kill immortals

Chapter 73 Treasure Collection


A breath spewed out of the quiet mouth of the Pingjiang River, like a sharp sword, spewing out a few feet away. It hit the jade texture of the Lingjin Hall and made a banging sound. This is the internal breath that Pingjiang slowly accumulated in his body during the pulse. This breath was uncontrollable for a moment. At this time, he suddenly spit out and gave off a breath-like effect.

After a long cry, Pingjiang opened his eyes. The pain on his face still did not dissipate. Obviously, he finally felt the pain of impacting the meridians.

"Unfortunately, a tonic pill was was wasted before, otherwise the eighth meridians could have opened a lot. Now it's just a pulse.

Pingjiang looked regretful. Although he began to feel the obvious tear-like pain from the impact of the fifth meridians, he experienced the hell-like scene of the explosion in Danhai, and the pain of such impulse was undoubtedly much smaller. He persisted until he hit the seventh meridians, and the pain was so serious that it was similar to the explosion of Danhai.

After the seventh pulse was successful, Pingjiang gritted his teeth and ate the last tonic pill. Sure enough, the pain of the eighth meridian pulse doubled again. He felt that the meridians were being cut and torn by countless sharp claws, and could turn into a little minced meat at any time. The pain made his muscles tremble, and even his head was about to explode. At this time, as he expected, the golden light transformed by the white tiger essence appeared again, so that Pingjiang finally kept a trace of spiritual knowledge in his mind and controlled the inner breath of the whirlpool to continue to impact the meridians.

"I didn't expect that from the fifth meridians, each meridians consume much more internal breath. The impact of the sixth and seventh meridian consumes more than three tonic pills, more than the first five combined. And the eighth one is even more horrible. A whole tonic pill just pulsed an opening.

Pingjiang stood up and knew that the eighth meridians in his body could only slowly wash away in the future, but now that he had made an opening, it would undoubtedly be much easier to continue to practice in the future.

"I don't know what's going on outside. Fortunately, no one has come in for so long." Pingjiang took a step and suddenly heard a crackling sound of water under his feet. He couldn't help looking at it and found that there was a small pool of water stains under his feet, and his body was all wet.

Hey! Pingjiang shook his head and walked to the huge door. He had heard the sound of fighting outside and went out to see the situation outside. He was about to step out of the huge door when he suddenly remembered that he had not visited this place yet.

"Spirit Gold! If there is anything good, can't you bring it to the mighty? Pingjiang turned around and looked at the Lingjin Main Hall. The space in the hall was several times larger than the Dan room. There was also a jade table directly opposite the gate, on which there were several things.

Pingjiang walked over and put five things on the table. A cracked bowl, a holeless flute, a mirror without a mirror, a messy square brick, and finally a rusty black copper coin.

These things have no inspiration, just like those old things used in the earth, but Pingjiang knows that there must be some reason for putting these things here. He looked around carefully and suddenly found that there were some small words next to everything. If he didn't look closely, people would think it was some dust.

Pingjiang has just broken through to the realm of hundreds of rivers. After a long period of adjustment, only Danhai and the two meridians are full of internal breath, but the other meridians are very empty, but they are also recovering automatically. It's just slower. He carried his internal breath and looked at these small words.

"This bowl is an experiment when I practiced the magic of the sun fairy. Although the materials used are good, unfortunately, my Yanghuo and other levels and spiritual methods are not enough. In the end, not only did I fail to refine the immortal yang weapon, but also not even a particularly powerful star spiritual weapon. Even so, if it is used properly, it is still more powerful than the general high-level star spirit. qi. However, the cracks on the mouth of the bowl will lead to internal and external leakage during use. If you are not careful, it may even lead to the explosion of this treasure, so if anyone sees this treasure, you need to use it carefully. This treasure is not very safe, so I will put it here.

It's not a particularly powerful spiritual weapon, but it is more powerful than a high-level spiritual weapon? Pingjiang is a little confused!

Pingjiang continued to look at several other things, flutes, mirrors, and the introduction next to square bricks are similar to the spiritual bowl, and the owner of the treasure house wrote that these four remnants are only one treasure together. Pingjiang suppressed his heartbeat and looked at the black copper money. The description there was really different.

"This ancient copper coin is not mine, but what I got in a Jedi. I have studied the lines on it for a long time, but I can't see its mystery. When this treasure is used, it is extremely powerful, but unfortunately, the internal interest consumed is also several times that of other treasures, which makes people love and hate. Now I have finally refined my own immortal yang weapon, so this treasure is left to be predestined. Therefore, the treasure has an extraordinary history, so I am not ready to put it in the spiritual weapon hall. Those who are predestined to get it. If you are interested, you can continue to study it. There are many secrets of this treasure, and one of them can help the owner improve several layers of power.

Pingjiang stood quietly in front of the jade table, with a hesitant look on his face. Looking at the five treasures, he was a little uncertain. On the one hand, there are four remnants that are more powerful than high-level spiritual weapons, and on the other hand, there are mysterious treasures that even the owner of the treasure house has to praise and demean, which is really a dilemma.

At this time, the noisy fight outside the hall seemed to be more intense. Pingjiang's face condensed, squeezed his mouth and stretched out his hand to the dark copper money.

As soon as the copper money was started, a message that seemed to come from ancient times suddenly appeared in Pingjiang's mind.

Pingjiang stood at the jade table with a gloomy and uncertain look. After a long time of incense, he took a long breath and recovered.

"I didn't expect that using this copper coin requires a special trick, and it is divided into three levels. However, the first layer needs the realm above the starlight, which is also exaggerated!" Pingjiang was a little depressed. Unexpectedly, the treasure he had hesitated for a long time could not be used for the time being.

"I don't know if the mighty is interested in this!" Pingjiang sighed, put away the copper money, and quickly walked out of the gate of Lingjin Hall.

Pingjiang stood by the huge gate of Lingjin Hall, looking at the scene in the hall and frowned. By this time, the hall was already in a mess.

Since a treasure hunter found in the spiritual weapon hall that obtaining other people's treasures is not included in the limit of three treasures, the whole treasure house has fallen into a depression.

This dull atmosphere has continued, and every treasure hunter is extremely careful to guard the people around him. It seems that anyone anywhere has become dangerous. Until a pair of enemies finally couldn't help fighting each other, the battle spread like a vicious plague in the whole treasure house.

"I didn't expect that the owner of this treasure house is so vicious! He made it clear that these people who entered the treasure house wanted to kill each other. He understood that he was full of hatred and said.

"I'm afraid not necessarily. If people are not greedy, how can they be counted step by step by the owner of the treasure?" Ledale frowned lightly.

"No greed? If human nature is really so beautiful, how can anyone want to be a fairy! After a relaxed and happy life, you will be satisfied!" He said calmly.