Divine Immortal Road

Chapter 201 pedest

Chapter 207 worm

After Li Qian started the array, he immediately began to change dramatically. A high wall dozens of feet thick and hundreds of miles long was surrounded by a huge wall in the corner of the Qinglong Empire, blocking the insects outside, and the high wall was still growing.

Anyway, Li Qian exchanged all the 300 million spiritual stone coupons given by the young patriarch of Jushen Pavilion for spiritual stones, just for the unexpected needs of the stone forest world. Unexpectedly, it was really useful today. The continuous stream of spiritual petrochemicals as aura maintained the operation of the array. This array is far more powerful than Li Qian imagined. Really not It is the best array handed down from ancient times.

This array is transformed by using Reiki, which can change the terrain in a short time. According to Li Qian's records, this array was used by monks to help the people build walls or resist floods in ancient times, and it is the kind of huge that every 19 columns are connected together. The longer the wall.

The only drawback is that it consumes too much spiritual stones, and ordinary small sects or monks will not spend so much money to make such a defense that is meaningless to monks.

But Li Qian now doesn't have to worry about the consumption of the spiritual stone. Looking at the height of the wall, those insects began to want to climb over, but there was no chance. The huge wall has soon reached more than 50 feet high and is still thickening.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the Scorpion King also fell down and fell beside Li Qian. She waved her hand, and the Scorpions who were fighting with insects immediately turned into very small dots and were put into a cloth bag by her.

When Li Qian saw the cloth bag, Li Qian suddenly thought of the double-sided ghost woman who was being imprisoned. At the beginning, the double-sided ghost woman also used a small cloth bag to collect that kind of diamond soul worm, and immediately thought of whether these big bugs had something to do with her?

"Fortunately, I had time to feel the breath of this ten thousand-legged worm, but at that time, my array of millions of scorpions had not been completed, and I immediately got out of the customs after practice."

The Scorpio King said gladly.

"Mandrips? Do you know this horrible big bug?

Li Qian asked curiously.

The Scorpio King nodded and said:

"I do know it, and it's not a general understanding. There are such bugs in the depths of the desert. They are fierce, but stupid, which is very abominable! I used to come to prey with my Scorpion family, but now I have trained a million Scorpion array, and I can finally take revenge!"

"Million Scorpion Array? I just saw that the Scorpio you released is so powerful. I don't know how it was made?

Li Qian asked curiously.

"That was refined by the body of the dead Scorpio in the Great Desert. I collected millions, but I just practiced part of it. By the way, how did these bugs come from? How can there be so many tapeworms here?

The Scorpio King said, pointing to the pinworms wandering under the wall.

Li Qian shook his head and said:

"I also feel very strange about this. I think it has something to do with Sha Li."

He told her about Sha Li's burning many pinworms in the mound.

The Scorpion King shook his head and wondered:

"This is also impossible. It should be the larva of the tapeworm, but the tapeworm is very stupid and will protect the children at all. What's more, it's impossible for such a big move to happen for that matter. I guess someone is doing ghosts in the dark. Maybe there is someone in this stone forest world! It's not very comfortable for us to come!"

Li Qian sighed and looked at the bugs. He found that a bug seemed to want to drill a hole in the thick wall, and immediately realized a bad problem!

"Will the pinworm come here??!"

He immediately asked the Scorpio King nervously. The Scorpio King immediately shook his head and said:

"If they could drill the ground, they would have eaten up all our scorpions. They won't even drill sand, let alone drill into the hard land here."

After listening to her words, Li Qian finally breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"I thought this tenled bug could do anything. It scared me to death. The previous poisonous tooth almost poisoned me to death."

"What? Do the teeth shoot out of the mouth? The footworm is bigger than the average! Isn't it?!"

The Scorpio King suddenly changed his face and immediately stared at Li Qian and asked.

Li Qian nodded and said:

"Yes. There was a huge one, and later Luo Cheng cut it to death with a knife. What's wrong?

"I said no wonder! It turns out that the Manpods here have grown into a complete family! After there is a master in the worm, he will become the leader of the big family. The leader will select excellent people suitable for enlightenment among other worms, and then guide their cultivation. It is called: prince worm, which means that he will become the same king as the leader in the future. The one who hurts you is the prince worm! If you kill their prince, of course they will be angry! I don't think it's that simple!"

Li Qian was immediately distressed and said:

"Is it really that powerful? Can't we kill the sperm-like worm? There are so many people here!"

