divine punishment

Chapter 22 Soul Sword--Sunshooting Bow

"Yuntian doesn't move. I'm afraid it's also the sudden intervention of Yunfu Island. Li Sheng muttered.

"So the most pitiful thing is these chess pieces in Zhongzhou." Jiang Chen looked at Li Sheng with appreciation. She was thoughtful and intelligent. If she was willing to help Jiang Chen, she would definitely become a powerful arm. However, Jiang Chen can't drag her into this life-and-death and cruel chessboard.

He can't. This is Jiang Chen's last bottom line.

Jiang Chen only hopes that she can stay away from this dangerous and ugly chess game and leave her changing self.

suddenly. Jiang Chen remembered the fox demon named Moer. Why is the matter between Yuntian and her not known? Is there another secret? Is she dead or alive? Where the hell is it?



"The offensive in Zhongzhou has stopped." Li Sheng said in an astringent voice. At this time, the night was getting thicker, but the rain did not stop, and countless white water arrows splashed in the darkness.

"Zhongzhou is still in the Dongshan area." A map of the Arctic Holy Land came to Jiang Chen's mind. Thinking about it, "Today they tried to break through Yungang. It should continue tomorrow. If Yuntian surrounds and doesn't kill, then they can still hold on for about a week. If you are smart enough, Zhongzhou should not rush to break through, but try to preserve its vitality until the full 15th month.

"I don't know how many people in Zhongzhou have sacrificed." Li Shengdao.

"If you always die, you will get used to it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

At dawn the next day, the battle came. Zhongzhou hit Helan Valley again, and the fierce battle lasted all day and night, and finally the gap was broken by them. When Jiang Chen and others thought that the two sides would fight against the Three Gorges in Yungang, Zhongzhou suddenly turned back to Dongshan and rushed to the northwest of Yungang.

In the next few days, Zhongzhou adopted the strategy of attacking the east and the west, fighting back and forth with the demon army, avoiding the truth, and even hiding and pressing the soldiers. The first line of defense of the demon army in Yungang began to advance inch by inch, constantly compressing the area of Zhongzhou activities with a strategy of encroaching.

The demon army in the smoke hill all stood still and defended the defense line. A large number of cavalry rushed into the plain from behind and began a carpet search for sporadic escapees in Central China.

The heavy rain is intermittent, and the wet field is shining with water, as if it has turned into a swamp. Frontline news keeps coming: " Urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou encountered the Sixth Army in Yungang Nanling!"

"urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou were defeated and fled to the stone forest!"

"urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou were besieged in Shilin, fought fiercely all night, and fled to the south!"

Jiang Chen and Li Sheng looked at each other and said, "Today is the seventh day. Yuntian has slowly intensified his fists and contracted the encirclement."

"urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou were ambushed by the Second Army in Yungang Grottoes!"

Jiang Chen's face changed. Yungang Grottoes is the southernmost line of Yungang, and then to the south is the vast plain. As soon as they enter the plain, the people in Zhongzhou will be sandwiched by the smoke hills and Yungang, and their wings will be difficult to fly.

"They were pushed to the plain little by little." Li Sheng frowned.

"How many days are there before the full moon?"

"Nine days left."

"Strange." Jiang Chen felt awe of heart and shouted, "What was our original plan?"

Li Sheng said doubtfully, "Didn't you discuss it with the little demon Zhu Geliang? You are responsible for diverting water into the smoke mound, dispersing the demon defense line, and creating a gap in this area. Once the Huangsha River floods the plain and there is a landslide nearby, it will inevitably become Wangyang Daze. After Zhu Geliang's signal, we will enter the main battlefield, look for people in Zhongzhou, and take them out of this gap.

"Yes, you also said that we are going to find people in Zhongzhou! That is to say, we don't know where the people of Zhongzhou will fight against Yuntian. The flood plan is just to create a escape gap in the smoke mound and confuse the demon army. We can't judge the final main battlefield. It may be in the Three Gorges, in the Yungang Grottoes, or in the plain!"

Li Sheng was thoughtful and asked in a frenze, "So what?"

"How did Zhongzhou know our plan?" Jiang Chen sneered and sketched on the ground. "In the past few days, they rushed into the hinterland from the northwest corner of Yungang, and then desperately broke through to the Yungang Grottoes. The next step is bound to enter the plain. The escape route of Zhongzhou came all the way to us!"

