divine punishment

Chapter 4 Hidden

He looked at Jiang Chen for a while and laughed wildly: "It's almost the same to deceive a three-year-old child. Does Jiang Chen look like a fool?"

"As long as you can take out what the other party wants, no matter how smart you are, you will become stupid." Jiang Chen said in a ** mindful voice, "Jiang Chen can plant spiritual seeds for you, help you through this disaster of heaven and earth, so that you can reshape your flesh and blood and be reborn. You will have the experience and understanding of all Jiang Chen's spells, and it is inevitable to surpass the great success of returning to the ruins.

The heart demon was silent for a while and slowly shook his head: "Actually, you know very well that part of the soul has been completely integrated into the heart mirror and is integrated with your Taoist heart. Even if you waste the mirror, you can't divide it."

Although the heart demon's answer was expected, Jiang Chen couldn't help but be disappointed. After a long time, Jiang Chen's voice turned cold: "So, you are of no use to Jiang Chen." Although there is still doubt in his heart, Jiang Chen doesn't want to delay. This is an excellent opportunity to devour him, otherwise the soul of the heart demon will become a big trouble sooner or later.

"Are you sure you won't regret it?" The demon was silent for a long time, and his face showed that strange look, like a complex emotion of disappointment, ridiculence and sadness.

"Regret is an excuse for losers." Jiang Chen said indifferently. The string line vibrates rapidly, like a long dragon drawing water, pulling out the soul of the heart demon little by little and transporting it to Jiang Chen's soul.

It's like sweet rain and dew falling. The mellow strange power emanated and moistened the mind. Jiang Chen's soul grew little by little, and the two horns towered high, and the scales were dense, emitting a golden dazzling luster.

The demon's face twitched sharply and made a miserable and hoarse roar. The body expanded because of unbearable pain, fell deep into the string line, and was strangled out of a bulging flesh.

"Looking at you so uncomfortable, Jiang Chen can't bear it. Why don't you take the initiative to melt your soul and save more suffering? Jiang Chen stared at the increasingly gloomy horns of the heart demon and persuaded him. He obviously hasn't gave up yet. The loss of stubborn * soul. At the current speed, it will take at least a month to devour him. During this period, Jiang Chen's string had to be used to control the demon, and it was difficult to use against the enemy.

The demon didn't say a word, and his burning eyes stared at Jiang Chen strangely. Looking at each other for a moment, Jiang Chen's heart suddenly brightened. The heart demon must have enough to bring back the situation back, so he is so self-redained!

At this time, Jiang Chen is not far from the sea of Dongzhou. The reorganized body of the string line skillfully uses the bumpy flow of wind and waves to accelerate and draw a mysterious and smooth trajectory over the water.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen stopped, looked around, and said sadly, "It's just a starry array. Just want to trap this seat? Reverse, why don't you get out?"

A little starlight lit up from the dark, like a bright fishing fire trembling with water, and the swaying light slowly outlined the reverse face, reflected in the blurred water color.

"Jiang Chen didn't mean it. He just wanted to ask Mr. Jiang to stay here for a while." The rebellious voice fluctuated, as if trembling with the starlight.

Jiang Chen hummed, "You are a lackey who insists on being a real person in Mingyang. Do you agree with me?"

"Yuntian and Mingyang really want to break through the sky, so why do you insist on going against them? You prevent the opening of the free sky, which is the public enemy of all creatures in the cloud world. Inverse also sighed gently, "It's really regretful! If it is not the peak. Jiang Chen has already removed you from troubled times. What's the trouble today?

With his sigh, the stars lit up little by little, drifting and shining with the waves, like 365 stars floating and sinking in the water, and the brilliant light crisscrossed, like an endless chessboard, trapping Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen laughed wildly: "In those years, Jiang Chen got the essence of the wonderful transformation of heaven and earth and life and death. Can you use this to stop Jiang Chen? Within ten breaths, I will not only break this array, but also take your head!"

"First breath!" Jiang Chen punched full of mana and hit the dense starlight around him.

"Second breath!" The majestic mana is like a fierce hurricane. Where it sweeps, the starlight like a weak candle fire goes out one by one, and the surroundings suddenly fall into a dead darkness.

"Third breath!" The star array automatically circulates, and the extinguished starlight lights up again. The position of each star keeps moving, changing into a brand-new chessboard, which seems to be endless and transformed into life and death. One was broken by Jiang Chen's mana and another one was born on the spot.

