divine punishment

Chapter 19 Blood Kill

Looking down from a high altitude, the moon hangs on the top of the mountain, and the green peaks are covered with hazy silver gauze, and the vegetation is looming. Near Vanilla Gorge. The wind and dust are moving, and the monsters roar. The demon soldiers moved their heads and banners, encircling the narrow gorge.

Today is the full moon.

"I finally arrived." Jiang Chen's consciousness told Wang Shu to slow down and slowly hover in the air.

"Are we going to break through?" Li Sheng cast a questioning look at Jiang Chen, and the ring hanging on the jade neck flashed in the night. With the tare and jade hairpin, you can also fly freely.

"Don't be so troublesome." Jiang Chen's mind moved slightly, and the poisonous image of an invisible net rushed to Vanilla Gorge.

In the shadow of the poison, the green grass leaves are curled and morbidly yellow. The monsters turned around uneasily, screamed, crawled on the ground one after another, and gasped weakly. "Pang", a banner fell diagonally to the ground, the little demon holding the flag holding his head, shaking his body like drunk, staggering his footsteps and falling down. In less than a meal, the monsters fell down like dominoes, sitting down and lying down, with a lazy look. Some barely standing monsters blushed, coughed loudly, and looked around listlessly.

"Is this the power of the poisonous shadow?" Looking at the canyon, there are nearly 10,000 monsters, and less than a thousand people can stand.

Jiang Chen was surprised and happy: "Chu Ruoxian is right. Poison Shadow is indeed better than thousands of troops and horses. With it, I will definitely be able to show my strength and open up my own power in the cloud world!" Only then did the poison shadow take back.

Li Sheng's eyes are complicated, and he wants to stop talking. Jiang Chen deliberately ignored her look and waited patiently for more than an hour. It was not until the moon was full that he urged Wang Shu and rushed straight down.

rushed all the way to the mouth of the gorge, like entering no man's land. In the withered grass, the textile woman chirped weakly. A monster lay down on the ground. He spit yellow foam in his mouth and his limbs convuls from time to time. The monsters lay on the ground, moaning in pain, coughing and vomiting, and white-green mold spots appeared on their skin. Seeing us, he staggered to his feet and collapsed.

A golden moon hangs high in the sky, and the dragon gate stands tall on the opposite lake ditch. Colorful strange fish jumped out of the water and jumped over the dragon gate. Disappear in the air.

Li Sheng said in awe, "Why is the number of fish land so small?"

Li Sheng looked at the thick pile of textile worm corpses around him and sighed. The poison shadow is so lethal that it is almost horrible. In front of the lake ditch, hundreds of monsters barely got up, their eyes were red, and they stumbled at Jiang Chen and others.

"No one left!" Jiang Chen said, looking at Shu Jian's air. The violent airflow was like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, beating the monsters to their flesh and blood and splashing their brains. In a blink of an eye, the corpses were everywhere, wailing constantly, and the flowing blood river dyed the canyon red.

Li Sheng frowned slightly: "They have no resistance. Why do you need to kill more?

"Because I need it." Jiang Chen said coldly and was unmoved. Step forward and trample on a struggling monster on the ground. His fingers were empty, and he carved a big character with a golden hook and iron on the waist of the peak: "Jiang Chen, the patriarch of the Eight Elephants." In a few days, Jiang Chen's voice of killing more than 10,000 demons will spread all over the cloud world.

The convening of the Lianhua meeting site means that Yunfu Island has officially taken the first step to deal with the Arctic holy land, and it is also the first step to intervene in the cloud world. From now on, Yuntian will be forced to turn into strategic defense, which is the God-given opportunity for Jiang Chen to fall into the well and take advantage of the situation.

jumped high, and Jiang Chen stepped on a strange fish. Fly over the Dragon Gate. On the land of the Arctic Holy Land, dense monsters guard the lake, and the knife mountain and gun forest are waiting. In the sky, the wings of the demon soldiers covered the sky and the sun, connecting into dark clouds, setting off a strong wind.

"Kill out!" Jiang Chen said harshly, facing the flying demons. Wang Shu roared and sprayed, flashing bright red light in the air.

Blood splashed, and the monsters screamed and fell. Jiang Chen was the first horse, followed by Li Sheng. Form an unstoppable shuttle shape and pierce into a dense group of demons like a sharp blade.

