kill the sky (full)

Chapter 366 Heaven Kills the Sky

Dao Endless was very excited when he saw Yan Hao. He was a little choked during the conversation. He finally pressed the emotion in his heart and nodded, "Yes, that day, the master of the Water God Dragon Palace blew himself up endlessly. When Endless woke up, the master did not know where he was going. Endlessly, I had no choice but to choose a hole to jump down in the endless valley.

The knife talked about his adventure endlessly and slowly.

It turned out that the knife was endless. At that time, Yan Hao didn't know where he had gone. After jumping from the huge hole, he went to another big world. Speaking of which, he was lucky enough to get an adventure similar to that of the two brothers of Chao Mingjin. He practiced all the way and soared directly.

After arriving at the fairyland, the fairyland disappointed him, and then met a fairy emperor who wanted to recruit him. After being rejected by him, he fought and wanted to kill him.

The knife endlessly got the magic weapon with his adventure, and then managed to escape. Later, he met many people who did not want to serve the immortal emperor. So they came together and found this dust valley by mistake.

Seeing that no one moved in, they occupied this place and made it their foothold.

After listening to this, Yan Hao also sighed that it was really God's will. The knife endlessly occupied Xiaorui's canyon, otherwise he would not meet the knife endlessly again.

Yan Hao patted the knife on the shoulder and smiled, "Your name is endless, and the endless valley of the East China Sea is also called endless. It makes sense for you to have an adventure there. It's not in vain."

The knife smiled endlessly, "Let the master see the joke."

Yan Hao said, "Well, it's too late for me to be happy for you. How can I laugh at you?"

Long Yanmiao and others were also extremely shocked. Such an encounter was really surprising. Xiaorui's canyon was endlessly occupied by knives.

After Yan Hao made an endless separation from the knife, he told him all his experiences.

Dao endlessly listened to his tongue. When he heard that Yan Hao unified the three thousand worlds and established the Heavenly Alliance, 30 or 40 people on the knife's side were dumbfounded. Who has dared to fight against the fairyland blatantly in millions of years?

How magnificent it is to gather the Lord of the three thousand worlds into a large array and kill immortals.

If a man is based on the world, shouldn't he live so unrestrained and passionately?

Sprinkle blood for a happy life. Not for nothing!

Since the knife has re-recognized the owner of Yan Hao, it will naturally run to the darkness one by one.

Then Dao Endless introduced Yan Hao to his men. Before Dao Endless asked them if they wanted to fight against the fairyland with him.

These people have all knelt down and shouted at Yan Hao.

When they heard Yan Hao fighting against the fairyland and killing immortals, their blood was boiling. How could they ask endlessly with a knife? Now if they let the knife chase them endlessly, they will not leave.

Yan Hao smiled, took out the magic tower of the first ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, and called out the nearly a thousand immortals.

Although Dao Endless and others heard that there were nearly 1,000 immortals flying up with Yan Hao, they saw that this scene was even more spectacular.

Nearly 1,000 people came out of the Yuan Ancestor Magic Tower and immediately found that this place was different from the fairyland they had just seen. They were a little stunned for a moment, and several Xuanxians took the lead. At the same time, they bowed to Yan Hao and said, "Let's meet the alliance leader."

Others also reacted and bowed down accordingly.

Yan Hao was so angry that he called everyone up, and the people on this side of the knife one by one and said, "In the future, you will call me the leader of the alliance like them."

Thirty or forty people said at the same time, "Yes."

Yan Hao said, "From today on, we will have a foothold in the fairyland by killing the Heavenly League. We aim to overthrow the fairyland and think that the monks in the world will get a fair opportunity to practice. We named it Kill Heaven, which means that anyone who stops us will be killed. People stop, kill people; immortals stop, kill immortals; heaven stop, kill the sky.

"Kill the sky!"

"Kill the sky!"

"Kill the sky!"

The shocking shouts shouted from more than a thousand people's mouths at the same time, shocking the sky and echoing thousands of miles.

At this moment, there is a heroic atmosphere in the dust valley. Even if the five immortal emperors appear here, I believe that more than 1,000 people will rush up without hesitation.

After a long time, the dust valley calmed down. Yan Hao and the immortals used great magic power to build high-rise buildings on the ground to build accommodation for the immortals.

Then, according to the content discussed with the Central Emperor on the road, let the immortals return to their respective sects and strive to get them to board Yan Hao's thief ship.

And Yan Hao himself went to the outermost mouth of the valley and began to build a large array that could protect a dust valley. At Yan Hao's current level of formation, I believe that even if the five immortal emperors come in person, they will have to spend a lot of effort to break Yan Hao's array.

Yan Haobu spent 36 days, and the souls of more than 50 immortals who besieged Yan Hao at the beginning were broken at the same time, which also let the five immortal emperors know that something was wrong.

The five immortal emperors sent a large number of people to explore the whereabouts of Yan Hao in the whole fairyland, and ordered all sects not to take in Yan Hao. Once found, it must be a disaster for the slaughter.

