Divine Immortal Road

Chapter 53 The beginning of the doom

When the black and pressing ship on the sea not far away approached, it was immediately found by Liuli Kingdom. When Li Qian and others went out, in addition to the panicked crowd, the army of Liuli Kingdom had dispatched and soon neatly guarded the glazed coastline, staring at the sea nervously and clenched the weapon in their hands. Ready for battle.

Although the Liuli Kingdom is a subsidiary country of Daxuan, on the surface, everything is obedient to Daxuan, but it has never relaxed its vigilance. It has also secretly trained a strong army. From here, it can be seen that these soldiers are strong, powerful as tigers, and wolves.

However, Li Qian's attention is not on them now. He is concerned about where those black-pressed ships came from and what they are coming for. There can't be so many merchant ships, and warships should also be impossible, because attacking Liuli is not good for Daxuan, but this possibility cannot be ruled out. Maybe it is the emperor. Some stupid things done.

Water King:

"I'm going to see who it is?"

After saying that, as soon as she jumped into the sea, a wave jumped up from the sea, holding her firmly, and went far forward in an instant.

After seeing the performance of the water king, the soldiers on the shore immediately recognized her, and the crowd immediately cheered.

"The sea god is coming, and the sea god is coming to help us!"

"Yes, who dares to bully us with Nepoul?"

"H Long live Nep God!!"

Those people kept cheering, all kneeling on the ground, and even the soldiers knelt down. It seems that the reputation of the Water King Sea God is indeed very loud in this sea. She must have done a lot of good things for these island countries.

After a while, the Water Spirit King came back, and his face couldn't say whether it was good or bad.

Li Qian quickly asked her:

"Who came to attack the glass?"

The Water King shook his head and said:

"It's not to attack Liuli, it's not soldiers, it's the people of Daxuan Kingdom. Most of them are merchant ships."

Her words surprised everyone. Why did so many merchant ships come? This is a very abnormal phenomenon. After comforting the panicked people and soldiers, the Shuiling King stood on the dock with Li Qian and others, waiting for the merchant ships to arrive. He had to ask the people in the boat what happened.

The ships were getting closer and closer, and Li Qian gradually saw the scene clearly. He found that these boats were large and small together, messy, and seemed to be very urgent. The speed was very fast. Li Qian also saw a fragile small boat being twisted and sunk into the sea under the squeeze of two large ships.

"What are they running away from?"

Li Qian said doubtfully that such a scene is even more abnormal. These merchant ships must have come from Daxuan Kingdom, so what happened in Daxuan Kingdom? There must be something very serious that will force the people to flee to overseas.

Is it the western frontier that has been broken through? Daxuan Kingdom was conquered by Yun Meng?

Li Qian thought about all kinds of possibilities, but none of them could hold. At this time, the ships were getting closer, and the people standing on the shore could already see the appearance of those boats.

After half a column of incense, even the soldiers saw the scene of those boats, and they could already see that the decks of those boats were full of ordinary people!

Those soldiers gradually relaxed. After all, the ship was full of ordinary people, so there was no need to fight.

Finally, the merchant ships arrived at the big wharf of Liuli Kingdom, but the soldiers were all on the dock and prohibited all ships from approaching.

There are at least 100 large and small ships in front of us, and each ship is full of people. How can so many people come all of a sudden? How can they be easily ashore? Even at ordinary times, they have to be inspected.

At the same time, more soldiers rushed over and even brought * cannons, all aimed at those ships and wrapped the glazed country tightly.

Seeing the performance of these soldiers, the Water King did not stop them. After all, this is a very strange phenomenon. The army is very vigilant and there is nothing wrong with it.

Li Qian jumped from the dock, stepped on one of the boats on the water. The people on the boat were bustling and noisy. Seeing that Li Qian jumped on the boat, he was stunned for a moment, and then opened his mouth to Li Qian.

All kinds of voices and noises rushed into his ears, so he immediately shouted:

"Quiet down! What happened to Daxuan?

After saying that, he pointed to a middle-aged man beside him, and the rest of them immediately shut up obediently.

The middle-aged man obviously hasn't recovered from the shock. After a few breaths, he said:

"It's the Creed Gate. The Creed Gate suddenly released a monster today! Those monsters bite and eat when they see people! Countless monsters! Even the army can't beat them! Now I'm afraid that the whole Daxuan has been occupied and eaten up!"


Li Qian was shocked and quickly asked:

What monster? What kind of monster is it?!"

The middle-aged man shouted in a hurry:

"Black! The whole body is dark! It's the devil!"

At this time, a man came out of the crowd. He was a young soldier in armor. His whole body was covered with blood. There were several shocking scratches on the armor, as if they had been scratched by extremely sharp claws, and the armor showed skin and open scars.

