kill the sky (full)

Chapter 362 First Visit to Wonderland

At this moment, a mouth in the sky cracked again, and during this period, the already familiar light fell down again.

"Don't resist."

Yan Hao's voice remembered again and calmed everyone's excitement.

The light first fell on the fairy who had just broken through to the Xuanxian period, and then felt that the people around him were also immortals, so the light became a little thicker, and then I felt that the light next to the fairy became a little thicker again.

In this way, the light slowly became thicker, and then nearly a thousand immortals in the air were all wrapped up. Such a spectacular scene made the onlookers below amazing.

In the admiration of the audience, nearly a thousand immortals in the air began to rise slowly and rise to the gap in the sky.

Just as everyone was about to enter the gap, a figure suddenly flew over and surrounded the crowd.

Yan Hao turned his head and shouted excitedly, "Xiao Rui."

That figure was Xiaorui, and she didn't know what she came from. She just blended into the team of people at this time.

In time for Yan Hao to shout this, he saw a flash of colorful glow, and nearly a thousand immortals disappeared into the starting world.

I don't know when it began. The underground people began to kneel to the ground, and everyone crossed their fingers tightly, put them on their chests, and said something in their mouths.

The new starting emperor also knelt on his knees and, like ordinary people, silently kowtowed and prayed to the disappeared landlords of Yan Hao and others, and his face was full of piety.


There are many soaring points in the fairyland. There is no fixed location for monks to fly to the fairyland in the lower world, just to prevent them from being killed as soon as there are enemies in the two worlds and the people of the fairyland. As soon as the monks enter the fairyland, they will be killed.

It was also this rule that caused the five immortal emperors to have to put heavy troops on each soaring point.

Since there are immortal emperors in the fairy world, there are naturally immortal generals and immortal soldiers. These are the privately raised by the five immortal emperors and consume a lot of materials every year.

But it is also a powerful force. These people are all masters of the masters to help the five immortal emperors unify the immortal world.

In the southwest of the fairyland, there is a soaring point, which is relatively remote, and few lower monks usually fly to this point. As a result, the immortals at this soaring point are very leisurely.

However, the fairyland still did not let go of this soaring point, and still sent more than 50 masters to stay here. The leading fairy will wear golden armor and set off his whole body with incomparable nobility.

This man is a fairy general under the White Emperor, named Pingjiangshan. His cultivation is terribly high, and he has reached the fivefold period of the Golden Immortals. He has two left and right guards, both of whom are also Jinxian cultivation, one Jinxian double and one Jinxian triple.

When it comes to the Golden Immortal period, the cultivation gap between each period is huge. In the Golden Immortal triple period, Immortal can deal with five golden immortals at the same time, which shows the gap between the two.

The other 50-person masters below were also all masters of the Xuanxian period. This group of people stood there like that, did not move, and exuded the breath from their bodies, but made this soaring immortals shudder and wanted to turn around and escape.

Pingjiangshan was transferred to station this soaring point, and I was also a little unhappy. Such a remote soaring point here could not meet a monk for tens of thousands of years, so how could Yan Hao fly to this point?

However, no matter how unhappy he is, Ping Jiangshan can't say anything. Who calls him a subordinate of the White Emperor?

I don't know how many years his two guards have followed Pingjiangshan. With a slight look, both of them know what it means.

Although Pingjiangshan did not express his dissatisfaction at this time, the two guards could see it from the eyebrows of Pingjiangshan. Pingjiangshan didn't say anything, but the two of them spoke on behalf of Pingjiangshan and complained about the White Emperor for a while.

Although Ping Jiangshan is happy to hear it, he can't let them talk any more. Otherwise, if it spreads to Baidi in the future, he doesn't know what the consequences will be.

Ping Jiangshan had a straight face and pretended to scold the two of them.

Knowing that the time was coming, the two looked at each other and kept silent. After one minute, the two turned the topic to Yan Hao again.

The left guard of Pingjiangshan has a high cultivation and is the triple of golden immortals. This person's name is Wen Shichu, and he is also wearing golden armor, but his style is not as good-looking as Pingjiangshan's.

At the beginning of hearing, he said, "It's all about Yan Hao's fault. He actually made such a big mess and was transferred by the White Emperor to guard such a remote soaring point. Then Yan Hao won't come here. If he really appears here, I will let him kneel in front of the general, let him smash his forehead, and come to plead to the general.

Ping Jiangshan laughed and said, "I heard the news that Yan Hao is also a fairy now. If you want him to smash his forehead, you have to at least put a piece of black iron in front of his forehead for ten thousand years."

