword biography, and first turn the matter to it to the eleven gates."

The elder wondered, "Eleven gates? Do the demon gate and the demon gate also cast?

Shui Lantian said, "At the critical moment, there are no demons and demons. They are all members of the world of the god of war, and they must unite."

The elder did not dare to ask again and hurried down to arrange it.

After the elder left, Shui Lantian asked again, "Who do you think it's better to go to the few big worlds around?"

Wu Pengyun said, "In my opinion, let Hesheng go with Ruyi, which can show the importance I attach to them by Tianyi Pavilion."

The chief elder of Tianyi Pavilion and the daughter of the cabinet owner, such a combination is indeed very important. But Wu Pengyun's arrangement has another purpose.

It is well known that Bai Hesheng likes water, but water has never let go. Now Wu Pengyun is going to create opportunities for the white crane.

The water and blue sky naturally saw the meaning of this layer at a glance, but these two were indeed the best candidates, so they nodded and said, "So please go to Hesheng."

Bai Hesheng was extremely happy to see that he could go out with Shui Ruyi, but he had always smiled and just nodded gently, "It's okay. Hesheng should try his best to do it well."

The pride of Bai Hesheng is the most famous among the elders. In the face of the water and blue sky, it is still that faint tone, without a trace of expression.

But the white crane is extremely cultivated, and naturally the elders will not say anything. Although Shuilantian is a little unhappy, there is still some in mind, and I don't pay much attention to it.

Seeing that the first thing has been arranged, Shuilan Tian said, "Okay, let's talk about the second thing now."

After saying that, seeing everyone looking at him, Shuilan genius said, "This matter is about a genius in my Tianyi Pavilion. This person's name is Yan Hao. I believe everyone should have heard of it."

After saying that, the water and blue sky did not calm down in the hall. Instead, there were many discussions. Some people admired Yan Hao very much and praised him. This is led by the giant treasure elders and others.

Some people hate Yan Hao to the bone and do their best to slander and abuse him. This is led by the elders of Shangqiu and others.

The water and blue sky did not interrupt the crowd. When everyone had enough to talk and his voice stopped, he said, "It seems that the elders know this person very well and have their own opinions."

With that, he looked at the elder of punishment and said, "Penal, you fought with Yan Hao today and left no effort, but you can't hurt him at all. Is it true or false?"