divine punishment

Chapter 27 Robbery

"Let's go!" Jiang Chen took the order and walked to the palace door without saying a word. As long as he comes out of the Holy Land of the Arctic, with his magical power, unless he meets Yuntian, he will return to the sea. Birds fly high in the sky. At worst, they will give up these people. Anyway, they are just tools used by Jiang Chen.

Yuntian ordered his subordinates behind him: "Block the entrance of the Mongolian world and close the Zhenxian Hall. Anyone who dares to approach is not deterrent.

Jiang Chen stopped his footsteps, turned around and smiled at Yuntian. Maybe the person standing in that position should have been him.

"It can't even escape fate." Jiang Chen said meaningfully, deliberately ignoring Yuntian's face, laughing loudly, and stepping up to the high threshold.

Straight through the heavy halls, the demon soldiers patrolling have been ordered to let them pass freely. Chu Ruoxuan stared at them, with a flame of hatred burning in his eyes.

Jiang Chen whispered, "They are just tools. Damn it, Yuntian."

They quickly left the Sea Hall. Along the way, with the help of obeying the order, they passed through many checkpoints without danger. As soon as the golden sea flew to the sky.

"Where are we going?" The night wind blew Li Sheng's hair. She leaned up from behind and gently pressed against Jiang Chen's back.

"Yuntian will soon receive the news of the human race's large-scale attack on the Holy Land of the Arctic and make corresponding countermeasures. The Arctic Holy Land is likely to become the next battlefield, and we should not mix this mixed water. Jiang Chendao.

He said confidently, "We will live in the Holy Land of the Arctic for a period of time."

Li Sheng was puzzled: "Why? We should get out of here as soon as possible."

"At present, there are monsters and heavy troops guarding everywhere. As soon as we leave the Holy Land of the Arctic, Yuntian is bound to get the news and send troops to chase and kill. So the best strategy is to find a place to hide first. Avoid this limelight before making plans. At the same time, it can also be unexpected, so that Yuntian can't figure out our whereabouts.

"There are many monsters here, isn't it more dangerous?"

"Don't forget Yuntian's personal promise to ensure our safety in the Holy Land of the Arctic. As long as we stay in the Holy Land of the Arctic for a day. He can't touch us for a day."

"Then where should we hide?"

"Originally, Mikong Island was the best place to have me. But you are guaranteed to be unharmed in the forbidden place of death. But I'm afraid he can think that this move can't be used. We need to find a small sect in the Holy Land of the Arctic, which will be wiped out as soon as it is. Hiding there, the strength of nearby monsters will be much weaker and will not be noticeable. However, the location of this small sect is more remote, far from the throat everywhere, and closer to the natural danger leading to Zhongzhou. You come to make up your mind."

Li Sheng asked, "Are you going to Zhongzhou?"

"You can't go to Kunling City. Linjiabao allied with the demons. Only the middle state can be escaped. Jiang Chen muttered, "In a few days, the demon soldiers in Kunling City will gather at the Holy Land of the Arctic, so the defense of the monsters there will not be strict."

smiled at Li Sheng again. Jiang Chen said, "It's a big deal, let's go back to Xuanyuan Temple and live there for a while."

Li Sheng discussed with everyone and quickly chose a small sect called Gel Sect as their temporary hiding place. Ningzhi Sect is located in the remote Baihuajian in the north of the Arctic Holy Land, with only a thousand disciples. It is the first sect to be exterminated by the demons of the Arctic Holy Land. And the hundreds of flowers are far away from each other, and it is only a half-day flight away.

The night is as thick as ink, and the sky is starry, which is the darkest time before dawn. Wangshu began to fly north. On the way, he occasionally encountered some patrolling monsters. Under Wang Shu's attack, they could not get close at all.

Jiang Chen glanced over the golden armor of the human race and frowned secretly. This dress is so conspicuous that it must be changed tomorrow. These days, they have to go out day and night, and have to make repeated detours, trying not to let Yuntian figure out their itinerary.

Li Sheng's E leaned on Jiang Chen's back, whispered the pain of lovesickness, and slowly fell asleep.


Early, Jiang Chen tasted the coldness and sadness of the world and knew what was difficult.

Sitting in Wangshu, Jiang Chen still worked hard to raise funds and thought a lot of things he had never thought of before. He is not alone. As long as Yuntian dies, Yuntian's Yunxu Palace will be firmly controlled by him; through Chu Ruoxuan, he can also contain the demon religion; these are all the forces he can use.

The Lord of the Cloud World is what he can think of. He has put aside Jin Ming's death. I don't know whether the magic fetus has affected him or his original intention.

Jiang Chen suddenly had such a sentence in his mind: "What can't be done by predecessors, otherwise, what is the meaning of life?"

Suddenly, it occurred to me that the mysterious man had warned him not to let Yuntian see him before entering the ruins. Jiang Chen's heart fluttered. Why did the mysterious man say so? Jiang Chen didn't care at that time, but now he thinks about it carefully. This sentence is very strange.

