kill the sky (full)

Chapter 301 Heaven and Earth

Yan Hao smiled and let Xiaobing come to his side, took the other two internal elixir in his hand, and transferred all the vitality in the demon elixir into Xiaobing's body through devouring the spirit.

Xiaobing's face showed a very excited look. In a short time, he swallowed the two demon elixirs, and his cultivation, like Yan Hao, reached the Zunyuan period.

Breaking through to the Zunyuan period, Yan Hao also knew that Xiaobing could not break through in this way during this period, so he also stopped. Otherwise, he still has several Yuan gods in his hand. He himself is not very useful now, but it is very useful for Xiao Bing.

After Yan Hao treated everyone with his Taoist weapon, he released the purple jade ark and summoned everyone. He pinched the formula in his hand and shouted, "Let's go."

The purple jade ark first released a purple light, wrapped the whole hull, and then the purple light flashed and disappeared in place. By the time it reappeared, it was already in the interstellar.

Yan Hao is extremely satisfied with the speed of this purple jade ark, which is worthy of being a Zhongpin Taoist instrument, nearly twice as fast as Taihaosuo.

With the purple jade ark, Yan Hao and others soon arrived at a large transmission array. After burning the yuan coins, when they appeared again, they had already arrived in the central world.

The first feeling of Yanhao in the central world is that there are many people.

When they came out, they saw several groups of monks flying in the sky.

Some are holding magic weapons, and some are flying out of thin air. Some are in groups, and some walk alone.

All kinds of magic weapons fly around in the sky, colorful, so lively.

The red line and Qin Shiyun were very happy about this kind of bustle, and their faces showed excitement.

Shen Yi is also a person who likes to join in the fun, and his eyes are already happy.

Long Yanmiao and Xianzhi looked at it indifferently and didn't say anything more.

Yan Hao and others didn't stay near the transmission array. There was a long queue here, waiting for this transmission array.

Purple Jade Ark, a top treasure, is inconvenient to take out in front of so many people. He is now a figure who is being hunted down in 3,000 worlds, and he doesn't want to attract the attention of others, so he has to fly up with several people and fly forward.

They are now going to the largest city in the central world, Tiandi City, where the headquarters of Vientiane Auction House is located.

With the red line, the speed will naturally not be fast. In the end, Yan Hao had to let Xianzhi take out the Taihao shuttle.

Fortunately, it is too swirling here, and it will not be too ostentatious and should not attract too many people's attention.

This central world ranks second in the three thousand worlds, and naturally it will not be small. Yan Hao and the others flew for three days even if they drove the Taihao shuttle, and then they arrived outside the city of heaven and earth.

As soon as they arrived at this city, everyone was shocked. This is not a city, which is simply bigger than some smaller countries.

At a glance, millions of miles have been extended, and you can't see your head at all.

There are a lot of businesses, surrounded by tall buildings with more than seven or eight floors.

Some buildings are even as high as dozens or hundreds of floors. Yan Hao simply thought that he had returned to modern times and there would be such a big city.

The red line sighed, "Wow, this world city is so big, bigger than our Hongyun Kingdom."

Qin Shiyun's eyes were also widened. This is just a city, which is bigger than the whole small Canglan world.

After a trace of shock flashed in Long Yanmiao and Xianzhi's eyes, they soon returned to their previous look.

Yan Hao said, "Okay, don't look at it. Let's go down."

Yan Hao saw that although the city was big, there was no one flying in it. He knew that in such a big city, there must be rules prohibiting flying and fighting, so he also pressed the Taihao shuttle and let Xianzhi put it away and walk to the hill-like gate.

Naturally, the gate guard was indispensable. Yan Hao glanced at the guards and found that they were all monks in the Shenyuan period. He couldn't help but be surprised.

Let the monks of the Shenyuan period guard the gate, and only a big world like the central world can have such a big hand.

In other big worlds, although the Shenyuan period is not the mainstream, it is at least like a true disciple in the sect. In the central world, it can only guard the gate.

Each person paid 100,000 yuan and entered the city. As soon as he inquired about it, he knew that the second tallest building was the Vientiane auction house.

As for the tallest building, the palace of the central world, where the central emperor is located.

Of course, Yan Hao will not appear in the central world as he was, which is no different from suicide.

He used the great change technique and still changed into the appearance of a middle-aged scribe. As long as there was no fairy to come down to earth, no one would recognize him.

It's just that their group of people have Long Yanmiao, Xianzhi and other women, so they are doomed not to be calm. Along the way, many people stopped and watched around them. Some people saw that their saliva fell a few feet long and did not wipe them.

If it hadn't been for the prohibition of fighting in this city, some people would have wanted to rob it directly.

