divine punishment

Chapter 31 Jiugong Bagua Array

This "dark hole" is extremely narrow, and the stone walls on both sides are like knives and axes, allowing only two people to walk sideways. An unknown cold wind poured out of it, blowing their hair straight upright.

Li Sheng was happy and raised his eyebrows and said, "That is, there is wind, and there must be an exit there."

The two of them moved straight into the cave. After walking dozens of steps in the morning, Liu Diamhua Ming went to a large stalacti hole.

Jiang Chen was surprised and surprised and couldn't help saying, "This hole is really mysterious. I don't know if it is made naturally or someone deliberately built it."

The stalactite columns in the cave are uneven, high and low as wolf teeth. Li Sheng took out another fire fold from the ice silk bag.

Jiang Chen said, "What on earth is this silk bag made of? How can you put so many things?"

When Li Sheng saw his curiosity, he smiled and said, "Of course, this ice silk bag is so big that it can accommodate a mountain. It's not easy for me... I found it."

Hearing the three words "picked up", Jiang Chen suddenly knew what was going on and frowned. He was silent as if he had seen nothing.

Li Sheng opened the fire fold with his left hand, and the light jumped, and the length of the dark shadow on the wall was uncertain. In the dark light, everything looks confusing and gloomy.

Listen attentively, and the rare sound of "ding-dong" spring water is very pleasant.

Following the sound, there is a cave on the stone wall in the right front, which is deep and dark, and I don't know where to go.

Li Sheng's wonderful eyes flashed and said happily, "Fool Chen, let's go there."

The cave is winding, the neot is faint, and the colorful light is crisscrossed, mysterious and enchanting.

The sound of water became louder and louder, and gusts of wind rolled out, and the damp and smell came to his face, mixed with a strong and strange aroma, mixed together, indescribable strangeness, which made Jiang Chen drowsy.

The two ran to the end of the corridor, and the sound of water suddenly opened their eyes.

The cave is high and deep, and the strange stalactites form various wonders, and it seems that countless birds are hovering and monsters are crouching.

Although the surrounding stone walls are concave and uneven, they are crystal clear, as bright as glazed jade, colorful and ever-changing, as if they were in a mysterious fairyland.

In the middle of the cave, a light blue moonlight projected straight down, reflecting the snow in the cave.

Looking intently, there is a two-foot-circle crack in the top wall, which penetrates from the top of the mountain to the deep cave, and then runs straight through the bottom of the earth, forming an unfathomable abys.

In the light veil-like column of moonlight, the crystal flowing spring lines flashed with ten thousand points of light, and the dense rain flew down from the cracks in the top wall, forming a small waterfall in the cave, shooting towards the cave abys below.

The underground cave abyss is foggy and smelly. The cold wind rolled out, blowing the waterfall curtain like flying flowers and jade.

Firelight, moonlight, water mist... reflect each other, forming a faint rainbow in the waterfall curtain, making the cave look more and more strange and dreamlike.

Both of them were a little surprised that they didn't expect such a spectacle in this dark cave. Turning around, there are several smaller caves around, which are connected to each other.

"Great, we can get out of the crack in the top wall now." Jiang Chen Yilin returned to the Shinto.

Li Sheng looked around, paused, frowned and said, "Don't worry."

Jiang Chen was stunned and frowned, "Now you can go out. What else do you want to do?"

Li Sheng squeezed his lips and smiled, "Idiot Chen, don't you think this hole is strange?"

Jiang Chen frowned and said, "It's very strange. What kind of 'yang cave' and 'dark hole' can eliminate spells."

Who knew that Li Sheng's face changed when he heard it and scolded, "It's really a fool. What I said is 'strange' is not what you said." After a pause, his wonderful eyes stared at Jiang Chen and sighed, "Don't you think it's strange that there is nothing here? The person who built this cave tried his best to design a 'yang hole' to cover up the 'dark hole' in order not to let people find the 'dark hole', but this 'dark hole' is empty."

Jiang Chen was stunned and suddenly reacted. His heart moved and said, "Maybe someone has been here?"

Li Sheng frowned gently, and a thought flashed in his mind and said, "This can't be guaranteed, but our position is obviously not the main hole!" Think about it, everywhere we go is empty, and we haven't seen anything strange, so why can we isolate and eliminate spells?

Jiang Chen Dalin feels that it makes sense. But his heart moved and said, "Then what do you want to do now?"

Sum, Li Sheng regained his true and enchanting smile that day, and even became playful and light. He took out a bronze compass with a special shape from his sleeve and smiled, "Yes, how did I forget this!"

The bare hands bloom like orchids. On the bronze compass, a one-armed copper man stood and was flying rapidly.

One-arm lead! Jiang Chen's light flashed and subconsciously blurted out, and his heart was surprised and surprised.

This one-armed copper man is called "one-armed guide". It is said that it is an ancient artifact transformed by Shennong Jiang according to the guide car after the wind, which can seek good luck and avoid evil and guide the way.

