divine punishment

Chapter 25 Eve

Li Sheng said, "Luo Yan's inference is reasonable. The heaven in the upper world is the most mysterious existence between heaven and earth. The invasion of Yu, Gongsun Yunshu, Diyin and Gusha must be detected there. Therefore, I will never sit back and wait for death. At present, it is not the best time for us to join in. We should ask first and then go later.

Jiang Chen said, "Your opinion is very correct, but there are many personal grievances between me and them, which must be settled in person. Moreover, if I take advantage of their serious injury to reappear, it will not be Jiang Chen's job.

Looking at him, his familiar smile has not changed, and his expression is more intimate and softer than before, but the lonely and arrogant temperament shines all the time.

For this reason, the three women all smiled, a heartfelt smile, with happiness and pride, deeply proud of him.

Li Sheng praised: "Jiang Chen is Jiang Chen, which is worthy of the pride of our life and our great pride."

Luo Yan said, "Don't worry. Anyway, we respect your opinion."

Looking at them affectionately, Jiang Chen said arrogantly, "Across the world, my heart is as I want. Let's end everything vigorously, let heaven and earth witness this most glorious moment, and see how I move the sky and calm the world!" At that time, the whole body shines, and the colorful streamer cycle continues, forming a light world, covering the four women.

Feeling his confidence and strength, the three women of Lisheng smiled and showed support and encouragement in their eyes.

Seeing this, the sea girl said with admiration, "Master is so majestic, and the sea girl will be proud of the world like you in the future!"

Touching the sea girl's hair, Jiang Chen smiled elegantly and said, "I'm ambitious, but I can't be too arrogant."

The sea girl said seriously, "Master, don't worry, the sea girl understands."

Withth away the light all over his body, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Well, let's go." After saying that, the five people and two beasts disappeared in a flash--

The door of time and space flashed by. At that moment, a strange message poured into the proud brain. It feels a little confused, like looking at flowers in the fog, vaguely hiding something, but it can't be seen.

Looking up, the proud sky looked ahead and saw a magpie bridge a few feet away, with two figures standing on it. The former was surrounded by a glow, and he could not see his body shape or face. The latter was an acquaintance. It was Ling Yun who caught Mo Ruxue, and there was a colorful light on his body.

When enemies meet, the proud sky is naturally burning with anger. Fortunately, Xuanye grabbed his hand first and reminded him, "Since you are here, why should the master be anxious?"

The proud heart fluttered and immediately returned to its original state. He said indifferently, "You two are here, but are you waiting for me?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said indifferently, "If there are guests coming from afar, the Supreme World should welcome you here."

The proud sky paid attention to the situation of the Lord of the Supreme World and was surprised, "You should be the Lord of the Supreme World, right?"

"Yes, I'm the master here now. Just call me the Lord of the Supreme World." The tone was flat, and the supreme lord did not show any hatred. Is this his cultivation to the realm, or is there no hatred in his heart?

At this time, Yu and Chehan also came in. Seeing this situation, Yu smiled and said, "The scenery here is good. No wonder the world is trying to run here."

Ling Yun glared at him and shouted, "Yu, what happened to Bai Guang? Hurry up and let him go."

glanced at Ling Yun and hummed softly, "Is this the way to treat guests to the world?"

Ling Yun said angrily, "What kind of guest are you, you..."

The Lord of the Supreme World waved his hand and said, "If you come from afar, don't make people laugh."

Yu smiled and said, "The master is generally knowledgeable and polite."

The arrogant two people talked nonsense and went straight to the topic: "Where is the frost? Hand her over as soon as possible. Otherwise, don't blame me for destroying this place.

Seeing that the proud sky is so impatient, the supreme lord said, "Why should Gongsun Yunshu be anxious? Are you here to save people, or do you want to destroy me to the supreme world?"

The proud day said coldly, "That depends on the situation. If you let people go, I can consider leaving. If you don't let people go, you won't be blamed.

The Lord of the Supreme World did not panic at all and said calmly, "If I threatened you with Mo Ruxue's life and asked you to kill Yu, and then let him go, what would you do?"

