divine punishment

Chapter 3 comeback

hexagram - high mountains and water, running in danger, the hexagrams of hexagrams are internalized into a real scene in the field of vision: mountains and shadows are pulled up flat, like copper walls and iron walls, countless white rivers rushing down from the top of the mountain, snow and jade surging, thousands of mountains and rivers, and the distance between the river seems to be suddenly elongated to the extreme; the mountains and deep water, more The sense of powerlessness that makes life's debut be hindered and far away.

This is the result of divination: the prospect will only fall into danger, waiting at ease, and staying in place is the best choice. The reality of gossip made Jiang Chen really realize this point, and even his heart was shaken and felt that he should give up the attack.

hesitation is just a moment. The strong willpower exploded in my heart and rushed forward desperately. "Wish" to do it with all its strength. The electric light is like a roaring angry dragon, splitting many mountains, landslides and rocks cracking, and roaring. Fear also turned into a substantial eruption, and the black rain was like a flood from the sky, covering thousands of rivers.

"I was locked up for more than a year. It has tempered your perseverance. The voice echoed in the infinite mountains and rivers, "Who doesn't hear the phrase 'power is powerful and poor, and the world is endless'?"

The collapsed rocks accumulate and pile up high with a degree of shock, and rise again like a giant. Where the river was destroyed by the black rain, spring water emerged again and poured into rivers.

The distance between the reverse and Jiang Chen has always been as far away as the ends of the earth.

"Do you not hear the truth that 'the road is long, and I will search up and down'?" Jiang Chen shuttled back and forth in tens of millions of lightning, and the life-and-death spiral fetus in his body rotated to the extreme like a tornado, driving the blue lightning to rotate like a gyro, with a black and blue two-color luster.

This is the first time that Jiang Chen has combined the "desire" and the eight elephants of divine consciousness with the spiral fetus of life and death. The electric light galloped across and was invincible. The vast mountains and rivers were slowly eaten by an invisible mouth and disappeared one after another and could no longer be recovered.

The gossip was then cracked, and Jiang Chen saw the reverse that was close at a glance.

All the lightning flashed towards him, and every electric light seemed to become Jiang Chen's mount, and Jiang Chen kept changing trains for a moment, making it difficult to capture which lightning Jiang Chen hid in.

The formula of "thorn" hit the reverse chest in an instant, and his body suddenly became translucent. His skin was as crystal clear as water. The blood vessels, muscles and internal organs were clearly visible. They all showed a bright liquid, and the whole internal organs were completely liquefied.

The black and blue life-and-death spiral fetus invaded the internal organs, and the latter immediately gave birth to a thick liquid ball, surrounding the life-and-death spiral fetus. Gradually, the spiral fetus of life and death was forcibly dismantled and divided into green vitality and dark death. The anger is absorbed by the liquid ball and turns into a wisp of black smoke, which is scattered out of the body.

Jiang Chen can't help admiring himself. Of course, the power of the separation of life and death is far less than that of the spiral tire of life and death. Fortunately, he also came up with this method of solution.

The formula of "bang" kept coming out, and "joy" rushed up, and thousands of colorful flames shrouded the reverse, and was also mixed with the black and blue color of the spiral tire of life and death.

The reverse also stands still, responding to changes, and the liquefied inner body slowly flows up, driving the crystal clear liquid ball cycle one by one, and splitting the spiral tire of life and death. The word "Boom" hit his body and was pitted, but in an instant, it was a pit, but in an instant, the potholes were flattened, and layers of gray and dark skin fell off from the inversion.

At the same time, the reverse also gave birth to water with the nameless finger of the right hand, trying to welcome each other with hexagrams, so the trick regenerated and evolved into unrepicious hexagrams.

Jiang Chen sneered, and the reverse move was just to force him to withdraw his "joy", and Jiang Chen did as he wished. Xi quickly disappeared into consciousness, and countless flames slowly dissipated in the air. At the same time, one of the red light suddenly increased, and the electric fire came out and stabbed straight.

"Puff!" The gorgeous red light splashed with a bunch of blood, and the crystal clear liquid body was beaten back to its original shape, and the skin of the right shoulder was bloody. The red light roared through the reverse shoulder, took a vigorous turn in mid-air, and then shot back to the towering.

Red light is the magic gun! While giving "hity", Jiang Chen quietly shot out the magic gun and hid in the brilliant light. When the "hity" is taken back. The bright flame dissipated, and the reverse attention was distracted, and finally was shot by Jiang Chen.

No matter how high the skill is, it is impossible to withstand the attack of the magic gun born by the magic power.