"The fourth breath!" Jiang Chen's divine consciousness swept over, and the frequency of the star changes in the whole array was clear in his mind.

"The fifth breath!" The spiral fetus in the body turns into the two gases of life and death, swallowing out and surrounding the body. The anger and death are as bright as starlight and constantly changing.

"The sixth breath!" Jiang Chen punched out again, and the whole array was suddenly extinguished. At the moment when the starlight turned from dark to light again, Jiang Chen turned from dark to light, maintaining the same frequency of change as Xingdou, cleverly embedded the chessboard and becoming a star that formed the formation.

On the mystery of the transformation of life and death, Jiang Chen's life-and-death spiral is far better than the reverse stars. This difficult magic array meets Jiang Chen, which can only be regarded as a nemesis. What's more, the star array needs the help of the power of the stars. Now that the void collapses and even the stars can't be seen in the sky, the power of the array is inevitably reduced.

"The seventh breath!" The original array of 365 stars suddenly gave more Jiang Chen, and the whole array immediately became full of loopholes and contradictions.

"Eighth breath!" The starlight lingered and turbulently, and the light emitted collided with each other and became a mess. The stars collapsed by themselves, and the stars splashed out a group of dazzling light spots on the surface of the water.

"The first breath!" Jiang Chen's body spread and rushed to the reverse that escape from the starlight. The latter waved the artifact Huangquan fan, and the wind swept to Jiang Chen with bursts of ghost crying and wolves howling.

Jiang Chen laughed dumbly, and the spiral tire of life and death reversed. The anger suddenly turned into a strong ghost and death, turbulently wrapped around the Huangquan fan, and followed the trend like a frenzy.

"Tenth breath!" The rebellion was also submerged by the dark wave of death, and his figure couldn't help but stagnate. Jiang Chen's punch was as fast as lightning, hitting him in the chest, making his blood spray wildly. Jiang Chen turned his fist into claws, clasped his neck, and raised the whole person.

"How does Xuanshi feel after ten breaths?" Jiang Chen asked mockingly.

"Ten breaths have passed, and the head of the person who opposes someone is still on his neck." He looked at Jiang Chen calmly, his chest collapsed, his blood-stained clothes, and the stars seemed to burn quietly in his dark and bright pupils.

So what? One breath and one breath early, you are always the fish under the sword. Can you escape this disaster? Jiang Chen became more and more unhappy, and his mana was pressed, just like rushing into the flood.

"Wow!" Inverse also spit out a ball of flesh and blood fragments of internal organs, his face was as pale as paper, but his voice was surprisingly calm: "You might as well guess."

Jiang Chen sneered and said, "I heard that the mysterious masters are all deeply aware of fate and study heaven and man. Today, you are overesirable and use your arm as a car. Have you reached the time of your death?

The reverse also smiled slightly: "At today's ugly time, Jiang Chen did use the secret magic to predict life and death for himself. To tell you the truth, Jiang Chen did not come this time by Mingyang, but by Jiang Chen's own initiative.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but be stunned, tightly clasped the vein behind his neck, and asked suspiciously, "Are you sure that I can't kill you?"

"You're wrong." Reverse also calmly looked at Jiang Chen, "It's against someone's life today, at this moment."

In a word, the milky white starlight emerged from the reverse and the whole body, shining brightly and dazzling, straight to the world, like a burning flame. At the same time, stars lit up in all directions at the same time, reflecting the brilliance of the water and the sky.

The starry array was launched again, trapging Jiang Chen into it.

"Look for death!" Jiang Chen's magic burst out, and his five fingers clasped the reverse neckbone and suddenly twisted it vigorously.

At the same time, the surrounding stars are annihilated, and the stars are scattered from life to death.

"Cluck!" He died of rebelliousness, his neck was fractured, and his head drooped softly, but his slightly drooping eyelids flashed with mysterious light.

The next moment, the starry array is reincarred from the dead.

"Boom!" The rebellious body burned in the brilliant starlight. Turned into a swaying star, swayed straight up and disappeared in an instant.

A magnificent picture suddenly flashed in Jiang Chen's mind. A vibrant star went straight to heaven and earth, broke through the cloud world, and flew to another strange and vast universe.

The stars are twinkling, and the stars are scattered slowly. Jiang Chen was surprised to notice that there were only 333 stars around him, two less than the complete magic array!

stunned, Jiang Chen suddenly woke up that the two stars were not missing, but Jiang Chen and the reverse!

