divine punishment

Chapter 19 sunset

This situation is confusing. Is there a difference between night and day in this mysterious space in the center of the earth? No one can understand this, because the only person who enters here is no longer there.

No thought, no spot. Cold and empty, everything returns to its original state. There is no time here, there is no change here, just like an illusory existence, where all creatures have stopped running and become an eternal existence.

In the night, a glimmer suddenly flashed. A small light spot like nothing flashed for a long time, making it impossible to detect its existence. This light spot, from near to far, and then turned back, as if controlled by some force, is gradually growing and struggling slightly.

In the dark, the trajectory of the light spot is clearly visible. After returning, the light point has become much larger. The aura that engulfs the space, transforming it into its own power and fighting against the invisible mysterious power. Of course, this battle is just an invisible battle, which cannot be revealed on the surface before reaching a certain stage.

monotonous repetition, back and forth. The light spot is in this endless reincarnation, getting bigger and clearer step by step. Finally, the darkness began to fade and the light began to appear. At that moment, the light suddenly burst out with a bright light, a new force, echoing in the nearby space.

Black and white alternate, yin and yang reverse. In the mysterious space, the extremely quiet air turned into extreme motion. After calming down for a long time, countless whirlpools began to operate unchanged since ancient times.

Around, the light becomes bright, and the light spot, which is already the size of a photosphere, is automatically rotating in mid-air. Its trajectory is a little strange. First, it flies around the circle. After three circles, the path changes and rotates in an arc around the circle, forming a Taiji pattern and appears in half space.

This scene took a certain amount of time. After completing these, the light point line turned, staggered 90 degrees, repeated the same action, and soon formed a Taiji gossip, which vertically intersects with the previous first Taiji pattern at three points.

After that, the angle of light rotated continuously. After not knowing how long it took, thirty-six Taiji gossips were formed in mid-air, ten degrees apart from each other, forming a circle.

This circle is a little unusual. It is composed of thirty-six Taiji gossips. Each Taiji gossip absorbs the fiery spirit in the space at the same time, so that it converges in the center of the circle, forming a moment of transparent light beads, emitting thousands of brilliance.

Rotating around the light bead, the light spot seems to be conscious, exploring the strength of the light bead and calculating the best time it needs. This situation is a little strange. In the eyes of the world, it is a ridiculous event. But if this light spot is regarded as a living entity in this mysterious space, everything will appear natural.

Time seems very slow in relative silence. When the light bead in the center of the circle begins to become larger and a transparent light appears on the surface, the rotating light point suddenly shines directly on the light beads, and the two meet at one point.

This scene lasted for a long time, as if centuries later, the light spot entered the beads and turned into a free gaseous object, changing its shape from time to time.

At first, the gaseous material flowed like clouds, but later it began to evolve into a variety of patterns, including flowers, trees, birds, animals, insects and snakes, and many unprecedented patterns.

In the beads of light, the gas flashes from time to time, sometimes purple, sometimes red, sometimes transparent, sometimes invisible. This situation is continuous. After a long time, the gas began to converge and condense into a flame, which became more and more dazzling.

On the periphery, the light beads have expanded to one foot in diameter, and the flame has increased and is now three feet in size. In addition, the flame absorbed the pure spiritual element after the purification of light beads and got great benefits. The color changed from bright red to light purple red, the heart of the flame flashed with purple light, and an inch-sized jade beads appeared silently.

This jade bead is a little strange, silent but crazily absorbing the power of the flame, making its light immediately dark. In this way, the flame was forced to accelerate the absorption of the power of light beads, which greatly reduced the internal pressure of light beads and began to devour the power transferred from the external Taiji gossip. In this way, the chain reaction, the power of the whole space began to converge towards this side, and soon a huge whirlpool appeared in front of us.

