divine punishment

Chapter 1 Freshman

Wang Shu said in a depressed and envious tone: "That sword seems to be slow and fast, involving the change of time. You are lucky enough. If that sword can be successful, it will divide you and him into different universes and use the error of time to kill you easily." I don't want to!" It grabbed its head and continued: "I thought that I was the most likely to give the mystery of the universe in the artifact, but I didn't expect Xi and the sword to grab the front. But fortunately, he only knows a little about fur. Jiang Chen, let me make a move next time, and I will also understand it.

"The later I expose my identity, the more beneficial it will be." Jiang Chen muttered, "That sword must be a heavy burden on him. Mingyang Zhenren finally vomited blood, which must have been caused by him forcibly lifting the air and transporting the knife regardless of his injury. As the head of the Lingyin School, he will not lack the panacea of healing. Twelve hours later, he should be able to recover 70% or 80% of his injuries, and I will recover about 40%.

Wang Shu smiled bitterly and said, "Then you still want to ask him to do it again?" Isn't it going to die?"

"The more his injury goes to the back, the slower he recovers. And my life-and-death spiral fetal awakening is not limited by this. As long as I can fight and pester him from time to time, I will have the advantage in the end. Jiang Chen smiled, abandoned his miscellaneous thoughts, and devoted himself to the precious perception of this battle.

He could feel that a wisp of demon-like terrible evil breath came out of his ears, like a cloud of red light and blood, rolling around.

The devil is about to wake up.

The next day, Jiang Chen was awakened from his deep meditation.

The surrounding blood is dazzling and in full swing, like a surging sea of magma, faintly emitting a pungent smell. Countless strange demons floated in the midst of their teeth and claws, with all kinds of creepy cry cry.

The ears can't hear these sounds, but the spirit can clearly feel them. They pierced into their heads like sharp fangs, turning upside down inside, chewing and biting. I was secretly heartbroken. If people below the ruins heard it, I'm afraid they would immediately collapse and become crazy. Only the master of returning to the Ruins has become a Taoist realm can completely get rid of this evil voice that penetrates the spirit.

Jiang Chen turned his eyes to the center of the sea of blood and light: a heart-sized seed flashed with magical light, expanding and contracting at a fixed rhythm. It turned out to be exactly the same as the frequency of my heartbeat!

seemed to notice that he woke up, and there was a burst of joy from the seeds. It rotates as high as a top, and every time the sea of blood light shrinks, the demon light of the seed is stronger.

This seed is similar in appearance to the seed that initially hatched the magic fetus, but it is much larger, and on the surface of the seed, it is layer by layers of dense runes. Each complex and twisted rune pattern is like a ferocious exotic demon, which makes him shocked and uncontrollably appear a trace of **.

After about a period of incense, the blood light shrank smaller and smaller, and the thrilling cry gradually disappeared. Until the last bit of blood went into the seed, a strange light burst out in the hall.

When the demon light lit up, the sky outside the window suddenly darkened.

The sunset that originally hung diagonally in the sky disappeared mysteriously. The sky was as dark as ink, the dark clouds rolled over, and the roaring thunder suddenly came, shaking the earth slightly.

"Boom!" A shining lightning suddenly hit the sky, shining the hall as bright as day.

Two bright blood beads appeared in front of me.

Jiang Chen couldn't help shivering, and the lightning and thunder outside the window poured down.

The rain turned out to be gray-black, like the stinky sweat flowing from under the armpits, dirty and disgusting, and the world became black.

"Jiang Chen!" The voice was as sweet as a greasy juice, and the blood beads blinked, which was the devil's eyes!

Two bright red silks slid out of the blood beads and slowly outlined in mid-air, and the hanged body also appeared.

Compared with the past, he has undergone earth-shaking changes and almost completely turned into a human figure, like a little girl with a palm. Her curved eyelashes became long, like finely wrapped green dills, almost covering the strange and deep bright red eyes. The head is as blue as the wandering beast under the starlight, slender as silk, drifting without wind, and there is a soft rubbing sound of smooth silk.

