kill immortals

Chapter 9 Kill

Pingjiang put the broad sword on his chest and knew from Wan'er's mouth that he was practicing top-level skills. Let him understand why his cultivation realm has been practicing for more than six years, and he can resist the attack of mad dogs rising to the realm of condensation with the second level of cultivation some days ago.

Top-level skills are definitely different from other skills, as for other functions, you have to slowly dig and discover them.

Knowing himself and knowing his enemy, Pingjiang first analyzed his strength. Maybe this game is not as dangerous as I thought.

The battle has begun.

"The only chance you won't be turned into a dead dog is to jump off the fighting platform when the bell rings. Unfortunately, it's too late now."

Pingjiang watched the three quickly round his triangle, with no expression on his face.

The blade's words made Pingjiang raise his head to look at him. Then, Pingjiang didn't say a word, made a mistake on the soles of his feet, raised his sword over the top, and hit the blade fiercely.

"Idiot!" The blade seemed to have expected this. He sneered, and the long willow knife flashed and greeted the wide sword from the bottom up. Seeing the mountain eagle and iron hand flying behind Pingjiang, he knew that he could not retreat and did not need to retreat. As discussed by the three before, the opponent should be besieged and killed in this triangle as soon as possible.

The three of them don't want to consider the strength of their opponents at all. They just want to kill Pingjiang as soon as possible. This is three against one. The three of them felt ashamed and angry when they thought about it. They had already agreed that they must solve the battle as soon as possible.

The willow knife was split by a sword. Before the blade could react, Pingjiang's wrist shook and the wide sword cut it horizontally.

Pingjiang stared at the blade coldly, and no one knows his strength now. With unintentional calculation, he intends to use his strongest strength to occasionally break up the rhythm of the battle.

At this time, this knife was obviously beyond the expectation of the blade, and it was too late for him to flash now. Pingjiang saw that the broad sword was about to cut off his opponent. Unfortunately, a strange wind suddenly remembered behind him changed his face and quickly dodged, and the blade also took the opportunity to retreat and dodged the sword.

Seeing a dagger swirling in the air and flying back to the hand of the mountain eagle, Pingjiang exhaled. Three people, it's really troublesome.

The blade had just escaped the disaster and winced at the mountain eagle and the iron hand, and his face was hard to look. Unexpectedly, the opponent's power was so strong that he had stabilized him.

In the Lei family's viewing room, the hidden knife rushed to Lei and whispered, "Master, I won."

Lei Meng didn't say anything. He looked at Pingjiang on the field with burning eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Win? Why can't I see that Xiaojiangjiang is still very dangerous? Lei Waner stretched out her neck and shook her head to stare at the fighting platform.

"Mom, this guy is much stronger than the mad dog!" The Hu people and others in the other observation room shouted low and scolding, and their faces began to become ugly. Originally, they thought that the three people should at least hurt the Lei family, but they didn't expect that the strength of the family was not small, which made the pre-arranged killing unbearable.

The continuous scene on the field is indeed the same. The attack of the three iron-handed people is very close. If the mad dog comes to resist, I'm afraid that one of the three people will barely hold up the fierce attack. Under the three people's siege, it will definitely persist for a long time.

Pingjiang did not completely leak his strength. He only set off the attack of one or two of them at the most critical time, and then flashed out of the encirclement with his strange body, which would not leave the three of them a chance to gather together. And when he suddenly exploded, he stared at one of them to attack, which also made the three people confused.

"This guy is too difficult to deal with!"

Although Pingjiang has never really fought a life-and-death battle, let alone has no one-many experience, in the same way, the three people on the opposite side have not cooperated in many battles. From time to time, the three people will also mess up because of their poor cooperation, which saves a lot of trouble in Pingjiang.

Now the battle has lasted for almost a quarter of an hour, and four people are consumed on the field. The three mountain eagles have been trying to surround the Pingjiang River, but they are always broken through by him.

Pingjiang's internal interest consumption is very fast, and they are not much better when they want to come to Shanying. Pingjiang will never give them a chance to take turns to rest and then kill themselves. Whoever wanted to rest, he attacked, and the other two had to come to save them, which consumed a lot of internal energy for the four people.

"Does it depend on who consumes the internal interest first? I'm not sure I can stick to it until the end!" Thinking so, Pingjiang has no good way and can only continue to persist.

Suddenly, in a rapid transformation, Yu Guang found that the three of them had made eye contact. He had just seen this move. This was because they were going to cooperate with the attack. Just now, they used it once, which almost hit him.

Sure enough, the next action of the iron hand confirmed Pingjiang's idea. The iron hand suddenly rushed and stopped in front of him. Just now, when Pingjiang wanted to force him to open, the broad sword was almost locked by his hands. If he hadn't taken it back with all his strength when he was not locked, he would have become empty-handed to three people, and the situation could not have been saved.

In an instant, an idea suddenly flashed in Pingjiang's mind and intuitively told him that this method might be feasible.

"Get out of here!" Pingjiang shouted, as if he had to be hit by the mountain eagle and the blade, but when the iron hand quickly put on a defensive posture, he twisted his toes and rushed to the mountain eagle on the other side.

No, the iron hand screamed in his heart. His legs squatted slightly and his defensive posture was set. He wanted to turn back to attack. There was no doubt that the speed was much slower. Now he could only hope that the blade could save the mountain eagle in time.

You save others every time. Let's see who can save you this time. When Pingjiang had the opportunity to hit them several times, he was always destroyed by the roundabout of the mountain eagle, and he had already planned to be the first to get rid of him.

"Come and die!" Seeing Pingjiang rushing to himself, the mountain eagle smiled gloomyly, and the knife flashed. The dagger had left his hand and flew straight to the mad dog, but it was blocked by him with a wide sword. The blade is only a few steps away from here and can be reached in a blink of an eye. When Shan Ying saw that Pingjiang Kuanjian split the dagger, he seemed to use too much force and his front chest was exposed. In order to force him, he raised his right palm and attacked Pingjiang.

Pingjiang seemed to be forced to face the mountain eagle helplessly. Behind him, the blade has accumulated strength with the knife and will be cut off at any time.

In the gloomy laughter of the mountain eagle, the two palms collided with each other, but there was no sound of breaking the palms. But silently, the two palms split as soon as they touched. Then the mad dog turned around and dodged strangely, leaving the mountain eagle with the long willow knife behind him.

"Get out of the way!" In the roar of the blade, the mountain eagle was as stupid and motionless. Even if the blade tried its best to collect its strength, the long willow knife still split from the right shoulder of the mountain eagle and cut straight to the chest before stopping.

Mountain eagle, die.

Before the matter was over, at the moment when the mountain eagle's blood spewed out and the blade was stunned, Pingjiang floated from the edge like a ghost, slapped the wide sword on the head of the inescapable blade, and a sound of a broken skull suddenly came.

The blade, almost in no separate order from the mountain eagle, died one after another.

The iron hand was stunned for a moment, suddenly shouted, suddenly ran out of the fighting platform, and then jumped up. Seeing that he was about to jump out of the fighting platform, a violent wind suddenly came from behind him. A wide sword flew in an instant, sneered through the chest of the jumping iron hand, making him fly several meters in the air before he suddenly plunged into the ground outside the fighting platform.

The only chance you won't be turned into a dead person is to jump off the fighting platform when the bell rings. Unfortunately, it's too late now.

Pingjiang remembered what Blade said at the beginning of the battle, and his chest churled, and immediately spewed out the blood that poured into his mouth. He went down the steps, came to the body of the iron hand, pulled out the broad sword, and walked to Lei Meng.