Divine Immortal Road

Chapter 229 The Meaning of Giant

Following the giant, Li Qian had entered a deep sea. Looking up, there was not much light. The more he looked down, the darker it was. Occasionly, he could see some glowing sea monsters on his body, but they all left in a hurry under the shock of the giant.

The giant doesn't know magic, so it is difficult for Li Qian to communicate with him. He can only follow the giant to see where he is going. Seeing that it was getting darker and darker below, Li Qian used a small spell. A bright light appeared in his hand, illuminating the surroundings. After the light, the giant became faster and took Li Qian down quickly.

After a long time, Li Qian felt that the water pressure on his body was getting stronger and stronger, which was a little uncomfortable, and the speed of going to the giant was also much slower. At this time, looking up, all of them were dark. They were already extremely deep out of the seabed. The temperature around him was very low, and he encountered few sea monsters. Accidentally Being able to see some strange-grange animals swimming in front of you, it seems that they are not afraid of human beings.

Just as Li Qian felt a little worried about whether the giant was going the wrong way, the light from his hand finally reflected in front of him, and it turned out that he had reached the bottom of the sea.

"Is the exit at the bottom of the sea? That's strange!"

Li Qian said secretly in his heart, and then fell with the giant.

Soon fell to the ground, stepping on the soft mud under his feet, and immediately raised a mud fog, mixing the sea water.

At this time, the giant's behavior was very strange. He stretched out his hand and kept digging at the bottom of the sea, stirring up the surrounding sea water. From time to time, he grabbed a lot of messy things, water plants and animal bones and so on, mixed together.

After the giant was busy, the sludge in the water gradually sank again, and the sea was much clearer than before. When Li Qian saw the scene under the giant, he immediately understood what the giant was doing. It turned out that he was cleaning a hole.

It is a very large hole, with a round hole about 50 feet in diameter. It is very round. It can be seen at a glance that it is man-made and metal, just like a wellhead. There are some blurred patterns engraved on the edge of the well.

A huge lid fell aside. It was this big lid that covered the well, that is, those debris covered the lid, and the giant was cleaning up the impurities before.

The giant's face was not very good and looked very uncomfortable. He pointed to Li Qian and suddenly drilled in, as if he was in a hurry.

Li Qian remembered that the giant is not a monk, and he also needs to breathe. Although he is not as fragile as ordinary people, he has not been breathing for so long that he must not be able to hold on.

"He must have been here, and he must have known the time for her to hold her breath, so that this hole could be another world in the past?"

Li Qian immediately analyzed in his mind that the place where the hole leads must be another place, just like a passageway, but why did he build the passage at the bottom of the sea? Li Qian's heart was still full of doubts, but he did not hesitate and immediately followed the giant into the hole. He still had trust in the giant.

After entering the cave, the space in the cave is the same as the thickness of the channel. It is full of seawater, which is a vertical downward channel. I can't see the head at a glance. I don't know where it leads to, and the giant is no longer in sight. It seems that he can no longer How long will it take to get out of the water immediately?

However, there is still the obvious breath of the giant in the water. Li Qian can follow the breath, but now it is only a road, so the giant will leave first.

Li Qian didn't think much about it. He accelerated and swam inside. He soon found that the channel had changed. After a vertical downward process, he went through a radian, and then he could feel that it was going up vertically.

Maybe the rising speed is relatively fast, and the rising channel is relatively short. Li Qian hardly reacted. Light came from above his head and jumped up hard, and the whole body immediately jumped out of the water and flew directly into the air.

Of course, if an ordinary monk suddenly rushes out of the water like Li Qian from the deep sea, his body will definitely not be able to stand it and will definitely suffer some internal injuries, but Li Qian's body doesn't matter. He has almost no feeling.

After jumping into the air, the wet fire cloak on Li Qian's back immediately rolled up a burst of flames and dried the water on his body in an instant. It was just right and comfortable.

Lightning also immediately came out of his arms and kept flying around in the air, drying the water on his body. Seeing that it was not very interested in water.

Suspended in the air, Li Qian soon had a panoramic view of the surrounding environment. He saw that this was already another continent, and he could not see his head at a glance. The place he came out was a not big pool. The giant was sitting on the ground not far from the pool and panting. After seeing Li Qian come out, he immediately Li Qian waved his hand and roared happily.

Li Qian was puzzled, because there was no coast around the pool, and the passage was not long. According to the distance of the passage, it should be the sea not far away, otherwise it would not make sense.