The proud sky was shocked and asked, "How can I trust you?"

The supreme lord said indifferently, "You just don't believe it, so what can you do?"

The proud sky was silent, and this said what hit his point. No matter whether the supreme lord is trustworthy or not, as long as Mo Ruxue is in the hands of the other party, he has to be afraid.

Hearing this, Yu smiled and said, "It's too obvious for the Lord to kill with a knife. If Gongsun Yunshu is forced, he will join hands with me. At that time, the unlucky will be the upper world.

The Lord of the Supreme World looked at him and said coldly, "Aren't you just to want to know the final result?"

Yu Yizhen argued, "Maybe I'm here for revenge. After all, the person who sealed me in those years was Ling Yun, but the mastermind was you, the supreme lord of the world. How can I count this account?

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Of course, you will not forget the hatred, but your real purpose is to get rid of the curse imposed on you by heaven."

The calm look suddenly disappeared, and a look of horror appeared on Yu's ugly face and said angrily, "You talk nonsense, it's not true at all."

The Supreme Lord retorted, "Since it's not, why do you need to be so excited? Isn't it self-introd?"

Hearing this stunned, Yu Lao said angrily, "Since you already know, I will no longer hide it. I came to destroy the existence of the upper world."

Ling Yun said disdainfully, "It's up to you to destroy me to the world. Now, everyone's words have been made clear. What about the white light? Do you want to put it or not?

Yu said hatefully, "If you want someone, okay, I will return it to you." After saying that, his palm bounced away, revealing a faint light, which was the yuan god of white light. Unfortunately, the breath is very weak. Obviously, it has suffered a lot before.

Seeing this, Ling Yun flew to grab it, but before he approached Yu, the white light's yuan god was crushed by Yu's suddenly tightened five fingers. Ling Yun was furious and shouted, "Yu, you can't leave alive today!"

Yu Yinsen said, "Who will die and who will live will not be known until later." After saying that, the light flashed all over the body, and a murderous atmosphere permeated everywhere, making the atmosphere between each other suddenly tense.

Seeing this, Chehan said, "Master, it's not the right time, and it's not easy to be reckless."

Yu's face was furious and said with hatred, "There is always someone to break the stalemate."

Che Han said, "Even so, you don't have to be busy at this time."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Why should Yu be angry? If you do it at this time, you will definitely regret it later. Why?"

Yu sneered and said, "You are afraid that I will provoke the war and cause a storm of destruction."

Ling Yun shouted, " Shut up, this is the supreme world. Are you afraid of you?"

Yu asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

Ling Yun said angrily, "If you are afraid, we can just seal the entrance directly. Why wait for you here?"

Yu was stunned and then regained his composure and said gloomly, "Did you know in advance that we would come?"

Ling Yun hummed, "What do you think?"

Yu took a look at the proud sky and continued, "In this way, are you intending to lead us here?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Since you are here, why care too much? Now I've said everything that should be said. Let's talk about Mo Ruxue.

Hearing the words, he hurriedly said, "What do you want?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said: "As for the heaven of the Supreme World, one of you comes from the cloud world and the other comes from the outside world. You are opposed to our good and evil. In reason, we should have a judgment. At present, since we have met, it is also fate, so let's celebrate everything here.

The proud sky shouted, "Our resentment will end as soon as it should be, but first of all, you have to let people go."

The Lord of the Supreme World said indifferently, "Don't worry, Mo Ruxue is in the Star Array behind me. If you have the ability to crack this array, I will never stop you and personally send you away."

The proud sky was shocked, and his eyes moved to the distance. When he saw a running array, it was emitting a dazzling light.

Retracted his eyes and said proudly, "You should take this seriously!"

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "It's true!"

The proud sky shouted, "Okay, it's a deal. I don't believe that I can't break your strategy." After saying that, he flew up and wanted to cross over the Supreme Lord and go to save people.