But he looked very calm.

"Let me talk about it."

After hearing what Li Qian said, he nodded and motioned him to go on. The soldier wiped the blood on his face and said:

"A horrible beast suddenly ran out of the Dashu Mountains where the Zohwamen was located, and its whole body was shrouded in a dark fog. It was very fierce to bite when it saw people! The monster eats people and drinks blood, and one becomes two and two become four! In just half a day, the whole south was that kind of horrible monster! After the emperor knew it, he immediately organized troops to encircle and suppress it, but it was useless to do anything. Ordinary people are not opponents of the monster at all!"

Li Qian asked:

"Have you ever seen that kind of monster?

The soldier frowned slightly because of the pain in his body and said:

"I just escaped from the front line to report the news. All 100,000 elite soldiers died, and I was the only one left! The monster spread to the whole country like a flood, but I'm afraid that the capital is no longer guaranteed at this time! I killed five monsters in a row and rode thousands of miles to the capital. When I arrived in the capital, I found that all the emperors and ministers in the palace had gone to sea by boat! So...so I also followed these people..."

After the soldier finished speaking, he fainted because of physical weakness.

Li Qian held him, but he found that his hands were trembling!

This is a disaster! It's an unprecedented disaster! Is this what my father said? Did the doom of this continent come so soon?

Li Qian supported the soldier, and there was a roar in his mind. He didn't know what to do. He suddenly sat on the ground, and the soldier also fell to the ground. The people on the boat were all silent. Someone began to cry in a low voice. Gradually, more and more people cried. In the end, the whole boat all cried and cried. It spread all the boats, and everyone cried sadly...

These people fled in a hurry and were lucky enough to survive. Many of their families and relatives had no time to escape. At this time, Daxuan Kingdom must be a hell on earth...

Li Qian sat on the ground and couldn't accept this fact at all. After a long time, he remembered something and found several healing elixir from the ring and fed it into the soldier's mouth.

The soldier's body was shocked, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his breathing gradually returned to normal. He was the only one alive among 100,000 elite soldiers, and his strength was also very strong.

Li Qian, who was gradually calm, was relieved to see that the soldier gradually improve. This man was a real man. Li Qian had already seen that he was a pure martial artist and was already in the realm of Wuzong, and only the strength of Wuzong could achieve what he said.

At this time, the Water Spirit King and the Sparrow Spirit King also came to the ship. They had learned about the great changes in the Daxuan Kingdom from the crowd on other ships, and their faces were very ugly.

Li Qian suddenly stood up and sacrificed the immortals at once!

"Li Qian, what are you going to do!"

Two women pulled him at the same time, and Li Qian's eyes were red in front of him, and a murderous atmosphere emanated from his body!

"I'm going to find the door to settle accounts! They must have done it! Linger's sister is still in Long Xuanzong. I'm going to save her!"

The sparrow spirit king knew the importance of Linger to Li Qian, and began to see from the facts said among these people, I'm afraid that Linger had already... tears flowed from the eyes of the sparrow spirit king. She grabbed Li Qian tightly and said:

Don't be impulsive! We don't know the situation of Daxuan now! Calm down and talk about it! If you go now, you will die!"

Under the desperate begging of King Queling, Li Qian calmed down a little from grief and indignation, put away Zhu Xianming, closed his eyes and stood on the deck without saying anything for a long time. I thought a lot in my mind. Since the appearance of the demon monk, all the facts seem to indicate this disaster. The demon saint... must have been done by the demon saint! This kind of cruelty regardless of the conscience of heaven and earth can only be done by bloodthirsty demon practitioners!

These demon practitioners are inseparable from the Gate of Creation!

In front of demon practitioners, it is impossible for ordinary people in Daxuan Kingdom to live, and mortals can only wait to die in front of demon practitioners.

"Creation Gate! This kind of thing can be done!"

Li Qian punched on the side of the ship, which was hit by all his anger and anger!

A huge explosion-like sound came to everyone's ears, and the whole ship suddenly shook! Everyone was shocked by his punch! The huge ship's hull was punched into sawdust by him.

After venting, Li Qian finally calmed down. He said to the Water Spirit King and the Queling King:

"Slide all these people, make the whole country on guard and prepare for the attack!"

Under the order of the water spirit king Haishen, all the work immediately began. The people of Liuli Kingdom soon learned what had happened in Daxuan from the people who got off the ship. They were all frightened. Those who had relatives in Daxuan all cried...

The emperor of the Glass Kingdom also quickly got the news and directly handed over everything to the Water King to arrange.

The reputation of the Water Spirit King Nephen is very prestigious in the hearts of the people of Liuli Kingdom, and everyone gradually returned to normal in her comfort and made all preparations in a tense and orderly manner.

The disaster has come.