kill the sky (full)

Chapter 155 Elixir News

Yan Hao smiled and said, "The elder of punishment is polite. If you like this place, you can stay here for a long time."

Although Yan Hao is joking, he is eager to punish the elders to live in this way, so that even if he is not in Tianyi Pavilion, no one dares to come to hit his mountain.

The elder of punishment smiled and said, "That's not necessary." With a smile, he said, "I'm here to inform you of something."

Seeing the serious face of the criminal elder, Yan Hao couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?"

The criminal elder told Yan Hao about the two things at today's Presbyterian meeting. Tell him that he is already the elder of Tianyi Pavilion, just a ceremony. He also said that tomorrow he will go to the three big worlds around the world of Wushen with Shui Ruyi and Bai Hesheng.

Yan Hao was also stunned when he heard that he had become the elder of Tianyi Pavilion.

The elders are not in vain, which has great benefits.

First of all, you can check the classics of this family at will. There are elixir and yuan coins every month, and you also have the right to speak in the big events of Tianyi Pavilion, which is really indescribable benefits.

Although Yan Hao knew that with his current strength, he was more than enough to be an elder, he didn't expect Tianyi Pavilion to move so fast. I also looked up at the water and blue sky in my heart.

For example, Yan Hao can be comparable to the strength of saints in more than three years from the beginning of the beginning to now. Everyone knows how much potential such a talent is.

Now when Yan Hao's wings are not really full, he pulls the cage in time, which can also make him more grateful. If people throw olive branches when their cultivation really reaches a terrible point in the future, they may not be so apable.

Water and blue sky also saw this, and it was precisely because Yan Hao could have a chair in the elder house.

The elder of punishment said, "The words have been brought. You are ready to arrive at the transmission site on time tomorrow." After saying that, he flew away.

Yan Hao sent away the punishment elder and returned to the Yiyuan Hall. Start thinking about his future path.

Now he has become the elder of Tianyi Pavilion, and he can be regarded as an identity in Tianyi Pavilion. But he still wants to strengthen the immortals.

And if he wants to strengthen the immortals, his cultivation must continue to improve. Now the master of the robbery period is useless to him. Only the saint will be helpful to his cultivation. But for the time being, he has not met a saint who has an grudge against him.

Yan Hao also has a headache about the attack of the Xuanhuang world.

The world of Xuanhuang is introduced in both the classics of Tianyi Pavilion and the nine-level Futu.

Ranked third among the three worlds, its strength is extremely powerful. Legend has it that it is the closest world to the fairyland.

The Xuanhuang world was originally the same as the world of Wushen, and Taoism and countries did not interfere with each other.

However, more than 100,000 years ago, there was an extremely powerful Xuanhuang Emperor in the Xuanhuang world and established the Great Xuanhuang Dynasty, which not only unified all the countries in the Xuanhuang world, but also failed to escape the three sects of Taoism, demons and demons. One by one, a clean one was wiped out.

Only some small sects are attached to the Great Xuan Dynasty.

It can be said that in the world of Xuanhuang now, it is the world of the Great Xuanhuang Dynasty. After the Great Xuanhuang Dynasty unified the whole Xuanhuang world, Xuanhuang Emperor's ambition was still unsatisfied, and now he has come to other worlds. The first one is the world of the god of war.

So it is extremely critical to move the rescuers now. If you can't move, the world of the god of war will be in danger.

The next day, Yan Hao arrived at the transmission point on time.

At this time, he still brought those people. Wei She and Zuo Jingyuan are in the ninth-level Futu, and Qin Shiyun and Xiao Bing are outside.

During this period, Xiao Bing and Qin Shiyun are familiar with each other, but they can also let Qin Shiyun hug for a while.

Shui Ruyi and Bai Hesheng arrived early.

The water is still so beautiful and noble.

Because it is to visit the sects in other worlds, Tianyi Pavilion naturally cannot lose its style. Shuiruyi specially dressed up. Today, she wore a red and yellow palace dress, and her whole body looked more noble and charming.

Bai Hesheng looked into Shui Ruyi's face from time to time. Although he was motionless, Yan Hao could see the hidden longing in his eyes. The desire for a beautiful woman.

Qin Shiyun saw the water as soon as he saw it. Although he was usually quite confident in his beauty, he also felt a little pale at this time.

In fact, Qin Shiyun is not worse than Shui Ruyi, but their temperament is completely different.

Qin Shiyun is the kind of charming temperament, just like a begonia flower.

And the water is noble, like a peony.

After seeing Yan Hao, Shui Ruyi smiled and said, "E elder Yan, congratulations on your promotion to the throne."

"Eader Yan?" This is the first time that someone called Yan Hao like this. Yan Hao was still a little unaccustomed to this name. He smiled and said, "If you are polite, the canonization ceremony has not been carried out yet, and he can't be called an elder."

He said that he was polite, but he was not polite, and even called his boudoir's name. Hearing this, the water frowned slightly.

When Bai Hesheng heard Yan Hao's name, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but then he restrained and said coldly, "It's good to know."

Yan Hao was polite. Unexpectedly, the white crane still caught him, and Yan Hao was also angry.

As soon as he came, he noticed this person and knew that his name was Bai Hesheng, and he was the chief elder of Tianyi Pavilion. His cultivation was unfathomable. He may not be his opponent now. But Yan Hao has never been afraid of anyone and immediately counterattacked: "Some people think that their cultivation is profound, but their glasses are on the top, and everyone is short. In fact, they are just like me. They are not errands to deliver letters."

Bai Hesheng has always been arrogant and naturally looks down on people. At this time, he was told by Yan Hao that he was running errands to deliver letters. How could he stand it? He said angrily, "Who are you talking about?"

