kill immortals

Chapter 27 Colored Python


Pingjiang gasped and staggered. From time to time, he tripped over some protruding tree roots and got up in a hurry, as if something terrible was chasing behind him.

Pingjiang didn't know where he had gone. Looking up, he was surrounded by white. Under his gaze, he could only see the distance of two feet, which made him unable to even let go of his running. Otherwise, a big step might make him hit the suddenly flashing tree.

In this foggy forest, he has been running for three days. Pingjiang feels exhausted and is really worried that once he is tired, he will never get up.


Pingjiang looked back in horrificingly, and a large python that was four or five feet long and a man with seven colors slowly swam over to him.

"Oh, I know you!" Pingjiang screamed that the colorful python should have chased him two days ago, but later disappeared. Pingjiang thought it had been dumped, and he didn't expect to meet him here again.

"Blood python, you are a blood python! Haha... Don't think that I don't know you when I become like this!" Pingjiang gasped and sat on the ground softly, and his legs trembled as if he were out of strength. For three days, he has been running without eating, and his internal breath has been exhausted. Pingjiang has already reached its limit.

"Mother D, I didn't expect that in the end, I would still die in your blood python mouth. You are still predestined to me!" Pingjiang looked at the long sword in his hand and smiled bitterly. This sword was given to him by Lei Waner, but since he entered the deep forest, this sword has never seen blood. The main reason is that even if the sword cuts to those wild beasts with all its strength, it can't even break their skin, including the colorful python in front of them.

" grandma's... I'll poke you to death." Pingjiang saw that the colorful python was about to swim beside him, and he cast his sword at the colorful python with a fierce face. As soon as the sword took off his hand, he only felt his back soft and lay on the ground.

"It's really unwilling to die in your animal's mouth..." Pingjiang tried to move, but felt that his whole body was sore and soft, and he couldn't lift any strength. Looking up, his eyes were full of white. After a while, he began to feel cold.

Do you regret it? Maybe you shouldn't leave the Lei family, at least there is food and drink there, which is also a support.

Pingjiang smiled and threw away the idea. He knew that he would never live the days when he was walking dead and was treated as livestock. Even if he is buried in a python now, at least he is free.

"At least, I didn't die on the fighting platform and was thrown away like garbage." Pingjiang laughed and then coughed. Thinking about it, I have made a python now, and it seems that the way to die is not much better, and I immediately smiled bitterly.

Teacher...Uncle Mo, Uncle Di... Sister Waner, Mad Dog... Blood Snake, Liu Zheng...

Thinking about the people and things that can still be remembered in his mind, Pingjiang suddenly reacted. Why hasn't he been eaten yet? Colorful pythons are not like bears and don't like to eat dead things, do they? I haven't heard.

Pingjiang laboriously turned his head and looked in the direction of the colorful python.

This...what's the situation?

The colorful python was firmly stared to death by a sword. Pingjiang recognized the sword, because the sword was still in his hand just now.

Looking around the Pingjiang River, it is still white. After listening to it, there was only the sound of leaves scraping, and occasionally a few wild beasts, which were also a long distance away from here.

Before death, the potential exploded? I remember that in the book Lei Waner brought to Pingjiang before, there was a book that introduced that people faced a sudden disaster, and magical power would burst out.

Pingjiang raised his right hand, looked at it, and then suddenly turned over and climbed to the colorful python breathlessly. He put his mouth close to the wound of the python and sucked it up fiercely.

The perception of his hands and feet slowly recovered, and his body began to heat up. Pingjiang loosened his mouth, gasped fiercely, and then pulled out his sword. He jumped on the colorful python, tightened his hands and feet tightly to the python and continued to drink.

Well, poof... poof...Pingjiang suddenly vomited. Just now, there seemed to be a soft, smooth and greasy thing that was sucked into his mouth from the python. He vomited repeatedly, but there was no time. Things had been swallowed by him with the blood of the python.

"What?" Python heart? Python liver? Forget it, I don't care. Anyway, I ate it all. Pingjiang continued to immerse himself in his head, but he just sucked carefully for fear that something would run into his mouth.

After a while, Pingjiang let go of his hands and feet and rolled down.

hiccup ~ Pingjiang burped contentedly. Suddenly remembered something, got up and walked to the side, found a big tree, dug a hole underneath, spread some leaves, arranged some branches to camouflage at the mouth of the hole, and then got in. He didn't sleep for three days.

I don't know how long he slept, but Pingjiang stretched out and woke up. Drilling out of the tree hole, the outside is white and slightly shining. According to his experience in the past three days, it should be early in the morning.

"Why are you so dirty?" Touching the greasy thing on his arm made Pingjiang, who was already refreshed, frown. When he touched it again, he actually had it on his body. I looked down and smelled it, and it was disgusting. It was really unpleasant. When he looked back and saw the wet mud under the leaves in the tree hole, Pingjiang suddenly looked as if he had found the culprit. I took off my clothes, found some leaves stained with morning dew, and wiped my body. Finally, I was much better.

Pingjiang touched the place where the python corpse was hidden based on his memory. Before going to bed, he only covered the colorful python with some thick branches. When he arrived at the place, he saw the mark he had left, but the python body was gone, leaving only a branch scattered on the ground.

"Oh, it was really eaten." Pingjiang sighed. The bloody smell of the python corpse will definitely attract other wild beasts, which Pingjiang had expected before. Unfortunately, a snake breakfast is gone. Fortunately, I had a full drink before going to bed, and now Pingjiang doesn't feel hungry, so he picked up the magic sword and touched it in the forest.

There is a white fog in front of us. Where can I go to get out? In this damn place, he can't even see where the sun rises and falls. Pingjiang can't get the point after thinking for a long time, but he can't wait here. He has to find a direction and walk forward.

I've been walking for a long time. If my eyes are fine, I'm afraid this direction will go to the center of the fog forest. Because Pingjiang felt that the distance he could see was slightly shorter, even if it was only a little, but under Pingjiang's deliberate attention, he could feel it.

Hey, let's go back!

A sound behind him startled Pingjiang. Looking back, a big black shadow shook in the fog, which seemed to be the size of an adult rhinoceros. Pingjiang doesn't think that there will be any ordinary beasts in the forest that can survive in the middle of the forest. Even if it looks like a harmless rabbit, it is not what he can deal with.

Pingjiang slowly touched the edge and gently hid behind a big tree. After a while, the voice seemed to disappear, and Pingjiang endured for a long time. Finally, he felt that it should be safe, so he leaned out his head. Then he saw two fist-sized eyes, one left and one right, staring at himself honestly!

"Ah!" Pingjiang fell to the ground.