divine punishment

Chapter 7 Haze

Wang Shu trembled violently, roared like an injury, and fled back to his consciousness, with a fine wound on his forehead cracked. Under the influence of his mind, Jiang Chen's inner heart was stirred, he vomited blood, and his fists blew out the strings desperately.

Bihong cut off the string in an instant, and the beautiful sword light swept over, and there was no longer any obstacle between the two sides.

Life and death are hanging together. Jiang Chen is not panicked and disillusioned. On the contrary, his heart is clear and the Taoist environment is transparent.

This is the calmness of countless life-and-death struggles, and it is also the realm of returning to the ruins at the spiritual level.

A mysterious Lou dot appeared in the void.

Jiang Chen stepped in, Bihong rolled up a piece of flesh and blood on his back, wiped the intersection, and fell leisurely into the ground, penetrating a bottomless hole.

Finally dodged this sword! The next moment, Jiang Chen popped up from the intersection and flew away.

"Consensus intersection!" The shocking voice of Mingyang came from afar from behind.

"You and Yuntian want to destroy the cloud world, that is, to block the rebellious road. Wait for him to deal with you!" Jiang Chen laughed wildly and vomited blood while moving the layout that had already been prepared. In an instant, the mountain shook, and the vegetation all over the mountains turned into green-eyed and brown demons, shouting to rush to the real people of Mingyang. The peaks also turned into roaring giants, standing up to the sky, taking the steps of Jiang, blocking the path of Mingyang real people chasing Jiang Chen.

This is Wangshu's strongest card that can drag Mingyang to death. Within 24 hours, the grass and mountains along the way will produce wisdom to stop Mingyang. After the statute of limitations, these vegetation peaks will be completely destroyed.

After dozens of breaths, Jiang Chen completely dumped the Mingyang real person and fled into a mountain forest below.

Finding a tree hole, Jiang Chen couldn't wait to get into it. His whole body was already as soft as mud, and his mana was almost exhausted.

Jiang Chen coughed up a large stock of blood foam with a smile. In the current state of Mingyang, it is just a joke to compete with the heavenly punishment. There is no doubt that the Arctic Holy Land of Lancang will be defeated. Next, it's time to consider how to deal with Yuntian who is alone.

The fetus wakes up in the internal circulation and tries its best to treat the injury. Jiang Chen began to brew ideas in his mind, and persuading him to take action is the most critical part to decide the victory or defeat.

Five days later, Jiang Chen set off for the Lancang River.

Although it was daytime, the sky was gray, as if it was about to fall. The rainstorm has not stopped, and there is no weakening momentum. The earth is shrouded in a thick and heavy rain net that makes people breathless. There is a large amount of water in the low depression, and there are bright pools and lakes.

The water of the Huanhua River has been soaring and has spread to the river bank. There is a tendency to flood the wilderness on each side, and the smell of vegetation soaked in the water.

The cloud world is getting "bad" little by little. Jiang Chen drove the wind and experienced this kind of thing that can only be understood,

Unspeakable changes in the world. The closer it is to returning to the ruins, the clearer this recess will be.

Whether it is success, living, bad or empty, as long as the world is changing, it can bring Jiang Chen a trace of magic. In the bad cloud world, even the rhythm of the void is different from the past, and it seems to be more compatible with the murderous magic martial arts.

Along the way, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry and leisurely. He not only calmly understood the Taoism, captured the rhythm of heaven and earth, but also had a little leisure to enjoy the scenery on the way, picked some novel melons and fruits to taste, which was very different from a few days ago.

The purpose of delaying Mingyang's real person is a complete success. Jiang Chen does not need to rush to Lancang River in a hurry. Anyway, the victory or defeat is already clear. Besides, there are not many Duojiangchen. In such a large-scale military battle, unless it enters the ruins, the role of personal force is extremely limited.

Therefore, Jiang Chen was no longer in a hurry to recover from his injury and stayed in the tree hole patiently. With the help of fetal awakening and a large number of rare herbs, the whole body injury was completely healed, and even some minor dark injuries in the past were healed.

"Find a way to go to the divine realm. Jiang Chen wants the fire ointment there to heal the wound." Wang Shu covered the crack on his forehead and muttered, "You don't have enough mana to disfigure the old man. But this sword is really powerful. It suddenly grinned and smiled, "After working hard with Wang Shujian several times, Jiang Chen secretly learned a little of the mystery of Zhou, but it was a profit. Jiang Chen, hurry up and enter the ruins. Jiang Chen and the people will make a big scene!"

