divine punishment

Chapter 11 Blade

This part of monsters is the largest in the demon army. They neither cheer nor resist, and their eyes are dull, as if they have lost interest in everything around them.

Leaving their hometown and fighting endlessly, the underworld flooded and the bad news of the bad air in the cloud world unconsciously polished all their courage, leaving only their heart strength and full of scars. Abandoned generals. Even those demon soldiers who supported Jiang Chen showed heavy fatigue on their faces.

If you give orders to this army at will and let them do things that have nothing to do with their personal interests, the military will be completely disheartless. Jiang Chen could only wait to find the whereabouts of the master.

"Yuntian is not dead." Jiang Chen looked around the demons and pondered for a long time before he opened his mouth. The sound is clear and bright, with a subtle dementor. It has been lingering in the mountains and peaks for a long time, suppressing the roar of the storm.

Jiang Chen's words were like a stone breaking the sky, which made all the monsters stunned and looked up at Jiang Chen one after another, full of shock. Fan Ti and Yao were also stunned. This is not our pre-drafted statement.

But Jiang Chen is convinced at this moment that the original high-sounding statement will not be of much use.

"This news is true, and Yuntian is not dead." Jiang Chen repeated.

A tiger demon with a black and yellow stripes stood up and shouted aggressively, "Since the demon master is not dead, why do you act as the demon master?"

His words caused a burst of noise, and the monsters around him were turbulent and shouted one after another: "We want to see the demon lord!" Except for the demon lord, I don't accept it!" My wife asked me to only listen to the demon lord!"

Jiang Chen's eyes were burning and he looked directly at the tiger demon: "Yuntian is not dead, but where is he? Since he is not dead, why didn't you come?"

The surroundings were silent. Jiang Chen's eyes flashed over the tiger demon, looked at the thousands of troops and horses below, and shouted, "You are here to fight for Yuntian. You were born and die, and abandoned everything, but where is Yuntian? You are here waiting for the demon lord and the hope of the Holy Land of the Arctic. Have you waited? Tell Jiang Chen, have you waited for Yuntian?

The monsters whispered and some demon soldiers lowered their heads in frustration. The tiger demon argued, "The demon lord must have something very important. For a moment, the monsters whispered. Some demon soldiers lowered their heads in frustration. The tiger demon argued strongly, "The demon lord must have something very important, and he can't get away for a moment."

Jiang Chen sneered: "How important is it? Is it more important than you throwing your head and blood here? More important than your life and death? After you were used by Yuntian, you left it here to live and die. What qualifications does such a person have to become a demon master?

The tiger demon roared angrily and patted his chest and shouted, "We are born as the demon master, and we die as the demon master's ghost!" We are willing to be used by the demon lord. It's none of your business?"

As soon as these words came out, the monsters fell into a dead silence. Even those monsters that accompanied the tiger demons were silent.

Jiang Chen winced at Fan. The latter coughed and said, "After Yuntian took advantage of everyone, it's all right, but he should not use the whole Arctic holy land as a pawn, so that he angered the sky and brought down the great disaster of the bad air in the cloud world, and damaged all life. Yuntian's demon method is strong. He can escape from the cloud world alive, but what should we do? What about our wives and children?

hesitated for a moment, and also said, "The demon master is determined. Yuntian deceives God and lies about the demon master, which causes disaster. Only by eliminating Yuntian can the bad emptiness of the cloud world be spared.

Jiang Chen smiled. At this point, the two demon kings were completely tied to the chariot by Jiang Chen and no longer tolerated their two ends.

"Aren't you pretending to understand and talking nonsense?" In the demon group, the dragon-eyed chicken suddenly jumped out, lifted the helmet flower on the top of his head, put on a heroic posture, and his red nose was upturned. "It's right that Jiang Chen is the demon lord, and Yuntian is a fake, but the bad air in the cloud world has nothing to do with Yuntian at all!"

Jiang Chen secretly shouted that it was not good. The dragon-eye chicken is not known to the world. This is a bad thing for Jiang Chen. Fortunately, the tiger demon shouted again: "Even if Yuntian is a fake demon lord, we will follow him all the way to the dark! Let's break a hole in the sky!" He spit, talking crazier and crazier, and the monsters around him are getting farther and farther away from him.