Time promotes the development of things. When the power of the whole space converges into one, the extremely powerful power, after the absorption of thirty-six gossips, is filtered by light beads, then purified by flames one by one, and finally reaches the jade beads, it has become a pure force between heaven and earth, giving birth to the growth of jade beads.

Soon, the jade beads began to move. At first, it only rotated slowly, but soon after, it accelerated and rotated, and gradually rose to the outer flame of the flame, directly absorbing the strongest power of the four directions.

At this moment, the jade beads were transparent and shining, and a colorful cloud appeared inside. As it increased, it changed at the same time. Finally, it turned into a colorful phoenix. The wings spread red light and scattered, shattered the jade beads and flew around the flame.

This phoenix is not big, just one foot in size at the beginning. Then a moment later, the Phoenix devoured the flame, and his body suddenly stretched out, and the fire erupted all over his body, causing the airflow in the whole pearls to stir, and the scenery was submerged by the sparks of the eyes.

For a while, the sparks dissipated and a six-foot-sized colorful phoenix appeared. Its whole body color changed, and red is gradually replacing other colors and becoming the most dazzling aura.

The wings spread slightly, and the phoenix in the pearls easily tore up the obstacles outside the body and soar freely in the Taiji ball. It seemed that there was no bondage. Phoenix looked extremely happy, and his body turned around and played alone in mid-air.

Time, stay at this moment. In the light sphere, the colorful phoenix soared. While absorbing the infinite power around it, it quickly expanded and evolved three times in a blink of an eye. Finally, it turned into a red blood phoenix with a body hundreds of feet.

With its growth, the thirty-six Taiji gossips automatically extended, and the power gathered by the peripheral whirlpool suddenly accelerated, forming an electric lightning cloud in the light sphere, firmly pressing on the head of the blood phoenix.

This thunder cloud is extremely domineering, a symbol of a power in the mysterious space, has the power to destroy everything, and is the strongest means to purify all foreign objects. Facing it, the blood phoenix looked up to the sky and roared, and its wings waved in the sky. The beautiful tail was like a glow, rolling up a red screen with a width of 100 feet and shining directly on the head. The fierce offensive and dazzling firelight are like splashing water when encountering thunder clouds, beautiful, but ineffective.

In this way, under the lightning in the thunder cloud, a silver electric column hit the head of the blood phoenix, making it tremble all over its body and make a sad scream in its mouth. The huge phoenix quickly became smaller under the attack of lightning.

Although it has repeatedly resisted, the power it has is still a huge gap compared with the power of the whole space. In this way, the blood phoenix screamed endlessly and soon disappeared without a shadow, and the body turned into dust.

Under one blow, everything is destroyed. After everything is over, Lei Yun automatically shrinks and disappears, and the whole space returns as usual. This is a strange place where no life can exist. Even the holy beast of fire can't escape disaster in the end.

The whirlpool gradually dispersed, and the operation of Taiji gossip slowed down. Everything seemed to be over, but in the photosphere, a little red dot appeared again.

This red light is very strange. Soon, he knew how to absorb the power around him, make himself gradually grow up, and finally turn into a light ball, repeating the previous move of the light spot. Everything is so similar. What is this red light? Why do you know how to use the Taiji gossip array to gather the power of space to accelerate your growth?

Time reveals everything. When the power of the photosphere reaches a certain level, a flame appears, followed by the phoenix flying in the sky, and the thing destroyed by the thunder cloud returns to its eyes again.

In this way, Lei Yun reappears and the old things repeat itself. The destructive lightning hit the top of his head, and Phoenix resisted hard. In the end, he couldn't resist, so he failed for the second time. Next, Phoenix was reborn for the third time, and Lei Yun appeared for the third time. The two were like sworn enemies. The end is still the Phoenix's defeat. However, Phoenix seemed to be unwilling. For the fourth time, the fifth time - until the eighth time, it was destroyed under the thunder cloud for eight consecutive times.

