kill the sky (full)

Chapter 290 Patience

Elder Lv looked at Elder Yu and asked in a low voice, "Fourth Brother Yu, what should we do now?"

Elder Yu said in a low voice, "Go to the transmission array. I will personally block the transmission array. I'd like to see how he escapes."

Elder Lv wanted to say that there was more than one in the transmission array, but he didn't dare to say it. According to his words, he dropped the colorful dragon boat outside the teleportation array, and then the two of them came down.

Elder Yu's gloomy eyes swept around, and all the monks he saw couldn't help beating in his heart.

Elder Yu said coldly, "From now on, this transmission array will be discontinued. Everyone, let's go somewhere else."

As soon as someone wanted to object to two sentences, Elder Yu immediately said, "Those who dare to talk, die."

A man didn't believe in evil and said wildly, "What a big tone, I..."

Before he spoke, he only felt that his breath was suffocated, as if he had been choked by a huge palm, and the rest of the words were stuck in his throat.

Elder Yu stretched out his right hand and shook it fiercely. With a click, the monk's whole lower body fell to the ground, and only one head was still in the air. Even the yuan god directly broke into his body and did not escape.

The remaining monks are silent and dare not make any more sound.

Some people flew away unwillingly, and some people stayed here, waiting for Yu and Lu to leave.

But after waiting for a long time, they didn't see the two leave. One boldly asked carefully, "I don't know how long the two seniors will use this transmission array."

Elder Yu flattered the man and almost jumped out of the man's heart. Elder Yu said, "I don't have time. When the two of them catch the little bastard, I will leave." After saying that, he swept the remaining people's faces and said, "If you are willing to wait, just wait. If you don't want to wait, get out of here. If you are still talking, you can talk."

No one dared to make a sound this time, and another group of people flew away.

But there are also those who are willing to wait here. After all, other transmission arrays are too far away from here. On other continents, they can't be reached in a while.

Seven days passed quickly, and fewer and fewer people were waiting.

By the fifteenth day, there were only three people waiting here.

In a month, even these three people left, and no one wanted to wait here.

Elder Lv has been impatient for a long time and can't help saying, "Fourth Brother Yu, that boy should have left early for so long. Why don't we go back?"

Unexpectedly, Elder Yu shook his head and said, "No, I can feel that the boy is looking at us in an attachment, but we can't find him."

In the past month, the two of them have turned over almost every grass and every ant nest within a radius of dozens of miles, but still haven't found Yan Hao's place.

But Elder Yu has a faint feeling that Yan Hao is nearby and is being patient with him.

This is a silent war, and Elder Yu doesn't want to admit defeat like this.

Elder Yu's feeling is right. In fact, Yan Hao is in a big tree one miles away from them.

Yan Hao quietly dug out the big tree and hid all the movements with hidden gas when digging, so Yu and Lv did not find it at all.

Then Yan Hao hid it, but hid all his breath and life characteristics with hidden air.

In this way, if you don't find the tree and see him in person, you won't know that he will hide here. Even if the divine thought sweeps by, it is just an ordinary tree, and no trace can be swept out.

Unless Elder Yu suddenly breaks through to the empty period, Yan Hao's hidden spirit will be useless in front of him.

It's just that Elder Yu suddenly came to the air during such a period of time, which was tantamount to a dream.

Although there is only one gap between the ninefold and empty Yuan periods of the imperial yuan, it is this weight. Some people can't break through millions of years in their lives.

Originally, Yan Hao's current cultivation with hidden qi can be used for a year without a problem. Now it's no problem to hide your breath and not your body. Even if it is hidden for several years and decades, it doesn't matter.

Originally, Yan Hao could escape at any time within this month, and if he had left, he would have already reached another transmission array.

But Yan Hao didn't do that. He just wanted to compare patience with this old man to see who can stay. What's more, he was still looking for a chance to attack until the moment they relaxed.

In this way, three days later, Yan Hao wanted to give up and was ready to run away to go to other transmission arrays. This is not Yan Hao's lack of patience, but Long Yanmiao's natural disaster is coming.

Now there are still seven days away from Long Yanmiao's one-year period. Yanhao can't wait any longer, otherwise he doesn't want to expose it.

But at this time, Elder Yu also couldn't calm down and said to Elder Lv, "I don't know why I feel weaker and weaker these two days. Did the little bastard really escape?"