The Scorpio King shook his head and said:

"It is estimated that it is very difficult. I don't know how to become refined in the Great Desert, and it quickly cultivated to the Yuanying period. It was very arrogant to let the Wanpedo Zerg lead the Great Desert. Ten insect princes were selected at once and vigorously cultivated the Wanpedest. At that time, the power of the Wanped Zerg was rapid Expanding and expanding into the depths of the Great Desert, those masters in the depths of the Great Desert couldn't help taking action. They tried to kill him several times, but none of them could find him, because the tapeworm had a ability to disguise themselves as stones. They were usually motionless and could not detect it at all!"

Li Qian patted his head and said:

"I'm still wondering why I haven't seen a pinna before. You said they can't get into the ground. Where can they hide? It turns out that they are all disguised as stones! What happened to the Wanpede spirit later?

The Scorpio King smiled and said:

"It's funny. Maybe he was too arrogant. He failed in the first disaster and was killed, and then the Wanzu Zerg quickly declined."

Li Qian sighed and said:

"Do you think these stones in this city are disguised by worms?"

"I don't think so. They should have come from the depths. Otherwise, there would have been a long history of insects eating people. Let's go. Let's discuss what to do next. It's better to find out and kill the pinworms!"

The Scorpion King.

The two then fell to the ground, and everyone was resting. After seeing Li Qian and Scorpio King fall, the people of Tiandao Sect immediately gathered.

At this time, Sha Li stepped on the soul-eating gun and flew over from a distance. After coming to the crowd, he immediately said what he observed.

"Those bugs are unwilling to enter the city along the wall like from other places, but since then, the power of these bugs has been dispersed, and the people guarding the defense line can still hold it, but as time goes by, the bugs gather their strength, and they are afraid that it will be difficult to defend!"

"It doesn't matter. We will gather all the monks later. Let's work together to fence all the places where we live, and we will be fine! Then we will kill the worm that has become an elite!"

"Mung beetles?"

Everyone asked doubtfully.

Li Qiandao:

"This time, we rely on the Scorpion King to save us. About the pinworm, we will tell you in detail when we build all the walls."

Subsequently, all the monks of Tiandao Sect were launched to mobilize all the monks among the three major powers. Li Qian directly made public the array method, and many masters took action together. The huge wall soon rose everywhere and finally became a piece, forming a huge defense. Protect.

After finishing everything, many masters in the three major countries gathered in the Tiandao Sect. Those masters who practiced in the water did not receive the threat of worms, but also came a lot to help everyone.

"It's just a worm, at most it's just a thunderstorm period! With so many of us, we can kill him even if we smash it with French treasure! Since we live here now, we can't let our people be threatened. The hidden danger of the tapeworm must be eliminated!"

Li Qian said calmly, but his eyes had shown a fierce light. He thought of so many people who died tragically under the mouth of the worm, and his heart couldn't help burning with anger!

The person present immediately asked:

"Since the bug spirit is very cunning and good at camouflage, how should we find him?"

Other people also mean this. Let's see what Li Qian will say.

Li Qian laughed and said:

"This problem is actually easy to solve. All our monks who can fly to the sky are launched, fly in the sky, attack when they see stones, and keep attacking! I think the bug spirit will definitely come out. If he doesn't come out, we will kill him! If you can't kill, kill it. Kill it when you see insects! Kill until he appears!"

Li Qianyue said that the murderous spirit on his body became heavier, and everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"Okay, you will gather the disciples under the door, and we will leave in less than three days!"

At this time, the sparrow spirit king disbanded the gathering, and everyone immediately dispersed back to prepare.

"Hey, I'm exhausted in this half month!"

You Ming stretched out of the hall, and the others dispersed one after another.

Li Qian was shocked by You Ming's words, and then remembered that he had been in the Shilin world for half a month. He immediately patted his head and forgot what happened outside! As soon as the sparrow spirit king was pulled, he could not allow the sparrow spirit king to stop her, so he took her out.

When the two appeared at the place where they left at that time, they immediately saw a man sitting there, lying on the table. It was Qin Qing.

Qin Qing was originally lying on the table. When Li Qian appeared, he immediately stood up with a happy look on his face.

"Brother Li! You're finally back!"

Li Qian nodded and quietly put away the cards hidden in a small prohibition, and then said:

"Why are you here?"

The Queling King looked at Qin Qing, pouted without saying anything, and poured a cup of tea to drink.

"You won't show up for a month! I know you have a space magic weapon. The servants said they didn't see you go out, so I think you went into that space magic weapon... They are waiting here. Have you forgotten what you promised to the suzerain..."

The later words Qin Qing said, the more embarrassed he became, and his face turned red.

Li Qian smiled, stroked her head intimately, and said:

"Of course I won't forget, fool."

Qin Qing leaned proudly in Li Qian's arms and secretly smiled proudly at King Queling.

The King of Sparrow Spirits didn't say anything and drank a big sip of tea.