"If you want to follow Yuntian, even if you leave, Jiang Chen will never have any trouble." Jiang Chen waved his hand, and Luo Yan and Li Sheng each held hundreds of mustard bags and walked into the demon group. The mustard bag was only opened one by one, pouring out the mountain-high elixir and magic weapon. The rich fragrance of medicine floated everywhere, and the brilliant light of the magic weapon went straight to the sky.

Suddenly, there was a disturbance between the demons and involuntarily surrounded them, and no one listened to what the longan chicken said. Even those decadent and depressed monsters can't help but be ready to move.

"Yuntian abandoned you, but Jiang Chen didn't! No matter who leaves, these things are yours and can be taken as much as you can. But those who stayed, Jiang Chenhui-" Jiang Chen glanced past a pair of eager eyes, reflecting the drastic changes in their hearts.

"Jiang Chen will take you home in the name of the Lord of the Arctic Holy Land and the Demon Lord! Return to the Holy Land of the Arctic and return to your homeland. Even if we die, we will take our last breath there!"

After a long silence, a voice sounded timidly: "I think Ahhua, I want to go home."

"I want to go home, I can't even eat water* here!"

"My wooden house must be leaking!"

"I want to go home!"

One sound after another, converging into a higher wave. The monsters raised their arms and shouted, ringing around, as if to overturn the sky.

It was night, a dark ghost sneaked into Jiang Chen's tent.

"See you, Lord Demon Lord." The black shadow half knelt on the ground, and he was the tiger demon who took the lead in making trouble during the day

"You did a good job." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"My subordinates just follow the orders of the demon lord." The tiger demon raised his head and said flatteringly.

"No one knows about this, right?"

"Don't worry, the demon lord's mouth is very tight."

"Very good, Jiang Chen will remember you." Jiang Chen calmly slapped the tiger demon into a pool of meat mud. The long sleeves took the opportunity, and the flesh and blood turned into powder and flew.

The sky was gray, and the sound of dense rainstorm became louder and louder, so that warships could not breathe along the Lancang River and sailing all the way to Vanilla Gorge, the heavenly gorge of Dongzhou and the holy land of the Arctic.

Jiang Chen gently pushed away the entangled legs and arms of Li Sheng and Luo Yan, quietly went out of bed, and packed up his clothes. Then he walked to the hatch and was about to leave, but he couldn't help looking back.

depicting gold-painted, brocade stacked teeth**, Li Sheng is still sleeping soundly, with a light smile on the corners of his mouth, graceful * curling inward, tight clamping thighs, white * uplifting two arcs. On the edge of Lisheng, Luo Yan lay in a large shape, separating her plump and toned long legs, revealing secret gullies, and the towering * fluttered with the purring sound, and trembling.

Thinking of the non-stop ** indulgence last night, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a swing. Perhaps he was afraid of the future, and Li Sheng also completely let go of his reservedness and indulged himself in Jiang Chen and Luo Yan*.

The uncertain depression of the future seems to be diluted by love, and the tense mood is also relaxed, but Jiang Chen knows that too much is still too late, and blindly indulging in gentleness will only kill his will.

Hardened, Jiang Chen went to the hatch and walked on the deck of the warship.

Looking around, the front and rear warships converge into a winding dragon. These warships are tall and strong, and are all painted by Fan Ti's brilliant brushes.

Just after Yin, most of the demon soldiers were still sleeping in the cabin. Only a few demon soldiers in charge of sentry held the blades, separated the bow and stern, and vigilantly observed the movements around them.

On both sides of the bottom of the cabin, hundreds of oars were protrud out, stirring the waves neatly and driving the warships to gallop.

"See you, Lord Demon Lord." When the demon soldiers saw Jiang Chen, they immediately crawled to the ground and knelt down respectfully.

"I told you a long time ago that there is no need to make such a big salute in front of Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said gently, helping them up one by one, and at the same time, he sent the blue anger into their bodies from the palms of his hands.

The monsters suddenly refreshed and exhausted, with a grateful look on their faces. Since Jiang Chen officially ascended the throne, in addition to distributing elixir magic weapons, Jiang Chen will heal the monsters with his own hands, deliver anger, and even spend a lot of time explaining the mysteries of spells and chatting with them. Their relationship has also changed from hostile strangers to closer and closer.

"Is there anything unusual?" Jiang Chen stood in the bow and looked around. Several towns in Dongzhou, which were about to become Wang Yangze Kingdom, were flooded.

