divine punishment

Chapter 23 Foresight

"Don't read it anymore!" Jiang Chen seemed to release the fear in his heart and shouted, "Is it dead?"

"This is also what Zhong Punish wanted to know in those years." Yuntian took a deep breath, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and said, "Its body should have died a long time ago, because we are in its corpse."

Jiang Chen suddenly shook, and the white bone color columns, thick fog, sarcomaic peaks, strange-shaped rocks, and raised tubes flashed in his mind. This is its remaining bone, ashes, flesh and blood!" Jiang Chen's sharp and sudden cry shocked Li Sheng.

"The demons of the Arctic Holy Land killed it!" Jiang Chen calmed his rapid heartbeat for a while and said, "The golden knife gas cut off its veins, and I heard its painful and resentful screams."

"So it wants revenge, so the Mongolian world is full of its pre-death curse, so the log of the punishment repeatedly mentions 'sin', 'price' and 'retribution'!" Yuntian said in a low voice.

Jiang Chen and Yuntian looked at each other and saw the light in each other's eyes. The mysterious veil of the Mongolian world is slowly being unveiled by them. Once they know the truth, they can turn passive into active.

After listening to their speculation, Li Sheng's face changed slightly: "I once read a strange legend about the Jinwu Sea in the ancient book pavilion in southern Xinjiang."

"At the bottom of the golden sea, the spirit of pregnancy and strangeness, strange things, thousands of miles, fish, shrimp and algae are extinct." Li Sheng slowly said, "This legend was recorded more than 10,000 years ago."

Jiang Chen muttered: "If the legend is true, then before the establishment of the main hall of the former Arctic Holy Land, the Sea Hall, the vicinity should be desolate and the creatures should be extinct. And the strange thing refers to 'it'.

The Hall of the Sea, formerly known as the Spirit Hall, was originally built on Xiaochiyu Island in the southeast of the Holy Land of the Arctic. Only in the Zhongfei generation led the family to go to the Jinwu Sea. The hall was built here and renamed the Sea Hall. It is said that Jinwu's seabed aura is prosperous and suitable for cultivation. It is a rare feng shui treasure. Yuntian said as many treasures.

"That is to say, the bottom of Jinwu was originally the territory of 'it', but it was later occupied by the Sea Hall. Most of them are still forcibly occupied. Jiang Chen guessed, "And 'it' was surrounded and killed by Zhong Punishment and died with hatred."

"It's by no means so simple." Recently, it can be seen that 'it' had an extremely terrible power at that time, and the punishment may not kill 'it' to death.

"This is easy to explain. Zhong Punishment must have plotted 'it' by despicable means, so they left words such as 'sin' in the log. At that time, 'it' was seriously injured and fled to Mongolia, leaving a deathbed curse. Later, Zhong Punish suspected that it was not dead before he chased him into the Mongolian world and investigate the truth.

"The Mongolian world is a crack in the universe, with infinite possibilities of time. As long as 'it' does not die at the moment of fleeing into the Mongolian world, there is still a chance to go through another fork in time and escape the fate of death.

Jiang Chen was stunned, and Yuntian said that it was not impossible. Mongolia is a maze of fork in time, and "it" is a creature born from here. Maybe you are really free to choose again and escape from the disaster on the road of a certain time. But in this case, why did "it" die? Unless "it" was killed outside the Mongolian world, the body of "it" is clearly here.

"You and I have the opportunity to witness the future in the Mongolian world. Can't 'it' predict that they will die in the hands of Zhong' in the future? If death can be predicted, how can 'it' be plotted by the punishment?" Yuntian continued.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, which is really an unexplained paradox. I thought that the mystery of "it" had been roughly solved, but it was even more confusing.

Yuntian's clear eyes also flashed with a confused smoke: "'It' should be able to escape the fate of death, why did it die? Isn't being able to foresee the future mean being able to seek blessings and avoid disasters? Why?' Can't it be avoided?

Jiang Chen was speechless. As a unique life of cosmic cracks, "it" has the magical power of re-election that is extremely enviable, and "it" is the life that can truly choose fate!

Li Sheng said, "The log of Zhong Punish has been torn off a few pages, and the truth may be hidden in it."

"Continue to go down." Yuntian skimmed like an eagle and rushed straight to the ground. The cracked gullies are hundreds of feet deep, and as they continue to deepen, the color of the rocks becomes more and more colorful. The shape is strange, but it's really a bit like liver, gastrointestinal and so on.

The most important thing is that the illusion of blood often appears in front of you. Sometimes, the rocks beside you suddenly turn into a river of blood and flow away. The howling and crying gushed out of the rock one after another, becoming more and more harsh. Like evil spirits rushing up in all directions to tear their hearts and lungs.