Li Qian thought for a long time and didn't come up with any clue. Then he remembered that he didn't know where he was or what kind of world it was, so he didn't think much about it. It's not surprising that he could encounter here. He fell down and fell next to the giant. It seemed that the giant was very tired and needed to rest. Seeing that he grew so big, it consumed a lot.

After a while, the giant stood up again, muttered a few words to Li Qian, and then continued to walk in one direction. Li Qian immediately jumped on his shoulder and sat down.

Under the huge pace of the giant, he soon walked a long distance, and a strange scene appeared in Li Qian's eyes. At that time, he was excited because what he saw was a transmission array.

However, it seems that it should be a very old transmission array. Only some huge stones are placed there, some stones have been broken, and some have been directly weathered into stone powder.

The excited Li Qian thought that the giant's speed was slow, and regardless of the damage of the soul had not recovered, he couldn't wait to fly over. The speed was very fast.

After arriving in front of the transmission array, he immediately observed carefully and was finally relieved, because although the transmission array was dilapidated, it seemed that it could still be used.

This transmission array is very large, which makes Li Qian doubt whether this transmission array is used by ordinary human beings, because each of the stone pillar is as tall as a giant, and each of them has the thick legs of a giant.

Such a large scale does not seem to be used by ordinary people at all. It seems that... it should be more suitable for giants.

And Li Qian also noticed that there were some patterns on those big stone pillars that had never been seen before. It seemed that it should be a kind of text. Li Qian suddenly thought of something.

He patted the lightning on his shoulder, pointed to the text on the pillar, and said:

"Are these words what you said when you communicated with the giant?"

The lightning immediately pounced on the pillar and observed carefully for a while, and then turned its head to Li Qian and nodded vigorously.

Li Qian immediately thought about something. When he turned around and was ready to look for the giant, he found that the giant was no longer behind him. Looking into the distance, he found that he was actually far away, and he was kneeling on the ground. I don't know what he was.

Li Qian immediately walked beside him. When he walked near the giant and was ready to speak, he saw the scene in front of the giant. As soon as he reached his mouth, he swallowed it into his stomach.

The giant knelt on the ground, with his head quietly lowered and his eyes closed. In front of him, there was a cemetery.

It can't even be called a cemetery, because there are scattered bones everywhere. Only a small number of mounds can still be seen as tombs, and tombstones that have fallen to the ground and have all been cracked.

There are many bones, all of which are, and each of them is very huge. Like giants, a bone is more than ten feet long. It seems that this is the tomb of the giants.

It seems that the giant was not lonely before. A long time ago, there were still a large number of giants living here, but I don't know why all of them died. This situation is absolutely not normal, and judging from the appearance of burial, these people were killed at about the same time, which is very abnormal.

Looking at those bones, Li Qian can feel the pain in the giant's heart. The whole clan is dead, leaving him alone, that kind of sadness, that kind of loneliness...

Li Qian suddenly wondered where it was and what happened to the giants. Who killed so many people and left only one person.

But it will be impossible to figure it out at this time, because it is difficult for him to communicate with the giant.

Li Qian was also silent and sympathized with the giant. But the lightning flew into the giant's ear with its wings and didn't know what it was saying. Li Qian was very curious.

After a while, lightning flew out of his ear and fell on Li Qian's side.

"What did you say to him?"

Li Qian asked Lightning curiously, but the lightning did not say anything. He pointed to the giant with his wings, which meant just wait and see.

Sure enough, after the lightning action, the giant slowly stood up, looked deeply at the bones on the ground, and then turned to look at Li Qian. Suddenly, he knelt down!

The giant knelt on the ground and immediately made a huge noise, and the earth trembled, which shocked Li Qian. He looked at the giant in surprise and didn't expect that the giant would kneel down to him!

"What are you doing? Why did you kneel down to me? Get up quickly!"

Li Qian tried his best to cooperate with his words and tried to make the giant understand his movements.

But the giant shook his head hard at Li Qian, and then pointed to the direction of the huge transmission array. Li Qian was stunned. Of course, he understood what the giant meant.

"Do you want to go out with me?"

Li Qian immediately asked curiously. Lightning flew into the giant's ear very diligently to react.

The giant nodded immediately.

Li Qian felt a little incredible and immediately asked:

"Why are you going out? What are you going out for?"

Lightning is still a very dedicated translation task. After understanding Li Qian's meaning, the giant first meditated for a while, and then suddenly showed a sad expression on his face and slowly pointed his hand to the purpose behind him.

After Li Qian saw his movements, after thinking for a while, he immediately realized and asked:

"You mean you're going out for revenge?"