divine punishment

Chapter 5 Advantages

Why did it suddenly catch fire? What happened?" A fat flower essence full of purple fluff rolled painfully in the flames, with a loud and sharp lamentation in her mouth.

looked at him silently and issued an offensive order to Shan Xiao.

10,000 mountain ebis rushed out from all directions and killed the flower spirit who escaped from the flower field fiercely. As soon as they came into contact, the flower spirits collapsed, their broken arms and limbs flew across, and the pieces of skin splashed, and they didn't even have the strength to resist Shan Xiao.

This is a downtrod massacre without any suspense. In the flower field, "Joy" wantonly commits evil, burning the bright flowers into charcoal ash flying all over the sky, peeling, ** out of endless black and yellow soil pits; outside the flower field, mountain maggots guard layer by layer, fine killing, do not let go of any fish that leaks the net, countless flower essences struggle in the flames, pain, countless flower essences reveal the flower field , and fell down like cut straw, and died under the endless attacks of mountain squills.

The sky turned red and black, and the fire lasted for a whole day, and the mountain xiaos kept killing for a day. The flower field was devastated and turned into a smoking ruins. Occasionally, there were a few broken petals, which flew as soon as the wind blew. There were all kinds of burning and bloody smells floating in the air, mixed with disgustingly. There were the remains of flower essence corpses everywhere, lying on the ground, which was shocking.

The reward and punishment took back the "happy" and fell to the ground, looking at a messy flower field, and didn't say a word for a long time.

"The flower field is beautiful and serene, like a colorful blue shake." Jiang Chen remembered what he had said and felt lost. For the sake of his own selfishness, he killed innocent people indiscriminately. "Are I getting farther and further away?"

"Lord Yun, don't worry about it." Brother Zhu Liang looked at the words and said, "In the future, Lord Yun will be defeated, and the ending of me and my mother will be the same as these flower essences, and even more miserable."

Jiang Chen suddenly felt awe-inspiring: He was right. This was originally a cruel struggle between you and me. For a moment, he was soft-hearted and would only implicate his own people. In those years, Yuntian also betrayed He Jinming and Lingyin School for the sake of Huatian?

"Search the flower fields and don't let go of a living place." Jiang Chen resolutely ordered and was not waver at all. Born in troubled times, you can only sacrifice others to protect yourself.

The mountain dragonfes rushed into the flower field like wolves and tigers, and all the bodies were removed from their heads to confirm that they were not pretending to be dead. The seriously injured and unconscious flower spirit was exceptionally hit and sent to Huangquan Road to report.

An angry roar came from the distance, and a short figure was on fire all over his body, stumbled against the obstruction of several mountain ebis, and ran out of the flower field.

"Let him come here." Jiang Chen waved his hand, and the mountain dragons gave way one after another, allowing him to rush to his front.

"General Iris, I haven't seen you for a long time." I looked at him calmly. The appearance of this old acquaintance is now in a mess. His beard has been burned out, his face is black and red, his clothes are still burning everywhere, and his skin is burnt black.

"You, you, you are..." General Iris looked at me in horror. Under the pressure of Jiang Chen's strong momentum, he "ploped" and half knelt on the ground, and his ears and nose slowly bleed.

Jiang Chen said in a good time, "On the day of the general's birthday, I once came to congratulate him in person. The general has many noble people. I'm afraid he has long forgotten me, an inconspicuous little person."

"It's you! I... I know you! Your name is... Jiang Chen!" General Iris shook his face and shouted in disbelief, "How...how could it be you? Aren't you imprisoned by the demon master?

Brother Zhu Liang kicked down the Iris General and scolded, "I blinded your dog's eyes. The person in front of you is the Lord of the Cloud World!"

General Iris showed a blank expression on his face. He immediately got up and stared at me with resentment and said, "Original... It turned out that you destroyed... destroyed the flower field! Why...why did you burn our home...garden? Why did you kill... my people? You want to fight with Yuntian... Just go to him, why kill... innocent? Why..."

"Are you innocent? As a chess piece, you have to bear the fate of the chess piece. Jiang Chen sighed helplessly: "The flower spirit family has defected to Chu Du, which is my enemy of Jiang Chen. I have no choice, and so do you."

"Oh, my God! When did the beautiful...beautiful flower field become...a horrible place...hell? We spend... The flower spirit has always been indisputable with the world. Why did we fall... such a miserable end? General Iris pounded his chest and feet, looking up to the sky and crying.