Elder Lv couldn't wait for a long time and said, "That little bastard didn't dare to stay when he saw Fourth Brother Yu. He must have fled early."

Yan Hao heard this and said to himself, "Well, you two old bastards, your mouth is not clean. I will definitely want you to look good."

Elder Yu said, "But I always feel that this little bastard doesn't want to be so easy to give up."

Yan Hao thought to himself, "You old bastard know me. If it hadn't been for the coming disaster, I wouldn't have taken back those feelings.

Elder Lu said, "If someone stays here, he may have to endure it. But fourth brother Yu, if you stay here, how dare he compare with you?

Elder Yu said, "What you said makes sense. All right, that's it. Let's go."

After the two finished speaking, Elder Yu unwillingly stood up from the transmission array, spread his robe sleeves, and fell on Elder Lv's colorful dragon boat.

Elder Lv shouted, "Get up", and the colorful dragon boat immediately glowed brightly, and disappeared in place with a 'wishing' sound.

When Yan Hao saw that the two had left, he wanted to get out of the tree hole. But on second thought, since the black-haired old man can see through his tricks, he must be a person who spends a lot of time and can't give up so easily. He was not in a hurry and decided to observe in the tree hole for a while.

Sure enough, after a while, the colorful light appeared again, and the colorful dragon boat fell back next to the transmission array.

Elder Yu's face was blue and he glanced around, but still didn't find anything. He said angrily, "That little bastard is really gone."

Elder Lv said, "I told you that the little bastard didn't dare to be patient with Fourth Brother Yu. He must have left early."

He was slightly relieved by Lv Taichang's flattery, but his face still did not ease. He brushed his robe and said, "He's lucky. Let's go."

The two turned around and left, but they didn't find that there were more than one million yuan in the groove of the transmission array.

Elder Lv was driving a dragon boat and just flew up. At this time, a golden light suddenly flashed in the sky, and then a thorough sound of dragon roared.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds changed color, and the sky trembled. A large space was shaken by the sound of the dragon and automatically collapsed, revealing a big dark hole.

The rolling sound wave condensed into thousands of swords, and hundreds of armored knights shouted to kill the shocking sound and rushed to the colorful dragon boat.

The two really plan to leave this time, so it is inevitable that they will be a little relaxed. How could he think that Yan Hao had never left? It was not until the two of them really relaxed their guard that he came out and gave them a fatal blow.

As soon as Yan Hao made a sneak attack, he directly used his most powerful move now. The dragon phase skill increased the roaring skill to achieve the greatest killing effect.

Yu and Lu were shocked by the sudden appearance of the dragon Yin, and they were also unstable and almost fell from the dragon boat. As soon as he stabilized his body, the most powerful sword knight had attacked again.

Both of them were shocked to see that a flood of swords flowed towards them. Fortunately, Elder Yu was shocked and not confused. He pinched his hands and immediately opened a door in the space. He reached out and grabbed Elder Lv and quickly retreated into the door of the space.

At this time, the sword torrent finally hit, and Elder Yu's door of space had no time to close, so he was directly rushed in by the sword torrent, which immediately shattered the periphery of the space, and then continued to rush to Yu and Lu inside.

Yu Tai secretly said that it was not good. If he kept letting these swords rush, his space would be finished. He roared, "We will work together and break the sound wave."

Elder Lv has always been the first to take the lead, and naturally he will not object. The two suddenly stood up and knotted their hands. The two huge fingerprints, shining with the light of the ancient servant, patted the torrent of swords.


The sound of the explosion sounded, and Elder Yu couldn't help shaking, and there was a faint collapse.

Yu and Lu worked together to shoot two big fingerprints. Although they wiped out the torrent of swords, they were also shocked at that moment and flew out hundreds of feet away.

Elder Lv was the most unbearable. When he was in the air, he kept spewing blood. When he fell to the ground, there was no blood on his face.

Elder Yu is slightly better, but his face is also pale at this moment, not much better than dead.

Elder Yu looked at his shaky space and couldn't help climbing up. He waved his hand and flew out of the space with Elder Lu, but there was no shadow of Yan Hao.

On the contrary, a ray of light has just disappeared, indicating that it has just been enabled.

Both Yu and Lv knew that they had been fooled by Yan Hao. Although Elder Lv was also angry, it was better, because Elder Meng's cultivation as him was not much lower than him, but died in Yan Hao's hands. Although he is seriously injured now, his life is worry-free, so compared with the two, his anger is not so great.