It is said that there are two pieces of male and female. The male one arm attracted him to have seen in the Lingyin School and belongs to the treasure of the Lingyin School, while the female one arm has long been lost, but he did not expect to appear in the hands of Lisheng!

Jiang Chen's heart fluttered and blurted out, "How did you get it?" After a pause, a thought flashed, and said strangely, "Isn't it... picked up again?"

When Li Sheng heard this, his cheeks turned red, his tone changed greatly, and he said hatefully, "What's none of your business!"

While talking, the one-armed little copper man on the plate had flown around hundreds of times, suddenly stopped and pointed straight to the west wall of the secret hall.

"Here it is!" The two were overjoyed and ran to the iron wall to explore carefully, but they never found the secret door. They knocked left and right, and could not see any clues in many ways.

After a while, there was still no progress, and the two couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Jiang Chen sighed, "Why don't we forget it? Let's go out?"

Li Sheng frowned and said, "If you can use spells, you can break the door forcibly." Unexpectedly, his mind moved, his thoughts flashed, and he vaguely thought of something. He blurted out, "Yes, stupid Chen, split it with your comfort."

Jiang Chen was helpless. Seeing that she insisted so much, he secretly said, "I don't care, then try it." The thought came to my heart, and the true atmosphere condensed. Looking at Shu Yupei and Jiang Chen held it in his hand, a white light flashed, and then another blue light, Huo Ran staggered and converged at one point.

In an instant, it turned into a light blue, and the attached light was as clear as autumn water!

Suddenly, he clenched the Shu sword and split it forward, and the sword spirit rushed out with amazing momentum.


The light wave swayed, and the anti-shock gas wave suddenly pushed the two people away a few feet away, but the iron wall did not move.

Jiang Chen and Li Sheng looked at each other in horrifics. His heart was big, and his body was shocked, and he muttered, "There is an iron wall that can't be split by Shu Jian!"

Sum, the two of them thought in their hearts, "This iron wall is so strange, and the things in it must be really important."

From the rebound wave, the iron wall is at least two feet thick.

"Huh? What is that?" Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw the place where the waves of light dissipated. Suddenly, four criscrossed silver lights lit up on the iron wall, which happened to divide the wall into nine pieces.

The silver light flashed away, and the iron wall returned to its original state.

Li Sheng frowned and blurted out, "Yes! This is the Nine Palace Gossip Array! Stupid Chen, you knock on the nine directions of the iron wall according to the Luoshu number to see if you can open the secret door!"

Although Jiang Chen didn't understand what "Nine Palace gossip array" was, he vaguely understood something in his heart and no longer hesitated to answer loudly, "Okay!"

The book arranges the nine numbers from one to nine in three columns and nine according to the rule of "one on the left three on the right seven, twenty-four as the shoulder, sixty-eight as the foot, and five in the center". In this way, whether vertically, horizontally or obliquely, the sum is fifteen. Also known as the Nine Palace Map.

The combination of the nine palace map and the acquired gossip of Emperor Shennong has formed an incomparable nine palace gossip array. Many of the spells of all factions in the world come from this.

Lisheng said, "One number is kanxi and two several kun, three shocks and four Xun number are divided, five to the palace and six dry are, seven to eight and nine to leave the door..."

Jiang Chen hit the hurdle position in the middle of the iron wall with Wang Shu's sword, and hit the Kun position in the upper right corner twice in a row... and so on, in an instant.

In an instant, the light exploded and the hole was bright.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, and the whole iron wall slowly rose up, revealing the black hole corridor, like a huge mouth, choosing a person to eat.

The two were overjoyed and did not hesitate to say in unison, "Let's go!" Quickly pass through and enter.

"Whew!" A burst of explosion, the sharp wind split the surface, the silver light danced wildly, and thousands of arrows burst out!

"Be careful, someone!"

Although Jiang Chen Dalin can't cast spells, his body protection is full of energy and blows, shaking the random arrows in the opposite direction. At the same time, he hugged himself and flew in a spiral, shot inward like a ball, clenching the Shu sword with one hand, flying vertically and horizontally, and counterattacking aggressively.

When the sword spirit splits, it was only heard as crisp sound, as if it had hit an indestructible object, and the rebounding air wave was extremely amazing.

The two of them were wide-minded and knew that they were not human, but just touched the hidden weapon spring.

The body has not yet stood firmly, and there is a bang behind it. The extremely hard iron wall has fallen down again, blocking the retreat road tightly.

In an instant, the surroundings were dark and cold, and nothing could be seen or heard, as if all the images and sounds were isolated by this iron wall.

In this absolute darkness, an invisible and unspeakable strange atmosphere permeates around them, making them breathless like a thick fog.

Jiang Chen's heart was very cold and thought to himself, "Once this door is closed, I don't know if I can't get out?" What if there is no way out ahead? Are we going to be trapped in the depths of this earth forever? Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a piercing fear and regret, and suddenly it was a little difficult to breathe.