Jiang Chen's face was expressionless: "I won't kill all the flower essences. Your daughter, I will also arrange it properly in the future. You can have a good life."

"You devil! Do you also deserve to be the lord of the cloud world? General Iris pointed to Jiang Chen and cursed in an amazingly fluent tone.

The magic gun roared out, and the red flame rotated, breaking the general's legs together, and the blood sprayed like a spring. Jiang Chen looked at him coldly: "Hasn't so much flower essence died yet let you learn current affairs? What do you think is the Lord of the Cloud World? Beautiful and magical legend of the cloud world? Only idiots think so. Let me tell you that the throne of the Lord of the Clouds is dyed red with blood and fire, piled up with white bones and life!"

General Iris crawled to the ground and cursed.

Jiang Chen was about to kill him, but suddenly came up with a plan and immediately ordered the mountain dragons to stop killing, and then look for the unconscious living in the flower field. Then Jiang Chen said to General Iris, "Since the general is not ungrateful, I will go to bury Huayuan tomorrow and brake the little princess with my own hands."

"You!" General Iris's eyes were about to crack, and blood splashed out of the corners of his eyes.

Jiang Chen kicked him away and smiled: "It's not impossible to spare her life. The little princess is beautiful and graceful. I feel pity. Brother Zhu Liang, do you want to taste her?"

Brother Zhu Liang figured out Jiang Chen's thoughts and said very cooperatively, "I'm not interested in the rotten shoes worn by Xiaoyou. Why don't you give her to Shan Xiao. 100,000 Shan Xiao fight with her day and night, presumably giving birth to an unprecedented ethnic group. Otherwise, they will give her to the indigenous monsters in the bloody forest. I think they will be grateful for this treasure given by the Lord of the Cloud World.

General Iris trembled all over and opened his mouth speechless. The last mouth of blood spewed out, splashing me red all over.

"General, those who know the current affairs are handsome, whether the flower spirits will destroy the clan, and whether the little princess will suffer ** depends on your thoughts. Anyway, you can't escape death. It's better to do something good for your ethnic group and your daughter before you die. Jiang Chen stepped on General Iris's chest with his feet and continued to threaten.

General Iris stayed for a long time and said in despair, "You...want me to do...what?" Say...

"The general is really cheerful!" Jiang Chen pretended to help him up, "Don't worry, I will keep my promise to keep the little princess's life safe and the flower spirit family can continue! Wouldn't it be better for the little princess to escape from the claws of Xiaoyou when I kill Chu Du in the future?

General Iris fell to the ground and burst into tears.

For a long time, the mountain spirits came to report the results of the war. A total of 6,370 people were killed in the battle, leaving only three survivors. Most of the dead flower spirits were burned and unconscious in the fire and did not face Shanxiao.

"It seems that the Lord of the Cloud World wants to leave these three lives behind." Brother Zhu smiled and said, "I don't know who the master wants to blame?"

"Spiritual School." Jiang Chen took a look at General Iris and said lightly, "Take him away and teach him how to write his last words."

"I understand." Brother Zhuliang grabbed General Iris and dragged him to the flower field.

"Will those three flower spirits believe that Lingyin killed them when they wake up?" Luo Yan asked.

"When they see the bloody book before the death of General Iris, they will at least be skeptical. Next, it depends on how we expand their suspicion." Jiang Chen took Luo Yan in his arms and smiled, "Don't forget that Shan Xiao has a magical power to change its shape, and I have almost learned all the spells of the famous Lingyin School."

A month later, a Qingxu Tianqi soldier disguised by Shan Xiao appeared on the land of the holy land in the Arctic.

The sun is like fire, there is no wind, and the mountain path on the loess slope is baked to emit heat. The straight wood grain on both sides did not move, and the curly and weed grass leaves hung listlessly, as if they were drowsy in the sultry weather.

In the grass nest, tens of thousands of mountain ebis crawled quietly, and a pair of eyes faintly revealed blue light.

"Here it comes." Luo Yan opened the dense branches and leaves and looked at them. In the distance, the demon shadows were flustering, the dust and smoke were rolling, and the demon army was galloping from the north all the way.

