divine punishment

Chapter 13 Desire

Eve the next morning, Jiang Chen walked out of the wooden house alone.

The morning sun is bright, the air is fresh after the rain, and last night's melancholy is like a white fog in the mountains, dissipating in the sun. Neither Jinming, Li Sheng, nor Luo Yan could shake Jiang Chen's iron-like will. The dew sliding from the grass leaves dripped on the white rock and made a clear sound. He seemed to understand that Yuntian abandoned the betrayal of the master.

Jiang Chen also remembered that some time ago, Yuntian mentioned the sadness flashing in the eyes of the little fox demon. He shook his head. Jiang Chen abandoned his miscellaneous thoughts, sat cross-legged on the corner of the cliff and began to practice.

Lionyue's method of cultivating Yuanli can only be used as a reference and is not suitable for me. Jiang Chen must find another way to create his own Yuanli method.

Jiang Chen moved his mind to the body that seemed to be thirteen emotions and six desires. Strictly speaking, the six desires in the seven emotions and six desires are the instincts of the desires of life and life and death, the ears, eyes, mouth and nose all from the body. That is to say, the six desires are the real source of power and the original seed. After the six desires sprouted and bloomed, they derived a variety of physical strength.

If the six desires can be separated from the divine consciousness and integrated with his desires, it is possible to refine the unique power that belongs to me, which will be much more powerful than the moon and the mountain spirit.

It's simple to think of, but it's extremely difficult to do. Liuyu has been deeply rooted in Jiang Chen's consciousness. When he concentrated on moving them to the body, his consciousness turned upside down, and the ghost cried and howled. Even Wang Shu was like a boat in the stormy sea, ups and downs. His consciousness was quite chaotic, and his head seemed to be tens of thousands of steel needles. The thorn is so painful.

And there is a strange attraction between the seven emotions and six desires, entangling with each other. When moving the six desires, the seven emotions will inevitably follow. Even if he overcome all difficulties and turns the six desires to the body, the seven emotions will leave the divine consciousness.

With a long sigh helplessly, Jiang Chen temporarily gave up the concentration and thought hard about the solution.

"Chen, did you get up so early to practice?" Luo Yan came out of the wooden house with a blow and smiled. You were quite sensive and actually hit the floor all night.

: Let's test you and see if you have perseverance. She was tired of saying that she stretched out a long and lazy waist under Jiang Chen's body.

Under the shining sun, her skin shines with touching turbulence, and the towering peaks are exaggerated and prominent, like undulating waves, beautiful and irreparable.

Jiang Chen's heart moved, and the beauty in front of him. Naturally flexible, showing the most beautiful lines of heaven and earth, the hidden essence, which makes me feel, but if this idea is the same, she is undoubtedly a lively beauty, which makes people lustful and can't wait to jump on it. Porcelain*, releasing instinctive animal desire.

What are you looking at?" Luo Yan snuggled up, his fragrant lips half opened, and cheered at Jiang Chen provocatively. The two of them rubbed their arms and legs together, ** cute.

"Separation of desire!" Like bright lightning splitting the night fog, Jiang Chen suddenly realized. If you want to control the integration of six desires and desires, you must completely lose your happy feelings and forget your desires. No matter how charming the beautiful woman in front of you is, she is just the object of *. The tool to vent * is like a plate of delicious food. No matter how good the color and smell are, it is only useful for eating.

I only feel ungratitude, and everything is transformed into instinct. Like the most primitive person, the demon has only ** desire to survive in his heart, and there is no other thoughts.

"Isn't this no different from the beast?" Wang Shu asked in confusion.

"Of course it's different." Jiang Chen explained that although he was all forgetful and lust, the beast was manipulated by the six desires, but he manipulated the six desires.

Wang Shu said again, "It's too dangerous to do this. Maybe you will become a humanoid beast with only desire."

"As long as the seven emotions remain in the divine consciousness, there will be no danger." Jiang Chen pondered for a long time, fixed his voice, and his eyes fixed on Luo Yan.

"I want you to help me." Jiang Chen said to her beyond doubt.

Forget feelings and desire, morality must be separated from spirit and desire. Whether it is the enjoyment of desire or suffering, it cannot tear any waves in the ocean of the soul. Otherwise, it will be addicted and become a slave of six desires, a real beast, in which the process is indeed extremely dangerous as Wang Shu said.