In the meantime, the result remains unchanged, but the speed of Phoenix's rebirth is accelerated and the time of resistance is delayed. By the ninth time, Lei Yun seemed to be tired and destroyed the Taiji gossip array with one blow, but unexpectedly did not destroy the blood phoenix.

At this moment, the blood phoenix was compressed to the limit, and the whole body was only an inch in size, like a flame, but it survived and resisted thunder and lightning.

Nine rebirths, power flipped. Every time it is destroyed, after the blood phoenix is reborn, its strength will double. After nine times, its power has increased 500 times compared with the beginning. How terrible it is. However, even so, the blood phoenix with the strongest power almost died under the thunder cloud, which shows how powerful this mysterious space is.

After the easing, the blood phoenix began to soar. In just a while, its size extends to hundreds of feet, and with the convergence of aura around it, it continues to expand infinitely. This situation lasted for a long time. After the blood phoenix completely stopped growing, its size was huge for several miles. If it appeared in the world, it would scare people to death.

Floating in the middle of the sky, the blood phoenix raised its head and roared, surrounded by boundless, and the sound was not very loud. Venting the howl in his heart, the blood phoenix suddenly spread its wings and flew. After hovering three times, the fire outside was like waves, and its body flashed colorfully and slowly became smaller.

This process lasted for a long time. Under the cover of colorful brilliance, the blood phoenix not only shrinks, but also begins to change the color of the whole body. It is no longer a single color, but a colorful gathering, but different positions and different colors. After some changes, the blood phoenix's body shape returned to normal. From a distance, it was about one foot in size, and its wings were waved, looking light and slim.

With a soft roar, the red light around the blood phoenix soared, and a layer of glow covered it, drowning its real body and not appearing for a long time. Finally, the red light dissipated.

In mid-air, the figure of Phoenix disappeared, and a beautiful woman, wearing a gorgeous bloody armor, appeared there. Surrounded by Danxia, the woman's armor is painted with a huge phoenix pattern, and there are also four small phoenixes hidden in it, which gives people a shocking visual effect.

Women are not only beautiful, but also have an excellent figure. Under the sketch of that armor, it looks magnificent, and with the calm smile at the corners of the mouth, it is simply as beautiful as a fairy, unparalleled in the world.

Who is this? Naturally, she is Jinming, but she has disappeared, so why did she appear here? On this point, it is actually very simple. Before his death, Jinming understood the meaning of Xuanyin Zhenren's phoenix nirvana and rebirth in the fire. Knowing that the phoenix formula you practice can be reborn in a special environment.

Of course, this is very limited. It needs to cooperate with the right time and place, as well as the most critical luck to have the hope of rebirth. Jinming is lucky about this. The environment she is in is just near the center of the earth. Her hot air is stronger than the three flavors of real fire, which is the key place for rebirth.

In addition, soon after her death, she encountered a mysterious space and turned into darkness. At that time, the yang qi weakened and the yin qi grew, which just gave her a chance to breathe and made her fully prepared for the later rebirth. In this way, Jinming was favored by chance and finally reborn.

As a human being in the two generations, Jinming has changed a lot. In the past, she was as silent as water, cold and arrogant. Now, she is still cold, but she has an elegant and quiet atmosphere, which makes her look more sacred, like a mysterious girl in the divine world.

Looking around, Jinming whispered, "Where is this place? Why is there no life fluctuation? How can I leave?" In her own voice, Jinming's mind moved, and the situation of the whole space came to her mind, which surprised her a little. It turned out that this was a closed space with no passage to leave.

After meditating for a long time, Jinming whispered, "How did I come here? Why didn't I have any memory? What's wrong with Jiang Chen now? Did the night soul hurt him?

I can't forget that the first thing that Jinming thought of was the situation of her beloved. After rebirth, Jinming is more beautiful and more charming than before, but she never knows what she doesn't know, and she will not change because her personality has changed.