When I finally got to the bottom of the rave, it suddenly turned into a bloody swamp, viscous and wriggling. He and Yuntian were bloody, and their hearts were a little palpitated and difficult to control themselves. Occasionally, without notice, Jiang Chen felt that he had been dragged into the blood marsh, deeper and deeper, and fell into a vast river of time. Wandering endlessly. With the help of the power of the magic fetus, Jiang Chen returned to normal.

Lisheng is surprisingly safe and sound, better than Yuntian, who closes his eyes from time to time. For a long time, Yuntian exhaled, punched and shot out. The highly concentrated energy is like a fireworks cannon, hitting the bottom of the raven.

"Long!" The sound of the rock collapse was deafening, the stones splashed like foam, and the bottom of the rabble was penetrated through a deep hole. The rocks on the surrounding sides curled out one after another, like a torn wound. The sad shouts are like rapid waves. One by one. At the same time, a mysterious breath came out of the hole and grabbed him and Yuntian.

It seems that it is completely out of control. Jiang Chen's consciousness seems to be connected with this wisp of deity, like a moth to the fire, involuntarily flying into the cave, and even the magic fetus can do nothing. Yuntian was the same. Only Li Sheng stood up for a moment and followed closely.

The cave is silent, like a dead tomb. Jiang Chen's pores were chilling, as if he had fallen into the most terrible nightmare, unable to shout or move. However, his heart calmed down. This is the moment when they are closest to the truth, and they come for it.

At the bottom, there is a large bulge, and the middle of the two ends are elliptical, like a closed huge eye. The moment they fell to the bottom of the cave, their eyes suddenly opened.

It is the most gloomy Mongolian world, the most rotten flesh and blood, and the most vicious soul. This is "it" eyes!

They fell into their eyes, and then closed their eyes behind them.

Suddenly, there were mountains on all sides, and the peaks were covered with snow, and the cold wind blew from the air, making Jiang Chen's clothes hunt.

The white clouds drooped, as if they could be touched as soon as they reached out. Looking down, the scenery is like an ant. Jiang Chen stood at the top of the mountain blankly. Is this a strange inland world, or did he fall into a fantasy again? Yuntian was not far away, staring at a magnificent ancient tree towering into the clouds.

The branches are like iron, the frost-skinned dragon scales, and the ancient trees are like towering giants. They can't stand arrogantly. The branches and leaves can't be shaken by the wind, dissipating the fierce and compelling power. The surrounding grass does not grow, and the ants are extinct. Occasionally, vulture flew over the sky, avoiding ancient trees far away, and flew far away before making a strange sound.


"Green! This tree is called 'green' and is the most spiritual tree in the cloud world!" It was like the deepest string in his heart, with a hoarse shout from Jiang Chen's mouth. Jiang Chen stared at it and walked slowly step by step. The blue statue is the most gorgeous fireworks, ** the approach of his moth.

"Stop!" Yuntian shouted. But Jiang Chen couldn't help walking over step by step. He seems to have stepped into a river of time and can only float with the waves.

Qing shook suddenly, as if trying to resist Jiang Chen's approach. But at this moment, nothing can stop me, just like a thirsty traveler rushing to the sweet spring in the desert; like a weak lamb, unable to escape the fierce attack of hungry wolves; like the shining fruit of fate, at this moment.

The white flowers all over the trees withered and fell like smoke and dust. Jiang Chen seemed to fall into a dream.

At the foot of the mountain, there was a deafening roar. Flags are flying. People's heads moved, and countless people crawled at the foot of the mountain, bowing and shouting. Jiang Chen stood on the top of the mountain and stood closest to the sky.

I am the brightest star in the cloud world!

"Impossible!" Yuntian's demon robe trembled and suddenly burst out a roar. Jiang Chen has never seen such a gaffe, doubt, unwilling, angry and sad.

He clearly felt the murderous intention in Yuntian's eyes!

However, Yuntian woke up again. He looked at Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen also looked at him.

There is no Lisheng, this is not an illusion. Jiang Chen's lips were dry and his heart beat wildly. If the green is withering, all the Lord will come back!" This sentence was pressed in Jiang Chen's throat, like a blazing fire. It burned his blood. What does it mean that Qing withered for him? Jiang Chen didn't dare to think about it, but he couldn't help thinking about it.

Is this a fragment of the future? Did they coincidentally enter a river of time? How many years will this be the scene?


"This is just one of the infinite possibilities of time." After a long time, Yuntian said in an astringent voice.

"This is just an illusion." Jiang Chenqiang smiled, but the laughter was trembling, dragging the hoarse ending.

"This is just one of the infinite possibilities in time." Yuntian repeated, and his voice was as cold as a thousand years of ice.

"You are also here, and the green is withered for you." Jiang Chen spoke with difficulty. The air seems to be frozen, dull and depressing.

"This is just one of the infinite possibilities of time." Yuntian said slowly. Qing will not wither for anyone.

"Let's find a way to get out of this fantasy first." Jiang Chen clumsily changed the topic, but he knew in his heart that a poisonous seed had been deeply buried in his and Yuntian's hearts and could no longer be removed.