Jiang Chen smiled and flew leisurely along the bank of the Huanhua River: "Jiang Chen has not suffered any losses." At this time, the body is full of energy and full of energy, and the whole body is fierce, as if there is endless mana to vent. Before the raindrops approached, they were steamed by the rushing essence in their bodies, dripping water all over.

The continuous hard battle not only made Jiang Chen understand a lot, but also became more pure. Again and again, he was like a fire forging iron, burning all the impurities. Jiang Chen knew that his strength was rising too fast and his foundation was not stable. He could only make up for the lack of foundation through the extreme method of life-and-death fighting.

Wang Shu roared and asked, "Can you integrate the rhythm of the heaven now?" As long as you go to the divine realm to get the elixir to enhance the magic, you can enter the ruins.

Jiang Chen muttered, "It's only a little short. The cloud world is getting worse, and Jiang Chen's charming tire is easier to fit its rhythm. I wanted to call out Wang Shu and get some elixir from him, but in the end, he gave up his intention to fake others.

In the last step of returning to the ruins, Jiang Chen must rely entirely on himself so that he can enter that level with the most perfect state of mind.

"Jiang Chen." Wang Shu opened his mouth and hesitated for a long time before continuing to say, "What do you mean by what you said to Mingyang Zhenren?"

Jiang Chen suddenly said in his heart: "Is it the nature of the soul weapon? Wangshu, you should understand.

Wangshu and Wangshu were silent, obviously in a bad mood. Jiang Chen thought for a moment and said, "Wangshu, don't you think you are too dependent on Mei? After losing your partner, you can only hide in the belly of the dark dragon whale and silently lick your wounds. Do you live for charm? Your name is Wang Shu. It is neither a charming soul nor a forest soul. As for Lao Wangshu, he hopes that Jiang Chen will enter the ruins all day and one day he can shoot a shot to change the time. But Lao Wangshu, why can't you do it yourself? In Jiang Chen's view, this is the real reason why the soul weapon cannot break through its own limitations and change its fate. Will it be useful to rely on others to change the fate?

Looking at the endless rain, Jiang Chen said in a low voice, "Only the perfection of Jiang Chen is the only way to break fate. This is the greatest perception of Jiang Chen's way of cultivation, and it is also the reason why Jiang Chen has completely abandoned his hatred for Yuntian, but still wants to defeat him.

Wang Shu said silently for a long time, "So you don't believe in the divine world, do you?"

"That's right." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Let's put it bluntly, Jiang Chen is not a person in your world. He can't worship and yearn for the divine world like life here. If you find the divine world, will life definitely break your fate?

"One day in the future, after fulfilling your wishes, Jiang Chen will be separated from you." Jiang Chen sighed in a complicated mood, "Forget human beings and monsters. You are soul weapons, a wonderful race of life, and independent souls that do not need any dependence."

Wang Shu said blankly, "But didn't the real person in Mingyang also evolve?"

"He has actually failed. In Jiang Chen's view, giving up his race and transforming into a human means failure. Jiang Chen pointed to the hazy mountains in the distance and said to Shu, "The reason why the world is colorful is that it is not all composed of human beings. Wangshu, who has transformed into a human being, or Wangshu?

A kind of life should have its own light.

"No matter how dim and small the light is. But that is his own light, a unique light in heaven and earth.

"So, go your own way. Even if Jiang Chen is so sad, one day in the future, Jiang Chen will still laugh and part with you.

"This is Jiang Chen's way of expressing gratitude to you."

"Because of your light, it illuminates the most difficult part of Jiang Chen's road."

Jiang Chen muttered, his eyes penetrating the unstable wind and rain, looking at the boat in the distance.

The magnificent Lancang River is in front of you, and the water of the Huanhua River rushes into it, stirring a powerful roar.

Jiang Chen immediately changed his body shape, turned into the appearance of a human old man, and then accelerated and flew forward. Well, if you want to seize the position of the lord of the cloud world, you can't let the monsters know that it was Jiang Chen that led to the defeat of the Arctic Holy Land.

The surging river flies under it. Compared with the Huanhua River, the Lancang River is a huge thing. The river is a hundred feet wide, and the water is turbulary, like thousands of angry beasts roaring, and snow-white foam spewed out of its mouth and nose. The two sides are full of steep and magnificent mountains, with dense forests and trees, and the foot of the mountain is hit by a pile of snow waves by the river.