However, some people still targeted Yan Hao and others, leaving their thoughts on them. As soon as Yan Hao and the others left the city, they started to grab people.

Naturally, these small actions have not been concealed from Yan Hao, and he ignored them. At that time, there is really someone looking for death. He doesn't mind killing two more.

According to the guidelines, Yan Hao took several people to the Vientiane auction house for a short time.

He walked in and found a stewer. After Dao Ming's intention, he learned that the owner was not there.

When Yan Hao saw the steward, his eyes were sincere, not like lying, and he inevitably felt a burst of regret in his heart.

When I was about to leave with everyone, I saw a thread book on an exhibition stand.

Yan Hao's eyes were sharp, and he saw a few words "Auction Manual" written on the book.

Yan Hao's heart moved, pointed to the book and asked, "Is that?"

The stewman smiled and said, "That's my auction manual, which records the things to be auctioned in the near future."

Yan Hao said, "Can you give me one?"

The stewid: "Of course." With a wave, a book immediately flew directly into Yan Hao's hand.

After Yan Hao thanked, he opened the book and found that as the steward said, what was recorded was the recent auction.

Each auction item has a detailed introduction, materials and pictures, which are very detailed. And those pictures are extremely realistic and colorful, which is no different from the photos.

Yan Hao secretly said in his heart, "This auction house can do business, which is equivalent to a brochure. Let others know these things in advance so that many people can compete for it. Naturally, the auction price is also rising. It is exactly the same as the auction model of modern auction houses. No wonder this Vientiane auction house can become the first auction house in the central world.

Yan Hao turned over at will and found that they were really good things, which made him a little moved.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly widened, and his face showed ecstasy.

Xianzhi and Long Yanmiao stood next to him and immediately saw the expression on his face. Xianzhi asked, "What's wrong?"

Yan Hao moved his hand and moved the auction manual to Xianzhi.

Xianzhi couldn't help showing joy on her face.

I saw three big words written on it: "Evil Protection Elixirs."

The following elixir with red light appears on the manual, and the following is the introduction of the elixir.

Yan Hao was really right. It was useless for the owner of this Vientiane auction house to get this evil elixir, so he took it here for auction.

Long Yanmiao glanced and saw the three words of evil elixir. A trace of joy flashed in his beautiful eyes, and his whole body added a little more gorgeousness.

Yan Hao asked the steward, "Do you dare to ask when the auction will start?"

The person in charge: "The auction house is only held once every three years. Some time ago, the auction just ended. This auction will have to wait until three years later.

"Three years."

Yan Hao secretly thought to himself that if he had been waiting here for three years, it would be a waste of time. It would be better to take advantage of this time to find the ancestral magic tower and then come back to participate in this auction. The time should be just right.

Yan Hao made up his mind, thanked him for the matter, and stepped out.

After coming out, Yan Hao told everyone about his plan with his mind, and everyone agreed.

Yan Hao smiled and said, "In this case, this heaven and earth city can't come for nothing. Let's go shopping first."

Yan Hao's proposal has been unanimously approved by the girls, especially the red line, Qin Shiyun and the little spider.

Xiaorui's eyes are even more wide open. She has never seen such a big city. With so many people, her little mouth has become 'ah' shape.

Shen Yi has been out for a long time and has a certain immunity to such a scene. He smiled and did not object.

In this way, Yan Hao took everyone to stroll around the city of heaven and earth.

Along the way, the little spider held Xiaorui's hand. Look at it, look at it, and laugh happily from time to time.

After a while, their left and right hands were full of food.

In the end, she couldn't take it. There was nothing she could do. The little spider had to cast a spell and let those who ate all surround her. If she wanted to eat something, she would just take it by herself.

Most of the people who go shopping in the world are monks, and no one is surprised by the little spider. It just attracted a burst of kind laughter when I saw that the float was all food.

The little spider doesn't care, just eat happily.

Yan Hao did not forget Xiao Bing and quietly threw those foods into the ninth-level Futu.

Because of the identity of the little ice mythical beast, it is a little too conspicuous. There are many abilities in this city. Yan Hao was afraid of being recognized, so he had to put Xiaobing in the nine-level Futu.

When Yan Hao threw something in, Xiaobing immediately expressed her dissatisfaction, screaming and shouting to come out.

Yan Hao had no choice but to hold Xiaobing out with a hidden atmosphere.

As soon as Xiao Bing came out, their group suddenly became more lively. Xiao Bing directly grabbed the food with Xiao Spider and Xiao Rui, which made the little spider so angry.

The world city is so big that it sells a variety of things.

There are some gadgets, which are covered with small arrays, allowing them to directly absorb vitality into energy and turn them into energy, and let those gadgets move.