Jiang Chen said, "They knew that Yanqiu was the place to escape! They chose the smoke mound as the last main battlefield!"

Li Sheng looked at Jiang Chen in a daze and was stunned for a long time. What did she smile about? It was just a coincidence.

"Coincidence?" Jiang Chen shook his head and pointed to the sketch just drawn: "You see, they finally hit the Helan Valley in Yungang. As long as they can rush through the Three Gorges Heavy War Zone, there will be no more defense line for the demon army ahead. Why do you have to give up near and far, turn around and run to the plain, and automatically throw yourself into the net that Yuntian has already set up?

"There are heavy soldiers in the Three Gorges, not to mention several defense lines on the periphery. How can they rush out?"

"Can we rush out here? How can there be no reason to kill back to the hinterland? Unless the leaders of Zhongzhou are all fools!"

Li Sheng muttered: "From common sense, Zhongzhou really has no reason to kill the plain. They should have thought that the ambush of the smoke mound had been waiting for a long time.

"From Nanling, Shilin, and then to Yungang Grottoes, they were beaten and retreated and could only enter the plain. You can't rush out there. Of course, you can only break through from here. Li Sheng's naive explanation made Jiang Chen laugh and cry.

"Miss Li, don't think the question is so simple, okay?"

"Little scoundrel, don't make it so complicated, okay?" Li Sheng twisted Jiang Chen's ear anxically, "What's more, Zhongzhou broke through from the east of Yungang from the beginning."

Jiang Chen said in a low voice, "This is exactly what they are smart. The bluff created the illusion of a decisive battle in Yungang, attracting the main force of the demon army to continue to guard, and then suddenly turned around and shake off Yuntian's heavy troops. These days, the cavalry stationed in the smoke hills have rushed to the plains and Yungang, which is the result of their transfer of tigers away from the mountains. I believe that from the beginning, the real destination of Zhongzhou was the smoke hill!" The trick of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain and attacking the east and west is very familiar to Jiang Chen, who played the role of a military division in Luoyang.

Li Sheng opened his beautiful eyes and looked at Jiang Chen like a monster: "Your head is so curved." He poked Jiang Chen's forehead with a smile: "I think you are just thinking nonsense. You are like this. He will soon become a little white old man.

Jiang Chen was angry for a moment and speechless. Li Sheng hesitated for a long time and said, "Well, if your inference is correct, then Zhongzhou must be clear about our plan to flood the smoke hill."

But Li Sheng said, "How can they know our plan? Unless Zhu Geliang, the little demon, is from Zhongzhou. That man is from the demon world. His confidant and Zhongzhou's famous family can't be beaten together.

Jiang Chen was silent for a while and said in an astringent voice, "Brother Zhuliang may be from Yunfu Island."

"What?" Li Sheng shouted in disbelief.

"urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou rushed into the plain, and the defenders from all directions in Yanqiu immediately entered the battle alert! The remnants of Zhongzhou rushed into the plain, and the defenders from Yanqiu immediately entered the combat alert!" In the night sky, hundreds of summoned bird demons quacked and flew around.

"Sure enough, it's still coming." Jiang Chen muttered.

He stayed for a moment. Suddenly, he looked up to the sky and laughed: "What a cloud island! Awesome, really awesome! Turn me into a chess piece!"

Li Sheng said, "If Zhu Geliang is from Yunfu Island, it will explain why Zhongzhou will know our plan. Yunfu Island will not sit back and watch the whole army collapse in Zhongzhou, but it can't intervene explicitly and can only intervene secretly. Among the famous families in Zhongzhou, there must be people from Yunfu Island. He secretly communicated with Brother Zhu and made a breakthrough plan for a long time. No wonder at the Broken Soul Bridge, the messenger of Yunfu Island made a word to ensure the safety of the invitee.

Li Sheng said, "But how could that man's confidant be bought by Yunfu Island?"

Jiang Chen said lightly, "I'm afraid he is a pawn who has been ambushed in the Arctic holy land on Yunfu Island for many years. There are people from Yunfu Island in Dongzhou and Zhongzhou. How can there be fewer Arctic holy places?

"Originally, this mixed water had nothing to do with us. However, we broke into the Holy Land of the Arctic and made up for the seamless last needle for their plan. Jiang Chen continued.