At first sight, Ping Jiangshan quite agreed with his words, and also smiled and said, "It's not enough to put ten thousand years of basal iron under his forehead. You should put a meat-eating fairy ball under his knee and let the meat-eating fairy ball gnaw off his body little by little."

Ping Jiangshan smiled and said, "You are too cruel. How can you be so tortured? Isn't it over with a knife?"

He first said, "That's the general. You are generous. He is tired of the general working so hard in such a remote place. He deserves to be punished."

At this time, Jian Ruli, the right guard of Pingjiangshan, frowned and said, "I heard that the 17 Xuanxian nine-fold peak masters sent down last time all died below. This Yan Hao is not as easy to deal with as we think. If we really want to appear here, we should still be careful."

When I first saw Pingjiang Mountain frowning, I immediately understood the meaning and said disdain, "The nine peaks of Xuanxian are also Xuanxian. Can you compare with our general? No matter how powerful Yan Hao is, since he flew up from the lower world, he is still a mysterious fairy. Our general wants to deal with him, but it's not five fingers to catch the field snail and catch him.

Ping Jiangshan was patted all over by the first-time flattery, and his eyebrows dispersed.

Jian Ruli said, "I know that this may not sound good, but I heard that the soul jade Jane of the 17 Xuanxians was broken together at the same time."

Ping Jiangshan's face finally became solemn. After ponding for a long time, he said, "Can you kill 17 Xuanxian nine peaks at the same time? Can you do it at the beginning of hearing it?"

Wen Zhichu said with an embarrassed face, "If you lend me your counterattack, maybe you can do it."

Pingjiangshan said: "The anti-sky mace is the second best fairy weapon second to the excellent fairy weapon. With your triple cultivation of the golden immortal, you have to use the anti-sky mace to do it. Isn't that Yan Hao's son, at least he also has the strength of the golden immortal weapon. We really can't despise this person."

As he looked at Jian Ruli and said, "Ruli, you reminded me well that I almost let the general underestimate the enemy."

Jian Ruli said respectfully, "They are all wise and can listen to the good advice of his subordinates."

Hearing the first time, his face smelled worse than stool. He stared at Jian Ruli with dissatisfaction and thought, "Damn it, yours is a good word, and then I will become a word of lament. Jane, you son of a bitch, scold me in a strange way. If it weren't for the general's face, it would be easy for me to deal with you with your double cultivation.

Just when Wen Shi was thinking nonsense here, he heard several immortal officials over there shouting: "Oh, someone really flew up. Ah! How can so many people fly at the same time?

After the colorful glow disappeared, nearly a thousand immortals on Yan Hao's side had felt that the surrounding environment had changed dramatically.

First of all, the strong fairy spirit filled the air, and everyone took a big breath greedily.

Then they found that they were in a dry forest, and the trees around them were lifeless, and the dark brown bark fell from time to time.

The earth is charred, as if it had been burned by flames for millions of years.

A feeling of irritability rises from everyone's hearts, making people feel uncomfortable.

"This is the fairyland. How did it become like this?"

"This is too far from what is recorded in ancient books."

"Oh, why has this fairy spirit faded?"

"Oh, really, why is this fairy spirit getting weaker and weaker?"

Everyone was puzzled. When they first flew up, the air was full of strong fairy spirit. Why did the fairy spirit fade at this moment?

"Is this the fairyland? Why is it similar to the legendary underworld?


Yan Hao's voice suddenly sounded, and he saw that he was in front of everyone. He stretched out his hand and pressed back into the void, and everyone became quiet in an instant.

At this time, everyone found that not far away from them, there were more than 50 masters in armor, exuding a murderous intention and looking at them.

At first, everyone's hearts were seized by this environment, and they didn't feel anything. At this time, they were swept away by the cold eyes of more than 50 people and suddenly felt cold all over.

Yan Hao stared at the face of the tall man in golden armor, and Yan Hao could feel that this man's cultivation was the highest in this group. Yan Hao couldn't see through his cultivation, and even the two men next to him who were also wearing golden armor could not see through it. Yan Hao knew that these three were all masters above the Golden Fairy Period.

Suddenly, Yan Hao felt a person flying behind him and turned his head to see that it was Xiaorui.

Xiaorui has undergone great changes. Except for the exquisite face, her breath has changed dramatically. At this time, her face was cold, and her murderous intention emanated without restraint. Even Yan Hao felt slightly shocked.

But Yan Hao can now see through Xiao Rui's cultivation, which is also the peak of Xuanxian, and the three men in front of him are all golden immortals. Naturally, Yan Hao can't let her mess around.

"Xiao Rui, dangerous! Come down and stand behind me."

Yan Hao said to Xiaorui, afraid of causing Xiaorui's disgust, and his voice was as gentle and peaceful as possible.