"No! Why can't you see the fleeing demon soldiers? Jiang Chen's heart is awe. The army of Yunfu Island and the Arctic Holy Land fought in the middle and upper reaches of the Lancang River. According to reason, the defeated demon army should have fled all the way downstream, but there is not even a shadow here, and there are no bodies around.

Is the demon army surrounded and annihilated? This is obviously impossible. Jiang Chen realized that it was not good and flew along the Lancang River.

After another hundred miles, it was not until near the middle reaches of the Lancang River that Jiang Chen heard the sound of fighting faintly coming from the front.

Jiang Chen immediately turned into a rain line and flew away.

Water vapor began to emit a vague smell of blood, and occasionally a large stream of blood rushed down the upstream and was swept away by the churning waves.

After a while of incense, the sound of rivers and rain in the vicinity gradually disappeared, and the sound of the explosion of air waves and the shouts of shemales covered everything. The earth is trembling, the trees, mountains and rocks have collapsed one after another, the river is stained red by blood, and the waves are sometimes stirred into a strong column of water, sometimes rows of tall water walls, and sometimes sinks into whirlpools. Countless flames flew across the air, dazzling light and rain rose one after another, and the hazy sky was illuminated with colorful and smoky fire.

The army of Yunfu Island and the Arctic Holy Land is in full swing, and the two camps are very easy to distinguish. In the white armor and white robe of Yunfu Island, some people are entangled with fish, demons and shrimp spirits in the river, while others drove colorful chariots, rushed up the slope, and attacked the demon army occupying the mountain. Many elders rode on the starry flying boat and dived down to the monster, and at the same time played a terrible sound. The spell.

At first glance, Yunfu Island has the absolute upper hand, constantly chasing and fighting for a moment, and the offensive is surging. The demon army could only be forced to take a defensive position, huddled on the mountains and resisted bitterly.

However, after a moment of careful observation, Jiang Chen found that the offensive on Yunfu Island was fierce, but with little effect. It was not easy to break through a wave of demon army blockade, and the monsters organized new defense lines elsewhere, which could not turn their advantages into victory at all. The elders of Yunfu Island, whether they are mana, spells or magic weapons, are far away monsters, but they fight separately and have almost no tactical cooperation. After fighting for a long time, he didn't kill many monsters. Instead, he fell into a circle surrounded by demon army teams and was dragged to death... In contrast, the defense level of the demon army was clear, and the battle flag of command was randomly changed and shaken without any sign of collapse. Each team of demons complement each other's defense and rescue, echoing each other, and the dispatching is very obvious.

Not only successfully disrupted the offensive steps of Yunfu Island, but also flexibly penetrated through a team of demons to induce Yunfu Island to continue to divide troops, and then adopt the tactics of division and encirclement to make the rainbow-like offensive of Yunfu Island into a mess.

Even if Jiang Chen knows nothing about the military, he can see that the battle on Yunfu Island is not good. The elders were so murderous that they only knew that they would go up when they saw the monster, and they were completely led by the nose by the other party. They were in an orderly manner with the monsters, and their tactical purpose was not the same as the same.

Unconsciously, the demon army has turned the whole Lancang battlefield into an unfathomable dry swamp, dragging Yunfu Island down little by little. No wonder Yuntian is not here, and Yunfu Island still can't take down the demon army of the Holy Land of the Arctic. The elders are not fighting, they are fighting at all!

If you continue to fight like this, it will not work if there is one more master returning to Yunfu Island. Jiang Chen sent the news to Tian Xing through the twin sleeping fish. He felt depressed. He tried his best to pester the real person in Mingyang. His life was almost in security, but he only got such a result.

It took half an hour for the punishment to turn into a snowy sword light and break through the air. His white shirt has been stained red with blood, his temples are messy, and his chest is heaving.

"I'm Jiang Chen." Facing his suspicious eyes, Jiang Chen said in a low voice, "Why can't you fight down? Is Mingyang Zhenren coming?

Hearing Jiang Chen's voice, Tian Xingchang sighed: "Mingyang hasn't appeared yet. I'm afraid this is the best news at present. Mr. Lin said, "Fortunately, you have dragged down Mingyang Zhenren, otherwise the result of this battle will be unpredictable."

Jiang Chen asked uneasily, "Is there any worse news?"