After hesitating for a long time, Luo Yan followed Jiang Chen's orders.

A bee pierced the wind and stabbed his shoulder, and his clothes cracked. Even if there was a magic body to protect himself, Jiang Chen still felt a burst of pain, and his skin was scratched with blood by the magic weapon.

"Continue, use a little force," Jiang Chen did not move at all, which was to endure the pain of the body in a method of almost self-abuse. Don't think about it until you are completely numb, so as to forget the suffering of desire.

Under Jiang Chen's continuous urging, Luo Yan gritted his teeth and smoked like a stormy wave. Jiang Chen did not flash, like a reef. With any whip, he tried not to think about the pain. After more than an hour, his whole body was blurred and shaky, and his consciousness gradually blurred. The bee needle penetrated his thigh and pulled up a piece of flesh and blood. He couldn't hold on any longer. He fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

After waking up, it was almost dusk. Jiang Chen was wrapped like a big zongzi, lying on his back on the stone**, with a slight bounce, and his whole body was extremely painful.

"Don't move." Luo Yan quickly picked up Jiang Chen, and his eyes were faintly red and seemed to be a little swollen.

Jiang Chen was stunned and said for a moment. There's nothing to be sad about. It's just practice.

"Why torture yourself so much? Your spells are strong enough. Take your time, and there will always be a day when you reach the peak."

"Where is the extra time waiting for me? Don't worry, I can still stand these skin pains."

But Jiang Chen couldn't stand it. Luo Yan shouted, shaking his head in pain, and tears flashed in his eyes. 'I really can't stand it. Let's change it. I can't stand it. It's too cruel to me.'

Jiang Chen said harshly. Today, I suffer more, and he has more hope of surviving every day. He violently tore open the cloth that bandaged the wound, took out some elixirs from the meson bag, twisted it and applied it to the workshop.

"Look, I have the best elixir in the cloud world, and the wound can be crazy soon." Jiang Chen pushed her away, struggled to stand up, and staggered out of the room. Under the wound, it was like a thousand knives. He was like watching the fire across the shore, and only regarded this body as his own.

Under the cold moonlight, the mountain maggots were lying on the ground, waiting for Jiang Chen's inquiry. Like yesterday, he told them the mystery of Qi, and put his anger into the body of the mountain maggots to help them evolve. When the gas was almost exhausted, the depths of Jiangchen's inner mansion bred the same refreshing essence and roared to the night with the sky. The celestial phenomena are sympathetic, and things will be reversed, and if they are poor, they will change. He believes that if he continues to practice like this, he will be able to improve again.

And under Jiang Chen's repeated request, Luo Yan finally agreed to continue to temper his body with a bee thorn magic weapon. In this way, he practiced his power during the day and spoke at night. Jiang Chen's days were full and there was no free time.

After autumn, the grass leaves in the mountains withered, and the cold air was deep into the bones. The north wind echoed between the bare branches and mountains and rocks, and there were bursts of throats.

Jiang Chen stood on the top of the cliff, his body was as straight as a javelin, and his chest and back were covered with dense scars. Luo Yan's nine bees thorns were connected into dense whip shadows in the air, beating in turn, constantly oiling blood, and shaking hundreds of muscles all over his body at the same time. In an instant, thousands of pains, especially suffering and depression were restrained and disappeared. One clean and two clean.

The spirit is empty, and no matter how fierce the blow is, Jiang Chen can't feel a trace of torture. Jiang Chen standing on the cliff seems to have become an empty body and has nothing to do with him.

"Okie," Jiang Chen caught a bee thorn and stopped with satisfaction. After more than two months of physical torture, his spirit and desire have been successfully stripped away.

"Is it refined?" Luo Yan was relieved and said angrily, "If it goes on like this, I really think you have a favorite to be abused."

"One step away. Forget it. I'll think of another way." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly and said that he should find a woman to practice *separation and strip the enjoyment of spirit while manipulating *. At present, Luo Yan is certainly the best candidate, but Jiang Chen can't say that she is a tool of *.

Luo Yan also heard him talk about the subsequent cultivation method, and now groaned, "I'll go outside to find a beauty for you to spoil."

Jiang Chen said awkwardly, "How can I have feelings for a woman I find? Naturally, there is no separation of desire.

Luo Yan's cheeks are red, what do you mean?