Jiang Chen did not give the reverse any time to breathe, so he rushed up with all his strength and punched south. At the moment when the reverse also flashed the magic gun, the spiral fetus of life and death invaded the other party's body in the gap.

"Loss!" The reverse also shouted softly, and the thumb of the right hand raised Huashan, showing the hexagram on the top, and the left ring finger drew the Wangyang swamp. At the bottom, the hexagrams and the hexagrams were exchanged, which evolved into damaged hexagrams. Unexpectedly, the goal of the opposite is not Jiang Chen! His fingers overlapped, and he pressed the gossip to himself!

Loss hexagram - profit and loss are mutual checks and balances! Loss hexagram is a very subtle hexagram in the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes. Although it belongs to the next hexagram, it pays attention to how to derogate some of the interests and seek greater benefits as a last resort, just like exchanging "loss" for more "gains"

"Boom!" The wound on the shoulder suddenly increased, and the blood spewed like a spring. However, the spiral fetus of life and death also leaked out with the wound and was excreted from the body.

Every drop of blood burst out shocking popularity and sealed Jiang Chen's rain-like fist shadow. In the counterattack, Jiang Chen had to take the defensive temporarily and could not take advantage of the victory.

A little bit of the middle finger, the magic gun was bounced back and helplessly dissipated in the void.

Jiang Chen also admired the rebellion, just like Guan Gong's treatment of poison in the Three Kingdoms. He must first dig meat and scrape bones and damage himself before he can get rid of poison. Inversely, he also used the original intention of damaging hexagrams to deliberately intensify the injured product and take the opportunity to export the spiral fetus of life and death. The most valuable thing is that he could have used his pure magic power to forcibly resolve Jiang Chen's life-and-death spiral fetus, which is not reversible. He chose the most ingenious and situation-oriented way, as well as the most risky and uncertain way.

After all, he only studied the Book of Changes for a few days, and still learned from Jiang Chen. I believe he is also trying himself to witness the mystery of the Book of Changes.

Jiang Chen suddenly understood the unique madness of the master of returning to Ruins: in order to verify what he learned in his heart, his life and death were completely ignored, and Yuntian was like this, and so was the reverse. This may be the reason why Jiang Chen has not been able to enter the ruins so far.

"Good means, no wonder Yuntian was also hurt by you that day." At this time, a liquid ball came out of the wound on his shoulder. To the degree visible to the naked eye, the liquid ball turned into flesh and blood, with scarring and scab.

"It's really a great means for the predecessor to use the damage to heal wounds." Jiang Chen sincerely convinced that the blood splashed from the intensification of the injury can also be used to fight back. It can be said that he kills two birds with one stone and makes the best use of everything.

The two sides looked at each other, and the air machine locked each other and confronted again. In the first round, Jiang Chen suffered a loss. In the second round, he won back a small game.

"This is the end." He also suddenly brushed his sleeves and sat down, easily getting rid of Jiang Chen's air machine lock control, and there was an extra stone futon under his body. His fingers flew on the ground and drew hexagrams, buried them in meditation, as if the fierce war just now had never left a nod in his heart.

This kind of saying is let go, not stagnant in the chic of things, not muddy and water, may be the cold and ruthless in the eyes of ordinary people!

"Each of the sixty-four hexagrams is like a evolution from birth to death. If it can be integrated into the spell, it can complement the intersection of time." Inversion suddenly raised his head and his eyes were shining. He obviously benefited a lot from this battle. "How do you think about the intersection of time?"

"It's still far away." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly and said, "For seniors, they can enter the intersection anytime and anywhere. However, I have to use the right time and place to get it occasionally, but fighting with my predecessors made me understand a lot of fighting skills.

The interest also seems to be quite high, and he pointed out for the first time: "If you can immerse yourself in understanding the origin of the demon, you will also gain something. For example, if you twist the joints of your whole body and deform, it should be the talent power of the demon."

Jiang Chen remembered the source heart he mentioned and asked curiously, "Have you also used Yuanxin?"

"Otherwise, how can I act as the demon king of the moon? Only by experiencing the existence of other life can we cross our own limitations.

"Does the senior mean jumping out of 'me'? At the Lianhua Grand Event, Mingyang Zhenren and Yuntian also seemed to talk about the limitations of 'me'.

"What's the use of just knowing this?" He said arrogantly, "You must first understand the 'false' and 'empty' three views, and then practice it physically."

"What is a fake hollow?"

He also pointed to the gray stone under the seat and said, "What is this?"


"The futon is its pseudonym. It is a stone. Because of its shape and usefulness, we call it the futon. This is 'false', just like the name of the reverse and the moon, it is just a pseudonym."

