kill immortals

Chapter 13 Marriage

Pingjiang looked at Lei Waner. She lowered her head, bit her lower lip, and her face was pale.

Taking a few deep breaths, Pingjiang looked forward. However, I saw a strong young man next to Liu Zongshan staring at Lei Waner with hot eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, full of pride and longing.

This should be Liu Zheng. Pingjiang stared at him closely. The young man seemed to feel something and looked at Pingjiang, as if he suddenly remembered something with a fierce expression on his face.

"Haha, Brother Lei's words are wrong. Liu Zheng used to be our family's fighting slave. But now, because of his excellent talent, he has been given the surname Liu by the patriarch, and he will teach me the authentic skills of the Liu family in the future, which is the key object of cultivation in the Liu family. In this way, Wan'er's niece is not an insult to her. Six months ago, Wan's niece said she would come back to think about it. I don't know how she is thinking now?

half a year ago? Isn't that the time for the mad dog to defeat the blood snake, and his skills have just broken through? Pingjiang understood that it was no wonder that Lei Waner would be in such a bad mood when she came back at that time.

Lei Waner lowered her head and wiped her face a few times. She looked sideways at the faintly exposed under the fan of her eyes, and there were some faint traces of crying, which was even more touching. Liu Zheng's eyes were bright.

Withaning Lei Waner's words, Lei Meng said in abruptly, "Naturally, my father is the master of my children's affairs. You don't have to think about it. I won't agree."

Liu Zongshan's expression did not fluctuate, and he still smiled and said, "Brother Lei, don't say it so early. If you think so, that's because you don't know the strength of our Liu family. Liu Zheng is not yet 16 years old, but he is about to break through to the realm of water, and he has condensed 14 times the inner breath without practicing high-level skills.

Someone in the Lei family who was present shouted in a low voice. It seems that Liu Zheng is indeed a talented pervert.

Seeing that Lei Meng was about to speak again, Liu Zongshan suddenly said, "I heard that the second young master of the Lei family also condensed seven times with the Lei family's Tianlei skill in those years, but it was compared with Liu Zheng, but it was still slightly worse."

Lei Meng's face changed greatly. Liu Zongshan first forced him to marry this slave, and now compared this slave with his second son, whom he has always been proud of, his momentum is extremely compelling, which makes Lei Meng feel angry.

I heard that your Lieyang Lei family got some breathing opportunities by relying on a slave named dog and a 3333 handyman. But this is not a long-term solution after all. If you agree to this marriage, our Liu Lei family will naturally be close and will never sit back and watch you have difficulties.

"Don't say any more. There is no discussion about this matter. I will never let Lei Meng's daughter marry a fighting slave."

Lei Meng's words relieved Lei Waner, who was listening nervously. Pingjiang's wrinkled eyebrows also loosened a little.

"Lei Meng's nephew, you, think about it again."

"Huh?!" Lei Meng looked at his third uncle Lei Biao and was stunned.

Lei Waner also looked at her third grandfather in disbelief. Doesn't he love himself very much? What does he mean by that? Let me marry that Liu Zheng? How can the third grandpa do this?

"Second brother, you may enter the Lei family tree in the future, and you will have a bright future. However, our Lieyang Lei family still has to survive and..."

"Enough," Lei shouted angrily, looking at the eldest son of Tang Biao, who was usually good with him. His cousin Reza, seemed to look at a stranger, "If the Lei family wants to survive, let my daughter marry a slave?" Is this your expediency? How beautiful were the ancestors of the Lei family? Now that they have suffered a little setback, how can they endure this humiliation? Where is the proud bone of the Lei family? Are you still the descendants of the Lei family?"

"At this time, at that time!" The answer was Lei Biao. Facing Lei's angry eyes, Lei Biao did not flinched and said loudly, "Even if it is a vast royal family, there will be some kinship behavior in difficult times. I don't think I have done anything to shame my ancestors. Since Wan'er is a member of the Lei family, she naturally has the responsibility to share the difficulties in the family. Lei Meng's nephew, I hope you can think about our Lieyang Lei family.

