kill the sky (full)

Chapter 276 First

However, rumors are often false, which is normal. But his death is related to the fairyland, which may be true, otherwise why can't he have the idea of revenge at all?

Yan Hao thought about it in a mess, and after a while, he came to his senses and thanked him for the reincarnation.

Reincarnation shook his head and said, "There is nothing to thank. It's just that this person is not simple. Since this nine-level Futu is in your hands, you'd better be careful.

Yan Hao hugged his fist and said, "Thank you for your teaching. The younger generation should keep it in mind."

Reincarnation nodded, looked at the nine-level Futu, and found that the people had entered the nine-level Futura except for several patriarchs and elders such as Lan Lie. He said, "Then let's go."

Yan Hao said hello and stretched out his hand. The nine-level Futu turned into fine sand and flew back to Yan Hao's hands.

Yan Hao put away the nine-level Futu, flew up with everyone, and went out of the outside in an instant.

That array was arranged by him, and he is naturally familiar with it. He didn't break it, so he left the array there.

There are quite a lot of Yan Hao's group, Long Yanmiao and Xianzhi on his left. Shenyi, reincarnation, meat. Tuan and Lan Lie Lanyang and others were on his right, and the group flew forward magnificently.

As for the large reincarnation disk itself, it is reduced to the size of a palm and hidden in himself.

When it comes to the unique fairy weapon, the spirit can flexibly manipulate the magic weapon, which is comparable to that of the owner of the magic weapon.

And the spirit is self-contained, and there is no magic weapon in the whole body. If no one can tell, other monks can't see the identity of the artifact at all.

Everyone flew for a moment, and Yan Hao suddenly stopped and looked at the reincarnation and other people: "It's strange that someone came and is flying to us."

The reincarnation hasn't spoken yet, meat. Tuan has said, "Nonsense, it must have caused too much movement caused by your previous thunderstorm, which attracted the attention of others and took advantage of your weakness after the disaster to kill and seize treasure."

Originally, after ordinary monks went through the disaster, there was a period of weakness, ranging from one year to several months, and the shortest days. During the weak period these days, there is no way to counter it.

So the monks are careful to survive the disaster and must find a place that no one can find. Silently passed the thunder to avoid others taking advantage of the fire.

But Yanhao is a freak. After being injured by the lightning, it only took him one night to recover as before. There is no period of weakness at all, so if someone is about to take advantage of the fire during this period, the final result is likely to be that the robbery will fail and lose his life instead.

reincarnation does not cause meat. Tuan said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. You have also seen the thunder disaster of Brother Yan just now. With such a powerful thunder disaster, ordinary people may think that someone is going to fly to the fairyland. In this way, the person may have said to Tianyun that he thought that the person who crossed the disaster did not succeed in flying, but was split into flying ashes by the thunder and came to pick up the magic weapon. It may also come with another purpose. As for what the purpose is, the old man can't say it well.

Meat. Tuan was unconvinced and said, "How can it be so troublesome? Killing and grabbing treasure is so simple. If you don't believe it, you can watch it later."

Reincarnation is just a smile and does not return to meat. Group's words. . . The group gasped for breath.

Yan Hao said, "Well, don't you know when someone comes?"

Reincarnation said, "No matter what the purpose of the person comes, his cultivation will not be low. I think it's better for us to hide."

Yan Hao said, "The senior said it very well. I don't know if there is any good way to hide."

The reincarnation said, "Yes, but it's quite time-consuming. I'm afraid it's too late."

Yan Hao gritted his teeth and said, "Well, let's make a bet. I hope everyone will come within the imperial period."

With a wave of his big hand, the hidden atmosphere spilled out and wrapped up everyone.

The reincarnation looked awe-in, obviously recognizing the hidden atmosphere. He glanced at Yan Hao and didn't say anything.

He felt that Yan Hao was extremely mysterious and always surprised him, and he felt a little used to it.

Yan Hao hid the crowd with a hidden spirit, and then pulled the crowd back aside and hid in a dense tree.

As soon as it was hidden, several people roared and stopped where they had stood before.

At this time, Yan Hao saw a few people clearly. I saw that this was a group of four people, two emperors and two Zunyuans.

After seeing their cultivation, Yan Hao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As long as the person's cultivation is still within the imperial period, he doesn't have to worry.

After Yan Hao was in a relaxed mood, he also looked at the four people carefully and saw four men, who looked about the same age, all like middle-aged people in their fifties, and were dressed in similar clothes. Obviously, they belonged to the same force.

The two men in the imperial period, one is the triple emperor and the other is the emperor.

Two men in the Yuan period, one is seven-fold and the other is nine-fold.

