divine punishment

Chapter 11 Everything is impermanent, life and death

"Empty is not disillusionment, but not troubled by gains and losses. If it is empty but not empty, you can achieve a new situation of vacuum. If I guess that there is no difference and the wonderful limit, it should be to return to the ruins.

With nothing to do, Jiang Chen devoted himself to the essence of all kinds of spells. Here, the sky is always gloomy and dark, the shadows of birds are flying, the surroundings are empty and quiet, and the traces of beasts are gone, and there is no other sense of desolation and loneliness.

The world is long, the sound is silent, and the traces of life are nowhere to be traced. Under the Broken Soul Bridge, ghosts passed away with the white bone boat and looked at each other as strangers. Life comes alone and goes lonely, and only I know the joys and sorrows in the middle.

"Only the endlessness of heaven and earth, mourning the long diligence of life." Jiang Chen felt something and whispered.

"My husband has changed day and night, and I am happy for the time being." Li Sheng's clear voice came with the wind. She floated up the cliff, and the twilight was stained with a little yellow on her shoulders.

"How do you know I'm here?" Jiang Chen looked at her in surprise and couldn't help but show a trace of joy. Jiang Chen just asked Xinfeng to tell them that he would travel far to find the land, retreat for a month, and then go to the Zhu family to meet.

"I just know." Li Sheng said lightly, glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Enter the ruins? Why don't you let us protect the law for you? Such a big thing."

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly. Li Sheng sat down beside him, put his hands on his knees, and stared sideways at me: "Don't want those people to know?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "Did the people in southern Xinjiang know about your nine-tailed fox?"

Li Sheng said silently, "Only my brother knows. At the beginning, I was very inferior and unhappy, and no one wanted to pay attention to it.

"When I was a child, I was also inferior." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "So I always like to get close to others. If someone treats me as a friend, I will be very happy.

Li Sheng's face showed memories: "Only my brother often accompanies me and plays the pipa for me all night. It is said that when the meteor crosses the night sky, the stone behind the mountain will sing, and those who are lucky enough to hear the song can always be happy. So, whenever there was a meteor night, my brother secretly knocked on my floor window and took me to the back mountain. On the light and dark mountain road. Let's prick our ears and listen.

"Did you hear Stone sing?"

"Never." Li Sheng smiled with some embarrassment, "But I'm much happier. My brother and I ran on the mountain in the middle of the night, and my heart suddenly felt very bright. The elder brother said, Sheng'er, look. Meteor likes you, so she is running with you.

"If you are with me, you will probably hear Stone singing." Jiang Chen made a grimace: "I always like to climb to the top of the tree and peek at Li's daughter. She is so beautiful! I often think that even if she gets married, I will follow her husband's house. Look at her secretly for the rest of her life.

Li Sheng asked curiously, "What happened later?"

"There is no later. At the beginning, I knew that there would be no later. Jiang Chen said calmly. Now, her face seems to be getting more and more blurred, and she can't remember clearly. But at that time, my heart was pounding, but I couldn't forget it.

Li Sheng said softly, "If you can't forget it, it's enough."

"Well, that's just a teenage dream. It's like a meteor crossing the night sky, illuminating a moment.

"There is a chance. I'll accompany you to peek at her again."

"If there is a chance, I will accompany you to listen to Stone singing." Jiang Chen paused and shook his head deliberately: "Actually, this is a move."


"With me, Shenger will always be happy. Where else do you need a singing stone?"

Li Sheng blushed slightly and said, "Your beard must be the most sharp weapon in the world."

Jiang Chenqi said, "Why?"

"Isn't it the best weapon in the world that your beard can be pierced with such a thick skin?"

Jiang Chen opened his mouth and closed his mouth. Li Shengyu pointed to tap his chin and made a silver bell-like laughter. Jiang Chen also giggled.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Sheng said annoy.