The sound is beautiful, but Jiang Chen understands that this is just an illusion with a little subtle connection with her. Gorgeous silk is the tentacle of predation, swinging endless greed, violence and blood.

"Wonderful, I've never felt so wonderful! Jiang Chen, have I awakened the inheritance of extraterritorial demons and has become beautiful now? The silver bell-like laughter revolved around Jiang Chen and rotated lightly in mid-air. The wings covering the body bloomed layer by layer at this moment, with colorful and colorful wings. The exotic demons sang and danced in the membrane patterns of the wings, revealing countless wonderful appearances.

"Very good." Jiang Chen looked at her suspiciously, "Is this the original appearance of extraterritorial demons?

"Intangible and non-quality incarnation tens of millions, how can there be a real appearance of demons outside the domain?" Jiang Chen blinked his wings like a trembling water, rippling a circle of spiritual ripples, "Straightness, turn your mind, create something out of nothing, and transform me. The appearance of extraterritorial demons is actually associated with the help of a little idea of your aliens.

"Oh, I'm wrong." The devil covered his mouth and smiled shyly at Jiang Chen, "You are not an alien, you are the Lord Yun. However, except for you, this world is full of fragrant aliens. The more profound the Taoist aliens are, the better food for our demons grow up.

"Why?" Jiang Chen remembered what he said and asked uneasily, "Do you have to devour aliens?"

"Because" the voice of the devil suddenly became cold and ruthless, "Because they are Tao, and I am a demon!"

"Because the aliens of this world are all monis, they are born to be our prey. Jiang Chen, after awakening the inheritance, I understood a lot of things. I have the noblest bloodline of extraterritorial demons, and my ancestors are at the top of the extraterritorial food chain. For hundreds of trillions of years, our bloodline has always wanted to rush out of the region and rise to another supreme level. Let me tell you a secret. I was deliberately thrown into this world, waiting for the person who coincides with me to wake me up.

Jiang Chen was shocked by the secret revealed in his words: "Is the air machine compatible with you? How can it be that I'm not an evil demon!"

"Because there is a hidden demon in your heart." The devil's secluded tunnel.

"Impossible!" Jiang Chen shouted in disbelief, "What did you say?"

"Jiang Chen, don't be afraid" There's nothing to worry about." The devil smiled and said, "Have you ever thought about it? Why has the seven emotions and six desires mirrors existed in the cloud world for so many years, but it has only been integrated by you?"

The devil said softly, "The way you practice can be Tao, but it can also be demons!" The seven emotions and six desires that drive and control are Tao, and the seven emotions and six desires that are indulgent are demons. Among the top inheritance of extraterritorial demons, one is to devour seven emotions and six desires. Jiang Chen, you must have suffered a lot when you were a child, so you unconsciously bred a little magic in your heart. This magic awakened me and attracted seven emotions and six desires.

She smiled sweetly: "If you refer to the magic meaning outside the domain, Jiang Chen, you are the supreme evil demon! Because your magic is not inheritance, but the real existence of nothing, and the magic is self-hua! In our words, the magic idea born from the Tao is the real magic idea. This may be the truth that you are qualified to be called the Lord of the Cloud World.

"Jiang Chen, eat the cloud world with me." Magic quietly sounded in Jiang Chen's sea of knowledge with a mysterious and strange tone, "Otherwise, do you think the cloud world will let you go?"

Jiang Chen was shocked and got up: ... What do you mean by that?" Mo stretched out his fingers to cover his mouth and looked at the dark rainstorm outside. There was a trace of fear on his little red face, "Heaven and earth is a little smarter than you think."

Jiang Chen looked at her in surprise. In his consciousness, Wang Shu seemed to suddenly hit a thrill, and the scattered clear light broke into a mottled halo.

"Natural vision, the cloud world really looked at the vast rain curtain, "Jiang Chen, you won't really get along with this evil demon, will you?" The demon suddenly turned around and stared at me, with a strange vision in his eyes: "Don't speak ill of me in front of Jiang Chen. Be careful that I eat you."