Waving his hand, the seemingly ordinary dance of the Lord of the Supreme World easily stopped Gongsun Yunshu's proud body. Gongsun Yunshu, don't worry. Your matter has settled down. Let's talk about Yu again.

Looking at him in surprise, his proud heart trembled slightly, and he was a little unfathomable for the strength of the supreme Lord.

Yu saw that the topic was pulled to him and sneered, "I'm not in a hurry, and I also want to see the Xingluo Wanxiang array in the upper world."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Although it is good to watch, it seems rude to neglect Yu. Well, I will find two more acquaintances to accompany Yu to chat with him.

Looking at the supreme lord in surprise, Yu asked, "Acquaintance? What other masters do I know in the world?"

The Lord of the Supreme World pointed to the entrance and said indifferently, "Isn't there two more acquaintances there?"

As soon as this word came out, Yu, Chehan, Jiaotian and Xuanye were all shocked and turned around to check. At this, the four people's faces suddenly changed.

Yu shouted softly, "Diyin, Gusha, you are also here."

Emperor Xuan glanced at the crowd and said coldly, "What, can't I come?"

Yu laughed and said, "This is not my territory. You have to ask the master's house whether you can come or not."

Gusha stared at the Lord of the Supreme World and said harshly, "We finally met again!"

The Lord of the Supreme World is surrounded by clouds, and he can't see his appearance or what his expression is. But as far as his tone is concerned, he is not panicked at this time. The doomed fate, sooner or later, when it's time to meet, no one can stop it.

Looking around, he said alone, "In this way, let's end our past grudges here."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Everyone here has a grudge against the Supreme World, and it needs to be settled first and then come."

Lone smiled angrily and said, "First come first? Haha... You are full of conceit."

The Lord of the Supreme World said indifferently, "There is no conceit, and it is not worthy of the title of Lord of the Supreme World."

Emperor Xuan said, "It's rare for everyone to get together, and there will be a hundred today."

The proud sky said indifferently, "What do you mean by a hundred? I'm here just to save people, and I'm not interested in messing around with you.

Emperor Xuan said contemptuously, "What? Are you afraid?

The proud sky said coldly, "Will I be afraid of you? It's a joke."

Yu Xie smiled and said, "Are you afraid? Don't you know if you try it?"

Xuanye shouted, "Yu, don't provoke discord there. If you have the ability, you can do it."

staring at Xuanye, a faint light flashed all over his body, and an invisible murderous atmosphere flew in. It's not your turn to interrupt.

The proud body shook and appeared in front of Xuanye, stopped Yu's murderous spirit and said coldly, "If you want to do it, come to me. You don't need to play tricks."

Seeing each other's tense atmosphere, the Lord of the Supreme World said, "All the kindness and resentment will be broken sooner or later. At this time, aren't you afraid to take advantage of me to the Supreme World?"

Yu and Jiaotian were stunned when they heard the words and felt that the words of the supreme Lord were a little strange. Why did he say it directly? Is he really confident that he can clean up the four masters in front of him, or does he have another intention?

He looked at the master of the supreme world magically and said in a low voice, "It's bold enough to be the Taishan Beidou of the cultivation world and the founder of the supreme world."

Emperor Xuan said disdainfully, "Don't praise him. I don't think he is as simple as you think, otherwise he can't control the world for thousands of years."

The supreme lord said, "It's worthy of being an old friend. Emperor Xuan's impression of the Lord seems to be fresh in his memory."

Emperor Xuan said hatefully, "If I could forget, I would have forgotten it long ago. What's hateful is that I can't forget it.

The Lord of the Supreme World said indifferently, "For thousands of years, the hatred in your heart is still unsipated, and how can you live a good life?"

Emperor Xuan said angrily, "Stop talking. I don't want to hear your nonsense. Let's stop it as soon as possible." After saying that, the breath turned cold, and a fierce atmosphere permeated all over the world.

Ling Yun saw this and reminded: "Lord, this is the case, we..."

Waving his hand, the Lord of the Supreme World stopped his words and said to the six people around him: "Since you all think it's time, I will stop talking nonsense. Now if Gongsun Yunshu is a first responder, he might as well take a step ahead. For the rest, let's talk about how to break these thousands of years of resentment.