"From the dust momentum, the demon army is about 3,000, and the number of carriages and horses is quite large. It is likely to be the grain transportation team that goes to the front line." Brother Zhu Liang analyzed, "The formation of the team is scattered, and there is obviously no defense."

"Old rules, do it all." Jiang Chen stared at the demon army that gradually approached his vision, like a fierce beast waiting for its prey patiently. It was not until the other party entered the ambush circle that he resolutely ordered and showed his sharp bloodthirsty minions.

The mountain ghost rushed out like a whirlwind and rushed into the demon army from all directions. Thousands of monsters were caught off guard and killed in chaos. The mountain road spewed out countless bright red blood springs, showing blood and beauty in the sun.

"If you have something to say, don't do anything!"

"Which way? You must have recognized the wrong person!"

"Why do we look like people in the sky? Aren't we allies?"

The monsters shouted in a hurry, squeezed and pushed, and panicked into a ball. Shan Xiao didn't say a word, and killed him ruthlessly. In the past few months, Jiang Chen has taught Shan Xiao many spells of Qingxu Tian. Although they are a little strange to perform, the effect is even better. Leaving the specious wounds on the monster's body will make people suspect that it is a trick that Qingxu Tian wants to cover up. If it is really the same Lingyin magic, it can only be blamed.

The monster screamed endlessly, and the head of a demon soldier flew up with blood and fell in front of him. Jiang Chen calmly looked at the bulging white eyes on his head, and his heart was indifferent. This is the tenth encirclement of the mountain men. Once the small demon army patrols in the holy land of the Arctic, they will never be spared. If I can't bear to slaughter flowers, Jiang Chen began to be indifferent after getting used to the killings on the battlefield.

Anything will be numb in habit.

The monsters tried their best to stabilize their positions, 40 to 50 groups, arranged them into small circled defense arrays, and fought hard. The mountain scamen suddenly dispersed, skillfully divided into two teams, rushed into the battlefield again from the beginning and end, tore the opponent's formation and stirred it into a pot of porridge.

When the battle was strong, the mountain snives no longer covered up and showed their own Dharma bodies one after another. Some soared like a lofty mountain, and their rock-like broad feet trampled on the monsters into mud; some spread their wings and rushed to the sky and frequently attacked in a condescending posture; some rampaged and burst into dazzling beams of light from their corners; some incarnated as silentment a mist, with a burst of soul-staking songs...

"The combat cooperation of these mountain ebis is becoming more and more proficient. In time, they will definitely become an elite soldier across the battlefield." Looking at the monsters constantly carried in the pool of blood, Brother Zhu showed his satisfaction.

"This is your credit." Jiang Chen said frankly that he specializes in martial arts, so he is not good at marching and training. He simply delegating power to Zhu Geliang, who is responsible for training Shan Xiao. After a hundred days, the mountain ebis used war to maintain the war and practice and cooperate, as if they had some troops.

"Liang is not a general, at best, he is just a little knowledge." Brother Zhuliang is quite self-aknowledgeable. "If the lord of the cloud world wants to achieve a great career, he must recruit good generals who are proficient in military tactics."

Luo Yan said, "Before Yuntian appeared, there had never been a large-scale war in the cloud world. All sentient beings in the north had long been used to practicing and fighting. Where can they find the leading generals to fight?"

"I have an excellent candidate." Jiang Chen's mind immediately appeared in his mind. As early as in the bloody forest, this boy showed outstanding military talent. It takes some means to make him turn against his eyes and turn to his own command.

At this time, the ambush was coming to an end, leaving only dozens of monsters on the field to fight hard and forcibly support them. One of the flower-faced demons is particularly brave, rushing left and right, looking like a mad tiger. A pair of huge octagonal bronze hammers in their hands danced loudly, and the wind and rain were impenetrable. As soon as the mountain horns approached, they were shaken away by the strong hammer wind.

"It's the yellow tiger of Baimei Mountain! This demon is famous for its bravery in the Holy Land of the Arctic, at least changing his cultivation. Luo Yan jumped out of the jungle and rushed to the flower-faced demon.

"Let me do it." Jiang Chen seemed to take a step at will, like dancing lightly in the wind, and then came first, passing a few feet away from Luoyan, swinging the essence of the instantaneous step wonderfully.

"Pung Peng!" With my hands and feet, I waved calmly. The monsters in front of me flew out one by one and fell to the ground and killed. There was no way to fight. Shan Xiao dispersed knowingly, leaving the yellow tiger alone in the middle of the field.