Li Sheng suddenly realized: "Brother Zhu Liang must be overjoyed to bump into us. It is much better to help Zhongzhou with our hand than the people of Yunfu Island to do it directly. Push it on us afterwards. Yuntian had to be angry with us scapegoats. He pouted to Jiang Chen, "I told you earlier that this little demon is not credible, but you don't listen. When I see Brother Zhu Liang's little demon, I will definitely kill him!"

"No!" Jiang Chen vetoed, "You have to pretend to be nothing. I still can still use this monster." He thought to himself that Zhu Geliang would definitely report the news that he was the lord of the cloud world to Yunfu Island. But this is not bad for Jiang Chen, and Yunfu Island will pay more attention to him. Use Jiang Chen to provoke civil strife in the Arctic holy land. After all, in their eyes, Yuntian's disaster is far better than Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was most worried about whether Yunfu Island was sure that he would enter the Holy Land of the Arctic, or whether his encounter with Zhu Geliang was just a coincidence. If it is the former, the ability to know people on Yunfu Island is too terrible.

Li Sheng muttered a few words dissatisfiedly, and Jiang Chen smiled: "It turns out that this game of chess is Yunfu Island playing with us, Zhongzhou and Yuntian! High, really high, the battle of power can be played like this.

Li Sheng stared at Jiang Chen: "If you were fooled by Yunfu Island, can you still laugh?"

"Actually, we should thank Yunfu Island. It has taught me a lot." Jiang Chen said calmly, "What's more, doing big things doesn't matter by means, just look at the results. Yunfu Island can help us achieve our goal. Why can't I accept being used? Since Yunfu Island officially intervened in this matter, our chances of winning have greatly increased, and we are bound to save the people of Zhongzhou. This is the most perfect result, and of course I can laugh.

Looking into the distance, Jiang Chen smiled calmly: "The country is picturesque, how many heroes are there for a while? How lucky and wonderful is it to encounter such a brilliant opponent in the chess game of life? Until this moment, I really have the will to compete in the world.

seemed to be felt, and the magic fetus in the divine consciousness made Jiang Chen's blood boil and his fighting spirit flew. For the first time, it was not that it affected Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen dominated it!

"Boom", a snowy lightning split the darkness before dawn, and the heavy rain poured down, and the gray and cold. There was a melodious and majestic sound of horns in the distance, and the sound of horns echoed one after another on the mountains, echoing like thunder.

The dense hoof sound shook, the earth shook, and a team of ordered demons came from the direction of Yangmei Mountain, like a surging wave. Go straight to the plain. The demons in the sky are like dense flying locusts, playing songs with the troops on the ground one after another.

"The decisive battle has begun!" Jiang Chen shouted excitedly. At the end of the distant plain, countless gorgeous flames flashed, reflecting the colorful night sky.

On the first day of the decisive battle, the main battlefield was concentrated on the northern edge of the plain.

The next day, there was a rare sunny day, and the main battlefield gradually moved to the middle of the plain.

The third day. After the continuous rain, the people in Zhongzhou finally entered Jiang Chen's sight. The first master in Zhongzhou, Yao Ri's high-crowned gold robe, rushed first, with a dazzling white light all over his body. The leaders of several sects followed closely, and the rotating sand pillars were pulled up one after another and flew around them. Lang Sen, Niu Lang and Murong Yushu were bathed in blood and were heavily guarded by their disciples. It's just that Qu Yuan, the head of Qiankuntan, didn't see it. Qu Linglong was still there, her delicate face was covered with blood stains, and her left sleeve was empty, which showed the serious injury.

At the end of the team, dozens of people were in a mess. He staggered and turned around from time to time. Entangled and fought with the monsters chasing them. The thick blood splashed everywhere and was immediately washed away by the rain.

"Hey, it's really accurate to do it on the third day after the decisive battle." Jiang Chen sneered, and it has been confirmed that Zhu Geliang is from Yunfu Island. As he speculated, Zhongzhou deliberately led the battlefield here.

Jiang Chen whispered, "The surrounding demon soldiers have already set up a defensive formation and are strictly guarded. The other two mountain demon soldiers also stood one after another, drawing bows and arrows, ready to intercept the other party to break through.

The only passage into the smoke hill was completely blocked, and the vicinity of Yangmei Mountain was completely blocked. There is encirclement before and pursuers behind. If there is no accident, Yuntian can indeed make the thousand-year-old Zhongzhou a history.