Yan Hao smiled and said, "Who do you think is?"

"You want to die."

When the white crane moved his body, he slapped it out.

I only saw that the originally blue sky was slapped by his palm and suddenly became gloomy, and then large snowflakes fell and the whole inner courtyard was covered.

It turned out to be early summer, but it suddenly became as cold as winter, and Yan Hao's physique also felt cold and piercing.

Yan Hao only felt colder and colder into the bone marrow. This cold air is better than the cold air spewing out by Xiao Bing now.

This move is a good shot of Hesheng, which is called Snow All over the World.

The water and blue sky once described this trick: in one palm of the world, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are full of snow. You can imagine the power of this move.

Yan Hao's body shook, and a pure green inflammation suddenly appeared on his body, wrapping his whole body. Only then did Yan Hao feel a little cold.

Bai Hesheng took action too quickly. At this time, Qin Shiyun reacted and quickly asked, "Master, are you all right?"

Xiao Bing also creaked, thinking that she should ask something similar to Qin Shiyun.

Yan Hao shook his head gently, indicating that he was fine.

"It's really a little tricky." Bai Hesheng smiled and said, "I only used five layers of power just now. Now let's see if you can persevere with my ten layers of power."


Bai Hesheng was about to come out of his palm, and Shuiru shouted and stopped him, "Retain your power to deal with the Xuanhuang world."

After Shui Ruyi has spoken, it is naturally impossible for Bai Hesheng to take action again and reach out for a call. The sky was overcast, and the sky returned to clear.

Yan Hao dispersed the flame on his body and was about to speak when suddenly a disciple flew here with a flying sword and shouted, "Brother Yan Hao, your flying sword is passed on."

"My Flying Sword Biography?" Yan Hao was stunned: "Who will send me a book?"

After a moment, the disciple came to Yan Hao and gave Yan Hao a flying sword in his hand.

Yan Hao thanked him, reached out to take it, and buckled a jade card from the hilt of the sword.

Yan Hao was immersed in his mind, but saw that there were only a few words in it, but Yan Hao's face changed after reading it.

It is written there: Deer blood benzoin appears, come quickly. Peng Pingguo.

The signature below is Mo Xuan.

After watching it, Yan Hao was really excited. He finally pressed it, took out a flying sword of the best magic weapon from his body, stuffed it into the disciple's hand, and said, "Thank you very much."

The disciple was originally in charge of delivering letters. At this time, I was really overjoyed. He usually sends a letter to meet generous brothers, or give him something small, or yuan coins, yuan ores, etc., at most the lowest-level magic weapon and elixir. It's not as generous as Yan Hao. As soon as you take action, it is a top-quality magic weapon.

When Shui saw this scene, he was also slightly shocked. Unexpectedly, a letter rewarded a top-quality magic weapon, which shows that this letter is extremely important to Yan Hao.

Sure enough, Yan Hao looked at her and said, "Ruyi, I have something important to do. I can't go with you this time. I'm sorry."

After saying that, he didn't wait for Shui Ruyi to agree and turned around and left with Qin Shiyun and Xiaobing. From the beginning to the end, Bai Hesheng didn't make a sound.

Although Bai Hesheng still heard Yan Hao shouting affectionately, he didn't care so much when he saw that Yan Hao was about to leave. He couldn't wait for Yan Hao to leave quickly.

Yan Hao flew out of a distance, as if he remembered something. He turned to look at Bai Hesheng and said, "Bai Hesheng, I, Yan Hao, have written down this palm. If there is no revenge, I will return this palm to you sooner or later."

Bai Hesheng snorted coldly: "I don't measure myself. I'm waiting for you."

Yan Hao no longer answered and took Qin Shiyun and Xiao Bing away quickly.

Shuiru didn't go until Yan Hao and the two of them left, then turned around and said, "Let's go."

Seeing that the water was not happy, Bai Hesheng asked, "Ruyi, what's wrong with you?"

Shui Ruyi said coldly, "Ele Bai, my surname is Shui, please call me Shui Ruyi."

Bai He almost blew up his lungs, thinking that Yan Hao could scream, but I couldn't scream.

In fact, it is not to blame the water. Although Yan Hao called twice, Yan Hao did not pursue her, just thought it was between friends.

Bai Hesheng is different again. Bai Hesheng pulls the banner, likes water as one, and wants to pursue her. Since Shui Ruyi doesn't like him, of course, he should make it clear and not give him any indisorable thoughts.

Yan Hao originally wanted to go out like this, but after thinking about it, he returned to Dengtianfeng and called Xianzhi.

Xianzhi is from the Immortals, and it is no longer ripe for alchemy. Although Yan Hao's alchemy level is extremely high now, he may not be as good as Xianzhi. Calling Xianzhi is also an insurance.

Call Xianzhi, naturally you can't miss the red line. Yan Hao didn't want to agree, but there was no danger for her to stay in the ninth-level Futu, so he took it with him.

In the end, several people all entered the nine-level Futu. Yan Hao was light and fast. After leaving the mountain gate of Tianyi Pavilion, the speed was even faster, and he went thousands of miles away in a blink of an eye.

This is a step-by-step skill that Yan Hao has recently learned, which is called a thousand-mile-line lead. It is a kind of collection in King Canglan.

The principle of a thousand-mile line is that there are many lines in space, and each line is connected. As long as you can use those lines, it is a thousand-mile distance.

This skill is similar to the giant treasure elder's 'Fengxiang thousands of miles, the pot public shrinks', but the speed of this skill is faster and more consuming. Fortunately, Yan Hao is really rich now and can travel for a long time.