Jiang Chen's body is full of life and death. Proficient in the secret Taoism of Xingluoqi, which is exactly in line with the essence of transforming life and death. Unconsciously, he acts as a star and becomes an integral part of the magic array.

The reverse also died, which happened to happen at the moment of the transformation of life and death. To be precise, he deliberately launched a large array to force Jiang Chen to kill him at this specific time. Because it is also a star that forms the magic array. It is logical to take advantage of the mystery of the stars to escape from the dead.

Also, because Jiang Chen and the rebellion are also part of the magic array. They complement each other and follow the rules of the magic array, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to really kill the rebellion.

However, the most mysterious thing is that the reverse was indeed killed by Jiang Chen on the spot. His breath of life in the cloud world disappeared and completely disappeared.

Then the place where he is reincarn from the dead is impossible in the cloud world! In other words, the rebellion also took advantage of Jiang Chen and escaped from the world that was about to be destroyed!

Jiang Chen couldn't help but think of the story of "Guo Pu's interpretation" that the book gentlemen talked about in the Tang Dynasty. Guo Pu is the master of numerology in the Western Jin Dynasty and the originator of feng shui. He calculated the time of his death and used the sword of Wang Dun, the great general who plotted rebellion, to escape from the mortal life and become an immortal.

Now it is the same. There are also similarities and differences. Against someone's life today. He did not deceive, and the rebellion of the cloud world did die, but he was reincarnized in another universe.

It is worthy of being a mysterious master with unpredictable abilities. There is no need to break through the Taoist realm and return to the ruins, and he can still rush out of the cloud in an incredible alternative way.

During this period, the process is almost life-fighting and extremely dangerous. If Jiang Chen does not know enough about the true meaning of life and death, if Jiang Chen takes a breath late or an early breath, and if he can't grasp the short moment of life-and-death conversion, he will fail.

This is a real testimony. Once there is a slight error, it will die immediately.

The reverse is still accurate after all. He patted his buttocks and walked decisively. The real people of Mingyang and the Lingyin faction were thrown away by him.

This is the way of "Yi" in the secret art, and the reverse also gives full play to it. Everyone is just his fortune-telling pawns, and even himself and Jiang Chen are no exception. Perhaps when he met at the beginning of the Star Valley and also taught Jiang Chen the secret art of chess, Jiang Chen was included in the calculation of numerology.

Jiang Chen continued to travel while meditating. More than half an hour later, the wind and waves along the way became more and more rapid, and the smell of seawater faintly came from the air.

The huge spiritual power has already emerged and continues to extend along the surging flood. As the soul of the heart demon was sucked up by Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen's spiritual power surged again, covering hundreds of miles of vast waters ahead.

The turbid waves were empty, the wind roared, and the spiritual power touched the sea of Dongzhou.

Under the gray and hazy sky, the waves rolled up a series of white exercises, and there was no one above the sea. Only the messy and scattered sharp swords condensed in mid-air, like a substantial staggered sword mountain, lasting for a long time.

Jiang Chen's heart sank, which was the sword spirit of others and a sign of his magic exhaustion. His sword spirit can no longer receive and send freely, so he will stay in mid-air.

"Boom!" Two huge waves like hills suddenly exploded on the sea. The two shadows went out to sea like dragons. They rushed out of the waves one after another and looked at each other in mid-air.

Others are still alive! Jiang Chen was overjoyed and swept with all his strength. In his spiritual vision, others were bathed in blood and stared straight at the Mingyang real person opposite.

"The sword comes!" Bi others looked up to the sky and roared, and the sound shocked the sky.

The sky flashed like a snowy lightning. The return sword broke through the dark clouds, fell from the sky, and threw it into other people's high arms.

The disappeared return sword miraculously came back at this moment!

"It's too late." Mingyang Zhenren didn't stop him and stared quietly, with a sad look on his face.

One hundred feet and fifty feet?? One foot, the return sword roared through the amazing track and fell into other people's hearts.

Bi others did not move at all, and his phoenix eyes were wide open, standing at the top of the waves like a sculpture, and the bright sword blade made his face cold.

"Wuff!" Hundreds of blood suddenly opened all over his body, and strong blood splashed out.

"No!" Jiang Chen roared sadly, and his heart was cut like a sword.

The return to the ruins sword made a clear sad cry, turned into a white light, and suddenly exploded.

"Artifact Martyr." The devil's heavy voice sounded like a wave.

The blood-stained white shadow seemed to fall from a high cliff, like broken pale wings, falling into the huge waves.