Jiang Chen opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

"The wine brewed before the month is almost ready." Luo Yan suddenly ran away. When she came back, she held a few wine jars and patted them open their mouths. The fragrance was overflowing. Before Jiang Chen opened his mouth, she looked up and drank a whole jar in one breath.

This wild fruit wine is not spicy, but it is full of stamina. After a while, Luo Yan's cheeks burned like the evening fire and turned red. Then, she picked up a jar of wine and drank it.

Jiang Chen felt something was wrong and hurriedly grabbed the wine jar. Why did he drink so urgently?

"I remember someone said that if you drink wine, you will be very bold." She was intoxicated with beautiful eyes and fell on Jiang Chen's shoulder and laughed.

Jiang Chen suddenly understood her intention and said in an astringent voice, "You can't wrong yourself for me."

"No. I do." Luo Yan's voice was as soft as a mosquito. She raised her neck and looked at Jiang Chen in confusion. The red wine beads sprinkled among the deep cleavage, shining.

Jiang Chen's breathing became short.

"When I built this wooden house, I knew that I was yours." Luo Yan gasped and wrapped his arms around Jiang Chen's neck, as if his trembling skin was about to drip water.

"Little pervert, what are you waiting for?" Luo Yan's delicate body seemed to melt to leave no bones, and the gorgeous wine spewed out of the sandalwood mouth: "I'm yours."

The "Sangdang" wine altar slipped from Jiang Chen's palm. He stretched out his left arm, put his arms around Luo Yan's soft waist, tightened it, and stuck it into his arms.

It's like spiritual and flesh, the water* melts, and the two are close to each other, and at the same time moan contented. Since they used seven emotions and six desires to help her repair her soul, a little intimacy will produce a wonderful taste of intoxication.

Luo Yan grabbed my back, and the spring waves rippled in his eyes.

Jiang Chen's heart pounded, and his right hand climbed on Luo Yan's slender and plump thighs and stroked it gently. The smooth * was like a tide mat Zheng's whole body. He couldn't help it anymore. Like a crazy beast pounced on her to the ground, his left hand slid down his waist, grabbed the fat arm fiercely, grasped it, and his right hand tore open her chest pocket. At the same time, her big mouth is printed with her rich red lips and sucking greedily

Luo Yan screamed and was stiff all over. Although they often laughed intimately, they had never been too light. At present, he made her a little uncontrollable and instinctively struggled.

This aroused Jiang Chen's desire. Luo Yan's crisp chest twisted like a big snake, as if deliberately flirting Jiang Chen with his concave and convex chest and abdomen. Between touching each other, it was full of elasticity, like a group of hot flames jumping under him. Without hesitation, his mouth kissed the towering *, containing hard purple grapes.

Luo Yan's delicate body suddenly softened, moaning loudly, and hugged Jiang Chen with his arms, and drowned them with heat. After a while, the two of them untied their clothes and squeezed together. It brings unparalleled excitement. Jiang Chen almost couldn't help spraying.

With a little clarity in his mind, Jiang Chen tried his best to control the rising desire and did not enter, but just tried to separate the pleasure of desire.

"Quick, take me!" Luo Yan shouted emotionally and entangled Jiang Chen like catching fish. Crazy twisting and grinding, the hot skin is as red as the haze, the spring tide is overflowing, and the wet and dense grass path.

Contrary to her, Jiang Chen's mind became more and more sober. The enchanting beauty she stepped on was no longer Luo Yan, but a healthy horse for six desires to gallop for a lifetime, a simple desire to be controlled by six desires.

The spiritual pleasure was stripped inch by inch. Gradually, Jiang Chen could no longer feel any pleasure, leaving only the instinct of possession. The desire was finally completely separated, like a little ice and snow on the flame. Jiang Chen suddenly entered. With Luo Yan's painful and happy call, her thighs quickly surrounded their union, layer by layer by layer The package is like a thick, soft and tight meat wall.

There was no superfluous feeling and excitement of the complex. Jiang Chen skillfully flirted with his lips and tongue, and his lower body stood up, stirred Luo Yan's body. Her huge * trembled like waves. The rich fragrant arms are desperately catered to, the full legs are suddenly tight and loose, and the slippery sweat is shining like pearls. However, this charming and intoxicating scene is like a wild goose crossing the cold pool, leaving no trace in his heart. Jiang Chen is like a calm chess player, falling step by step, no sadness, no joy, no loss.