"Its not the essence of the futon, is this the so-called empty view?"

"Your understanding is really good." Inverse also nodded happily, "Although we know that his essence is not a fu. We know that it is empty, it is still called a futon. This is the middle view. Although things are false, they will not flow into illusion because of falsehood. Only by combining false, hollow and empty can we truly understand everything in heaven and earth."

Seeing that Jiang Chen was fascinated, he continued with great interest: "Only by knowing everything can you jump out of the limitations of 'little self'. You have to live like a mosquito, a cloud and a tree, and look at the world from their perspective. You not only belong to people, but also to any possible existence in the world.

Jiang Chen suddenly realized: "The predecessor entered the world as a Liaoyue to experience the existence of a demon king?"

The industry is difficult to say, and it must be completely removed from the imprint of 'me' and become another existence. The appearance will change, life will change, and the ideas will also change. It is necessary to not only watch the fire across the shore, but also like a fish in water. At the beginning, I once turned into an ordinary weed, rooted in the soil, and did not eat or drink for dozens of Year."

Jiang Chen was stunned. If he went on like this, either he would make great progress in Taoism or his mind would be confused and become a madman who didn't know who he was! No wonder the rumors in the cloud world are also dead!

Only when he said something, his indifferent eyes flashed brightly. Only when discussing Taoism did he fluctuate in his calm tone. Jiang Chen peeked at the little loneliness hidden behind the mask.

For more than ten days, Jiang Chen did not leave, and continued to discuss the intersection of the Book of Changes with the Book of Changes, and even competed with him. Inverse did not drive him away. It was not until his mana was restored to 30% or 40%, which was enough to protect himself that Jiang Chen took the initiative to say goodbye.

"Looking at the cloud world, I'm afraid that only Yuntian can compete with the seniors, and it's hard to find opponents. Why don't the seniors fight with Yuntian to relieve the cold loneliness at the height?" Jiang Chen stood at the gate of the cave, and the rebellion was also heavy for a long time. After all, he did not ask the real doubt in his heart, so he had to pull out Yuntian casually.

"Between Yuntian's strength, we may not be able to win or lose in one game." The rebellion also said angrily, "Yuntian is extremely persistent and nourishes the Tao with war. If he knows that I am rebellious, won't he be pestered by him? How can I have so much free time to fight with him again and again? At present, he is a little aware of my Taoism, but I am his subordinate and obedient to him. Yuntian has no excuse to find fault.

Jiang Chen said regretfully, "It's a pity that all sentient beings in the cloud world have no eyes. Let's look at the peak confrontation between the two strongest masters in the world."

He said coldly: "This is not what you really want to ask, is it?"

Jiang Chen was stunned and then understood that he also vaguely sensed my idea with the intersection of time.

"Are people's feelings false?" Jiang Chen stared at him and asked.

"Is my answer false?" He also asked quietly.

After staggering, Jiang Chen shook his head. Since he took the road of transforming everything and cutting off the "little self", it was an inevitable choice to abandon his wife and daughter. No matter how much Jiang Chen said for Li Sheng, it was in vain.

"I have forgotten what I want to ask." Jiang Chen bowed his hand to him and flew away from the Forbidden Mountain.

The great mountains and rivers of the Arctic Holy Land flew below. The summer was hot, the sun was like fire, and the blood in Jiang Chen's body was getting hotter and hotter.

Jiang Chen couldn't help roaring: "Finally, the day when the dragon returns to the sea and the tiger returns to the mountains!"

"Gongzi, Mr. Jiang..." After flying for a while, Jiang Chen faintly heard a call behind him and couldn't help wondering. As soon as he escaped from the Forbidden Mountain, why was his back foot targeted? Looking back, a black spot in the sky was flying towards him.

Jiang Chen saw the person clearly and couldn't help but be dazzled: he had a fat head and big ears, a wide nose and a wide mouth, and his chubby meat wings waved to him vigorously. It turned out to be the long-lost flying pig demon pig brother Liang.

Jiang Chen stopped and thought a few times to speculate about the other party's intention.

Before he got close, Brother Liang had bent his knees and kowtowed in mid-air: "Liang, I would like to see the Lord of the Cloud World. Congratulations to the Lord of the Cloud World on being safe and sound. Whether you are extremely happy, the grand hegemony is just around the corner."

Jiang Chen glanced around and confirmed that no one followed him, and then said meaningfully, "What a coincidence?"