At this time, the triple man of the emperor said, "Why did you suddenly disappear when you sensed that someone was here just now?"

After the man in the first period of Diyuan glanced around, he said, "Maybe he sensed us and may have run away."

The third man of Diyuan shook his head and said, "No, I could still sense them just now. There are many people here, but now they can't. Even if they run away, they should have a breath.

Diyuan's men said, "Did they use any special means or magic weapons to hide their whereabouts?"

The triple man of Diyuan nodded and said, "It's very likely." With that, he said, "This Yan Hao is the person who wants from above. You must not let him run away. This time, it is also the luck of our Tianxingzong. Just now, we were close to here and found that someone was crossing the disaster, which is likely to be Yan Hao mentioned above. As long as you find this person, there will definitely be no less rewards. Maybe there are even fairy weapons."

Yan Hao and others are actually hidden not far from them, but they hide their bodies and all their breaths, and they can't see them at all. Therefore, Yan Hao and others heard their conversation clearly.

Yan Hao took a look at the reincarnation and said, "The senior guessed correctly. They really came with a purpose. And they actually knew my name and said it was the person who was named above. Who does it mean?

Reincarnation sighed and said, "Brother Yan, please forgive me. Although Lao Dao has guessed some, this has involved the sky, and Lao Dao can't say it. Lao Dao can only remind Brother Yan a little bit, please start with the word 'fairy weapon'.

Yan Hao's body was obviously shocked, and the reminder of reincarnation could not be more obvious.

Fairy weapons, which can only be refined by immortals, are also a unique magic weapon for immortals. Just now, these people said that there may be a fairy weapon rewarded. Does what they said refer to the fairyland?

Yan Hao was shocked by his inference and said secretly, "I didn't offend the fairyland. Why did the fairyland want to arrest me by name thanks?"

Yan Hao was puzzled and finally had to attribute the matter to this thunderstorm.

The reincarnation also said that from ancient times to the present, he is the second person to survive the thunderstorm. This must have shocked the fairyland. That's the only time to find yourself.

"That's right, and the face of the clouds." Yan Hao remembered the big face condensed by the clouds and had a little understanding in his heart: "Is that the words of the cloud face to me?"

I have to say that Yan Hao's speculation is very close to the truth. It's just the key to the problem, and he naturally can't figure it out.

How could he calculate the word 'danger' on him? In this way, he will naturally not be let go.

The Immortal Emperor is not a kind-hearted person. They will directly kill all the dangers in the bud.

Yan couldn't figure out the key, so he put his mind on these people in front of him, and maybe he could know something from these people.

Yan Hao has now reached the Holy Yuan period, and the hidden spirit has played a role again, and he has become bolder. He began to think about the monks of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty.

Before he crossed the disaster, when he saw such a combination, it was too late for him to run. How dare he want to attack?

At this time, after hearing the word fairy, their eyes were shining, and their eyes showed greed. A man in the Yuan Dynasty said, "In this case, please ask Elder Wu to search the heaven and the earth. Law, there is no way for him to hide.

The triple man in the Yuan Dynasty, that is, Elder Wu, thought for a moment and said, "Well, then I'll see if this person can escape my search for the world. Law."

When others heard this, they immediately showed joy and looked at Elder Wu with hopeful eyes.

Yan Hao looked at several people disdainfully. If his hidden atmosphere was so easily found out, the hidden atmosphere would not be so magical.

Yan Hao took this opportunity to announce his plan.

He first said to Shen Yi, "Brother Shen, you will deal with the monk of the first period of Emperor Yuan, and the third period of Emperor Yuan will be handed over to me later."

Shen Yi was shocked. The drought that was chased by the ruler emperor last time was still vivid. He couldn't help asking, "Can you do it?"

Yan Hao laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure."

Then he turned his head and looked at the reincarnation and said, "Senior, I know you don't like killing people. Please help me hold back the two Zunyuan monks later. When I clean up the two imperial monks, I will deal with them."

After this period of reincarnation, I also know some about Yan Hao. Seeing that Yan Hao was so confident, he was no longer worried. Hearing the words, he nodded and said, "No problem."

In the past two days of reincarnation, I have also seen Yan Hao's various means. There are endless avenues, and now there is a hidden atmosphere. He expected Yan Hao to surprise him again.

At this time, the elder Wu over there has finished searching the world. Fa, there is a faint sweat on his forehead, which shows that it is still quite expensive.

Seeing this, a monk in the imperial Yuan period immediately asked, "How about finding them?"

Elder Wu shook his head in frustration and said, "No, they don't know what method to use. It's very hidden."