Unfortunately, in recent years, the five immortal emperors have only paid attention to Yan Hao for a while. They didn't care much about the nearly 1,000 immortals around him. In this hurried attack, there was no detailed information about these thousands of people at all, and they were sent to capture the immortals and immortals who surrendered to others, and they were also at a loss.

The five immortal emperors don't know which people in the world are among the nearly 1,000 people who soared with Yan Hao this time. He had to warn the sects of the 3,000 worlds in the fairyland not to take in, and secretly sent hidden soldiers to monitor 3,000 sects.

In this way, the people sent by Yan Hao will be unlucky. Some are lucky to have successfully returned to the sect long before the Five Immortal Emperors reacted.

Some, find the dark pawn one step in advance, secretly solve the dark pawn, and then return to the sect.

Some people slip away directly because of their weak strength after discovering the dark pawn.

However, some immortals were caught by the dark pawn.

In the end, more than 100 immortals were arrested and more than a dozen died on the spot. Even if those sects found that they were afraid of the power of the Immortal Emperor, they did not dare to help them and watched them being killed by secret soldiers.

More than 30 of the more than 100 immortals knew that they could not escape death. On the way, they took advantage of the hidden pawn's attention and pulled the hidden pawn to expose themselves and died.

The news spread so that other dark pawns were prepared, and the remaining 70 people did not find a chance to be taken to the five immortal emperors.

The five immortal emperors ordered his men to torture the immortals and ask him about the whereabouts of Yan Hao, but everyone died outside the crossing, and no one opened his mouth.

When the Immortal Emperor ordered to search the memories of the immortals with the great soul search, they knew that the immortals had already closed their souls and washed away their past memories one after another.

In anger, the five immortal emperors killed more than 70 people. He hung more than 70 heads outside the cradle and ordered people to whip the bodies of more than 70 people.

The news came back to Yan Hao's ears, which made Yan Hao's blue veins bulge, almost bit his steel teeth, his eyes were red, and he wanted to choose someone to eat.

The Central Emperor and others were also uncomfortable, but when they saw Yan Hao in such a state, they all comforted each other.

The immortals sent by Yan Hao returned one after another, and some brought good news, saying that the sect was willing to cooperate with Yan Hao.

Some sects expressed silence and did not agree or object.

Yan Hao knew that these sects had been subject to the ** power of the five immortal emperors for a long time. It was indeed a very difficult thing to convince them that Yan Hao, who suddenly rose, could overthrow the whole fairyland in a short time.

However, no sect directly refuses, which is already a good thing, which means that these sects are quite dissatisfied with the five immortal emperors.

When someone stands up against the Five Immortals, although these sects will not help, at least they will not oppose it.

Finally, there are those immortals who have not returned to the sect. They are all depressed and a little depressed.

Yan Hao encouraged them and did not blame them at all.

When everyone learned that more than 100 companions had died at the hands of the five immortal emperors, they all hated it and wanted to frustrate the five immortal emperors.

All the immortals sent by Yan Hao this time also returned. Unexpectedly, no one chose to stay in his own sect and return to Yan Hao to overthrow this rotten fairyland with Yan Hao.

Yan Hao asked everyone to go back to rest, but he went to Xiaorui's place.

Before stepping into the door, Xiaorui heard the little spider chattering around Xiaorui, which was also rare and occasionally made two chuckle-clear laughter.

Yan Hao knocked outside the door. After getting Xiaorui's approval, he pushed the door and walked in. He found that in addition to the two people, Xiao Bing was also here.

It's just that Xiaobing made teeth and claws to the little spider. Presumably, the conversation and laughter of the two women just now revolved around Xiaobing.

"Brother Yan, you came just in time. You have to make the decision for me. The two of them bullied me."

Xiao Bing's milky voice came into Yan Hao's ears, like an ignorant child.

Yan Hao smiled and summoned his hand to Xiaobing. Xiaobing immediately jumped into his arms. Yan Hao touched Xiaobing's head and said, "Okay, I have an incident to talk about with Sister Xiaorui. You go out first."

Seeing that Yan Hao did not replace it, Xiao Bing turned his head dissatisfiedly, and then went out of the door with the little spider.

Yan Hao went to Xiaorui and sat down, took her soft hand, and gently stroked it, "How about it? With the help of those fairy spirits, can your cultivation be restored to Daluo Jinxian?"

Xiaorui struggled for a while, but was caught to death by Yan Hao. She had to let Yanhao hold the little hand and nodded and said, "Those I got before are definitely not enough. In this dust valley, I have saved some, coupled with the immortal spirit in a dust valley, I recovered."

Yan Hao said, "It's good to recover. Get ready and go out with me."

Xiao Rui said, "Are you going to deal with those five people?"

Yan Hao said, "Pull out their bad teeth first, just to increase my cultivation. Do you know the power distribution of the five immortal emperors?


Seven days later, at the place where the five immortal emperors gathered, the White Emperor angrily slapped the table in front of him into pink foam.