Wang Shu is flexible and swallowed, like an antelope hanging horns, unpredictable and traceless. Sometimes it disappears in sight, and sometimes shoots strangely from the void, passing through the throats of dozens of monsters in a row, bringing a rain of blood all over the sky. Since he realized the empty realm, it is no longer possible for ordinary monsters to pose a threat to Jiang Chen. In addition, Li Sheng's wings have made Jiang Chen concentrate on rushing forward and killing fiercely, like a galloping angry dragon, spreading Wang Shu to the fullest.

Lisheng's moon shadow sword turned into a torrent and swept by, and countless monsters fell into weak water and struggled. He also used the magic weapon meridian network to cover the demon group. The golden light shines and cuts vertically and horizontally, the monsters are torn apart, and their limbs are broken and their arms fly across.

The monsters seemed to be scared out of their fear and scattered far away.

The high horn sounded suddenly, several long and short, fast and slow. Under the command of the horn, the monsters gradually stabilized their positions and were no longer as chaotic as before, but were divided into six teams in an orderly manner in the air, four of which entangled Jiang Chen, Lisheng and Wang Shujian and surrounded them respectively. These monsters are vigorous and have at least three pairs of wings on their backs, so they are extremely flexible in flying in the air. They use the method of fighting, not hard work, but try to trap them.

The fifth team of demon soldiers all wore thick armor, holding machetes and spears, and rode on the back of huge dragon vultures, flying tigers and leopard eagles, like driving a chariot back and forth, cutting off Jiang Chen's mutual support and slowly separating each other, creating a situation of fighting separately.

The last team of monsters took the opportunity to enter. They were fierce and powerful. They each held a variety of murder weapons and magic weapons to serve as the main force to attack Jiang Chen. For a while, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were lightless, the smoke was rolling, and the flames were burning. In the orderly and well-structured siege of the monsters, Jiang Chen and others gradually fell into a bitter battle.

Seeing that Lisheng's situation was not good, Jiang Chen roared and hit a bombardment with all his strength in an empty mood. It was like a thunder from the blue, with a sudden sound. More than a dozen monsters blocked on the opposite side were blown into powder. The remnants of the bombardment formula were unabated, like a series of thunderstorms wading outward. The touchers were smashed and smashed, and their flesh and blood splashed, killing a gap in front of them.

Jiang Chen was about to greet Li Sheng and took the opportunity to rush out of the demon group. Two purple gold octagonal hammers roared, sealed the gap, and hit Jiang Chen in the head. A three-eyed golden Peng demon holds a double hammer and waves like the wind. The colorful hammer shadow turned into substance and hit it intensively like a cannon.

This three-eyed golden Peng demon is powerful, and the hammering method is exquisite. The vertical eye on the forehead spewed out a bunch of glittering gold through the cracked stone, which is very difficult to deal with. Jiang Chen did not pester him too much, but suddenly retreated and used the pungent formula. More than a dozen monsters surrounding Lisheng were killed at the same time. At the moment when the three-eyed Jinpeng demon chased him, he suddenly turned around and looked at Shu swaying and shot out, bypassing the hammer shadow in the air with a winding and strange trajectory. He stabbed into the throat of Jinpeng with three eyes.

Wang Shu roared and turned back in mid-air. Shoot through a monster's chest again. This move originated from the second-generation owner of Wangshu, who was made smooth and happy by Jiang Chen. Wang Shu kept rotating and stabbing, cooperating with Jiang Chen's divine consciousness and eight elephants, he was invincible, and the blocker died. The demon group near Lisheng was killed and fled by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen and she rushed forward one after the other.

The monster's horn sounded rhythmically, and the demon camp changed again. A large number of powerful monsters surrounded Lisheng from behind. Don't be afraid of death and fight fiercely. Another team of monsters inserted diagonally and cut off the passage in front of Jiang Chen, while the flexible and winged monsters dragged Jiang Chen and fought hard, forcing them to form a joint force and had to fight separately again.

Li Shengxiang was sweaty and panting, and he was already at the end of the strong crossbow. On the contrary, the most majestic one is Wangshu. He is stubborn and fierce, and there is no rival. However, the monsters avoided it far away. Siege but not attack makes its power unwield. Some monsters deliberately made provocative shouts, approached and fled, causing Wang Shu to unconsciously get farther and farther away from Jiang Chen and Lisheng.