Looking ahead, it is boundless and empty. Jinming did not explore or think eagerly about how to leave. She just stood still, and her thoughts flew back to Jiang Chen. Thinking of the battle and the Houyi God attack of the night soul, Jinming couldn't help but be anxious.

She generally knows Jiang Chen's cultivation, but she is equally clear about Jiang Chen's character. In that case, Jiang Chen will not retreat. For the sake of Aoxue and for himself, he will fight to the death with the night soul. Then, what will be the final result?

She doesn't know those things. But she can miss, pray, but call and imagine. Just like this*, what can you do to Jiang Chen?

In the silence, Jinming called Jiang Chen from the bottom of her heart, describing her thoughts and expectations. Over and over again, Jinming kept calling and waiting quietly in the mysterious space--

In the moon well, Jiang Chen shot straight down. The well water here is extremely deep. After going down hundreds of feet, Jiang Chen came to a dark river under the ground, where there was a fork.

He hesitated for a moment. Jiang Chen detected the situation of the three parties and found that the left fork was connected to a lake, and the exit was several miles away. The right fork is the main channel of the Yin River, which extends hundreds of miles away. The last three passages were a little strange, and the last place was blurred, so that Jiang Chen could not know the specific situation.

After learning about the situation, Jiang Chen immediately chose the third fork in the road. The body moved forward quickly and came to a shining stone house under the water for a moment, where a shining stone door was found, on which there was a yellow mausoleum, full of Taoist charm curses, sealing this place.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen slowly stepped up. When he approached, the mind wave had detected the characteristics of the stone gate, so his mind turned, and the real element in his body ran at a high speed, making his own frequency close to it, and his whole person disappeared in a flash.

With a flash of light, space-time changes. Jiang Chen appeared in a colorful world of flowing light, surrounded by phantoms, and countless wandering souls chased some scattered nebul clouds and scrambled to devour them to enhance his cultivation.

Jiang Chen went all the way forward and met countless wandering souls, many of whom tried to devour him, which must be self-destruction.

As he moved forward, Jiang Chen noticed that these wandering souls were the lowest-level new souls, like ordinary people who had just died, and their souls were extremely fragile, like babies who had landed for several days. Their competition for those nebulus is actually some remnants left after the destruction of the dead souls. For these new souls, it is a way to increase their cultivation, so they have been fighting.

The colorful world echoes with wandering souls. After flying for a moment, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of something and quickly accelerated his speed. If a light arrow shot straight out, he instantly left this colorful world and entered a strange world, which was full of dark, dark red and dark green light. Here, Jiang Chen saw some phantoms. They both belong to ghosts, but they are much stronger than the previous wandering souls.

Without disturbing these supernatural, Jiang Chen knew that there was a layer of bloody space in front of him, so the speed soared, and soon crossed this mysterious world and entered the mysterious space with bright blood.

Here, Jiang Chen felt a trace of danger, mainly from the layer of blood fog outside. It is like thousands of dead, constantly devouring the creatures entering here all the time, feeling like a hungry ghost.

Put away the thought of contempt, Jiang Chen used the "soul charm" as defense to isolate the blood fog from a foot away. He seized this opportunity to move forward quickly and find the wall of light discovered by the previous mind wave. Here, Jiang Chen is here to demand where Jinming is. He knew in his heart that the key to everything was on the wall of light, but where is the wall of light?

Flying for a long time, the bloody world is still far away. The light beasts that retreated on both sides were evil and fierce. After sensing Jiang Chen's breath, they all chased him crazily and planned to destroy him here.

Jiang Chen's eyes changed slightly. In the case of Jinming's whereabouts are unknown, although his mood is calm, he has a bad temper. Although these light beasts are unusual, their behavior angered Jiang Chen and made him have a desire to vent. Without thinking much, Jiang Chen's right hand went up in the air, and a dark blue sword pillar flew a hundred feet. Under his control, he turned thousands of yuan and cut down in all directions.