divine punishment

Chapter 15 Runmu

Joy, anger, sorrow, fear, evil, love, desire, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, life, death, leap wood's seven emotions and six desires are all in the mirror, like blooming petals, slowly opened by the string line, revealing his unique emotional fluctuations.

In the past, Jiang Chen used a heart mirror to peek into people's hearts, and this is usually the end. But with the willing cooperation of leap wood, you can enter another layer and go straight to the deepest spiritual core.

"Think of a thing at will, combine with each other, and be led by God." Jiang Chen said to Leu.

After a while, a majestic winged grizzly bear jumped into the spiritual world, shaking its mane and making a loud cry.

This is a virtual object conceived by Runmu with his thoughts. Jiang Chen drives the string line, probes into the grizzly bear, and touches the divine thoughts contained in it little by little until the two sides are closely intertwined and difficult to separate.

"Let's visualize and get rid of this idea." Jiang Chen said in a low voice.

The grizzly bear suddenly disintegrated, and the idea dispersed into invisible fluctuations, returning to the depths of leapwood's consciousness. The string line also fluctuates with a little dispersion and enters.

The string line penetled into an inept place.

At the beginning, I only felt that it was nothing, no color, no scenery, no emotional change. The string line is like a little willow catkins, floating, nothing can be touched, and there is a gloomy haze on the heart mirror.

"At this moment, Jiang Chen is no longer Jiang Chen, no longer a strange idea to explore the core of the leap wood spirit. Jiang Chen is Lepwood, and Leamwood is Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen kept meditating, and the strings couldn't help swaying and trembling.

I don't know how long it has been.


Obviously, there is no sound, but Jiang Chen feels the roar of ** water in all directions, like a loud sound, invisible and qualitative, and ubiquitous.

Then, a ray of light suddenly appeared, illuminating the world in an instant. The gorgeous colors poured thinly like fireworks, and spread all around.

The space gradually has a strange texture, stacked, far and far, high and low, and countless mysterious and magnificent scenes are wonderful, and the streamer is shining.

"Wang." The roar became louder and louder, turning into tangible waves. The blue sea gushed out from every corner, and the huge waves emptied, and the water rose and gathered into an endless ocean.

The surging wave drowned the string line, and Jiang Chen's body sitting in the tent suddenly felt a sense of suffocation, as if he had been roofed by the sea, and the pervasive water flow penetrated his whole body.

Jiang Chen was not surprised but happy, which showed that Jiang Chen had truly entered the spiritual core of Runmu. The two sides agreed and dominated by Jiang Chen's string line, he was not rejected by Runmu.

The sea rolled up the string line, rolling up and downs. After a long time, Jiang Chen suddenly felt cold all over his body and his mind was stiff, and the string line fell into the crystal clear ice.

Looking out along the ice, it is a majestic iceberg. The iceberg stands in the sea. Most of the mountains are hidden in the unfathomable sea. Only the dangerous peak of the mountain surfaced out of the sea.

The string line happened to freeze in the mountain belly under the sea, and it was difficult to move. Jiang Chen felt that his body was getting colder and colder, and his flesh and blood were gradually numb, and a thin layer of white frost appeared on his heart mirror.

Jiang Chen knows. Cold is just a mental illusion, which is the perception of the string line into the body. The climate of the Arctic Holy Land is so hot, and the body has entered the unknown. The cold and heat are invulnerable, and the water and fire are hard to hurt. What is the freezing of the area?

But this perception is so real. So much so that the body was unbearable and couldn't help shivering, his teeth clucked, and the blood in his veins seemed to be frozen. At this moment, Jiang Chen seemed to return to the snow-capped Luoyang in winter, and Jiang Chen curled up in the cold alley corner. His clothes are not covered, and his whole body trembling.

When you think about this, distracting thoughts arise, and the heart mirror suddenly trembles and is chaotic. Countless thoughts arise one after another, disturbing the mind. Even the demons hidden in the core of Jiang Chen's spirit are ready to move.

Jiang Chen suddenly knew that it was not good and didn't want to think about it. He resolutely cut off the string line and withdrew from the depths of the spiritual world of leap wood like lightning. Wow!" The divine consciousness counterattacked, Jiang Chen's mouth sprayed blood, and there was a needle-like pain in his mind.

Runmu Huo Ran got up, hugged his head and shouted strangely, "My head is so swollen! There seems to be something in your mind, huh? When did Jiang Chen become a beggar? Why is it a human town? Is it Dongzhou? Bastard, how dare a little mortal kick Jiang Chen!"