"Report to the demon master, no abnormal movement has been found for the time being. It will take about seven days to get to the sky. A leading sheep demon said.

Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment and said, "Speed up as much as possible. Jiang Chen will double the elixir issued." Somehow, Jiang Chen always felt a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

"Cluck!" The left side of the ship suddenly made a slight cracking sound. Looking at the sound, I saw a dark claw protrude out of the river, grabbing the side of the ship and tearing open the deep crack.

"It's a water ghost!" The demon soldiers exclaimed and surrounded them one after another.

The water splashed, and a ghost-like monster came out of the river. The claws clasped the hull and jumped on the deck. Its lower body is a rotating fog, emitting a ghostly death. Its upper body is like white rotten wood, its muscles are stiff, and only its claws are dark. Its face is no different from that of normal people, but it is slightly swollen, with a little black spots, and its eyes are cold and dull, full of destruction.

The monsters shouted that more than a dozen spears stabbed the water ghost in the chest. Poof", the sharp spear tip is like defeating leather, against the stiff muscles of the water ghost, which is difficult to penetrate. Only the sheep demon's spear broke the skin, plunged into half of it, and splashed a smelly juice.

The water ghosts howled and waved their claws and interrupted the spears one after another.

"Since the Nether River flooded Lancang and flooded the wilderness, this kind of water ghost has appeared one after another." Fan Ti took out of the cabin and explained to Jiang Chen, "They were originally normal people and demons. After being eroded by the breath of Huangquan, they gradually became half-human and half-ghost."

Jiang Chen smiled speechlessly. It turned out that these water ghosts were concocted by Jiang Chen.

The water ghost and the demon soldiers fought together. They acted like the wind, and the fog on its lower body rotated rapidly and moved as fast as ghosts. His strength was amazing. He patted several demon soldiers in a row with his claws, took the opportunity to catch the fallen sheep demon, raised it to his mouth, buried his head and nibbled.

At the tip of his toes, Jiang Chen brushed several feet, and his palm was like a blade, cutting on the shoulder of the water ghost. With a click, the juice spewed out, one of the water ghost's arms broke, and the sheep demon caught by it also fell to the ground.

The sheep demon has fallen into a semi-coma, and the neck bitten by the water ghost has begun to rot, and a little black corpse spot is slowly spreading. Jiang Chen pressed the sheep demon's neck with one hand, rotated the spiral tire of life and death, inhaled the dead air of the wound, turned it into anger, and sent it back into the body of the sheep demon. At the same time, he waved his right palm and cut down the other arm of the water ghost.

The black spot quickly faded away, and the sheep demon regained consciousness. The water ghost did not let go and rushed to Jiang Chen, completely unaware of pain and fear.

Jiang Chen flew up, kicked over the water ghost, and trampled it firmly under his feet. The water ghost struggled desperately and let out a strange and harsh howling in his mouth.

The spiral fetus runs, and the dead gas is continuously pulled out of the body of the water ghost. Its struggle gradually weakens, and the lower body slowly disappears. The pale and hard muscles of the upper body begin to soften, then pus, rot, and finally turn into a pool of smelly meat that is difficult to distinguish.

"The power of the demon lord!" A fat-headed and earful pig demon cheered, "Brothers who were bitten by water ghosts before will die, and any elixir will not work. Well, we don't have to be afraid."

Another rabbit demon said uneasily, "Lord Demon Lord, is the world destroyed, that's why a monster like a water ghost appears?"

"Yuntian rebelled and poisoned the world, and then gave birth to many monsters." Jiang Chen answered casually.

"Lord, the bad air of heaven and earth has intensified again." Fan Ti looked up at the sky, and a strong sadness appeared on his face.

Through the thick and dark rain curtain, you can occasionally see real cracks in the sky. These cracks are as thin as silk, trembling slightly, as if they will splash at any time and shake down from the sky.

"It must have something to do with the invasion of Tianjing." Jiang Chen meditated. As soon as the words fell, there was a loud noise. A gap in the sky cracked, and the cracked fragments turned into burning huge fireballs and quickly fell from the sky.

"The sky has collapsed, the sky has collapsed!" The demon soldiers shouted in horror. Many monsters ran out of the cabin and looked at the sky in panic.