"The child who hasn't lost his deciduous teeth, is the uncle afraid of you!" Wang Shu shouted unwillingly and suddenly shouted, "How do you know what Jiang Chen and I said?"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly. Somehow, his spiritual world had a strange connection with the devil. She is like a seed implanted in my heart, who can see the changes in my consciousness and know all my joys and sorrows.

"Straighten your mind and change your mind." Jiang Chen read it thoughtfully several times, and the divine consciousness rotated violently like the whirlpool of the storm.

A little hidden spiritual imprint appeared in the storm and was dragged to the depths of the whirlpool.

"Jiang Chen, don't!" The magic eye showed panic, "Stop, I won't hurt you."

Jiang Chen stopped the whirlpool of divine consciousness, and his heart was clear. The awakened demon has transformed into a complete extraterritorial demon, and there is no longer any involvement in the cloud world. This kind of foreign body cannot survive independently in the cloud world. Because it violates the laws of heaven and earth, she can only reveal the demons and attach the real core to Jiang Chen's spiritual world.

In other words, Jiang Chen can easily erase it. Masters such as Yuntian may be able to seriously damage demons, but if you want to completely destroy her, you have to get rid of Jiang Chen first.

"If you don't die, you will be born with your thoughts. This is the most terrible place for the top demons. Jiang Chen meditated and looked directly at the demon, "You have changed a lot after awakening." Jiang Chen harmed the cloud world more for her own safety and interests. Jiang Chen's heart was filled with a heavy sense of loss and began to learn ** and shake his thoughts.

On the one hand, her inner dependence on me has not changed. On the other hand, the cunning nature of extraterritorial demons always affects her.

"But Jiang Chen, why can you change, but I can't?" The devil blinked his eyes aggrievedly and looked at me with tears.

"Straight to the heart." Jiang Chen sighed helplessly. When his eyes met, he couldn't help but regret as if he shouldn't have hurt such a naive and innocent child.

"Jiang Chen, you just want me to be an obedient little cat and catch the mouse for you. Is that me your pet or a puppet like Wang Shu?

"What a bullshit puppet!" Wang was so angry that he was furious, "The children who talk nonsense are really annoying! Jiang Chen, is this your inheritance?

In the final analysis, although the bloodline of the demon is passed down from the extraterritorial demon, her spiritual core is a little magical biochemistry in Jiang Chen's heart. Among them, thousands of mysterious relationships are implicated and complementary to each other,

Words are difficult to describe.

She is actually a part of me. The darkest, most greedy and coldest part.

Jiang Chen stared deeply at the demon, and her rooting in his spiritual world will inevitably affect his Taoist heart.

But I can't kill him with my own hands.

Jiang Chen said word by word that the taste of sweetness and sourness came to his heart. Perhaps another cold-eyed onlooker can kill demons with a sword, but if he really does that, what's the difference between himself and the rebellion?

He is Jiang Chen, which is neither the Jiang Chen who experienced the world* nor the Jiang Chen who shines with wisdom.

Jiang Chenning can struggle to find between the two and is unwilling to choose a simpler and more effective path.

That's his persistence.

The demon bit his finger and looked at me suspiciously. Such a mood could not be understood by the demon.

"I do need your help, but you won't be my puppet and I won't allow you to do anything."

The devil smiled, with the purity of the child in his smile and the cunning pride of the devil.

Maybe one day she will understand.

She will never be just an extraterritorial demon.

At this time, there were hasty footsteps in the yard. The fat man held an oil paper umbrella and ran to the hall soaked. When he arrived at the door, he looked around clumsily before shaking and unlocking the door.

"God, this strange rain is so heavy that it makes people feel sad." He muttered and shivered, and immediately stunned, and the oil-paper umbrella in his hand slipped to the ground.

The fat man's eyes were in a trance, and then smiled flatteringly at Jiang Chen, "Your excellency, the humble servant greets you." The respectful posture of nodding and lowering, as if he couldn't wait to kneel under Jiang Chen's feet.