There is no way to go on like this. Jiang Chen turned his eyes and looked down in the direction of the sound of the horn. Under the banner of the rocking banner, a boss-like fox demon played the horn and remotely commanded the demon soldiers to fight. If you want to break out of the siege, you must kill this demon first, so that the demon army cannot form effective tactics.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen suddenly swooped down, and the magic power turned into a long gun, aimed at the fox demon's head and shot thinly. With a splash, the blood flowers splashed, and several demon soldiers rushed to the fox demon at the same time and forcibly blocked the magic gun with their flesh and blood bodies. Jiang Chen wanted to break the thick steel shields again, just like a heavy fortress to cover the fox demon.

In the realm of the open land, Jiang Chen used the thorn formula. Unconsciously, he quietly sneaked into the side of the fox demon and was about to assassinate. "Dingling", a huge copper bell in the hand of a yellow-faced demon next to the fox demon suddenly rang, and the strange and harsh bell made people palpitate and tremble. Jiang Chen lost his mind for a moment and was forced to appear by the bell.

"He's here!" The monsters shouted one after another and killed Jiang Chen desperately. The yellow-faced demon will shake the copper bell, which makes Jiang Chen feel uneasy, and the magic fetus in his body jumps sharply, as if his soul is about to come out.

"Dementer Bell!" Jiang Chen exclaimed, "This is a famous evil weapon. It can not only have a sensitive sense of human and demon souls, but also absorb the three souls of human and demons, and has a miraculous effect on dealing with unstable opponents. He has seen it in the classics of most of the magic weapons in the world today.

Jiang Chen was secretly shocked that he was a combination of two souls, but strictly speaking, his soul was not complete. In addition, although his strength has increased in recent years, it has made Jiang Chen's foundation unstable and lack of demonic power. The dementor bell is his natural nemesis. After thinking about it for a moment, Jiang Chen's current goal immediately turned to the yellow-faced demon general.

Operaate the secret art of Zifu and keep your mind in peace. Jiang Chen's footsteps changed and approached the fox demon in an instantaneous and spiritual posture. The magic gun kept shooting out, and thousands of stabs were completed in an instant, smashing countless steel shields, creating a false situation that did not kill the fox demon.

The demon soldiers followed one after another, blocking the fox demon crazily. In mid-air, there was a cry of pain. Li Shengxiang's shoulders were dyed red, and the gold was scattered. He was bombarded by monsters in turn. Obviously, he couldn't support it.

Jiang Chen was cruel and didn't care about her. If you rush to the rescue at this time, you will fall into a siege again. At that time, no one can leave and can only be reduced to the result of fighting. With a roar, Jiang Chen repeatedly applied the most powerful three-character formulas of "boom", "crack" and "broken" in the eight elephants of divine consciousness, as fast as thunder, forcibly killing a bloody road, and constantly approaching the fox demon.

"Dingling, jingling", the soul bell shook seven or 49 times, and Jiang Chen's consciousness was also slightly turbulent. There was a brief blur in consciousness. At the same time, Li Sheng's figure was submerged by tide-like monsters, and Wang Shu Jianguang became more and more dim.

Jiang Chen suddenly took a wrong step and moved his body horizontally, flashing to the side position of the yellow-faced demon. The magic gun shot out with an unusually slow degree, like an old cow pulling a car in the air, forcing the fox demon little by little.

Without a trace of wind, the air around is condensed into a solid substance, and it seems to be surrounded by a sealed box. This was automatically understood by Jiang Chen after the great success of Jie Tianyan. Although the magic gun is slow. However, with a strong and terrible invisible pressure, it seems to be a heavy peak, which makes people unable to breathe.

As the gun slowly spit out, the red flame kept soaring, as thick as a barrel pillar, covering a radius of several feet. The monsters surged up one after another and nervously surrounded the fox demon. Anyone can see it. This must be a shocking and powerful blow.

Halfway, the gun suddenly folded, and the heavy pressure disappeared. The magic gun turned into a flying poplar flower, and the light willow catkins changed its direction in the air. He was erratic and finally turned around suddenly. Shoot at the dementor bell.

With a "bang", the dementor bell was shot to pieces and fragments flew around. Jiang Chen jumped up, took a momentary step, kicked the head of the yellow-faced demon general, and turned over and pounced on the fox demon again.

Under the sworn escort of the demon soldiers, the fox demon retreated and blew the horn. Monsters came from all directions and attacked Jiang Chen like a huge wave. I want to kill the fox demon again. It seems unlikely. Jiang Chen retreated regretfully, flew to the sky, and unwillingly glanced at the fox demon below.