This is a trace of the collapse of the string line in the consciousness of the leap wood. There are a few miscellaneous thoughts of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen quickly comforted Lemu with a few words, indicating that this was an adverse reaction of casting, which reassuring him.

"Lord Demon Lord, can you cure Jiang Chen? Jiang Chen is a real person. Don't play Jiang Chen. Lewwood muttered. He caught a glimpse of the blood stains on the carpet, and his expression was bleak. "Look, Jiang Chen has been cured of bleeding."

Jiang Chen's face stiffened: "This is my blood, you don't know what to do!"

Runmu was stunned. Seeing the remaining blood stains on the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth, he smiled a few times: "It's just a little blood. Why do you care about your Jiang Chen's? It's demeanor of the demon lord. Let's continue. Jiang Chen's blood is ready to flow for adults at any time.

Jiang Chen gave Runmu a few more reassuring pills, and he breathed for a long time. After the mirror of his heart was shining and his consciousness was fully restored, he continued to perform the spell.

Outside the tent, the sound is quiet and the night breeze is blowing gently. At midnight, you can occasionally hear the sound of iron armor rubbing when soldiers change posts.

Jiang Chen smiled. Now he is in high power, powerful, in charge of the army, and in love with the beauty. It can be said that he has climbed to the peak of life. Why care about those dark and depressed days again? For the heart mirror, whether it is the spring breeze or the bumpy drift, it is just a layer of mirror light.

Thinking about this, my mind was suddenly, and my heart mirror was also a little clearer. Jiang Chen drove the string line again and penetrated into the consciousness of leap wood.

This time, he came up with a golden roasted and fragrant leg of sheep. This is not fundamentally different from the last double-winged grizzly bear. As long as the idea of leapwood is contained, the string line can be wrapped around it.

Everything is as before. The spiritual core of Runmu has turned into a magnificent sea. The icebergs stand in the sea, and the string lines are still frozen in the depths of the ice. Through the string line, bursts of cold spread to the body, as if lying naked and eagerly in the ice and snow.

"Listen, Runmu. You, Jiang Chen, are one and become ice silkworms. Jiang Chen shouted in a low voice, and the string line retreated to the auxiliary position, mainly due to the weak spiritual fluctuation of leap wood.

Leap wood answered, and the string line could not help shaking, twisting and swaying, slowly changing into a snow-white ice silkworm. Ice silkworms live on the Tianxiao Snow Mountain in the northeast of the Holy Land of the Arctic. They feed on thousands of years of black ice and are the most resistant to cold. Jiang Chen turned into this thing with string lines. Sure enough, he no longer felt cold, and the frozen stiffness of the body immediately disappeared.

Ice silkworm drills through the ice layer and deftly shuttles through the iceberg. Lemu closed his eyes slightly and lay on the ground and twisted gently like an ice silkworm. It looked very funny.

No matter how the ice silkworm swims, it can't drill through the iceberg, and it seems that the iceberg is expanding all the time. Jiang Chen thought for a long time and suddenly thought that the iceberg was the real core of the leap wood spiritual world?

In an instant, the thoughts were sympathetic and strangely changed. The crystal ice layer reflects the figure of the ice silkworm: Where did the ice silkworm come from? It's obviously a big, round-waisted, simple-faced bear demon!

The string line has turned into the original phase of leap wood.

The "cluck" iceberg shattered inch by inch, collapsed and dissipated, and the bear demon slowly sank into the depths of the sea, sinking and sinking

"Jiang Chen is leap wood, the master of the white thunder cave of the black wind mountain, and the desire to swallow the moon" echoed Jiang Chen's deep voice, and leap wood also read with Jiang Chen in one voice.

The wind roared, the dark clouds drooped, and a full moon was half hidden in the thick clouds, emitting a strange light. The bear demon stood on the top of the mountain, howled at the moon, and its gray mane was excited in the fierce mountain wind.

A shiny and colorful female bear gathered at the foot of the mountain, raising her neck, her eyes bright, admiring the bear demon posture at the height.

The wind on this black wind mountain is extremely fierce, as a knife, cutting meat and scraping bones, and rolling up countless flying sand and stones. In addition, the white thunder cave on the top of the mountain has been thundering all year round, and the sound is terrible. Ordinary beasts dare not go up at all, and the female bears can only look at the bear demon and sigh.

