kill immortals

Chapter 180 Disability

Although he now knows what the ghost cultivation in the ghost world seems to have any plans on the Tianfeng Continent, Pingjiang does not know what Mr. Jin said to himself about this.

When Pingjiang asked these puzzles, Mr. Jin said, "Now I'm just telling you to be careful. You know, those methods of ghost cultivation are almost completely different from the monks of our Tianfeng continent. What they use seems to be more biased towards divine consciousness. When most human monks meet them, they can only exert fifty or sixty percent of their success. In serious cases, they only exert thirty or forty percent, and the battle becomes one-sided. Even if the realm is the same, human monks are basically helpless when they encounter these ghost practitioners. Only some monks who are already strong and stable can have more vitality when they meet these ghost cultivations. If you accidentally meet them in the future, you'd better not fight them and escape as far as you can. These ghosts' attack methods are more strange, but if human monks are determined to escape, as long as they don't encounter the encirclement of ghosts, they can still have some opportunities.

Pingjiang frowned. He didn't expect these ghosts to be so difficult to deal with. Divine attack, he has seen this kind of thing in some ancient books. Some places call this attack a curse! It is by influencing the divine consciousness of the monks, making them unable to give full play to their strength, and even affecting their communication vitality. In short, the means are extremely strange and unpredictable. And at present, there is no particularly effective way to deal with them. Only when the monks' consciousness is equal to or exceeds that of those ghosts can they be effectively restrained.

However, except for the sealing war, there are few other sect forces that specialize in the attack and defense of divine consciousness. Now that disaster is coming, I'm a little helpless.

Pingjiang nodded solemnly. Since Jin always came to remind himself, he would naturally not disappoint him. Especially because of Jin Qinger's relationship, Pingjiang's relationship with her seems to be slowly getting better, which makes him always have a strange feeling when he sees Mr. Jin now.

Lao Jin told Pingjiang that now their team will stay in Xie Bingzhou for a while.

Because the emperor is not only the core of the whole Chiyan Kingdom, there are the most powerful royal ministers living in the Chiyan Kingdom, and it is also a place to collect all the treasures of the Chiyan Kingdom. Therefore, if there are major events about the outside world and need people from other places, it is to negotiate in Xie Bingzhou. Generally, this kind of thing is also made by Mr. Jin, and the lord of Chiyan continues to stay in the imperial city.

Pingjiang understood why Mr. Jin said that he had been assassinated countless times. Such dangerous things were all done by him, but the emperor was deeply aware of the imperial city, which naturally made Mr. Jin often be assassinated.

Lao Jin stayed in Xie Bingzhou this time to wait for neighboring countries and some sects to come to discuss the ghost cultivation of the ghost world.

After Mr. Jin left, Pingjiang thought about it and felt that although what Mr. Jin said was worth noting, after all, he was still too far away from him. Since those ghosts are looking for something, I'm afraid there won't be much movement for a while. And just now, Mr. Jin also said that if human monks don't provoke those ghost monks, those ghost monks will generally not take the initiative to trouble human monks. It's just that if they find what they are looking for, and then they can't go back for the time being, it's impossible to guess whether ghost Xiu will make trouble at that time.

Pingjiang shook his head, put down these thoughts, practiced the magic formula for a while, and then lay down to rest.

After that, Mr. Jin began to be busy. The continuous arrival of monks or some powerful convoys in Xie Bingzhou made the atmosphere in the state a little tense.

Pingjiang is a little like returning to the leisurely days at Jinyanwei's house. After practicing on weekdays, I wandered with Meier and Lier for a while and chatted, which was extremely comfortable.

Now there are thousands of golden horns. It has been four months since the end of the seal war, and they have also eaten five or six hundred golden horns. The main reason is that the power has been understanding, and the daily consumption of golden horns is much less. Otherwise, the amount of food of a powerful person alone is scary enough.

Pingjiang calculated that if both people and one beast on their side eat at this speed, the golden horn will still be enough for them to eat for two years. Two years later, if he hadn't broken through to the realm of Yangdan, it would have been more difficult to practice at that time.

Time flies, and the increasingly busy and tense atmosphere in Xie Bingzhou has not affected the cultivation of Pingjiang. More than a month after arriving in Xie Bingzhou, Pingjiang condensed the three life stars in his body into the second huge star.

However, this time, the violent shock in Danhai made Pingjiang twitch. His face was full of seven orifices, and he began to bleed out. And many blood holes on his body oozed countless blood beads, which dyed his whole body red.

Pingjiang's body is like turning over the river and the sea. All the meridians, acupuncture points, internal bodies and even Danhai have a feeling of being shaken to pieces or even slowly melt.

All the minds of Pingjiang were confused, but after a flash of gold in his mind, he finally restored some clarity. He hurriedly ran the skill taught by the teacher, but the more the skill worked, the worse the situation in his body became. He could feel that a corner in the Danhai was shaken and cracked. Although the opening was made up by the fast-appearing gold wire, more and more cracks began to appear from his Danhai and meridians.

"Is it a matter of skill?" Seeing the bad situation in his body, Pingjiang was about to get out of control, so he quickly stopped his skills.

Then, Pingjiang was surprised to find that those cracks began to be fewer and fewer under the busy repair of gold wire, and no new cracks appeared in his body.

However, after so many repairs, the gold wire finally ran out of energy, dissipated in Pingjiang's body, and disappeared forever.

"Why is it like this?" Pingjiang had lingering palpitations, and his face was full of horror.

Especially now, Pingjiang dares not run that mysterious set of skills at all. The white tiger essence in the Danhai has been exhausted, and the remaining essence in his mind is only an extremely slender trace, and there are few left. If this cracking occurs again in his body, he will have no way to repair it at all.

After thinking about it, Pingjiang finally decided that his current situation was related to that mysterious skills. But why didn't the teacher tell himself these things?

The situation just now is really too horrible. If there is no white tiger essence in Pingjiang's body, even if it can stop the operation immediately, I'm afraid that at that time, my life can be saved. The Danhai and internal breath will disappear.

Pingjiang is at a loss. If he can't run his skills, isn't he unable to fight at all?! What's the point of practicing to this point!

In extreme helplessness, Pingjiang walked into the powerful room.