The fat man stood still for a while before he came to his senses. He seemed to have just appeared to Jiang Chen and shouted in panic, "Son, something big has happened!"

"Why, you can't afford to go out to inquire about the news?" Through the wonderful connection with the demon, Jiang Chen must have been swallowed up by the devil. The demon outside the region is invisible and invisible, and all kinds of strange and yin means are unpreventable.

"Well, I'll go out and look around to what's going on in the city." The fat man wiped the rain on his forehead and said uneasily, "Dear Lord, I heard that Yang Zhenren came to Jinyan City, and all the big men in the city rushed to greet him. Guys from Dongzhou and the Arctic Holy Land have forced a lot of road bans and sentry posts, as if they were searching for someone. Even the gate is closed, and you are only allowed to enter and not go out.

"You're right, they should be looking for me. Because I offended Mingyang Zhenren. Jiang Chen looked at a black boot mark on his chest with a smile. "You seem to have been beaten. Are you afraid?"

"No, no, I don't have it" The fat man wiped his footprints awkwardly and stammered. The devil suddenly glanced at him, and the words behind the fat man rolled out like a bamboo tube. "I'm afraid, idiots are not afraid! The street wall is full of portraits of Engong. As long as you provide the news of the great thief Jianglong, you can worship the famous family of Lingyin School! Who the fuck doesn't want to! The wolf demon of the patrol still grabbed me and tortured me viciously. I thought that my life was still in the hands of the benefactor, and I didn't say anything, but I was still afraid of peeing Kuzi." Jiang Chen, this fool is not strong-minded. Why don't you let me turn him into your good puppet? We have turned all the aliens all over the city into obedient babies. The sweet voice sounded in Jiang Chen's divine consciousness.

This is quite a ** person's idea, but Jiang Chen still shook his head and refused the demon's disguised ** again: "I won't kill innocent people."

"Hee hee, you really say one thing and do one thing. Didn't you turn the mountain charms of the Arctic holy land into good puppets? Hasn't Yuntian also turned Xiaoyou into his own puppet?

Jiang Chen's heart suddenly trembled and he didn't know how to answer the demon's question. Does persistent belief turn others into puppets of faith?

"No, no, no, because I'm Jiang Chen." He replied forcefully, causing a mysterious snicker.

Jiang Chen turned his attention back to the fat man: "The big men are busy greeting Mingyang. Are they going to take care of him?" The fat man woke up from a dream and didn't know what he had revealed just now. He nodded: "I heard that I'm going to listen to Zhuxuan's banquet in the east of the city."

"So it seems that Mingyang doesn't have enough time to heal his wounds. After all, the big man is not as careless as me." Jiang Chen secretly calculated that Mingyang Zhen was very clear about his injury and consciously ate him, so he was not in a hurry to find a place to rest. The amazing recovery effect of the humanoid reverse life pill was unpredictable to him.

In the next battle, Jiang Chen has taken the lead.

"I'm leaving, but it's temporary." Jiang Chen patted the fat man's fat shoulder and felt good. I may come back and disturb you for another 12 hours. So the dark energy in your body will not be eliminated immediately.

The fat man cried and hesitated, "Dear, you promised... I promise to keep your mouth shut. It doesn't matter how long you live, but can you..." "The previous 12 hours" is to repay your kindness. The next 12 hours are to satisfy your wish to be a hero. Well, think about it, ordinary you also have the courage to fight against a city. When you come back and forth, you won't regret for not avenging Xiao Yi, nor will you be ashamed of being stepped on by the wolf demon. In this way, when you are dying, you can say to yourself, "My whole life and all my energy have been devoted to Yuntian's most magnificent cause against the struggle against the holy land of Dongzhou and the Arctic."

Looking at the fat man who was as dull as a wooden chicken, Jiang Chen laughed. Although it's too late to study the vein array,

But he can still escape here again with half-baked tips.

This is the second opportunity.

The magic fetus is running, and the bone and skull muscles are twisted flexibly. Jiang Chen changed another pair of appearance in the fat man's eyes. This is the third opportunity.