kill immortals

Chapter 57 Test

Pingjiang felt a little sorry. After all, he also wanted to know that most of the powerful metals were made at the beginning. If they could be made into weapons and so on, the power would be very amazing.

"You don't have to do this. Even if I can make such a powerful weapon now, you can't use it. It's like the sulfur sword is now used by a person in a condensed state, and he can't exert the power of the weapon at all.

Pingjiang nodded and knew that what Ping Weiwu said was right. That legendary spiritual weapon, not to mention fully playing its role, is to barely want to use a little power, and the internal breath needed is extremely amazing.

Pingjiang sighed and knew that he seemed to rely too much on powerful spiritual weapons. Although I haven't neglected my practice, I finally feel a little like giving up my life. All strength should still be based on the realm of merit.

Pingjiang calmed down to practice. Pingwei ate Yuanjing in a few days and grew up a little. Pingjiang asked him to make a few more necklaces, and the two went out again to exchange a lot of Yuanjing. After this trip, Pingjiang is not ready to go out again, otherwise it will be troublesome to be targeted by people with intentions.

At this time, several powerful families in Jinyanzhou that operate spiritual weapons are secretly paying attention to looking for their two people. After all, for several days in a row, they took out several pure jade necklaces, which have attracted attention. And these two people mysteriously only look for small shops to sell, and those big families are naturally a little dissatisfied.

"Pingjiang." Shen Yanmo pulled Sun Meier in and said, "We will go out later. Do you want to come together?"

Now in this side courtyard of Pingjiang, Shen Shaochong is not allowed to let people go in and out in order to practice at ease. Even if something happens, he will let Meier convey it.

Meier has had a much better relationship with Shen Yanmo recently and often goes in and out together. Shen Yanmo regards Meier as a sister, and Pingjiang is also happy to see this situation.

"No, you go."

"Well, let's go. By the way, the Tianzi Palace in the state is open today. Don't you want to see it?"

"Tianzi Palace? What do you do?"

Shen Yanmo was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that Pingjiang would not know, so he said, "The talent palace will be built by large states and counties, and it is a place to test the qualifications and talents of practitioners. You haven't tested it? Then try it."

Pingjiang's heart moved. Originally, he was not very interested in this, but he was a little curious and didn't know how this test was carried out. Can the gift really be tested?

Pingjiang agreed to Shen Yanmo, but after thinking about it, he didn't let Ping Weiwu follow him. Ping Weiwu now has so many Yuanjing, but he has lived a life of eating, sleeping and sleeping. He didn't want to move.

On the way, the eyebrows walked in the middle, pulling one. Recently, the eyebrows have grown very fast. In the past, they only reached the waist of Pingjiang, but now they are much higher, and their skin is no longer dull and shiny. Shen Yanmo often teases her. She will be a great beauty in the future. Every time she hears it, she will bow her head and smile shyly.

"Sure enough, it was noticed." When Pingjiang passed a jewelry store, he was more vigilant when he heard that someone was talking about the person selling the oversized necklace.

Meier pulled Pingjiang's hand and looked fixedly at a sugar stall next to her. Pingjiang smiled and took her to choose. In the end, Shen Yanmo naturally paid the bill. As long as Pingjiang has silver now, he will change it to Yuanjing, and it is naturally very simple for him to want silver. Now that there is the Shen family, he doesn't plan to help them save money, and he will never be polite if he needs anything.

"The front is the Tianzi Palace. Let's go there."

Pingjiang followed Shen Yanmo's fingers and saw a plain mansion in front of him, in the middle of the house. A light red dome palace stands, and the columns supported by the outer porch are as thick as elephant legs, and a strong and ancient atmosphere emanates from there.

This is the Heavenly Palace!

When the three Pingjiang came to the front, many practitioners were quietly waiting at the gate of the palace. There was a calm, dull middle-aged man standing there at the door. Every time the three people go in, they will nod respectfully to the middle-aged people.

The people who come to test are mainly teenagers and teenagers. From time to time, some people came out of the door unwillingly. Of course, some people looked excited. Obviously, the results of the test were still mostly bad.

After seeing Shen Yanmo send himself to the team, Pingjiang walked away and couldn't help saying, "Are you unpredictable?"

Shen Yanmo said, "I have tested it for a long time."

"What's the result?"

"Middle and upper. It's not bad, but I'm not interested in cultivation. It doesn't matter at all. Shen Yanmo smiled.

Pingjiang wondered, "Middle and upper? How is this talent graded?

When the people in the team heard Pingjiang's problem, they looked at him disdainfully, and Pingjiang didn't care.

"At present, on the Tianfeng mainland, talent is roughly matched with skills, and it is divided into three levels. If it is divided more carefully, each level is divided into general and better. For example, the lower level is divided into lower and upper, the middle level is middle and upper, and the superior is the same. There are six levels in total. As for those so-called geniuses, they are not in these areas.

Pingjiang nodded.

"It's almost yours. It's up to you!"

The team moved forward very fast, but by the time Pingjiang entered, there were already many people behind him. This Tianzi Palace opens once every six months, so there are many practitioners who come to test every time.

"With so many doors, no wonder the speed is very fast." Being led to the palace in the house, Pingjiang found a row of more than a dozen doors under the palace. The practitioners who came to test entered one of the doors separately, and Pingjiang was also arranged to enter the door.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a low table with a thin thread book with only a few pages of paper.

"A column of incense time, use the skills on the table to push the box in front of you as far as possible."

Pingjiang was shocked. He just glanced over and saw that there should be no one in the room. He quickly looked around and finally saw a sitting figure in the shadow of a corner of the room.

"The incense has begun to burn." The sound sounded again, and Pingjiang saw a ray of incense beside the figure, which had begun to burn. He sat on the ground, picked up the skills on the table and looked at it.

"Peeping at the stars", there are four golden characters written in the book. There were some words written behind, and Pingjiang took a quick look to explain the origin and function of this skill.

Many years ago, several of the most peak practitioners on Tianfeng Continent jointly studied and tested their talent. It is said that it is suitable for all practitioners on Tianfeng Continent.

In this room, a mysterious power has been added, and all practitioners can reach the level of internal and external release with the achievements recorded in the book. Seeing this, Pingjiang was surprised. He knew that he had just come into contact with a little skin in the cultivation world. How wide the real inner realm is. He has never even heard of the description of this skill alone.

"It can make people not be in the realm of stars, and they can achieve internal and external release. How on earth did this happen?"