kill the sky (full)

Chapter 167 Chihiro Taizu[]

Yan Hao looked at Xiaobing and said, "Now it has understood for so long that I don't know what it can understand."

The East said, "How can you and I imagine the mythical beast?" With that, he looked at Yan Hao and said, "Brother Yan, even I'm a little jealous of you. Even ancient mythical beasts such as the hydrous monkey recognize you as the master. How lucky do you think you are?"

Yan Hao said, "Xiao Bing doesn't recognize me as the Lord. I also treat it as a person and a friend."

Dongbulun nodded and said, "Perhaps this is why these people are willing to follow you, because you regard them as friends, real friends, and friends who can always sacrifice their lives to save the relationship."

Yan Hao blushed when he was praised and hurriedly said, "Brother Dongfang, I'm not that noble. If you say it again, I'm going to be proud."

"Haha... If you are young and not frivolous, you will be proud when you are old and regret it!"

During the conversation between the two, time passed unconsciously.

Xiaobing has not moved. Yan Hao began to guard it with Dongfang Fuqun. Later, when he saw that it was not uncomfortable, he let Dongfang Buchun go back and guarded here by himself.

Time passed like this, and the legacy of the King of Medicine has not responded, and Xiaobing has not made any movement.

In the blink of an eye, March passed.

On this day, in a transmission array of Chihiro's world, a white light suddenly flashed, and then a noble woman in a yellow dress and a red dress appeared in the transmission array. There was another man standing next to her.

The man has silver hair and a angular face, which is a kind of evil handsomeness. But every time he looked at the noble woman, his eyes were a little warm, letting people know that his heart was not as indifferent as he appeared.

Naturally, these two people are Shui Ruyi and Bai Hesheng who go to other big worlds to ask for help.

Chihiro World is also one of their trips, but they put Chihiro World at the last stop.

At this time, Bai Hesheng said, "Sister Shui, this world of Chihiro is our last stop. I hope there will be no accidents."

Bai Hesheng originally wanted to learn from Yan Hao to call others Ruyi, but when he called the exit several times, he was scolded by Shui Ruyi. In the end, I had to retreat and ask for the second place and call my sister Shui.

Although Shui Ruyi is still a little unhappy about this name, it is much better than Ruyi. That's the default.

The water swept around like a beautiful eyes and said, "The world of Qianxun is also a big world. Why is this continent so deserted that you can't even see a figure in this transmission array."

Bai Hesheng said, "Sister Shui, you forgot that last time we heard that the king of medicine was born in the Qianxun world recently. Maybe these people have all gone to the Guizhi mainland."

Shuiru said, "I think it should be like this. Let's not delay. Let's go directly to the Taizu religion. If we can talk about the Taizu religion, and then let the Taizu religion come forward to explain the other sects in the world of Qianxun, it will be much easier."

Bai Hesheng said, "As far as I know, there are countless rare medicinal materials in the Palace of the King of Medicine, which are rare for ten thousand years. Why don't we go to Guizhi mainland first and then go to Taizu Religion? Anyway, it won't take much time.

Shui Ruyi said coldly, "If Elder Bai wants to go, I will never stop him. But I was ordered by the lord of the cabinet, and naturally I have to go to the master's gate. In this case, it's time to say goodbye.

After saying that, he didn't wait for Bai Hesheng to agree and flew away.

Bai Hesheng quickly caught up with him: "I'm just kidding. You don't have to worry about it. Naturally, the legacy of the King of Medicine is not as important as the master. Let's go to Taizu Church."

The water ignored him and continued to fly forward.

After a while, the two arrived at the mountain gate of Taizu. The two signed up for their identity, and immediately a disciple came forward to pass it on.

The name of Tianyi Pavilion is also very loud in several big worlds nearby. One of them is the daughter of the cabinet owner and the other is the chief elder, so they are naturally treated lightly.

After a while, the Taizu religion rang 6636 ceremonial bells, which was a very high welcome specification of the Taizu religion. Generally, this treatment is only available when other leaders in the world of Chihiro visit.

Bai Hesheng knew such a rule. At this time, he heard thirty-six bells, and his face inevitably showed a trace of pride.

The water looked at the white crane in his eyes, and his heart couldn't help sneering. She knew that the reason why Taizuism greeted each other at such a high level was that people looked at the name of Tianyi Pavilion, not on the faces of the two of her.

After thirty-six bells rang, the water saw a large group of people flying to welcome them. In detail, there are 108 people in total. At this time, he said in unison, "Welcome to the guests of Tianyi Pavilion."

I shouted like this three times, shaking the sky all over the time, and the lingering sound curled for a long time.

Bai Hesheng was even more proud when he heard it and said with a smile, "The sect is different. The etiquette is so thoughtful that it is no worse than our Tianyi Pavilion."

In fact, this time, in several sects in other big worlds, the scale of treatment they encountered was also not small, but this time compared with this Taizu religion, other sects immediately fell to the next best.

After three times, another person flew to the two of them. The man was wearing a moonlight robe and had a long beard. He claimed to be Yu Zhenzi, an elder of the Taizu religion.

With one move, four white deer came pulling an extremely luxurious chariot.

Yu Zhenzi smiled and said, "Please come to the chalet. Let's go into the mountain gate to talk about it in detail."