The residual snow and jade splashed, and the waves rolled up everything and roared into the distance of the haze.

Jiang Chen stood in the air, like a wooden chicken, and his heart was empty, as if shattered with the splashing waves.

So much, such a cold sea is enough to cry, but Jiang Chen can't shed a tear in his eyes.

Jiang Chen can't even feel the heartbreaking pain.

Because of the last human feeling on his body, he was taken away by the ruthless waves at this moment.

"Ah!" Jiang Chen trembled all over, looked up to the sky and fell high, sinking into the cold and rapid sea.

Sinking, Jiang Chen has been sinking, and the sea has flooded the top of his head.

The sword, the god-like tall figure, and the sound of the trees that year sank with Jiang Chen.

So deep, such a dark sea is enough to drown all the memories.

It's ridiculous to get up. Jiang Chen can integrate into countless creatures* and experience their pain, but he can't feel himself.

What Jiang Chen can feel now is only the fluctuation of the string line.

Sink to the cold and dark bottom of the sea. This place is like a desolate and dead tomb, and Jiang Chen stands alone.

"You are really a failure, the same failure as Jiang Chen's father." After a long time, Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and his voice was more desolate than the bottom of the sea, "You are all failures."

"What do you think you are? What is the dream you want to pursue? Do you think you can get them simply with fetters and self-righteous warmth?

"What on earth do you want? How much are you willing to give up? You will go crazy for her. For Jiang Chen, you can kneel down. Year after year, there will always be this and that. There are too many things for you to compromise and make it difficult to give up.

"In the end, you will only give up yourself for a long time. In the end, you can only say this: 'Jiang Chen thought it was but'

"Maybe before you die, you will lie alone at the bottom of the lonely sea, remember the past and the way you have pursued. Think of the dream you have longed for at all costs.

"They used to be so close to you."

"And now they are out of reach, leaving only memories."

"They and you are slowly forgotten by each other."

Because you are not ready at all. Because both Tao and dreams are extremely cruel things.

Jiang Chen's voice became more and more indifferent, and the mirror reflected the divine power as deep as an abyss. Countless spiritual seeds rise and go up and down, and the screams of heart demons echo in the deepest part of the heart.

"Jiang Chen doesn't want to repeat your path."

New strings are born out of thin air, mysterious vibration, which is transformed by the devouring part of the soul of the heart. It has been refused by Jiang Chen and can be manipulated to resist the enemy. Jiang Chen suddenly sensed the moment when Jiang Chen swallowed up the heart demon. It is the opportunity to take that step.

"Jiang Chen must not fall halfway. No one can let Jiang Chen fall halfway."

It's been a long time.

Jiang Chen slowly floated up.

The sword, the figure as tall as a god, and the sound of the trees that year stayed at the bottom of the sleeping sea forever.

"What you have pursued, Jiang Chen will realize it for you." Jiang Chen rose slowly to the sea, exuding divine momentum all over his body, shining like a majestic sun.

"Even if the whole world is the enemy. Even if you give up everything, even if what you get is not as complete as you think. Jiang Chen kept rising, floating to the sea and closer to the sky.

"But at least before he dies, Jiang Chen can tell himself that Jiang Chen touched what he wanted to pursue! Jiang Chen - chose the way to choose!" The water column is surging and the waves are surging. Jiang Chen seemed to roll up the whole sea and rushed to the sky.

On the empty sea, the water vapor is full, and the real person of Mingyang has long disappeared.

"You can't escape. Mingyang Zhenren, Jiang Chen will let you die in the cruelest way. Jiang Chen said lightly.

A few days later, Jiang Chen quietly sneaked into the Lingyin School.

"Old man's youth book, meet the Lord of the Cloud World." Qingshu knelt on the ground, and his majestic lion-like body couldn't help but stiffen, and he couldn't stand the inadvertent divine momentum on Jiang Chen's body.

Only when Jiang Chen takes that step can he freely control this momentum.

With the sound of water, Jiang Chen's eyes swept through the dark and wet caves around him. This is an underwater cave, which can lead to the Lingyin School a hundred miles away along the winding dark current.

"Thank you for hiding in the Lingyin School for so many years." Jiang Chen was indifferent, and the string line pierced the spiritual world of Qingshu like lightning, went deep into the core, branded the seeds, and completely ignored the other party's spiritual defense. Since Jiang Chen evolved into a string line, the power of the way of * has been further deepened, and people below the ruins can't stop the attack of the string line at all. Those who were planted with spiritual seeds by Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen has been able to control them*.