kill immortals

Chapter 36 Blue Sword

Pingjiang slowly sent the inner breath to the cyan soft sword in his hand, and the blue light on the soft sword gradually deepened. He gently stroked the sword and felt that something seemed to fly out in the green sword. The faster he stroked, the more obvious the feeling would be. With the knowledge that Pingjiang knows now, he has no idea about this sword.

At this time, his clothes were pulled, and Pingjiang did not look back. He skillfully took out a few pieces of dried meat from his arms and handed them to the side. In an instant, he felt that the dried meat was emptied in the same skilled way, and then one of the dried meat was sent to the mouth of Pingjiang.

You always take my things as a favor. You are really good at accounting. Pingjiang put the dried meat into his mouth, and then heard the sound of wiping the ground beside him and walking away.

Pingjiang turned around and saw that the little girl took the dried meat to the young woman and wanted to give it to her. The young woman looked at the happy little girl and shook her head with a smile. Suddenly, she saw Pingjiang looking this way. She couldn't help blushing and nodded to him as a thank you.

Pingjiang turned his head away and walked to a guard. Seeing that the guard's body trembled, he wanted to turn his head and run away. He hurriedly said, "Don't go."

Mother, this guy finally found himself. It seems that he still can't avoid it! This guard was the one who was going to rob Pingjiang meat dry that day. He had already recognized this beggars. At that time, when Pingjiang started to kill, his legs were always weak. What surprised him more was that although the other party did not bother him, he inexplicably wanted to follow the prisoners to Jinyanzhou.

You said that you are such a vicious pervert, where you want to go **. What's the matter with following such a broken prisoner? The guard trotted over and said cautiously, "Sir, what can I do for you? If you have something to tell me, I will do my best."

"Do you know this sword? It doesn't look like an ordinary soft sword!"

The guard was stunned for a moment and said that the evil star was really funny. Of course, this sword was not ordinary! The guard did not dare to neglect, so he shook his head and said he didn't know.

Seeing Pingjiang shaking his head disappointedly, the guard's heart moved for fear that he would be angry with himself. Naturally, he made a big pusher and said, "But if anyone here can recognize this soft sword, I guess it will only be Zhou Futong."

"Zhou Vice-tong? Which one? Take me to him."

The guard twitched the corners of his mouth, pointed to the side and said, "That's it! This is our Deputy Zhou.

Pingjiang looked sideways and saw that it was a prison car, and the little girl also stood aside. Previously, I saw the little girl standing beside the prison car in a daze. I thought that the car was her tortured family, but I didn't expect that it was the deputy commander of the escort prisoner. How could he get into the prison van? This is a little interesting.

The treatment of this week's deputy seems to be a little worse than that in other prison cars, and even his mouth is stuffed with a fine iron rod, which is unspeakable. Pingjiang went up and took off the fine iron bar. The other guards looked at it and didn't dare to speak. Someone said to Commander Wan, who was on his way in silence. Commander Wan took a look, frowned, and silently turned around to continue his journey.

Pingjiang also noticed the reaction of the surrounding guards. It seems that there is a conflict with the deputy this week.

After Pingjiang killed the bandits, he wanted to take the opportunity to kill the one surnamed Wan, just because he felt that the things he had done by the surnamed Wan were too disgusting. However, considering that he may stay in Jinyanzhou for some time in the future, killing Wan in public must cause unnecessary trouble for himself, so he did not take action. I'm afraid that Commander Wan didn't expect that his life would be saved for the time being.

Vice-Zhou gasped and looked at Pingjiang, and said excitedly, "Are you in the realm of starlight?"

Pingjiang shook his head. Zhou Vice Tong was a little disappointed and hesitated, "How can there be such a fast speed if it's not the Starlight Realm?" Besides, it is said that the head is about to break through to the realm of Baichuan, and it's incredible that you killed it with one move.

Pingjiang was stunned, and then he knew that he had reached the peak of the stream. Originally, he killed his head with one move, and thought he was just a person who had just arrived at the realm of the stream. After the fifth step of this magic condensation method, he couldn't even react to moving away, which made him a little surprised.

"Don't talk about anything else. Do you know this soft sword? Or what material is this soft sword made of?

Vice-tong Zhou looked carefully and asked for the soft sword from Pingjiang. He frowned and tried it for a long time. Finally, he shook his head and said, "This soft sword material seems to be made of a variety of rare fine stones. I can only feel that its power should be very powerful. My skill is too low that I can only exert a little power, and it just makes the soft sword change. It's just a sharp change, and you have to find other effects by yourself.

"Which?" Pingjiang frowned and took the soft sword and tried it, but he still couldn't get the point.

Vice Zhou saw it and said with a smile, "In the soft sword, you don't have to use only one internal breathing operation mode and try it instead."

Pingjiang suddenly played with the green light soft sword for a while, and suddenly made a sound. Sure enough, he felt that the soft sword suddenly became much heavier. He couldn't help but be curious and constantly transmitted into the inner breath in the way of reversal, and he also felt that something kept drilling into the soft sword in the surrounding air.

It was not until Pingjiang felt that the weight of the soft sword no longer increased. At this time, the weight of the soft sword has made Pingjiang feel difficult.

Pingjiang was shocked. He knew his own strength. Since his body was refined with white tiger blood and broke through the realm of the stream, his power of snatch alone has been extremely horrible.

When cultivating the realm of Qi, other factors such as their own strength and weakness are not included. The internal support strength of all practitioners is almost the same, about 50 catties of strength, and they are ready to break through when their strength doubles to 100 catties.

The first watershed of the strength of all practitioners starts from the condensed realm. Pingjiang is 25 times the internal breath impact water. At this time, the theory has 2,500 catties of flat power. When the water breath level is reached, it will be doubled, and the single internal interest force will reach a total of 5,000 jin.

After re-cultivation and consolidation of the water realm, Pingjiang broke through to the stream realm. At this time, the internal breath is three points, the meridians are two points in the Danhai, and the internal breath is tripled. In addition, the white tiger's essence blood refines the body. Pingjiang's current body and internal breath gripping force can reach a terrible 40,000 to 50,000 jin, and many masters of the Baichuan realm are just this strength.

And these are still on the basis that Pingjiang's internal interest is more pure and clear than other practitioners. In fact, Pingjiang's strength is definitely more than that.

Now this seemingly light soft sword makes Pingjiang feel heavy, which is amazing. This soft sword should weigh tens of thousands of catties now.

"Gone him out!" The little girl ran to Pingjiang's side, pulled the corner of his clothes, pointed to the prison car and whispered to him.

Pingjiang touched the little girl's head and smiled. Then he took back most of his inner breath and pulled the soft sword to the prison car beside him. With a crash, the prison car seemed to have been hit by several fierce horses and broke into pieces. Deputy Commander Zhou on the prison car was also knocked out far.