"Boom!" Along the cracked gap, fragments kept falling down, and there was a faint red light around, as if a burning flame was burning. The gap gradually widened, forming a deep and unpredictable hole, and a vague scene flashed inside.

Several figures rolled out of the hole and fell straight down.

"Jiang Chen, go and have a look!" Jiang Chen rose to the sky and rushed to the place where his figure fell.


From afar, several flamed figures fell from the sky and fell into the surging river, and a thick smoke rose on the surface of the water.

Jiang Chen explored his hand and grasped it, and the water wave was violently turbulent, hovering into a draught dragon and soaring into the air.

Every day, Jiang Chen's exquisite understanding of magic improves by one point. The water dragon controlled by magic is lifelike, just like substance. The water waves overlapped into transparent scales, trembling slightly, and the huge dragon head rose high and swooped down all the way to Jiang Chen's feet, holding several charred corpses in the dragon's mouth.

is the essence of heaven! Jiang Chen grabbed a body and looked at it carefully. Although it was burned and burned, it can still faintly distinguish the appearance of Tianjing: the proud forehead has spiral horns, the body covered with scales and hairs, and the wings protrude from the ruined armor, leaving only a few skeletons of membrane skin.

He shouted in surprise, "Isn't Tianjing in Zhongzhou? Why did he suddenly fall here? Is it possible that they made the holes in the sky?

Jiang Chen pondered for a long time and said, "Looking at the situation, Tianjing seems to be breaking into Dongzhou."

The moon soul said strangely, "Today is not the full moon day. How can Tianjing pass through the Tianyu leading to Dongzhou?"

Jiang Chen threw away the body of Tianjing: "The cloud world is bad, and the law of heaven and earth is getting weaker and weaker, like a crumbling old ship, which will sink to the bottom of the sea sooner or later. Now the essence of heaven rushes out of the sky and completely subverts the balance of the cloud world, which is equivalent to opening the largest hole in this ship, and the law of heaven and earth has been the most seriously damaged. And the heaven is the evolution of the law. If the law of heaven and earth is damaged, the heaven will also become full of loopholes. With the strong physical strength and talent power of heaven, it may not be impossible to forcibly cross the heaven.

Jiang Chen looked at the hole in the sky and continued: "However, if you forcefully penetrate the sky, you will inevitably be devoured by the law, so the heavenly essence will be burned alive. Fall down."

Hearing this, the change of color: "The spirit of heaven is cruel and easy to kill. If you can cross the heavens at will, won't all creatures be killed by them? Shit, Jiang Chen's old friends in Lingbaotian are in danger!"

"The spirit of heaven penetrates the sky. The bad space in the cloud world will intensify again, leaving us not much time. Jiang Chen knows clearly, whether it is demon, Yuntian, empty city or demon. They are all destroying the law of the cloud world and digging this big ship to pieces.

It seems that creatures have evolved to a certain limit and must be enemies of heaven and earth. In other words, heaven and earth are in order to eliminate the threat of creatures. Then there is a bad space.

I returned to the warship and ordered the demon army to speed up the voyage and get to Vanilla Gorge in the shortest time. If the sky really breaks into the world. I want to lead the demon army to leave this place. Avoid the sharpness of the sky for the time being.

When the warship arrived at Vanilla Gorge, it was still three days away from the full moon.

Most of the canyon has been flooded, the mouth of the gorge is extremely narrow, and the thick vines are floating in the water, entangling the oars like water grass, and the warship is temporarily unable to move forward. The monsters jumped off the boat one after another and struggled to swim in front of the water.

Smear the depths of the canyon. The monsters suddenly shouted. The original grassland, lakes and ditches have disappeared, and the opposite side is no longer a barrier of nothingness, but a scene of mountains and forests looming out of the magic sky, as if there is only a hazy veil between them and the red dust and sky.

"The sky has disappeared?" Yao couldn't believe it, and the chicken leg stuffed in his mouth fell out.

"Can we go home now?" The monsters shouted excitedly, and several impatient monsters rushed forward.

"Don't be impatient." Fan took out a wonderful pen, shook it in mid-air, drew a sharp arrow shining with cold light, and roared at the opposite side.

The sharp arrow passed directly, and the arrow disappeared into the holy land of the Arctic. However, the latter half of the arrow suddenly trembled, as if it had been caught by an invisible big hand and could no longer move. Boom!" The arrow suddenly exploded and turned into a flame.