A picture of Yuntian killing everyone suddenly flashed in his mind. Jiang Chen was suddenly shocked, as if he had returned to the Mongolian world and galloped in different time channels.

is also like the moment when the ascension begins and ends, in two different rivers of time.

"I" is just a point connecting time, and it is surrounded by flowing eternal time.

A ray of light shines out of the magic gun.

Like changing in different universes, the magic gun is fast and slow, giving people a strange sense of time contradiction. The monsters rushed on. He waved the knife and shield to intercept, but could not touch the edge of the magic gun. It seems that the red gun flame is just a phantom. The misplacement of time makes the obstacles of monsters one after another turn into futile. Just like today's outstretched hand, you can't pick yesterday's flowers.

"Puff", the gun flame penetrated the fox demon's forehead and dragged up a bloody rain. The fox demon opened his eyes in shock, with an unbelievable expression on his face, and the horn slipped from his hand.

Without looking back, Jiang Chen killed the demon group in the air. With the fast and slow change method he had just learned, he killed hundreds of demon soldiers like cutting vegetables, rushed hard, broke through the blockade, and approached Lisheng. Although the magic tire provided continuous power, Jiang Chen still gasped slightly and his heart beat faster.

Li Sheng was bathed in blood and moved slowly and weakly. Seeing Jiang Chen, the barely supported breath finally died out and fell weakly in his arms. Jiang Chen hugged Lisheng with his left arm, turned around again, killed the siege, and joined Wangshu's sword in the distance.

Jiang Chen roared and finally called Wang Shu, opened his way and rushed to the thinnest direction of the demon group.

The demon soldiers gathered around, and the commander-in-chief's killing aroused their blood, all like wolves and tigers, attacking fiercely. The first row of demon soldiers shouted in unison and to Jiang Chen and others throwing out their sharp weapons.

As soon as Jiang Chen flashed by, the demon soldiers in the back row immediately came forward and fought hand-to-hand. After killing them, the dense gun spears were threw again, forcing Jiang Chen to dodge and unable to form an effective breakthrough. In addition, if Jiang Chen wants to maintain Lisheng, he can only be entangled and passively meet waves of endless attacks.

In the fierce battle, a gap suddenly appeared in the front left. Some monsters suddenly bumped into each other for some reason, blocking each other and messing up, making the tight encirclement formation leak flaws.

Without time to think about it, Jiang Chen seized the opportunity, shot out the magic gun, rushed through the gap, and flew high into the sky. The demon soldiers chased closely in the rear, and countless lights, poisonous water and smoke passed by, reflecting that the sky was bright and dark and colorful.

After chasing dozens of miles in a row, the number of demons in the rear decreased one after another. In the end, only a few dozen demon shadows followed reluctantly. Like a maggot attached to a bone, it can't be thrown away.

Below is a dense and wild jungle, with towering ancient trees and impenetrable. I greeted Wang Shu and suddenly flew down, intending to get rid of these tails here, catch a few alive by the way, and torture the whereabouts of the people in Zhongzhou.

The monsters also flew down immediately. To my surprise, the fat-headed and big-eared flying pig demon they did not rush up smiled kindly at me and made a gesture. The other monsters scattered around, jumped on the top of the tree, got into the grass, and looked around happily and listened everywhere.

Jiang Chen felt strange and was not in a hurry to do it. He guarded in front of Li Sheng, who was healing his wounds, and protected her. After a while, the demons made the same gestures, and the flying pig demon relaxed, closed the pink wings behind them, and bent down to salute him. Jiang Chen suddenly appeared that it was these monsters who squeezed into a ball and messed up their feet to create a gap to break through.

When his heart moved, Jiang Chen asked, "What do you mean?"

The flying pig demon took a step forward, with a respectful attitude and invincible: "On the order of Lord Dharma, please say hello to Mr. Jiang. If you need anything, just tell me. I'm willing to serve you.

"Lord Protector?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized that these monsters were probably loyal subordinates of the mysterious man, who would deliberately create flaws and give them a passage to escape.

"It's the guardian of the law. Jun Shang once told him that if he met Mr. Jiang, he would take good care of him whenever and wherever he was. The flying pig demon said, "The prince was deeply besieged before. We were very worried, but we couldn't help him. I hope the prince will forgive me." The words are humble and cleverly point out a secret help, and it is a dexterous monster.