kill immortals

Chapter 258 Golden Demon Water

"In the name of this ancient spirit, there are two other treasures, one is the ancient spirit, and the other is called the ancient golden demon water. It is said that these three treasures were conceived in some spiritual veins in ancient times countless years ago. Especially the ancient golden demon water, it is even more troublesome to form. Not only do we need some magical places, but we also need to put many fairy gold and demon elixir into them. After a long time, it will slowly turn into a kind of gold liquid. Each of these three is extremely magical. Any modification will increase its strength a little in a short period of time.

"Uncle Yin, the ancient spiritual spirit, and the ancient divine spirit, these two treasures can be famous and know their meaning. One is used to cultivate mana, and the other is used to enhance divine consciousness. But what does this ancient golden demon water do?! The name also sounds strange. Ledale was curious.

Master Le Daier is the suzerain of Yueqing Palace. According to her generation, she should call Brother Yin Tiandao, but she has not yet reached the realm of Yangdan, so she can only call her uncle first.

Pingjiang was not surprised by Le Daier's problem. After all, as in today's Wind Continent, there are too few refining monks. Almost all monks have quenched their bodies by relying on the heaven and earth spirit of the realm. Even if they have practiced on weekdays, they are by no means as diligent as practicing magic power and divine knowledge. Therefore, Le Daier did not realize for a moment that this golden demon water was used for refining the body.

Yin Tiandao did not show any unexpected look and said with a smile, "Dier, you should know that human monks are different from those wild beasts and demons, right? Most of those wild beasts and demons are born strong. Relatively speaking, their mana is slightly weaker. Therefore, when facing the enemy, their physical attacks are more horrible than mana and so on. Human monks never dare to fight close with demons, which is almost the same as suicide. However, in contrast, human monks are more powerful than their wisdom. In countless years, they realized that using fairy gold and elixir to transform gold liquid can be used to refine their bodies. It is said that when it is refined to the realm of Dacheng, it is no different from those demon cultivation.

Pingjiang's eyes were shining, and he knew the origin of all the treasures, which made him very happy at the same time. After all, before he knew the origin of these treasures, he was even worried about whether these things would hide some bad anti-eating effects in future cultivation.

Yin Tiandao looked at Mr. Jin with some pity and said, "Unfortunately, what Pingjiang Xiaoyou got was a bottle of ancient spirit. If it was the ancient golden demon water, he might be able to save Jin Daoyou's life. I heard that this golden demon water can not only quench the monk's body, but also repair the physical injury. The effect is almost similar to some top-level elixir.

Pingjiang's expression moved. Although he didn't want to leak these treasures on his body at this time, he saw that it was impossible to separate from Yin Tiandao and others in a short time. Especially Jin Lao's injury is too serious now. If he holds on for too long, he is afraid that it will be useless to give him golden liquid at that time. If this is the case, Pingjiang will definitely regret it.

Although at the beginning, Jin always wanted to use himself to attract Zhai Yunao and others. However, as time went by, Mr. Jin was really good to himself, especially now Mr. Jin also promised himself Jin Qinger. Pingjiang can't watch Mr. Jin weaken day by day. What made him a little depressed was that he didn't know the magic effect of Jinye today. If he could give him Jinye immediately when he was injured, it would be easier for Mr. Jin's injury to recover.

Wait for Pingjiang to walk towards Jin Lao's position, but Yin Tiandao moved the corners of his mouth, as if he were laughing. But my heart was shocked.

Yin Tiandao has seen the strength of Pingjiang and the mighty body before. For a human monk, the physical strength of the two of them is too exaggerated. Especially Pingjiang's age is the evidence that he affirms his thoughts. When Pingjiang inadvertently took out the ancient spirit, Yin Tiandao suspected that there were two other ancient treasures on Pingjiang. Although the ancient spirit is not sure for the time being, the ancient golden demon water is almost ten *.

In the lead of Mr. Jin's injury, Pingjiang was really anxious and took out the ancient golden demon water. However, Yin Tiandao did not lie about the miraculous effect that ancient golden demon water can repair the body.

Although he had already affirmed it in his heart, when Pingjiang really took out the golden and dazzling jade bottle, Yin Tiandao still showed a shocked and jealous look. He was too envious of this boy's luck. This ancient treasure, even in the Yueqing Palace, has accumulated for countless generations, and there are only three small bottles, which are not as full as the jade bottles taken out by Pingjiang.

Seeing that Pingjiang walked to Mr. Jin, took out a bottle of gold liquid, and then thought of what Yin Tiandao had just said, Jin Qinger and Le Daier immediately knew what it was.

"The ancient golden demon water!" The two women were surprised and happy and hurriedly followed Pingjiang to help support Mr. Jin.

And the blue ice on one side has already woken up from the adjustment. When he saw the golden jade bottle in Pingjiang's hand, his eyes were full of surprise and a trace of greed. After all, no one will be moved by such treasures. Especially thinking that Pingjiang can resist the vitality attack and rush into the killing capital in the face of many monks, which is impossible for ordinary monks to do at all. Even with the late strength of Lanbing Yangdan, it is impossible to take his body to receive the attack of Yangdan's early monks.

Gently poured a mouthful of gold liquid into Jin Lao's mouth and watched the golden liquid slowly flow in. After a moment, under the anxious gaze of several people, a faint golden light began to light up at the wound of Jin Lao's waist and abdomen, which looked mysterious and abnormal.

"Golden demon water is effective, really effective! ..." Jin Qinger looked at **, an old man with a weak and quiet face who had been with him for more than 20 years, but cried. If Mr. Jin dies, she will be the only one left in the Jin family.

Although as long as monks step on this, everyone will face this level sooner or later, on that day, how many people can really be indifferent.

"Don't pour too much first. His body is not strong, and now he is even weaker and can't resist the effect of too much golden demon water." Yin Tiandao came over, and his expression had returned to normal. After secretly looking at Lan Bing beside him, he shook his head gently.

"Let's drink some of this golden demon water. After all, there are still many monks looking for us outside. Lan Dao friends have regained their strength, and we can also deal with it more easily. By the way, Indian friends, the ancient spiritual vitality should also have a restorative effect on the damage to your mana. You should also inhale some spiritual vitality!"

When Lan Bing and Yin Tiandao were stunned, Pingjiang threw two jade bottles to them separately.