"There are still 372 survivors left in Zhongzhou." Li Sheng burst out of the magic weapon, paused and said, "Three hundred and seventy-one." Just now. A disciple of Qiankuntan rushed to Qu Linglong and blocked the cold arrows coming from the ground with his body.

"10,000 to 300. Yuntian still refused to attack the whole line, and it was obvious that he was going to catch it all. Li Sheng is eager to say.

"He is waiting." Jiang Chen said lightly, "He is waiting for the master of Yunfu Island to appear. Yuntian has been guarding against Yunfu Island's intervention from beginning to end. He has such a big appetite that he wants to use more than 300 people in Zhongzhou as bait to catch Yunfu Island and eat all his opponents in one bite.

In the direction where the people came from Zhongzhou, it was full of tide-like demons, covering the sky and the sun. They were not eager to attack all, but lined up into a solid and thick iron barrel array, slowly pushing, like moving mountains pressed down little by little.

Jiang Chen could not see Yuntian and the four demon kings. Yuntian obviously sat in the rear army and waited patiently for Yunfu Island to take action. A team of strong armored demon soldiers rushed out of the camp, charged in turn, and attacked up and down with the demon army flying in the sky, constantly consuming the remaining strength of the other party with wheel battles.

The sky is getting clear, and the number of people in Zhongzhou is decreasing one by one. This is the most tragic war of attrition, and the final competition is the number. Smiling, Jiang Chen said, "Yuntian must be very strange. Why haven't the people on Yunfu Island appeared yet? He must not have thought that I would finally complete the blow that made him fail.

"Yuntian!" A long roar of gold and stone resounded through the sky, flowing constantly, suppressing the roaring wind and rain. Yao Ri was majestic. He turned to face the hundreds of thousands of demons at the end and shouted, "Yuntian, do you dare to come out to fight with me?"

There is silence around. At this time, if you allow heaven to avoid fighting, it will inevitably affect morale and weaken the prestige. If Yuntian fights, he will not be able to watch the overall situation and deal with Yunfu Island that may appear at any time.

After a while, Yuntian's calm voice came slowly from the rear of the demon army: "Why not?"

The black-pressed demon army automatically separated the front line and gave way. Yuntian's demon robe slowly floated out of thousands of troops and horses, attracting the monsters to shout and cheer like a storm.

Li Sheng said in a trembling voice: "Isn't it a suicide to fight with Yuntian, who is at the peak of essence, qi and god?"

Jiang Chen suddenly understood that Yunfu Island's interlocking plan buckled the last link at the moment when Yao Ri challenged Yuntian: "He intends to sacrifice himself, force Yuntian out, and win the opportunity to break the gap for Yunfu Island."

sighed gently in his heart, looking at the tall and burly figure of the sun from afar, Jiang Chen's eyes were full of respect. No matter how you usually fight and play with power. Critical moment. Ken stands up and sacrifices, still a peerless figure.

The first person in Zhongzhou, lives up to his reputation.

"The leader, it's a must!"

"Yao the leader, don't show off your courage."

"Teaching, let's fight together!"

The people in Zhongzhou were dissuaded, and all the disciples of the Great Vision knelt down and begged bitterly. The cowherd pulled the sleeves of the shining sun, and tears rolled down like broken beads.

Yao Ri smiled and said, "I'm out of my mind." Reach out his hand and wipe away the tears on the cowherd's face.

"Yao Zhangmen!" The cowherd sobbed.

"You are the one who knows me best. You shouldn't be persuaded anymore." There was a trace of rare tenderness in Yaori's eyes, and the cowherd hugged him and cried bitterly.

The surroundings were silent, and the thunder in the sky suddenly stopped, as if the heaven was also shocked by the strange and strange feelings between the two.

Gently pushed the cowherd away, and walked out to Yuntian.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and the water around them was steaming like fog. The dense raindrops were shaken away from afar and could not get close to them.

"I have been obsessed for tens of thousands of years, and today I finally returned my heart." Laugh up to the sky. Waving his hand, he threw away the exquisite high crown and pulled off the gold robe.

Take a bow and arrow step. The sun held his arms like a full moon, and a carved gold bow slowly appeared in his left hand. The giant bow is like a dazzling sun. Radiating brilliant light.

"Soul Sword - Shoot the Sun Bow!" Wang Shu exclaimed.

The bright sun grabbed the void with his right hand, and a faint light strangely put on the bowstring. The light is getting stronger and brighter, and gradually condenses into a brilliant arrow.