As soon as this word came out, the proud sky looked at the shadow of the earth, the lonely and the feathers, and a little hesitantly left with Xuanye and went straight to the stars. Yu's face was strange and his eyes were changeable. From time to time, he circled around Emperor Xuan, Gu Sha, the supreme lord and the proud sky. Obviously, he was thinking about it.

The lonely look is as usual, with a cold and arrogant face, looking ahead indifferently. The rest of Emperor Xuan has changed greatly, and the anger all over his body gradually disappeared, replaced with a gloomy and strange breath. He was looking at the Lord of the Supreme World coldly and did not say anything.

Seeing that the three masters did not speak, the supreme lord said, "What? You are not in a hurry again. Are you going to work here with my master?

Yu Xie smiled and said, "It's my first time to come to heaven. I want to see the legendary immortal fairyland. I don't know if the Lord agrees?"

He said coldly in the upper world, "If you don't want to do it first, Yu can make it clear. Why do you have to make excuses?"

With a smile, Yu said, "The enmity between them and you is earlier than the enmity between me and you. If you want to settle accounts now, you should naturally start with them.

Emperor Xuan sneered and said, "Yu, you want to pick up a bargain behind your back. Are you a fool?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Yu sneered, "It's you who said you want to do it, not me. Now you are suddenly timid and afraid to do it, but it's so funny to push everything on my head.

Emperor Xuan said angrily, "I won't be afraid if I dare to come!" It's just that I have changed my mind now and don't want to do it so early. What can you do?

Yu said disdainfully, "There is no bustle here. I will go there to see it. What's the big deal?" After saying that, he called Chehan and flew to Xingluo Wanxiang in a strange array.

Emperor Xuan was very angry about this and said angrily, "If you watch the bustle, just watch the bustle. If you want to pick up a bargain, there is no such good thing."

Seeing this, the Lord of the Supreme World said indifferently, "Since everyone wants to see the bustle first, let's go and have a look at Gongsun Yunshu's luck." After saying that, he called Ling Yun and turned around and walked backwards.

Gu Shi took a look at Emperor Xuan and asked, "You really want to..."

Emperor Xuan smiled and said, "Why are you in a hurry? It's okay to have a look first."

Gu Yao hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and agreed, and flew to the Xingluo Wanxiang array with Emperor Xuan.

When he came to the outside of Xingluo Wanxiang, he saw Mo Ruxue trapped in the center at a glance, and his whole body suddenly became excited.

"Ru frost, how are you? Don't be afraid, I'll save you."

Xuanye grabbed the excited proud sky and whispered, "Master, please calm down. Miss Bai is expressionless at this moment. Obviously, she has never heard your voice. Moreover, the star array in front of us is amazingly powerful and mysterious. We must pay attention to it.

The proud sky was a little angry. He stamped his feet with hatred and said unwillingly, "No matter what starry it is, as long as it blocks my way, I will destroy it."

Xuanye persuaded: "Master, don't be impulsive. We have never seen this formation before, and we don't know what it is. Once you destroy this battle, we are not sure whether you will hurt the white girl at that time.

The proud sky was shocked to hear the words, carefully looked at the array in front of him, and muttered, "This array is unpredictable and complex. It is not so easy to crack it smoothly. At present, we don't have much time to untie it step by step, but to forcibly break its operation by Thunderbolt.

Xuan Ye worried: "Since this array comes from the upper world, it must be amazingly powerful. The Lord of the Supreme World knew that the master was coming to save people and put the white girl in it, he must have a certain certainty. If we want to do it hard, this is also in the calculation of the supreme lord, so..."

He said proudly, "If you think too much, you will only hesitate. For now, let's try the power of the array first, and then according to the situation.

Xuanye said, "Well, let me try it first and see how about the power of the array?" After saying that, Xuanye took three steps forward and patted his hands quickly. His strong palm roared like thunder, holding the silver-white light, forming a dense net of light and flying towards the stars.