Has he already expected that Yuntian would be suspicious of him? He is not a mysterious teacher or a Mongolian world. How can he predict the future? Unless he feels this in something. And what kind of person will make Yuntian suspicious? Yuntian has always cherished the peerless masters.

The answer is ready to come out.

The night wind blew. Jiang Chen suddenly looked around subconsciously. Is the scene seen in Mengjie really true? Am I the doomed lord of the cloud world? In retrospect, since the year of the troubled times in the cloud world, it was another moment when he entered the cloud world himself!

"What are you thinking about?" Li Sheng's words interrupted my meditation. Her long black hair was blown to Jiang Chen's face by the wind, which was as cool as rain and had a kind of itchy tenderness.

"I'm thinking that the sect in the cloud world is a little strange." Jiang Chen said casually, "The disciples of the sect don't seem to be loyal to the sect, once the leader dies. Trees often fall and scatter. This is the case with the ups and downs of the four schools of the right path and the lion roar secret door, as well as the demon religion.

Li Sheng shook his head: "These are all small sects that are not fluent. Naturally, the trees have fallen and scattered. You can see some famous families of generations, with strict rules and strong cohesion. The four smokes dissipated, which is uninduled. There is no reason to succeed as the head of the family.

Jiang Chen sighed gently: "Everyone can't help it."

"Let's go back to Xuanyuan Temple. No one will disturb us there. You can avoid wars and those sinister and ugly fights. She seemed to be eager to call Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen could not answer. Her shining eyes gradually faded.

After a long silence, Jiang Chen whispered, "Shen, everyone is not just a person."

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked up at the sky. He can't escape. I don't like to escape. As Li Sheng said, I am a competitive person who will struggle desperately even if there is still a breath.

It was dark all around, and it had been four times, but there was no sign of the sky turning bright. Dark clouds in the night sky are low and thick as lead, and even several sporadic stars in the sky have been swallowed up by dense clouds.

Jiang Chen felt a trace of uneasiness in his heart, as if he had foreseed the coming of the crisis. The divine consciousness was suppressed by the invisible force, and the mood became anxious.

A gust of wind rolled by. The black clouds rolled, faintly blood red. He feels more and more wrong. The whole person seemed to be locked in a cage, depressed and nervous, like a trapped beast waiting to be slaughtered under the hunter Xueliang's butcher's knife.

The thick clouds rolled like a surging wave. The wind and thunder were loud, and strange red light shone from time to time in the cracks in the dark clouds.

"Huh? The lead cloud is red, which is a sign of a mysterious disaster in a thousand years. Li Sheng looked at the night sky puzzledly, "Is there a master to go through the disaster?"

Wow! Jiang Chen shouted strangely and jumped up. Xuanjie? My catastrophe came so soon! It's still a disaster once in a thousand years!" Looking at Li Sheng, Jiang Chen smiled bitterly: "This master is right here."

"You? Impossible!" Li Shenghua's face changed color, "You have only practiced for a few years. How can there be a mysterious disaster?" Although he said so, his heart was fluctuating.

"You know it in your heart, why do you need to ask him?" The Gongsun passed on without a false voice.

Li Sheng's body shook, "What do you want to say?"



"Sung, tell me quickly how to get through the disaster? I have no experience at all." It seems that his cooperation with the demon completely violated the taboo, which led to this powerful mystery in just a few days.

"If it is a natural disaster or a great disaster, you can also resist with the help of magic weapons. But Xuanjie has no other way but to resist with his own magic power. No matter how exquisite the spell is, it doesn't work, because you can't escape at all. Before Li Sheng finished his words, there was a thunderbolt in the sky.

At the top of Jiang Chen's head, the dark clouds tore open a huge hole, and a large mass of burning blue thunder roared out and rushed down, shining his eyes with a fierce and unparalleled momentum.

In an instant, the exclamation of Li Sheng, Chu Ruoxuan and everyone was isolated and completely inaudible. Jiang Chen seems to be in another space. In the vast world, he is the only one who stands alone and welcomes the rapid arrival of thunder and fire.

There is no escape, no escape.

In this world, no spell can be exerted, like being completely tied by an invisible shackle, the divine consciousness is imprisoned, and even Xiyang seems to fall off from the whole body.

Thunderfire is from far to near, constantly expanding in front of the eyes, like a rolling fireworks. The hot craze came to his face, and the air was burned and shook like water. Jiang Chen's head "sizzled" and smelled.

There is no other way but to catch lightning with mana. However, this is Jiang Chen's weakest point.

"Boom"! The thunder and fire hit me fiercely, and a ball of boiling heat wrapped me and burned me. Jiang Chen closed his eyes tightly, had a splitting headache, and his muscles wrinkled violently. His body was like crackling dry wood, and every drop of water was squeezed dry. He curled up in pain and shrank into a ball, like a burnt fish curled in fire oil.

"chen! Chen!" I don't know how long it took, and the delicate voice came faintly. Jiang Chen opened his eyes and was in a trance with two pretty eyes shaking in his sight.