"Because you are also laughing. And when you laugh. I also want to laugh. When you are sad, I would like to be sad together." Jiang Chen whispered. The longer he stays with Sheng, the more difficult it is for him to restrain his inner feelings.

They knew that they would not come later, but they couldn't help starting.

Each path is different after all.

Li Sheng stared at him, and his eyes gradually turned red: "Is it worth it?"

Jiang Chen's heartstrings are stirring: "What you said, the husband has changed day and night, and he is happy for the temporary joy of life. If you can't forget for a short time, it's worth it.

"My mother is the fog of the previous generation of patriarchs in southern Xinjiang." After a while, Li Sheng suddenly said.

"Oh." Jiang Chen subconsciously answered, and then his heart was shocked and almost choked in his throat. What? Fog? You, you, Sheng'er, are you kidding?"

Li Sheng said sadly, "This is true. The former patriarch of southern Xinjiang, the first master in the cloud world in the past, is my own mother.

Jiang Chen was stunned: "It is said that the fog is hundreds of years old, and it is two generations different from you. How can it be your mother?"

"In this way, outsiders will not guess our relationship." Li Sheng said in an astringent voice, "In those years, the fog traveled around the world, and I met and fell in love with my father in Zhongzhou, and I was also there. Six years later, she was tired of it and abandoned our father and daughter. It was not until her father's death that she forcibly took me back to southern Xinjiang and arranged for one of her disciples to take me as an apprentice to hide her eyes and ears. Except for my brother and Uncle Lei, who has served the fog since childhood, no one in southern Xinjiang knows this secret.

Jiang Chen was stunned for a long time before he said, "It's incredible. Breaking my head, I didn't expect that you were a misty daughter. No wonder your reaction was so fierce last time.

Li Sheng smiled faintly: "How could she die? It's just that the world spread rumors. Not long after I arrived in southern Xinjiang, she left and there has been no news since.

"Do you hate her?"

"Without love, where does hatred come from? I have already looked down." The long night hung down and covered her cheeks.

"Maybe the fog has no choice but to suffer?" Despite this, Jiang Chen also understands in his heart how can the first master in the cloud world marry a casual man? For the sake of the reputation of the door, the dance must have ruthlessly cut off the relationship.

"It's not what you think. The fog will not take anything in the world seriously, including southern Xinjiang and her false reputation. On the day she left her father, she had no sadness or happiness and looked natural. She just left the sentence, 'Everything is impermanent, life and death.' and then she went away.

Jiang Chen smacked, "Is there such a stone-hearted person in the world?"

"She is not so much a hard-hearted person as a person who is extremely calm. She won't hate or love. The mortal desires seem to have nothing to do with her.

Jiang Chenqi said, "After all, she took you back to southern Xinjiang."

Li Sheng was silent and silent. The cold cliff wind made her fragrant shoulders thinner and thinner, which made Jiang Chen feel distressed.

"It's not worth it." Jiang Chen said slowly, "Shen'er gave up the love in her heart for the sake of fog. It's not worth it."

Li Sheng was slightly stunned. Jiang Chen looked at the gradually dark sky and said softly, "How can you punish yourself for other people's mistakes? Shenger, put it down and put down this burden, and you will be really happy.

Li Sheng looked at Jiang Chen in a stunned manner, and Jiang Chen tried his best to smile calmly at her. The sky was solit, the mountain breeze sobbed, and the night covered their expressions.

For 30 days in a row, Li Sheng always came at dusk and left at dawn. Sometimes they talk and talk nonsense; sometimes they are silent for a long time and enjoy the peace of the two people. Once Jiang Chen couldn't help thinking that it was good to live such a life, but he hardened his heart and told himself that there was no way out.

However, no matter what he thinks, Jiang Chen wants to stay with her for a while.

"Is it a temporary joy for us to live like this?" Jiang Chen asked her.

Li Sheng did not answer, her eyes gradually blurred, and it was suddenly dark all around her. At the end of the darkness, the magnificent light swept over and rushed to the distance with Jiang Chen.