A wry smile appeared at the corners of Tian Xing's mouth: "Fan Mo was killed by Yuntian."

"What?" Jiang Chen shouted in shock, "How is this possible?" Although there are high and low-level masters, the difference is limited. It may not be difficult to defeat the opponent with Yuntian's skill, but it is absolutely impossible to kill the opponent.

"Take a good look at the omen." Tian Xing looked at the rainstorm of heaven and earth with heavy bitterness. "Whether it is done, living, bad or empty, it is a long process. Even if the cloud world collapses, it will take thousands of years to evolve naturally. But now the cloud world has deteriorated too fast. According to the current rain, "it won't be long before the earth will be flooded by endless floods, and then the sky will collapse and the space will be broken."

Jiang Chen's heart was shocked: "Is Yuntian the root cause of the deterioration of the cloud world?"

"Because he is about to break through and return to the ruins." A rare fear flashed in Tianxing's eyes, "His path went against the sky. The road will be completed, heaven and earth will be felt, and everything will be sad. The cloud world will deteriorate with unimaginable heights, maybe a year, maybe ten years, or tomorrow.

Jiang Chen took a breath of cold air. Although Mingyang Zhenren revealed Yuntian's bravery and refined power, Jiang Chen did not expect to rise to such a level. If he is only one line away from breaking through the ruins, even if Jiang Chen enters the ruins and combines with the dragon butterfly, he will not be his opponent.

Just like Jiang Chen has not returned to the ruins at present, but when he is about to break through, the perception of the Taoist realm has reached a brand-new level. Yuntian is the same. He has touched that new realm, the supreme realm of returning to the ruins and the clouds, which is the power of life to break its own limits and makes the whole earth tremble today.

Although the world is big, I'm afraid that I can't find a second person except for the unfathomable rebellion.

"You may be the last hope of Jiang Chen." Tianxing took a deep look at Jiang Chen, "The cloud world has not been destroyed. As the lord of the heavenly cloud world, you still enjoy the favor of heaven. It can be said that you are the only nemesis of Yuntian." He handed Jiang Chen a colorful mustard bag and said, "Are you about to enter the ruins?" Yunfu Island will provide you with the best herbs in the cloud world to help you improve as quickly as possible.

"In the past few days, Jiang Chen has felt that the opportunity to return to the ruins must be sought by others in person." Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment and waved his hand to refuse the mustard bag. If you enter the ruins with the help of Yunfu Island, it means that Jiang Chen's way is always influenced by the way of heaven, which is contrary to the arcane meaning of the seven emotions and six desires to control Jiang Chen and seek from the inside.

Tianxing was slightly stunned, pondered for a moment, put away the mustard bag and said, "That's good. Fortunately, you still have time. Although Yuntian killed Fan Moza, the Fan elder self-exploded Guanyatai before his death, which also injured him a lot. Now all the Tianyu on Yunfu Island are blocked, and all the left-behind elders have been out to round up, and Yuntian can't escape Yunfu Island for the time being.

Jiang Chen's heart moved: "Is there anyone on Yunfu Island who can fight with Yuntian now?" Hundreds of thousands of powerful elders are powerful, but Yuntian will not be stupid enough to fight with them. As long as they adopt guerrilla latent warfare, the sea of tactics can't help him. Unless there is a master returning to the ruins entangled Yuntian, he can wave the power of the group war.

Tian Xing hesitated for a moment and said, "There are actually three elders on Yunfu Island. Fan Mozuo is under the jurisdiction of the Bodhi Academy, Jiang Chen is responsible for the punishment, and there is also a Taoist elder who controls the balance. It's just that he has been sleeping in the spiritual vine in the sky all year round, and outsiders don't know it. Referring to the name Daolun, Tian Xing looked solemn and unconsciously brought a trace of respect.

"Is the Taoist elder also a master of returning to the ruins?" Jiang Chen's eyelids jumped slightly, knowing that he had touched a big card from Yunfu Island.

Tian Xing did not reply directly to Jiang Chen. His eyes flashed at the dark void, and there was a strange look on his face.

Jiang Chen paid attention to the subtle changes in Tian Xing's expression and secretly paid in his heart that this hidden card on Yunfu Island was finally forced out by Yuntian. The old guy named Daolun was actually hiding in the spiritual vine in the sky. It was very surprising that Jiang Chen was called. Fortunately, I didn't meet it when I explored the sky vine, otherwise Jiang Chen would be more or less lucky.