Bai Hesheng nod his head slightly and wanted to go up the car. Shui Ruyi replied with a smile and said, "You're welcome, Elder Yuzhenzi. This time I came to disturb your education and Qingxiu, and I was already uneasy. The younger generation is even more ashamed of such a big gift. It's just that the younger generation came to discuss an important matter with your father by order, but he really can't do it. There is no need to take this chave. The elder Yuzhenzi will lead the way, and the younger generation will follow behind him.

Shui Ru's words were neither humble nor arrogant, but also raised the reputation of his own sect. Hearing this, Yu Zhenzi nodded repeatedly in his heart.

I thought to himself, "After all, she is the daughter of the Lord of Tianyi Pavilion. It's extraordinary."

While Bai Hesheng looked at the water as one, he took a down look at Bai Hesheng, but Bai Hesheng's cultivation was much higher than him, and it was not easy for him to say anything. He had to nod his head and lead the way forward with the words of the water.

Bai Hesheng wanted to sit in the legendary white deer chariot that only immortals could ride. At this time, when he saw that Shui Ruyi refused other people's kindness, it was difficult for him to sit alone. He had to follow Yu Zhenzi closely with the water.

After a while, the three entered the mountain gate of Taizu. The water presented the handwritten jade slips of the water and blue sky, handed over to Yu Zhenzi, and asked Yu Zhenzi to hand it over to the Taizu religion.

Yu Zhenren asked the two to wait for a moment, and he turned into a white shadow and went quickly.

After a while, Yu Zhenren came back and conveyed the meaning of Taizu's teaching. It is said that this matter is a big deal, and we need to discuss it well and let them stay in the Taizu religion for a few days and wait for Taizu to discuss a result.

This water naturally has no objection. Every sect this time is like this, otherwise they won't have to wait so long to get to the world of Qianxun.

But Shui Ruyi still asked Yu Zhenzi, " Elder Yu Zhenzi, please forgive me. The younger generation takes the liberty to ask, how long will it take for your teacher to discuss the result?"

Maybe Yu Zhenzi really appreciated Shui Ruyi and said, "To tell you the truth, I sent the elders out and didn't come back. It takes his consent to agree to this matter."

The water is like: "When will the elders of your religion come back?"

Yu Zhenzi said, "It's not good. The elder went out this time to have something to do with the medicine king's legacy. Maybe he can come back after a while."

After Shui Ruyi thanked Yu Zhenzi, he stopped talking. I thought to himself, "Since that's the case, I'm afraid I have to wait this time."

At this moment, everyone felt a shock in the southern continent, and then a blue light rose to the sky.

The blue light, at least a little square round, goes straight to the sky for a long time, reflecting the sky and the earth into a blue.

"This is..." Shuiru turned to the south and muttered, "Has the legacy of the King of Medicine been born?"

Everyone was attracted by the different phases of the world. After a while, Bai Hesheng came to his senses and said, "Yes, this is a sign of the birth of the legacy of the King of Medicine. Sister Shui, since you can't get a reply for a while, why don't we go and find out?"

As soon as Shui thought about it, since the Taishang elder of the Taizu religion had to wait for the legacy of the Medicine King before he could come back and investigate, he would not delay anything big, so he agreed.

Bai Hesheng had long wanted to take the opportunity to grab some rare medicinal materials. At this time, he was really overjoyed to see that Shui Ruyi agreed. He quickly said, "It's not too late. Let's go."

The water was like a little head and said to Yu Zhenzi, "Esbyterian Yu Zhenzi, the younger generation will also go to join in the fun. Maybe they can come back with the elders of the noble faction. What do you call the elders of your school?

Yu Zhenzi said, "The elder's surname is Dongfang, and his name is not group."

"Okay, the younger generation remember it, and then say goodbye."

With that, he saluted Yu Mako and then flew up.

Bai Hesheng beside him had already waited impatiently. With his cultivation, he didn't pay attention to Yu Zhenzi at all. Naturally, he would not be polite to Yu Zhenzi. Seeing that the water flew up, he hurriedly followed him.

After Yu Zhenzi waited for the two to go far away, he shook his head doubtfully and said, "Why is there such a big gap between people from the same sect?"

Guizhi mainland, in Yanhao's house.

Everyone went to the yard and watched the blue light rising into the sky. In their view, it was much clearer and more shocking than in Taizu Buddhism.

Just now, they felt a turbulent in the whole continent, as if the earth was about to turn upside down. Fortunately, Yan Hao fixed it with a formation in his house, otherwise the yard would collapse.

And other places are not so lucky. A large number of buildings have collapsed one after another. Fortunately, most of them are monks. Such damage is almost the same as being bitten by mosquitoes for them.

And although the house collapsed, it received great benefits.

It seems that the world has turned into a cyan color, and the world seems to be the only one color left. They can even smell the fragrance of light medicine. This fragrance is just a smell, and they feel light and comfortable.

With the passage of time, the fragrance became stronger and stronger. Many people were washed away by the fragrance. They only felt that their bodies were light and their whole body was full of blood, and they actually broke through their cultivation.

This made everyone's greed for the Medicine King's mansion more heated.

Thinking that just the fragrance has made many people make a breakthrough, and how precious are the medicinal herbs in it?

For a while, the masters who stayed in the continent of Guizhi rushed to the south of the mainland from the fragrance of medicine for fear of slowing down and being preempted by others.

And the masters on other continents of Qianxun's world also saw this vision and rushed to Guizhi mainland desperately.

Yan Hao and others did not move. It was not that Yan Hao did not want to move, but that Xiao Bing was still sitting cross-legged in front of the pearl of Xuanxuan and still realized. The disturbance of the continent just now didn't wake it up.