Zhu Geliang still maintained the posture of kneeling and said respectfully, "It's not a coincidence that the Lord of the Cloud World was imprisoned. After the news spread, Liang stayed at the foot of Zibao Mountain and waited for a year, seven months and 19 days. Half a month ago, a demon patrolling in the Forbidden Mountain disappeared for no reason. Liang guessed that the lord of the cloud world had escaped, so he was more careful about the movement of the Forbidden Mountain. Today, as soon as the lord of the cloud world came out of the mountain, Liang saw it.

"You are loyal, bold and careful." Jiang Chen looked at him with a smile, "Aren't you afraid of becoming antagonic with Yuntian? Don't worry about waiting for nothing? Or is it waiting for a waste person who has lost his pipa bone?"

"How can the Lord of Heavenly Clouds fall easily?" Brother Zhu said in a low voice, "Good birds choose the best trees to live in. Act according to the sky and have no fear.

Jiang Chen took a deep look at him: "But I'm not sure, in what capacity did you visit me, the lord of the cloud world?"

Brother Zhu Liang shook his ears slightly and slowly raised his head: "I am myself, neither a minister of the law nor a spy on Yunfu Island. So, is the Lord of the Cloud World satisfied?

He confessed his identity as a spy on Yunfu Island, and Jiang Chen trusted him for the time being.

"If you are in danger, I will never treat you badly." Jiang Chen's face was full of spring breeze and picked up Brother Zhu Liang. "If you have a great success in the future, you are the first meritorious minister under me, and the beauty of power and wealth in the cloud world.

Brother Zhu Liang thanked me again and again and confessed his life to me. It turned out that his distant ancestor came from Yunfu Island. He was originally a white jade pig raised in the animal garden. Because he stole the ganoderma lucidum in the medicine garden, he was intelligent and adult-shaped. Yunfu Island did not punish the white jade pig, but drove him into the holy land of the Arctic and lurked down.

"The bright ancestors always spend their lives in confusion and pain. Yunfu Island is the hometown of their ancestors. The ancestors worked conscientiously for Yunfu Island, but they are eager to go back one day. However, after living in the Arctic holy land for so many years, this has long been our home. How can the ancestors feel good after selling the holy land of the Arctic? Brother Zhu Liang looked gloomy, "Liang is tired of the days of survival in the cracks. After all, I am a demon, not a human being. Even if I return to Yunfu Island, I will not get too high a high status. Being a downturned minister, Liang felt unwilling and failed the ambition in his chest.

When Jiang Chen was thinking about Brother Liang's words, he suddenly knelt down again and sobbed: "Liang had already sworn to heaven to change the fate of his ancestors and beg the Lord of the Cloud World to become an adult."

The confession of heart-to-heart confession is undoubtedly in the frog's loyalty and Jiang Chen's heart. After the news of Jiang Chen's imprisonment came out, he stayed near the Forbidden Mountain and inquired day and night until Jiang Chen came out of the mountain. This painstaking efforts alone were enough for Jiang Chen to see him with new eyes.

"One day, I will let you go to Yunfu Island as a prominent minister of the Holy Land of the Arctic." Jiang Chen swore to help him up and pierced his wishes. At this moment, all the grudges in Jiang Chen's heart were eliminated and he began to regard him as his confidant.

Brother Zhu Liang pondered and said, "Let Liang guess the next plan of the Lord of the Cloud World. The Lord of the Cloud World has been imprisoned by Yuntian for many years, and he must be in a hurry to sulk out of your sultry, right?"

Jiang Chen said in an air, "That's right! I'm going to make a scene in Dongzhou, pull Yuntian's hind feet, and kill the prestige of the demon army. When Yuntian and Yunfu Road fought against each other for two days, Jiang Chen quietly released a poisonous shadow. The management of the demon army suffered heavy casualties. He was defeated and fled.

Brother Zhu shook his head and said with a serious look, "The Lord of the Cloud World is wrong. As the Lord of the Cloud World, on the surface, you should do your best to protect the interests of the Cloud World. Otherwise, how can you convince the demons in the future? At present, you must not publicly deal with Yuntian, so as not to be regarded as an accomplice of Yunfu Island by the monsters.

"On the surface? Public?" Jiang Chen tasted his words carefully, and a smile oozed from the corners of his mouth. "If you say so, you must have a calculation in your chest." The flying pig demon is reasonable. If he is angry and works with Yun Tianming, he will lose a lot because of small things. Even if he kills Yuntian, he will not get the allegiance of the demon army.

"Lord of the Cloud World is going to breathe, but how can it come out? How can it be beneficial?" Brother Zhu narrowed his eyes cunningly, "It's better for you to find a target in the Arctic Holy Land than to go to the muddy water of Dongzhou."