"Are you--Jiang Chen?" The yellow tiger was shocked and shocked. It held it high like a double hammer demonstration, and the muscle mass of the shoulder blade bulged.

"Presumptuous, you should call this seat the Lord of the Cloud World." Jiang Chen was faint, as if he were walking leisurely. He walked towards the yellow tiger, and the gas machine was locked at a radius of ten feet. Any wind and grass can't escape my senses.

"Why are you here?" The yellow tiger unconsciously retreated, his arms trembled slightly, and blood flowed down the corner of the hammer, dripping on **'s chest hair.

Jiang Chen also stepped forward and forced the other party. The yellow tiger's face is earthy and keeps retreating.

Jiang Chen's heart suddenly reached a mysterious state, as if everything in heaven and earth crawled under his feet, at his mercy. The demon general in front of him is just an ant that can be twisted to death. His slightly open hair, contracted pupils, accelerated heartbeat, and the flow distribution of demonic power through his limbs were all clearly captured by him.

A burst of joy surged into his heart. After this period of practice and recuperation, Jiang Chen not only recovered his power, but also had a faint omen of a breakthrough in the pseudo-haven period of returning to the ruins.

With a roar, the yellow tiger could no longer resist Jiang Chen's rising pressure. He swung his hammer and smashed down at him.

Jiang Chen stood up and did not dodge, accurately judging that the other party was a bluff.

Sure enough, the powerful double hammer pressed on the top of his head and suddenly separated to the left and right. The hammer handle took off his hand, and Zheng looked at my ribs. The yellow tiger turned over and jumped up, abandoned the hammer and fled without looking back.

I smiled, and my footsteps were slightly wrong, close to his back. The yellow tiger suddenly turned around and strangely threw a tiger tail as thick as a hammer between his legs. It was fast and fierce, and twitched fiercely on my face.

"There are still a lot of tricks." Jiang Chen floated leisurely, and his figure rotated cleverly against the tiger's tail. He easily grabbed the tiger's tail, and the spiral tire of life and death came out of his palm. The tiger's tail disappeared out of thin air, and the spiral fetus passed by. The yellow tiger's legs, lower abdomen and chest disappeared one by one, and the whole person seemed to be silently swallowed up by the void.

In an instant, Jiang Chen seemed to connect with another world: blood waves, black fog, and the wail of evil spirits resounded through the world.

Huangquan Road! Jiang Chen's heart trembled and suddenly felt it. In the surging river of ghost blood, a pair of red eyes emerged, looking at him from afar, and his eyes were full of unbelievable surprises.

"Magic!" Jiang Chen almost blurted out the name. In his breath, the demon has hidden into the sea of blood. Jiang Chen tried to find the location of his hiding place, but his vision was drowned by the endless waves of the underworld. The gloomy spirit suddenly soared and rolled overwhelmingly towards Jiang Chen, as if to drag him from the holy land of the Arctic into the yellow spring. Shocked, Jiang Chen immediately separated the spiral fetus, and the blue fetus rotated into a hurricane, cutting off the connection with Huangquan Road.

When he came to his senses, Jiang Chen felt that his skin was cold, and the harsh howls of the ghosts seemed to echo in his ears. He couldn't help but be worried and happy. This was the first time that Jiang Chen took the initiative to find a demon and greatly changed his unfavorable situation in the past. However, with his current strength, it is not enough to break the gap between yin and yang and explore Huangquan Road. Only when the spiral fetus of life and death is completed can Jiang Chen have the opportunity to go deep into the yellow spring, find out the demons, and never suffer from future troubles.

"The divine power of the Lord of the Cloud World is unprecedented and rare in the world." Brother Zhu shouted behind his back, and his voice was hard to hide his fear. The yellow tiger died so strangely that it was far beyond his cognition.

Luo Yan also praised happily: "The little pervert is really powerful now. Even if I am in the early stage of returning to the ruins, I can't stop your strange spell."

"If rivers do not encounter the ocean, they will never know their own smallness. The road is boundless, and I'm still far from it. Jiang Chen shook his head disapprovingly. The years of imprisonment not only precipitated all his impetuousness, but also made him faintly feel the dark way because of the awakening of the seven emotions. And the more the Taoist situation is improved, the more you can detect your own shortcomings.