"Look, you continue to watch, read more carefully, be obsessed, and appreciate the domineering and majestic style of this bear! Is the arm thick? Are your muscles strong? Is the tail strong enough? This shape is really hard, but fortunately, the female bears are drooling. Xiong Yao secretly glanced down with the afterglow of the corners of his eyes, and his heart was full of pride, and his howls were louder and louder.

The bear demon's showing off and showing off, Jiang Chen's ontology seems to be completely out of Jiang Chen's heart. At this moment, the bear demon is composed of a string line, a little thought wave of leap wood and the memory in the core of his spirit. What he sees, hears and thinks are all the past events that leap wood has experienced and is hidden deep in his heart.

For a long time, the moon set and the sun rose, and the sky became more and more bright. The female bears dispersed reluctantly, leaving only the isolated shadow of the bear demon reflected on the cliff. The bear demon was sad for a moment, buried his head, and walked listlessly to the white thunder hole where he settled down.

A trace of sad emotion reflects the heart mirror through the bear demon. Jiang Chen secretly wondered, since runwood seduces the female bear, why not put it into action? Hurry up* and stay on the mountain. Why is he depressed and depressed? Jiang Chen's doubt melted into the string line and threw it into the mind of the bear demon.

In the heart mirror, the bear demon's mood obviously began to be violently turbulent: Why can't Jiang Chen go down the mountain? Why can Jiang Chen only painfully look at the beautiful people leaving? Why? Suddenly, his legs staggered into the cave, fell to the ground and howled. How could this be? Jiang Chen's heart was shocked. Staring at the bear demon's hairy thighs in disbelief, there is nothing between his legs, where did it come from?

Although he is a male bear, * he has not been there for a long time! Long before the sway exploded. Long before he became a woman, Lew was already a castan bear!

Jiang Chen's heart was bright in an hour. Many concubines asked for comfort and fear of wearing green hats were all cover-up words of leap wood! This sky killer's slippery head seems to be simple and straightforward. In fact, it is cunning to use this heavenly mutation to coax Jiang Chen to treat his inherent defects!

There is no doubt that Jiang Chen, the demon master, was put on by him. However, this eunuch bear still raked and said that he was afraid of Jiang Chen to play him, which was really ironic.

Jiang Chen thought about it. Flies don't stare at seamless eggs. It is precisely because Lew is a castrated bear that it attracts the law of yin and yang and completely turns him into a woman. Among them, leap wood is the main cause, and the law is the inducement, which hides the subtle connection between the way of heaven and creatures, which is quite interesting and thought-provoking.

Jiang Chen's thoughts affected the string line, making Runmu's mood more and more unstable. The bear demon leaned against the wall of the cave, his limbs kept twitching, and his hair seemed to dissipate. Jiang Chen quickly calmed his mood and didn't think much about it, and then the image of the bear demon became clear again.

Although Runmu coaxed Jiang Chen, it was not worth worrying about Jiang Chen and him. On the contrary, it adds to the fun of Jiang Chen's exploration. Since the root of leapwood's degeneration is not in the law of yin and yang, it is necessary to trace the source and find out why he became a castrated bear.

When I'm thinking hard. Suddenly there was a faint sound of ** outside the tent, mixed with harsh alarm whistles, the footsteps of demon soldiers running and the sonorous sound of swords coming out of their sheaths.

A wisp of red light passed through the curtain and flew to the demon with a smiling face.

Jiang Chen looked up at her. He asked quietly, "Is it done?"

The devil nodded: "Jiang Chen searched all the way and found several traces of Tianjing in the Holy Land of the Arctic. According to Jiang Chen's instructions, Jiang Chen attracted one of the heavenly spirits.

Jiang Chen smiled with satisfaction: "With the fatal pressure of Tianjing, no one dares to be a deserter. Only when they gather into an army can the monsters survive. The demon army didn't understand this truth, and Jiang Chen could only force them to understand.

The devil looked at Runmu: "Is Jiang Chen still doing magic for this fool? Tianjing is about to kill.

Jiang Chen said calmly, "The casting is at a critical moment, and it should not be abolished halfway. You stay outside the account, protect Jiang Chen's law, and let Fanti lead them to fight. The spirit of a tribe can be dealt with by the demon army.

With a few words, the sound of fighting is approaching. Outside the tent, the demons were already boiling around, with a lot of people and spears. The monsters hurriedly gathered to meet the murderous spirits.

Jiang Chen lowered his head and refocused his attention on the bear demon.

The bear demon lay in the cave and felt sorry for himself for a while before falling asleep. The next moon night, the bear demon still scratched his head and played with the majestic wind on the top of the mountain.