I don't know how long it took Luo Yan screamed, suddenly hugged Jiang Chen, and immediately collapsed. At the combination of the lower body, a yin to pure gas spewed out from her Taoyuan, rushed out of Jiang Chen's inner body, and melted with the vitality in his body. In an instant, his whole body was shocked, his spirit soared, and the eight-images of divine vision suddenly broke through the bottleneck and stepped into one. Big step.

The six desires were like a run-out wild horse, and suddenly rushed out of their consciousness. The muscles expanded and contracted as if they were going to explode. Then, a strange light came out of Jiang Chen's body, and the patterns of six monsters oozed out of his skin.

"Yes, I have refined into" Jiang Chen's ecstasy. This method is amazing. It not only refines Jiang Chen's magic power, but also catalyzes the six desires, so that they can integrate into his body and save his months of hard work. Naturally, this active integration is much better than forced expulsion.

"Little pervert, I'm going to be killed by you." Luo Yan was as hot as fire, hugged Jiang Chen tightly, and still trembled.

Jiang Chen hugged her again. The seven emotions in the divine consciousness shine thinly and are closely connected with her, and the power of the six desires is constantly lost to her.

Water*melt, Jiang Chen seemed to return to the moment when he healed her wounds. The two are intimate, physically and mentally compatible, and the power of seven emotions and six desires is transmitted to each other, forming a changing cycle of time and space. The joys and sorrows, the vicissitudes of the sea and the vicissitudes of life, all kinds of feelings flow through my heart.

Three months later, Shan Xiao said goodbye to Jiang Chen one by one.

"Walking through every corner of the Holy Land of the Arctic and subdue all the mountain ebis!" This is the order issued by Jiang Chen.

Ten thousand mountain xiao showed their magical power and swept away in all directions. The night absorbed my anger. After several evolutions, the changes of the mountain owls can be described as earth-shaking. Some are as majestic as giant beasts, some are as agile as ethereal smoke, and some are as strange as ghosts... Their strength is far better than ordinary mountain dragonflies. Once they are scattered in the Arctic holy land, they will certainly make all mountain dragonflies work and become disciples of Jiang Chen.

This will be his first team to compete in the cloud world.

"Are you leaving too?" Looking at the empty valley, Luo Yan asked calmly. She leaned against the ancient pine and held a wine jar, and the shade of the leaves seemed to flow down the green debate.

Jiang Chen nodded. After months of painstaking practice day and night, the six desires and desires were completely blended. Yuanli successively crossed the triple threshold of weightless, weightless and satisfactory, reaching a new realm of no importance. Even if the moon's body is reshaped, it is far less than his strength.

The mountain wind is bleak and the sky is clear. Wang Shu flew above his head and urged.

"Chen, I won't give it to you." Luo Yan smiled, raised the wine jar and took a big sip, and then handed it to him.

Jiang Chen didn't say a word, took over the wine jar, raised his head and poured it straight into his throat. She gave everything to Jiang Chen and knew his heart well, so she didn't mention a word. Except for gratitude and guilt, Jiang Chen really doesn't know what to say.

"Bum!" Jiang Chen threw away the wine jar, stood silently, and said softly, "Do you... have anything else to say?"

"It's too late to talk about it when you come back."

"I will definitely come back." Seven emotions and six desires are turbulent in Jiang Chen's body and mind, as if they have given birth to endless strength and confidence.

"I'll wait for you." Luo Yan's eyes spewed out a scorching flame, "Love me once before you leave."

Desire boiled in an instant. Jiang Chen took a step forward, and Luo Yan's clothes cracked in his hand with a thorn. She * trembled waves, and her plump and convex curves were exposed, just like the enchanting masterpiece of nature. Jiang Chen's hand stroked every inch of her full and smooth skin crazily. She gasped, shouted, twisted her body and tried her best to cater.

Jiang Chen pressed the hot beauty in his arms on the trunk of the tree, stood up, and naturally entered a state of separation of desire. The fierce movements were endless. Luo Yanxiang was sweating profusely, his legs were tightly clamped around his waist, and his skin turned out with a delicate flush.

Jiang Chen's heart is like a little cold ice and snow, controlling the six desires and provoking waves of Luo Yan**.