Liu Zongshan watched them arguing silently with a bright smile on his face.

"I will never..."

"Thunder!" Lei Biao shouted loudly to stop the thunder, and suddenly turned his head and said gently to Lei Waner with a gray face, "Wan'er, don't blame the third grandpa. Recently, the Liu family has been urging marriage letters, and the head of the Liu family has also sent special letters, which shows their sincerity. Besides, the Liu family is even more powerful than our whole Lei family. In the future, the Liu family will definitely treat you well.

When Lei Meng heard the letter, he suddenly seemed to wake up and frowned and asked, "The letter? By the way, Waner, didn't I ask you to send an urgent letter to Huoyuan? Why haven't you heard back from there?"

Wan'er shook her head with a pale face and said in a low voice, "The fire element hasn't replied yet. If there is, I'm afraid it should have arrived a few days ago."

Lei Meng thought for a moment and suddenly said to Lei Biao in a low voice, "Uncle, Huo Yuan's reply is with you!"

"Yes," Lei Biao sighed and continued, "You understand the rules of the Lei family. Once separated, they are separated. The clan will not care about the following matters until the real moment of life and death.

Lei Biao took a letter out of his arms and handed it to Lei Meng. Lei Meng quickly opened it, and a few words were written on the big paper: Lei Biao and Lei Meng took full power to deal with it.

Lei Meng's eyes lit up and said, "The clan also gives me the right to make decisions."

"But I'm still the head of this Lieyang Lei family." Lei Biao shouted in a low voice.

"Sure enough, in the end, Uncle, you still took the position of the head of the family to suppress me." Lei Meng nodded unexpectedly and turned pale. "Uncle, you are confused. The Liu family is not helping us, but hitting our Lei family in the face!"

"I have my own opinion."

The field suddenly calmed down, and the Lei family and the Liu family stopped talking, leaving only the horses slowly marching.

Lei Meng and Lei Biao's faces were deep, and Lei Wan'er's face was dull, as if she had lost her soul. However, Liu Zongshan and the people around him looked like bamboo on their chests and smiled.

"Drive." A horse ran out of the herd and stopped in front of the crowd. Pingjiang looked at the young man next to Liu Zongshan.

"Grandpa Lei Biao, uncles, the little nephew is Liu Zheng." Liu Zheng rushed to salute everyone, "The seniors of the Lei family, especially Uncle Lei Meng, are afraid that everyone still doesn't understand the strength of the little nephew, so it's normal to have no confidence in the little nephew."

"The patriarch cherishes the boy's talent and has promised his little nephew to pass on the snowy heart method to me after the New Year, so uncles and uncles can rest assured that the little nephew will definitely become an important training object in the Liu family in the future, and will have a high status in the Liu family in the future. Wan'er sister will marry me, the little nephew I'm sure she won't be wronged.

"Snow Floating Heart Method? Isn't that juxed with our Lei family's nine thunder heart method? It's second only to the real secret of the Great Thunder.

"Yes, that's much higher than the thunder of our Lieyang Lei Mansion. The Liu family really valued Liu Zheng and actually passed on the mental methods that the descendants of the family may not have learned. There was a whisper among the people of the Lei family, which was obviously shocked by Liu Zheng's news.

Liu Zongshan smiled and said nothing, but Lei Meng looked at Liu Zheng gloomily, as if he was not moved by the news. Hearing that, Liu Zheng continued to say, "So, in order to show that the little nephew is reluctantly worthy of Miss Wan'er, I hope to show his ugliness in front of the seniors. I hope that the seniors of the Lei family can give more support to the little nephew after watching it."

Liu Zongshan smiled more, and Lei Meng looked at the hidden knife next to him, which was a little surprised. However, the two soon reacted, looked at Pingjiang and Mad Dog, gritted their teeth, and laughed fiercely.

"Uncle Lei Meng's talented second young master is not here now, so his little nephew retreats and wants to fight with your Leifu, the most popular mad dog recently and the 3333 with one-to-three..."