The rapid wind rolled up the sand and stone, threw it into the sky, and then fell down, rolling down the cliff and sinking to the bottom of the cliff below.

Jiang Chen's heart moved: "Runmu, take a step forward and look down."

The bear demon walked to the edge of the cliff and buried his head. The bottom was as deep as ten thousand feet, the vines and grass were deep, and the night fog rose. Jiang Chen said slowly, "Let's jump down. Every time it falls, time goes back one year, falls down, and year by year. Close your eyes, count your mind, and start!"

With Jiang Chen's loud shout, the bear demon and Jiang Chen fell in hand and jumped off the cliff.

The wind is blowing in my ears, and the scenery is changing rapidly. The bear demon seems to shuttle through a passage of time, and the light around it is getting more and more blurred. "bang!" Falling to the end, the bear demon was shocked all over. When he opened his pink soft eyelids, he was already on the vast field.

He got up, hit his mother's soft abdomen, and almost fell down. He licked his small paws, jumped into the depths of the grass, and chased a group of cubs.

They are his brothers and sisters, with slender limbs, dexterous movements, and smooth and shiny gray hair. Not far away, a group of tall grizzly bears surrounded several antelopes and quietly approached. They were his people.

The bear demon has turned into a cub, and its ignorant and simple mind is reflected in the heart mirror, which seems particularly clear. Jiang Chen drove Leamwood and looked at his lower body. Fortunately, although Xiaohe showed sharp corners, it was not without it.

run mu screams happily, playing in the bear herd, playing, eating, migrating, day after day

At this time, there were a lot of people outside the tent, and the heavenly spirits and demons fought fiercely. The sound of fighting resounded through the night sky, and a strong blood gas floated in.

"Bum!" A demon soldier was beaten to splash blood and fell heavily into the camp and rolled to Jiang Chen. Behind the demon soldiers, several heavenly elites chased closely and shouted and rushed into the tent.

The ground trembled slightly, and the pace of Tianjing was heavy and powerful. "Bang" stepped on the carpet and pressed out the pits one by one.

These days are majestic, burly and strange-looking. His head is bare, with no hair or eyebrows, and his face is hard and tight without a trace of expression, like a stone carving and clay sculpture. Their foreheads have ever-changing natural color patterns, with large arms and thick waists, and thick muscles bulging all over their bodies, even their cheeks. Each muscle is square, with edges and corners, showing a stone luster.

Jiang Chen glanced at them calmly and still sat cross-legged, calmly, immersed in the memory of Runmu, and followed the cub growing day by day.

"There are two scared idiots here!" A heavenly spirit said in a ferocious voice, with a strong voice and buzzing. He strode to him, flew up and kicked Jiang Chen in the chest.

Jiang Chen grabbed his hand and clasped his ankle. His tentacles were hard and cold, like rocks. Ordinary people were grabbed by Jiang Chen, and their ankles had been broken for a long time, but this Tianjing only opened a few cracks in his skin, and not even a drop of blood splashed out.

Jiang Chen was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the heavenly flesh and flesh of this tribe were so strong, like a copper wall and iron wall. No wonder he could kill Jiang Chen's handsome tent. However, when they meet Jiang Chen, they can only be regarded as unlucky. In terms of strength alone, even Yan Caizi and Chu Du have to bow down to Jiang Chen and eat this group of heavenly spirits steadily.

With a "cluck", Jiang Chen exerted his strength to crush Tianjing's ankle. Tianjing roared in pain, and the forehead was painted bright red. Jiang Chen threw him out casually and hit the other two heavenly spirits. Bang!" The three heavenly spirits exploded together, and the broken limbs splashed and fell to the ground and made a dull sound.

In the spiritual world, the Leap wood population cools down with the season. Migratory to the south. The bleak autumn wind blew across the grassland, and the mane of the leap wood shook like a grass wave. He was about to grow up, but he was thin and not as strong as his brothers. He is also weak and plays with several sisters all day.

The bear group suddenly stopped, and the head bear looked up and screamed, staring vigilantly at the depths of the grass. The barren grass in all directions trembled, and a tall and ferocious green bear jumped out of the grass and surrounded the ethnic group. Make a low roar of threats.

The leading green bear is several feet tall, standing, with knives in his arms, worn armor on his upper body, wrapped in a dirty crotch cloth underneath, and sparse hair on his face. His eyes are burning, and it is as if he has begun to transform and evolve into a bear demon.