divine punishment

Chapter 21 Things are stormy, and we are sailing boats

Seeing Jiang Chen's extremely clumsy appearance, a smile finally appeared on the corners of Jinming's mouth, calmed down a lot, wiped away her tears, and whispered, "Jiang Chen, I feel much better after saying this to you." Thinking of what he had done, his cheeks were as red as fire, and a sense of shyness came to his heart, and his voice became smaller and smaller, as thin as a mosquito.

After a moment, she raised her head and looked at Jiang Chen. In her heart, she seemed to have a vague idea: When did she start to treat him as a talker? It seems that he is willing to tell him everything.

Jiang Chen still looked dull. Seeing her looking directly at him, he immediately lowered his head and felt that his breath was suffocated and did not dare to force him to look at her. My mind was in a trance, full of the sound of Shicai Jinming.

Jinming rubbed her rosy eyes with her hand, and a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth and said, "Thank you. I'm fine now. It's getting late. It's time for me to go."

Ji Ming just turned her head and said, "Ji Ming." Jiang Chen suddenly blurted out, and turned to be a little shocked. He didn't know why he shouted out. Was he a little reluctant to give up and thought of the right thing? For a moment, he was confused. Seeing Jin Ming turn her head and whispered, "What else?"

In the chaos, he suddenly had an idea and said, "It's okay. I want to ask you how's your try today."

Jinming suddenly looked gloomy and vaguely sad, and Jiang Chen subconsciously felt that he had said something wrong. But Jinming shook his head and whispered, "I lost, but it's okay." After a while, she bit her lower lip, but a little tenderness surged up in her heart and smiled, "Jiang Chen, you have to work hard."

Jiang Chen's heart was stirred, and he didn't know where the courage came from. He shouted, "Well, I will definitely try my best."


At the same time.

Mingyang Zhenren and Qingshu elders are walking on a path.

Qingshu said lightly, "Brother, you are a little too excited."

Mingyang Zhenren shook his head and said, "It's not that you haven't seen it. Chen'er is becoming more and more like Yi Feng's former personality." Suddenly, he paused and seemed to think of some things in those years. He said, "The cause of the master's death was unknown, and Yi Feng happened to be entangled with a woman named Yunyao of unknown origin, and he stopped talking at that time..."

Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, it's all over. Who can tell whether it was right or wrong in those years?"

Mingyang stopped, looked up at the moon sky, and said silently.


After Jinming left, Jiang Chen was white and red again, and his heart was confused, and his thoughts came one after another. In his nose, it was not the cold body fragrance of Jinming. In front of his eyes and ears, it was also Jinming's voice and smile, and her face and skin were as crystal as snow.

He shook his head violently and scolded himself, "Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, why do you think about these obscene things?" There is both shame and chagrin in my heart.

"Brother." A burst of words pulled him back from a trance.

"It's you, Yuntian." It was Yuntian who came. When Jiang Chen saw him, he seemed to have a little more hatred in his heart.

"I heard that you defeated Brother Xiaodong today, and you were also a little injured. Let me have a look." Yuntian came in and smiled.

"I asked you, why did you hurt Jinming so much? She has been like this since she was a child..." Jiang Chen saw Yuntian and felt angry and didn't want to blurt out. After saying that, he suddenly realized something and stopped talking.

Yuntian suddenly smiled and asked, "Why do you like Sister Jinming, but why don't you dare to face your heart?"

Jiang Chen was slightly surprised and stunned. A trace of weakness seemed to flash on his face and said to himself, "Is that right?"

After calming down, Jiang Chen's face regained calm. He took a deep look at Yuntian, frowned and said, "I really dare not face myself, but this has nothing to do with you. By the way, you said you were a demon before," he paused and said, "What's the purpose of your coming to Lingyin School?"

Yuntian looked at him and said silently for a moment, "You know that my family was killed by the same clan."

Jiang Chen was silent for a moment and said, "What's the matter with the Lingyin School?"

Yuntian did not answer immediately. After a while, he looked at Jiang Chen again and shook his head and said, "The battle between demons and demons is nothing more than for human beings. It is all for survival, and the battle between humans and demons is also for survival." He suddenly hesitated for a moment, and his face became quite solemn. He said, "In today's world, people are prosperous, demons retreat, and many demons are being bullied. I promise heaven to fight for a place to live for the demons."

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, but saw that Yuntian's face was also a little gloomy and whispered, "The demon world also needs order. I once fantasized about how good it is that people and demons can coexist in balance?"

Jiang Chen was silent, with a complicated look on his face, a little confused, and he was silent for a long time and said, "Maybe, but have you ever thought that people and demons coexist, and they are full of difficulties. Don't you want to give up?"

Yuntian looked at Jiang Chen for a while and saw that he didn't refute himself. He suddenly laughed and had a little solemnity and appreciation for his eyes. He calmly said, "Unfortunately, God's will is not to be people's will, but if you don't do it, how can you know it?" Suddenly, he snorted coldly and said harshly, "The world is the wind and waves. We are waiting for sailing boats. We will definitely strive for a glimmer of life in this wind and waves!"

Jiang Chen Dahe obviously didn't think that Yuntian would be so excited, but he felt that there was something wrong in his words and suddenly said, "What are you going to do?"

Yuntian took a deep look at Jiang Chen and said calmly, "Would you like to join us?" Seeing that Jiang Chen was stunned and did not answer, he smiled indifferently and said, "Forgive me, my words are a little abrupt. If you don't want to join, I don't force it. People have their own aspirations. Even if they join, they may put you in a dilemma, which really embarrass you."

Jiang Chen didn't know what to say. He looked at the man standing in front of him silently and suddenly felt that his figure looked so tired and his face was tired.

The two were silent for a long time, and Yuntian said slowly, "Although you and I have not been together for a long time, with what you have done and what you said, I will never forget it and remember it in my heart!"

He suddenly frowned and said, "You are a person, I am a demon, and the world is different, but even if he met each other in war because of his different positions, this friendship is still there."

Jiang Chen frowned and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything for a long time and didn't know what to say.

Yuntian shook his head slightly and said in a low voice, "Okay, I should go." He paused, turned his head and whispered, "Goodbye." In a word, he turned around and left and disappeared in the darkness.

That back seems to be a little vicissitudes, and the turn seems to have passed ten years!

Jiang Chen had a faint feeling in his heart that he couldn't say anything about his debut. He seemed to feel that Yuntian's tone was talented, which was very meaningful. Suddenly, he woke up and there was something wrong with the shock.

He had a 'buzz' in his head, and his heart was very complicated. Why did he tell himself what would happen? His mind was full of thoughts, and he remembered what Shicai Yuntian said, 'The demon world also needs order. I once fantasized about how good it would be for people and demons to coexist in balance?', a bitter smile and a trance.

"Well, I don't care. I'm still going to rest early. I have to have a good time in a few days." He said to himself that his mood seemed to be a little better.

The night wind blows, and the leaves swing slightly, as if a person's life is so wavering, drifting with the tide?